Would you like to cut your soybean weed control costs in half in 6 96 Then see for yourself, the future of weed control thru biotechnology & This is an open invitation to attend one of the following 3 plot tours next week. Tuesday 7/25 near Carlisle, PA Directions to plot: Take Route 74 (York Road) 3. 2 miles south of 1-81. Plot is on the comer of York & Myers Rds. Wednesday 7/26 near State College, PA Directions to plot: Take Route 45 west off of 322 near Boalsburg to Ag Progress Days site. Plots are on opposite side of 45 from central exit of A.P.D. The new com herbicides Harness , Harness Xtra and Permit™ will be shown at this site as well. Thursday 7/27 near Selinsgrove, PA Directions to plot: Take US Route 522 south 1.8 miles from Bus. 11-15 at Selinsgrove Motors to Salem Rd. Turn left and the plot is on the right. Harness & Harness Xtra plots are also nearby. All plots will be open from 10 am. till 3 pm. Monsanto personnel & others will be on hand to answer any questions about weed control. New types of application equip, will also be on display. Speakers throughout the day. Just stop by! * First 50 growers at each tour will receive a free cap * Lunch will be available from 12 to Ipm. “Please Confirm Your Attendance by calling (717) 374-3734 or Fax to (717) 374-3850 at least one day in advance. 99 This is for meal planning purposes. Simply state your name, # attending, and which location you 9 1l be visiting. and get better results, too? Soybeans