See Binkley & Hurst Bros. For Used Planters Today! Used Bean & Corn Planters In Stock (1) UM2787 Used Kinze 12 row swing frame (for narrow transport) Planter with Interplanters for Soybeans with New Style Kinze Soybean Brush Meters (2) UM2686 John Deere 6 Row 7000 Planter. Nicel (3) UM2720 John Deere 7000 6x20 Planter with Liquid Fertilizer and Rubber Closing Wheels (4) UM2692 6 Row Pull Type Monosem Planter with Dual Transport Wheels, Dry Pert., V Rubber Closing Wheels, Row Markers, Monitor, Gandy Insecticide Attachments (5) UM2723 John Deere 7000 4 Row Planter (6) UM2538 White Model 5400 Planter 6 Row 30" Spacing with Double Disk Openers (7) UM2488 IH 800 6x30 (8) UM2680 John Deere Model 71 3j2L 8 Row Plate Planter with Double Disc Openers and other Fine Features, Bean Planter, Current Model (9) UM2774 Good Condition 4 row IH 800 Cyclo Air Planter with Double Disc fart, openers. (10) UM2739 John Deere 7000 6 row 30” spacing Conservation Planter with liquid fertilizer Purchase A Used Tractor Now And Save $ Financing Available With Qualified Credit Low hour Case IH 42 HP Tractor with Loader Model 485 with rollbar & canopy roof with Mount-O-Matic 2250 loader UT3III, Nice Tractor Oliver 77 Narrow Front Gas Powered TVactor Come & See Nice Clean IH 574 Utility. Gas Powered Loader Thictor UT3160, S 3 HP rating, underneath exhaust, 540 and 1000 PTO (dual shift), 14.9x28 rear tires Come & See, Only $7,800 Ask about Financing (1) Allis Chalmers 6140 (41 rated PTO HP) 3 cyl. diesel, with 10 speed trans & 2 rev., 1983 model with 14.9x28 rear tires, 2 hyd. outlets, starts & runs, Poor sheet metal & paint. Purchase as-is only $3,850 FOB our lot Don’t Miss This One! Restored Wide Front rear wheel weights, Come & Take' Your Pick! Used Case Uniloaders & Other Skid Steer Loaders Financing Available With Approved Credit! Check Our Newest Listing' of Good Used Skid Losdent (1) UT3121 Gehl 3510 with 54“ bucket sold new by our co. in 1948 (2) UT3199 Case 1740 Diesel Uniloader with good 65” wide buck et, aux. hyds., only $3,750 Late Model Gehl 5L4625 Skid Loader (3) UT3163 Case 1845 Diesel Uniloader with 80” bucket (4) UT3209 Case 18358 Diesel with 62’ material bucket, block heater, lights BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. (717) 626-4705 1-800-487-2978 133 Rothsville Station Rd., P.O. Box #395, Lititz, PA 17543-0395 ' ' 717-626-0996 Located 1/2 Mile North of Rothsville - 1999 CASE: CORPORATION CASE HI Case IN is a iegislei('tl trademark of Case Corporation Case 180 HP Model 2590 Cab & Air With Duals, Sold & Serviced By Binldey & Hurst, Field Ready! I ' Massey Ferguson 265 Diesel i in ii ifkni'MiWTM Available Now! 16-9x38 rubber, dual hyd outlets, wheel weights and new battery Rough Terrain Forklift Case Diesel 50001 b. with side shifter, Model 585 D Diesel 21’Mast Power shuttle with laigcl9.sLx24 Flotation Tractor Drive Tires $17,800 or no trade discount Price with Financial (2) Oliver 77 Gas Narrow Front IH 544 Utility Loader Tractor with Int.'2ooo Loader Priced to Sell! / Case 1390 60 HP Diesel Tractor 16.9x30 Rear Tires 90% Don’t Mlm This Onel WtHL* New Holland Diesel I Powered Skid Loader m UT3124 Approx 2000 hrs. 84” wide litter bucket, ideal for Poultry Houses etc. Local 1 owner machine with Good Financing available with qualified credit ■ - , Mustang 930 Diesel Tires Will Never f J WJ. Go Flat (Foam Filled) _ Only $7,900 (1) UM2743 Case JH Model 6500 9 shank coulter chisel with hyd. Lift Coulters, excellent condition. (2) UM2748 Ford 5 Bottom 16” Spring, Auto Reset Model 152 Built by White, Heavy Duty Series (3) UM2741 24 Foot Field Cultivator Brillion Model HSDO2 Hyd. Wing Fold with 5 Tines, Dual Transport Wheels. Complete Hydraulics, with 1 Row Type Buster Bar (4) UM2414 Kent 21 Foot Field Cultivator with hyd. wing fold with Walking Tandem Axles, with Buster Bar, Hyd. Depth Control, Come & Make Your Dealt (5) UM2203 White Heavy Duty Model 508 Semi-Mount Plow, 4 Bottom 16” with Completely new Bottoms, Spring Auto Reset, with Coulters. (6) UM27OBIH 735 Var-i-Width Plow 14" to 22” 5 Bottom, Hyd. draft & Hillside hitch 1 owner (7) UM2BISIH 3 Bottom Fast Hitch Plow (8) UM2812 Glencoe 12 foot field cultivator with tine harrow ' Available with Credit Ai IB ( - * One Owner Case 108 HP Model 2090 Cab & Air Powershift with good 20.8x38 Massey Ferguson 2775 ,g . cab & air, powershift with dual wheels , IsSHnM| matching reconditioned rear and new Jt brakes just completed in our shop, rated 16S HP, with 20.8x38 radial 80% JP with matching clamp on duals, , 8 front weights, 2 remotes, 3177 hrs., 24 speed forward 4 reverse powershift , , Ready For The Field! tLike New Case IH Model 395 Tractor only 363 original hrs., canopy, 8 speed shuttle shift Very Clean Ford 7710 Diesel Loader TVactor with Dual Power, High-Low Shift, New 18.4x34 rear tires, Well built Dual Loader with 84” Bucket Good Financing, only $17,600 for a Super Nice TVactor with Loader, Make Your Deal Today! [' Hyster Model 20 r Compact Forklift jr*. With Short Turn Radius Lift approx. 2000 lbs. up to approx. 7’ to 8’ height, propane powered, ideal indoor machine Only $2,950 im We Service Propane Motors We do propane conversions from small engines up to automotive Call Our Propane Department Today! (5) UT3206 Case 1835 Diesel, with 66” bucket, lights, excellent cond (6) 1993 Model 1845 C Case Uniloader only 645 hrs. with aux. hyd (7) Case 1537 gas with 10:00x16.5 tires, 65" bucket only $2,600 (8) UT3200 Mustang 445 Diesel, 44 HP Perkins with 72" bucket, aux. hyd., 10:00x16.5 rubber, new seat $5,800 (9) UT3124 New Holland Model 775 Diesel with 7 foot bucket, lights, approx. 2000 lb. lift capacity only $450 iSiSBiniKT
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