Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 01, 1995, Image 58
820-Lancwter Farming, Saturday, July 1, 1995 Berks Society 4 The June meeting of Berks County Society of Farm Women Group 4 was held in the Bechtds ville home of Charlotte Mauger. Nancy Rubcndall of the Boycrtown Communi cation Center spoke on how dispatchers carry out their duties and when and what information to give when using 911. Home economics awards were given to Boyer town students Katie Front, Senior High, Laura Erlandson. Junior High West, and Jessica Faust, Junior High East. The meeting on July. 11 will be at the home of Nancy Rubendall, Long Lane, Boyertown. Lebanon Society 20 Lebanon Co. Farm Women Group #2O met at the home of Anna Mary Bollinger. The hostess read devotions followed by the Lord’s prayer and salute to the flag. Members received Farm Women patches that Group #26 sold. ■* Kristi Schoffstall, granddaughter of Vera Gross, received the Farm Women scholarship. She also was selected as the 1995 Lebanon County Dairy Princess. The fall convention will be Oct 11 at the Schaefferstown Fire Hall. Cost is $lO. Members will be serving refreshments at the 4-H dairy show at the Lebanon Fairgrounds on Tuesday, July 18. The next meeting will be a picnic at the home of Vera Gross. MILK. IT DOES A BODY GOOD. 2 Aermotor Dempster rv Jjj Monitor FI ASA New and Excellent Used Mills In Stock Ohio Windmill 8 Pump Co. 8389 So. Pricetown Rd. Berlin Center, Ohio 44401 216-547-6300 • NEED YOUR B FARM BUILDINGS PAINTED? Let us give you a price! Write: Daniel’s Painting 637-A Georgetown Rd. Ronks, PA 17572 (or leave message) h (717) 687-8262 " Spray on and Brush a in Painting E Lebanon Society 20 Lebanon Farm Women No. 20 met on Thursday, June 1, at the home of Doris Worth with Vi\ ian Hess as co-hostess. Following breakfast the hostesses had the de votions. In response to the roll call each responded with the number of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren they had. The Sunshine Committee re ported in the past two months there were 11 cards sent, two bou quets and two anniversary gifts LAPP'S BARN EQUIPMENT SALES Sc SERVICE Gap, PA 17527 717-442-8134 given. For the charity members voted for the Edna .Schreiber Foundation (formerly Easter Seal Society). A donation was given to a Ere victim and $lO to the Agri cultural Awareness program. Members had the Safety pro gram by each of the 20 persons present giving a “safety tip.” The meeting closed by singing “Brighten the Comer" to meet in July at the home of Anna Mary Groff with Freda Wimer as a co hostess. Farmers Know Jamesway.'.. ■ Volumaxx® High-Capacity Big Ring Silo Unloader Backed by over 40 years of unloader technoloi and our three year C.A.P (Cr Protection) warranty this dun unmatched performance, disti choices, and ring drive convr See These Dealers For Details Now... PENNSYLVANIA ERB at HENRT EQUIPMENT INC. Naw Barllnvllla, PA 19545 215-367-2169 SOLLENBERCER SOMERSET BARN SILOS CORP. EQUIPMENT Chambertburg. PA 17201 Som*raat, PA 15501 717-264-9588 814-445-5555 Lancaster Farm Women Socie ty #24 entertained Society #33 on Tuesday, May 30, at the Cones toga Church of die Brethren, Leo la. Millie Eisemann, Ephrata, spoke on the theme “You and I and Yesterday.” She took every one on a journey back to their childhood, reminiscing about things such as sunbonnets and ap Berks Society 9 o S A°S? Farm movie night The group is pardci * * m f ,tyvi, f c * . met at St ‘. • paling in the Coumy Convention, UOC for a business meetmg and an d is piling a Family pi cnic . craft Hie June meeting will be a in the Know, RARRT TROOP Cochracwllla, PA 19335 215-593-6731 STAR SILOS Myaratown, PA 17067 717-868-5708 JAMBS L. HOSTETTER McVaytown, PA 17051 717-899-6386 Lancaster Society 24 Silo Unloader Experts Your Jamesway 0 Dealer is a silo unloader expert. He carries a complete line of Jamesway unloaders and has the specialized training and parts to keep them working for years to come. He’s also a feedroom and feeding equipment expert who knows your silo unloaders are an important part of your feeding system. It’s no wonder there are more Jamesway unloaders working on North American dairy farms than any other brand. So if you’re looking to replace your old unloader, check with an expert— your Jamesway Dealer. ■ Pacmaster ... Jamesway Quality in a Pack Drive Unloadar ■ Big Jim® B.U.C.S. Broathas New Life Into Bottom Unloading Structures If you’ve had it with the high maintenance costs, slow delivery and low capacity of your bottom unloader, than Big Jim B.U.C.S. (Bottom Unloader Conversion System) is for you. Get big volume unloading, reliability, lower maintenance costs, greater silo capacity, and excellent quality haylage. PRINGLES PEED store, me. Graenvilla, PA 16125 412-58 S-7950 ROVENDALE AO MARYLAND ft BARN EQUIPMENT GLAD HILL TRACTOR MART Wataontown, PA 17777 Fradarlek, MD 21701 717-538-9564 301-663-6060 OR 717-742-422® m) & VA MILK PRODUCERS ASSOC. Fradarlek, MD 21701 301-663-6552 GNEGT SURGE SERVICE - Washington, PA 15301 412-222-0444 HOOVER EQUIPMENT Tyrone, PA 16686 614-684-1777 ions, the importance of the kitch en, the Depression and saving, butchering, the peddlers, and so on. Those in attendance enjoyed the nostalgia. Some members shared their own reminders of the “good ole days.” The decorations were antiques and many of the re freshments served were fresh from the garden. WALNUT BARN EQUIPMENT Port Royal, PA 717-436-9429 NEW JERSEY GEORGE COLEMAN , Elmer, NJ 08318 609-358-6528