Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 01, 1995, Image 56
818-Lancaster Farming, 'Saturday, July 1, 1995 Food Festival Features Lancaster County Specialties EPHRATA (Lancaster Co.) From shoofly pie to chicken pot pie. Pennsylvania Dutch food lovers were able to celebrate some of the best foods from leading area food producers, all under one roof at the Lancaster County Food, Farm & Fun Fest on Friday, June 23, noon to 6 p.m. and Saturday, June 24, 10 a.m. to S p.m. at Doneckers Expo Center, 100 N. State St., Ephrata. Samples of Lancaster County foods included shoofly pie, chick en pot pie, chow chow, bologna, and more. On Saturday, the Pennfield Farms Pennsylvania Dutch Chick en Recipe Cook-Off brought together die best amateur chicken chefs to pick the 1995 winner. Other highlights included who opie pie making demonstrations by the Amish by the Mennonite Infor mation Center, the Lancaster County Dairy Princess, along with 8-10-year-old Dairy Darlings, cooking demonstrations and cook book signings by Betty Groff of Groffs Farm Restaurant, an out door tent sponsored by the Lancas ter Chamber of Commerce, a teriy aki vegetable stir-fry demonstra tion by Four Seasons Produce, a petting zoo of baby chicks, sheep, and other farm animals for the children, and a Tractor and Farm Equipment Promenade. Among the exhibitors were Lan- Chester Pork Producers, Kel logg’s, Spring Glen Fresh Foods, Achenbach’s Pastry, Good Food, Inc., Moody Creations Salad Dressings, Miller’s Smorgasbord & Bakery, Ephrata Diamond Spring Water Co., Herr Foods, Eberly Poultry, Turkey Hill Dairy, Pennsylvania Beef Council, Men nonite Information Center, Ameri can Express, Pennfield Farms, Seltzer’s Lebanon Bologna Co., WROZ-FM, and Groffs Snack Foods. Stoltzfus Meats prepare sausage sandwiches for the more than 3,000 people who attended the Food Fest. The winner of the Pennfield Farms Pennsylvania Dutch Chick en Cook-Off was Debbie Yandric of Middletown who, ironically, almost didn’t get her dish to the judges on time. Her winning recipe is Succulent Sunday Best Chicken Breasts with Potato Riling and Gravy. • Second place was Tammy Frey of Ephrata for Pennsylvania Dutch Com Pie. ■ Third place was Joyce Echter ling of Lancaster for her Chicken Cdrii Soup. • Fourth place was Jean Shober of Reinholds for Chicken Breast Nest Supreme. • Fifth place was Erma Landis of Lititz for Chicken Com Com. SUCCULENT SUNDAY BEST CHICKEN BREASTS WITH POTATO FILLING AND GRAVY First Place Winner These breasts are crisp and golden on the outside. With this "inside outside” basting method, they’re very moist and flavorful and the potato filling prep time is cut by using frozen real mashed potatoes. You'll never taste the difference! CHICKEN BREASTS 4 whole Pennfield Farms chick en breasts (with skin attached) ■ 4 tablespoons butter % teaspoon onion powder Dash of garlic powder y* teaspoon Mrs. Dash Original Blend salt-free seasoning 2 teaspoons low-salt chicken broth 4 tablespoons butter, melted Generous dash of garlic powder Chopped fresh chives (enough to sprinkle on finished chicken) POTATO FILLING 4 cups soft bread cubes 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley leaves V* cup each finely-chopped onion and celery 4 tablespoons butter divided usage 1 cup low-salt chicken broth 214 cups frozen real mashed pototoes 14 teaspoon poultry seasoning and Mrs. Dash seasoning 1 beaten egg GRAVY 6 tablespoons drippings (or enough drippings and chicken broth to equal 6 tablespoons) Dash of salt and pepper to taste 'A cup each milk and water 2 teaspoons cornstarch mixed with 2 teaspoons water till blended Rinse the chicken breasts and pat dry. Carefully separate sldn from flesh of each breast, leaving one side attached In a small bowl chop up the 4 tablespoons butter. Using a fork, mix in the onion powder, garlic powder. Mrs. Dash seasoning and chicken broth. Place an equal amount of this mixture between skin and flesh of each breast Press gently to distribute the pieces of butter over as much of the breast as possible. Tuck skin edges under breasts. If time permits, refrigerate chicken at least 30 minutes to allow the seasonings to flavor the meat Meanwhile prepare potato filling. POTATO FILLING Place bread cubes in large bowl. Mix in the parsley. In large skillet melt 2 tablespoons butter over medium-low heat Add celery and onions and saute 3 minutes. Stir in the 1-cup broth. Stir in mashed potatoes, then the poultry season ing and Mrs. Dash seasoning. Cook 5 minutes stirring often. Stir in the remaining 2 tablespoons but ter until melted, and potato mix ture smoothly blended. Gradually mix into bread cubes alternating with beaten egg. Blend well. Place filling in a 9-inch pyrex pie dish. When ready to prepare the meal, preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place chicken breasts, skin side up, in shallow baking pan. Combine the 4 tablespoons melted butter and the generous dash of garlic pow der. Brush over breasts. Place pan in oven. Bake 10 minutes. Lower heat to 350 degrees. Drizzle any remaining melted butter over chicken in pan. Continue baking 55 minutes basting "inside and outside” of chicken with drippings in baking pan. To baste "inside” fill a baster with drippings. Place tip of bastcr between skin and flesh and release “squirts” of drippings. (This keeps chicken moist and jui cy.) (Baste inside and outside occasionally.) Forty minutes before chicken will be finished, drizzle 1 tables poon drippings over potato filling. Place Ailing in oven and bake 40 minutes. About 5 minutes before chicken and Ailing will be ready, make gravy by removing 6 tablespoons drippings from baking pan and place in medium saucepan. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in milk and water. Cook over medium heat. Using a wire whisk, whisk in the cornstarch paste until blended. Whisk constantly until thickened. To serve: Divide potato Ailing into 4 portions. Place 1 portion on Debbie Yandrie won $5OO as the first-place winner of the Pennfleld Farms Pennsylvania Dutch Chicken Cook-Off. left, and Alternate Monica Rohrer serve milk punch during the two-day festivities at Doneckers Expo Center. each of 4 dinner plates. Top with Sprinkle with chopped cmves. gravy. Place I chicken breast on Garnish plate with spng of parsley top of each filling mound. Drizzle arK * an y °^' er garnish desired, just a litfle gravy on chicken. Serve remaining gravy in pitcher. Makes 4 servings. Dog Owners Liable For Dog Attacks WASHINGTON, D.C. Here’s a switch. Instead of dog bites man, it’s man bites deg. Pet owners, did you know that if your dog attacks a letter carrier, you can be held liable for all medical expenses and other costs that can run into the thousands of dollars? Don’t think your fence is your best insurance policy especial ly if a letter carrier or delivery per son must enter your yard The Postal Service is not anti-dog, but pro-responsibility. Responsible pet ownership includes making sure your pet is properly restrain ed. Dog bites can be hard on the wallet. Last year, nationally nearly 2,800 letter carriers were attacked while delivering the mail. Help our carriers feel safe while deliv ering your mail this summer. This message is a public service of your local post office.