Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hfkrttatnw, NJ. Retort Supplied by AuctlM Tueeday, June 27, 1995 Report Supplied by Aucthai HEAVY FOWL .50-1.20. LEGHORN FOWL .80. MIXED FOWL .90-2.00. GEESE .20-30. BANTAMS 1.10. ROOSTERS .70-1.60. TURKEYS .40-.50. BUNNIES EACH 1.00-3.75. DUCKS .30-1.10. RABBITS 30-2.20. GUINEAS EACH 1.20-2.30. EGGS: WHITE EXTRA LARGE ft JUMBO ,77-.79. LARGE .35-.70. MEDIUM .25-.35. BROWN EXTRA LARGE ft JUMBO .S3-.75, LARGE .27-.65, MEDIUM .15-27. National Egg Market ATLANTA, GA JUNE 28, 1995 Prices were higher for large in Virginia and unchanged elsewhere. The market tone was mostly steady. Demand continued to covet the full range and was mostly mod erate. Resort areas expected good move ment for the Fourth of July holiday. Sup plies of jumbo and extra-large were short to adequate, large were generally adequate, and the light sizes were adequate to instances ample. Breaking stock supplies were generally adequate for the moderate demand, and prices were unchanged. Light type hen offerings diminished, but were adequate for the light to moderate demand. BALEGAHPa PRESTO STRENGTH FILM Wrapping Silage Bales & Dry Bales Buy Direct From Distributor Shipped Nationwide Quantity Discounts Available Dealerships Available #1 Tested Quality Call 1 -800-831 -9919 For Soecial Pricing New & Used Wrappers Available Mike Pullam (717) 96 Jody Und (301) 80S Pa. Grain Jmw 26,1995 Report auppiiod by PDA COMPARED WITH LAST MON DAY’S MARKET FOR SOUTHEASTERN, CENTRAL, AND SOUTH CENTRAL PA: CORN STEADY TO .10 HIGHER, WHEAT MOSTLY 30 TO .40 HIGHER, BARLEY STEADY TO WEAK, SOYBEANS STEADY TO .10 HIGHER, BAR CORN STEADY TO 4.00 HIGHER. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.90-3.20, AVERAGE 3.04, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2.77-2.98; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.80-4.25, AVERAGE 4.02, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 3.90-4.13; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.50-1.78, AVERAGE 1.57; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-1.80, AVERAGE 1.63, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST FEW REPORTED 1.50; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 5.65-5.96, AVERAGE 5.81, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 5.85-6.00; FEW REPORTED GR. SORGHUM #2 CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2.44; FEW REPORTED PER HUNDREDWEIGHT BUCKWHEAT CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 10.90; EAR CORN RANGE 80.00-95.00, AVERAGE 85.68. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.80-3.07, AVERAGE 2.89: WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.70-4.05, FEW REPORTED 3.30, AVERAGE 3.62; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.45-1.70, AVERAGE 1.55; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.40-1.75, AVER AGE 1.53; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 5.25-5.65 FEW REPORTED 5.80, AVER AGE 5.47; EAR CORN RANGE 70.00-89.00, AVERAGE 78.00. Telmarklnc. Your Lease Financing Source for over 30 years. Telmark leasing offers: • 100% tax deductibility • Flexible payment schedules • Fixed competitive payments • Year-end tax planning A Telmarklnc. iBL 1-800-451-3322 Minimum lease; $5,000 OWN NO. 2-Y kANGfi 2.75-3.20, AVERAGE 2.98; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.50-4.25, AVERAGE 3.86; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.40-1.78, AVERAGE 1.56; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.23-1.80, AVERAGE 1.58; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE S.2S-5.96, AVERAGE 5.71; EAR CORN RANGE 70.00-95.00, AVERAGE 81.51. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.75-3.20, AVERAGE 2.93; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.50-4.25, AVERAGE 3.87; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.40-1.65, AVERAGE 1.58; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.25-1.80, AVERAGE 1.56; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 5.50-5.80, AVERAGE 5.69; EAR CORN RANGE 70.00-79.00, AVERAGE 74.50. