North VA SOUTHSIDE, VA JUNE 28, 1995 Pricei bated on in weights Feeder Cattle 175 head Steers 41 head Medium and Large 1 Medium and Large 500-600 64.00-72.50 63.00-68.00 600-700 65.00 60.00-65.25 700-800 62. 50 - Holstein 9 head Steer Medium and Large 2 300-500 54.50 500-700 51.00 Heifers 58 head Medium and Large 1 Small 1 Medium and Large 2 300-400 - SS.SO-SB.SO - 400-500 58.50-63.50 48.50-53.00 54.50-57.00 500-600 55.00-61.50 - - 600-700 57.00-59.50 - - Bulls 67 head Medium and Large 1 Small 1 300-400 70.00-74.00 - 400-500 67.00-71.00 61.50-64.50 I(HlBeiler Hydraulics 1 DISTRIBUTORS a. Concrete Ave., Leola, PA 17540 Box 56 RRI, Atglen, Pa 19310^^^ 717-656-4878 FAX 656-4682 610-593-2981 Hydraulics • Pneumatics • Power Transmission Beiler Hydraulics has taken many steps to become your one stop source for all your fluid power needs 1* AB* Seller Hydraulics is relocating to a much larger facility where we will be able to serve you better. The shop and parts counter will be closed July 3 and 4 of the big move. We will be open for your business in our new warehouse located on Concrete Avenue, Leola, on July 5. Please update your files as follows: Seiler Hydraulics 440 Concrete Avenue Leola, Pennsylvania 17540 East Phone (717) 656*4878 Fax (717) 656-4682 % 500-600 62.00-65.50 - Slaughter Cattle 48 head Slaughter Cows 46 head Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 35.50 - 39.25 High dressing 41.00 - 42.50 Cutler and boning Utility 1-3 33.50 - 36.00 Baby calves returned to faims 18 head newborn to 4 weeks 15.00-55:00 per head. Goats 14 head (sold by the head) Billies - Medium 53.00 - 67.00 Yearlings • 43.00 - 47.00 Dc Source: Virginia Department of Agri culture and Consumer Servicei- USDA Market Newi, Richmond, VA 804-786-3947 07SSe bbl VA Weekly RICHMOND, VA JUNE 27, 1995 Receipts for hot carcass basis totaled 2153 head. Receipts for live basis plant delivery (within a 30 mile radius) totaled 600 head. Receipts for live basis country buying stations totaled 4QS head. 20,000 Sq. Ft. Facility w Modernized Shop mproved Service Larger Inventories • Better Pricing The Virginia direct hog market - trends compared to last Monday. Barrows ad Gibs: hot carcass basis 163-191 lb. Carcass trend: 1.66 higher. Price: 61.59 48% Lean yield <27tnm(1.15 In. Tenth rib) hackfat Live beds local plant delivered (within 30 mile radios) US 2-3 220-250 lbs. Trend: Steady Price: few 37.00-40.00. Live basis Virginia Country points US 1-3 220-250 Lbs 38.50. Slaughter Steers and Heifers 0%; Slaughter Cows 22% Slaughter Bulls 4%, Slaughter Calves and Vealers 0%; Feeder Cattle under 600 lbs 59%, over 600 lbs 15% Price ranges for Virginia weekly auctions Feeder Cattle total head count for all weights 2257 head Steen: Medium 1 300-400 73.00-83.00 400-500 67.00-82.00 500-600 64.00-78.00 600-700 63.00-75.00 700-800 57.50-69.00 800-900 54.75-59.75 Heifen; Medium 1 300-400 60.00-73.50 400-500 55.50-69.00 500-600 55.0W5.75 600-700 58.00-67.25 700-800 56.00-63.00 800-900 53.75-57.75 Slaughter Cows total head count 683 head Utility and Commercial Cows 2-4 33.00- Cutter and boning Utility 1-3 32.00- Cannes and low Cutter 1-2 26.00-39.50 Slaughter Bulls: head count 111 head 1-2 900-1300 lbs 43.00-59.00 1-2 1300-1600 Lbs 41.50-54.00 1-2 1600 Lbs and over 45.00-55.75 Route 23 Ballar Hydraulics formsr location Baco Power Equipment (Praaaura waahara ft accaaaorlaa) Slaughter Lambs total head count 420 head New crop Choice few Prime 1-2 few 3 90-109 lbs 84.25-96.00 Good and few Choice 1-2 74-109 lbs 80.50-85.00 Goats 10 head Billies - Large 63.00 per cwt Nannies - Large 68.00 per cwt Kids • 38.00 per head Yearlings - 34.00-46.00 per head Slaughter Hogs 22 head Barrows and Gilts US 1-3 200-250 lbs 32.25-33.75 US 2-4 250-300 lbs 31.00-32.75 Sows US 1-3 500 lbs and over 25.00-32.00 Special Slaughter Cattle Sale held at Staunton, Virginia on June 20, 1995 136 head sold. State Graded. Steen: Choice 2-3 1100-1400 lbs 61.75-63.85 Choice 2-3 1450-1500 lbs 59.35-59.85 Select 2-3 1100-1300 lbs 58.50-60.00 Heifen; Choice 2-3 1100-1300 lbs 57.0W2.2S Source: Virginia Department of Agri culture and Consumer Services-USDA Market Newt, Richmond, VA 804-786-3947 120 Se bbl Friend’s Stockyard Inc. Accident, Md. 21520 Report Supplied by Auction June 26, 1995 STOCK BULLS AND STEERS (200-500 LBS.) 55.00-74.00. STOCK HEIFERS; 55.00-68.00. Bolter Hydraulics Concrete Avonuo West Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1,1W5-A9 SLAUGHTER STEERS: GOOD TO CHOICE 37.00-66.60, MEDIUM TO GOOD 34.00-31.00, HEAVY CHOICE OVER 14S0 LB. 58.50-61.75. HOLSTEIN STEERS: HEAVY 50.00-56.50, LIGHT 42.00-50.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: GOOD TO CHOICE SS.SO-63.50, MEDIUM TO GOOD 53.50-58.00. BULLS; HEAVY 44.00-57.00, LIGHT 42.00-53.00. COWS: FEW HIGH DRESSING UP TO 45.00, UTILITY (HOLSTEIN) 37.00- COMMERCIAL TO GOOD 32.00- CULL COWS 30.00 AND DOWN. VEALS: GOOD TO CHOICE 70.00- MEDIUM TO GOOD 50.00- 808 CALVES: 42.00 AND DOWN. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RETURN TO FARM (90 TO 120 LB> 90.00-112.00. HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES RETURN TO FARM (100 TO 120 LB.) - UP TO 180.00. BEEF CROSS CALVES RETURN TO FARM UP TO 120.00 HOGS: TOT QUALITY 44.00-45.00, HEAVY 31.00-43.75, LIGHT 30.00-38.50. SOWS: 2150-26.00. MALE HOGS: 19.00-24.00. LAMBS 65.00-75.00; FEEDER LAMBS 55.00-7450. SHEEP 20.00-27.00. LIVESTOCK PRICES ARE ALL GIVEN PER HUNDRED WEIGHT! $6O /Martin Machinery GENERATORS Sales ★ Service ★ Rentals * Complete Generator Systems * PTO * Portables * 2-1600 KW “We Service It If You Have It And Sell It If You Need It” 34 W. Mohler Church Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 Tel: 717-738-0300 Fax: 717-738-4329