« Rugged 1/4 Inch Steel Hay Feeders Available from 16’ to 27’ On Skids 2 wheels or 4 wheels. Available also with self-locking panels J&L Equipment St. Thomas, PA 717-369-2637 Leaman Tractor Parts ll 329 Brenneman Rd, Willow Street, PA 17584 (Turn Left on Brenneman Rd. from 222 S at Refton) w WKESm Fax 717-464-4130 <J!Ly DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED TORQUE AMPLIFIERS & CLUTCHES ★ New Wider Heavy Duty Super Sprag 1-1/32” Wide ★ 5 Yr. Warranty Against Sprag Failure ★ Price $695.00 • 5 yr. -100% parts & labor against sprag • 2 yr. - 100% parts & labor on remainder of unit ♦Certain restrictions apply and there will be a maximum labor pay-out of $450.00. We also have units & parts available to rebuild old style TA’s, including ramp & carrier sets. NEW price on ramps & carriers -$200.00 COMPLETE RUNNING ENGINES IH DT436; IH 282; IH 0310 USED PARTS We specialize in IH tractors but we also have Caae, AC, JD, Oliver, Massey and White tractors in our inventory. HUNTER 1 VALUES^ Track Down BIG BUYS ON 'rgn RKS nMV ppp ß “ L AC 5040 40 HP, Good Condition $6,400 B WKKm'' >,' w * r *> L-f Case IH 1594 85 HP. 2500 JD1217 Movwr Conditioner, 7’ Cut, NH 575 Baler w/1/4 Turn With Non-Clog Guards, Sharp $4,800 chute mi™ tfl onn irdayi July 8,1995' CUSTOM AUTO ELECTRICS CATAWISSA, PA Rebuilding Alternators, Generators, Starters (717)356-7648 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Main St., Honey Brook, PA 610/273-3131 or 610-273-3737 NH 565 Baler w/72 Thrower Sprayer Dye Marker NH 456 Mower Richie Hog Watercr NH 311 Baler w/70 Thrower McCurdy 230 Grain Bin NH 310 Baler w/Gear NHDIOOO Baler JD 955 Trac, 4WD, Turf NH 30 Forage Blower Tires, and Model 70 L °" der |pCPsuper blast N 1206 Ground Drive Spreader bigh pV^im New Demco 500 Gallon Sprayer 45’ Hyd. Fold Boom. Cyn.Pump. £7* El©C, Control $7,120 water units WE REBUILD jRRI 489 WOBBLE BOXES 3k DEALER FOR Roskamp• icwhollan) USED TRACTORS IH Super SMTA, gas, PS, project tractor IH 86 H V d Eßhil| st ROp S. rebuilt hydro, vBm!pro cond. IH 766 Fender, clean original tractor w/fresh engine IH 1466 Cab, Good Condition IH 100 Hydro, POPS, Good Condition IH 1066, very Low Hrs., Very Clean IH 1066 Fender Tractor, NewT/A IH 1256 Fender Tractor, Good Runner IH 1468, V 8 IH 1486 C/A Duals, Clean Tractor, New T/A IH 3288 POPS, Recent Paint, Very Nice MM 445 Fresh Overhaul & Paint 51,500 Oliver 990 Case 1070 Cab, Air, Power Shift, 20.8 Radials, Very Clean IH 2450 Loader, Like New (2) John Blue NH3 Applicators, 15’ Tool Bar Type (2) NH31,000 gal. Tanks 12,000 Gal. NK 3 tank w/pump & meter NH 499 Pivot Tongue Mower Conditioner 12’ Cut, $8,900 Excellent Condition JO 240 4 Disk S’ 3” CM Vary Good Condition $3J*OO NH 442 4 Disk 5’3" Cut Good Condition $2.500 ■ - l 1 I t _- I/ALJTY Used Ei sift’' ■f* : A" 'J‘ V*-' ■■ FARM EQUIPMENT BUSH HOG ALL YOU’LL EVER WANT IN A ROTARY CUTTER! ASK ABOUT 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH FOR [( GROFF IXtMIIM IMMIMMMMi uij intent hNMNPPP^^H^£^^v^ JD 4620 Tractor JD1327 9 Ft Disc Mowtr Conditioner With Impsllsr Conditioner $4,500 I f" NH 355 Grinder Mixer, JD 855 24HPMFWD160 Hours 100 Bu.. Hydraulic Prlvs $6.900 With Loadsr $1 3.900 110 South Railroad Am Now Holland, PA 17557 (H?> 354-4191 llO South Railroad Ave. I GROFFji New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 354-4191 Ford 2110 35 HP, Diesel John Deere 4430125 HP $6,950 w/158 losder **:J -_^— JD 348 Balsr Excsllsnt Condition * 1 ■ jJ Monday Thrui 1 \ > 'S. IUALIFIED BUYERS Saturdgy 7-Noon 7:30^:00 M-F 7:30 to 5:00 Sat. 7:00 to Noon 'ip i "*r ' „ *“ * •. ..■» >"■ —f 3 p ' * -02 *•< Jp. Lilliston 968010 R. 14.900 w/Lo«d»r
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