D22-Cincuter Farming, Saturday, July 8, 1995 FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALE on JXLJOk 'vHßßi p Model 9540 93 HP Tractor Sale Price $32,950 Factory Discount 500 New Sale Price $32,450 Factory Discounts Available thru July 25,1995 Now Is The Time To Buy 82, Save At... ZETOR Model 6340 70 HP Tractor Sale Price $23,970 Factory Discount 400 New Sale Price $23,570 ■■ FARM EQUIPMENT • 1066 w/Cab & Air. TA. axle duals, ready to go • 77 Ford F 250 4x4 pickup w/John Blue 400 gal. sprayer w/foam marker • Farmall F2O • Various sizes used tires & rims • IH 5100 Soybean special, 18x7 Parts.: 3SOD W/PS, F2O, S6O, T 6 Crawler, 460, 450 D. H John Thompson 802/492-1186 m r 9 ■*'o w >. • i ~ Model 3320 46 HP Tractor Sale Price $13,100 Factory Discount 200 New Sale Price $12,900 Ford 2120,4WD-1720 w/ldr-1715 4WD, tractors Ford 4610 SU, power steering, 3 pt, 540 PTO, new condition, diesel eng...512,995 Ford 4400 Tractor, with tiger boom flail mower, good condition, new paint $8,950/obo Ford 1300, new engine, 4WD, with front blade, runs good, 3 pt., clean $6,950 Ford 1910, good condition, 4 WD, 3 pt., dual remote, 540 PTO, canopy, 863 hrs $8,500 Ford 8600, 3 pt., PTO, fresh engine $7,950 Ford 800, 3 pt., live PTO, new paint $4,400 2-Ford 9N’s, 3 pt., 540 PTO, runs good $2,200 Oliver 550 tractor, live PTO, 3 pt., power whls. Kubota 81550, hydra, 5 spd. w/ldr. & under mount mower New Holland L 8620, loader, backhoe $14,995 Bobcat, model 743 skid loader, diesel engine, canopy, good tires, 2200 hours $7,950 New Ford CM222 mower w/60" front deck, broom Mo Trim mower, 15 ft. boom, fits any 50-70 h.p (1) 555 Tractor, Loader, Hoe w/4 post, POPS, used on farm only, nice 1- 1987, cab and 4 WD, 2492 hrs., 4-1 bucket $28,000 (1)555 Tractor, Loader, Hoew/cab $13,995 Huber Maintained good condition, front blade 2- Prime Mover forklifts $1,495-$3,495 Landpride 6 ft. power rake, new $4,950 3 pt. chisel plow, 11 chisels, nice $BOO Used Disc Harrows, 3 pt., 6’, 7’ & 9’ pu11.5450 ea. Lely Roterrea 10 ft., shear pin clutch $1,495 PARTS: 7710, cab, rear, motor, and 16x16 spd. trans; 4 wheel dr., motor 9030 3 pt. lift, front and rear; 100 HR motor, and sheet metal; other parts, motor Straley Farm Supply (York Co.) Dover, PA 99 ICWHOUWD 717-292-2631 Fax 717-292-0422 TANEYTOWN FARM EQUIPMENT Route 832 - 1 mile east of Taneytown, MD 410-751 -1500 Vermeer 403 F Round Baler Excellent Condition L • 1 MF 1080,4000 Hours $4,900 Int. 250 A Hydro, new engine. ..$6,900 Case 530 Dsl. BackhodWUUlent Condition Ford sQooDBlll||vner Farmhand 504 H (Veiii tall * ll, "" ,< Baler MF 360 w/Loadl|llU hrs, will separate JD 2010 w/LodßDßlDwner Farmall H w/LdUUUUB Super A w/cultivators Ford 2000 w/PS Int. 240, nice IF 35 w/PS. 1600 hours $19,500 Bush Hog* King Kutter Case IB3SB skid loader, $5,850 2000 hours $5,500 .$6,900 $4,500 ss^oo .$1,050 $2450 $3,995 .$2,995 $4,495 3950 Forage Harvester w/2R head $19,200 NEW GEHI. EQUIPMENT G 1268 wagon w/ tires $2,350 C 81065 harvester $13,999 TR3038 row crop head $4,299 HAI2IO 7’pickup $3,950 MF7210 mixer feeder w/scales $11,699 MF7285 mixer feeder w/scales $14,475 NEW BRIELION EQUIPMENT PDTI4, pulveriser $3,250 BRS 630 no-till, 6R Cultivator $3,800 BRS 6302 6R Cultivator $2,275 USED I.AWN & GARDEN JD F 935 w/60” mower $5,350 Case 4020 60” mower $3,595 USED TRACTORS IH 3088 $11,700 Ford 4000 $3,900 USED EQUIPMENT IH 440 baler w/thrower $1,295 Gehl 315 Scavenger $2,495 Oliver 408 grinder/blower $795 KW blade, 6’, power angle for JD 850 $895 White 543 4R planter $1,295 IH llSOgnnder/mixer $2,995 IH 430 baler w/thrower $1,495 (2) JD F 145 5b plow $775/EA JD 25A flail mower $1,195 JD 530 Round Baler $9,900 Woods 12’ Stalk Cutter $2,495 JD 4400 Combine w/13’ Head $6,995 JD 3R Head $2,675 Gehl 1250 Harvester. 2 Heads $8,500 —GUTSHALLS, INC. miSm Carlisle Loysville (71 7) 249-2313 (71 7) 789-4343 $7,500 Hordson Major gas, new rubber s2^so NEW ARRIVALS JCB tractor loader JD 1520 G w/loader Int. 756 Long 550, new rubber ID 2510 NH 256 Rike AC 6RNo-Till Com Planter NH 279 Manure Spreader MC Rotary Scythe NHttS Wagon, Like New Shaver drivers HDB $1,125 HDIO. 10’ Bush Hog® mowers 20% off list on all Bush Hog® loaders m a a a backhoe 53,500 53,900 51,950 sBso 51,500 soso 52,500 51,750 53,995 .Call For Prices
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