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Forney Longenecker Vice President/Financial Consultant Commodities Smith Barney A Member of DmefeßCwijiT SMITH BARNEY INC. 29 East King Street Suite 200 Lancaster, PA 17602-2852 SOUTHEASTERN, CENTRAL * SOUTH CENTRAL SUMMARY CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.54-3.00, AVERAGE 2.71; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.40-3.85, AVERAGE 3.62; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.50-1.58, AVERAGE 1.54; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-1.85, AVERAGE 1.64; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 5.60-5.61, AVERAGE 5.60; EAR CORN RANGE 54.00-65.00, AVERAGE 59.50. MONTH AGO CORN NO. 2-Y 2.85; WHEAT NO. 2 3.65; BARLEY NO. 3 1.71; OATS NO. 2 1.62; SOYBEANS NO. 1 5.71; EAR CORN 77.31. YEAR AGO CORN NO. 2-Y 3.02; WHEAT NO. 2 3.11; BARLEY NO. 3 1.75; OATS NO. 2 1.72; SOYBEANS NO. 1 6.58; EAR CORN 88.40. m 217 National Grain Market ST. JOSEPH, MO JUNE 2S, 1995 Rain delayed winter wheat harveit, wheat production concerns and very good export demand puihed wheat bidi sharply higher. Com and soybean bids were also sharply higher in reaction to excellent export interest, especially for com and active fund baying on the board. Wheat 5 to 20 cents higher. Com 6 to 7 cents higher. Sorghum 12 to 14 cents higher. Soybeans 3 to 5 cents higher. Rain in pans of Kansas kept faimeis out of winter wheat fields last night and today. Concerns over wheat crop conditions continue to be supportive to wheat bids. Very good export wheat demand today and in fao this week, under pinned prices. Indications that the world wheat production estimate will be reduced set a stranger tone for today’s trading. Excellent export demand for com drove bids sharply higher and ideas additional orders are in the works offered an added boost Active fund buying in com pits was another plus factor. Soybeans enjoyed fair export business and bean bids climbed with the support of stronger com. Export demand; Purchaser Commodity Tonnage Del date Egypt EEP Soft Red Winter Wheat 243,715 Jul/Aug lordan EEP Hard Red Winter Wheat 100,000 Aug/Sep Taiwan Com 149,000 Jul/Tep South Korea Com 652,500 Oct/Jan Taiwan Soybeans 43,000 Jul/Aug Totals; Wheat 343,715 tonnes. Com 801,500 tonnes. Soybeans 43,000 tonnes. Date Change Year ago Track bids: 06/28/95 06/27/95 06/29/94 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW, ORD) 4.89-4.92 up 20-18 3.39-3.41 Minneapolis (DNS, 14%) 5.211/2 up 19 3.86 1/4 Portland (SW) 4.85-5.00 up 5-15 3.58-3.61 St. Louis (SRW) 4.29-4.32 up 20 3.05-3.08 Com. US 2 Yellow: Kansas City 2.84-2.85 up 6 2.52-2.56 Minneapolis 2.60 up 6 3/4 2.37 1/4 Southern lowa 2.69-2.70 up 7-6 2.44-2.47 Rissbr's Poultry Inc. P.O. BOX 52 • LITITZ. PA Okk Buyers and Haulers II \ of Leghorn, Medium. I I curd Heavy Fowl Now using carts for Over 60 years of the most efficient prompt payment means of moving and dependable spent fowl service. Tel. 717-626-5466 FAX 717-627-3599 Lanottdr Fanning, Saturday, July 1,1885>A5 Omaha 2.65-2.67 op 7-6 2.42-2.44 Soybeans, US 4^Mlpw: Kansu City 3.84-s»hp 5-4 6.67-6.68 Minneapolis 5.74 1/2 op 3 3/4 6.43 Southern lowa S.SO-5.13 up 4-3 6.32-6.60 . Can IL Processors 3.841/2-3.971/2up 2 3/4-3 3/4 6.62-6.68 3/4 , Futures Close: Kansu City (Sept) Wheat 4.611/2 up 18 3.28 1/2 Minneapolis (Sept) Wheat 4.36 1/2 up 19 3.27 3/4 Chicago (July) Wheat 4.38 3/4 up 19 3/4 3.15 1/2 Chicago (July) Com 2.70 up 6 1/2 2.46 1/4 Chicago (July) Soybeans 5.87 1/2 up 3 3/4 6.60 Export Bids: Barge or rail. Port of New Orleans or North Texas Gulf. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord. Protein; 5.09 1/2 up 18 3.72 1/2 US 2 SRW Wheat: 4.58 3/4-4.59 3/4 up 19 3/4 3.23 1/2-3.25 1/2 US 2 Yellow Com: 3.08-3.10 up 7 1/2 2.64-2.65 US 2 Yellow Sorghum: Rail 5.00 dn 4 4.38 Barge 529-5.32 up 12-13 4.54 US 1 Yellow Soybeans: 6.25 1/2-6.27 1/2 up 4 3/4-3 3/4 6.80 Source; USDA-Missouri Department of Ag Market News, St Joseph, MO Belinda Bird 816 238 0678 New Holland Horses New Holland Salea Stable* New Holland, PA Monday, June 26, 1995 Report Supplied By Auction 251 HEAD. MARKET STRONGER. WORK HORSES 885.00-1200.00. DRIVING HORSES 510.00-800.00. RIDING HORSES 435.00-900.00. BETTER RIDING HORSES 1035.00- REGISTERED RIDING 660.00- 1 AT 2»75.0°. KILLERS, 1 AT 1035.00, HEAVY WEIGHTS 735.00-885.00, LIGHT WEIGHTS 485.00-635.00. PONIES 135.00-400.00. LARGE PONIES 435.00-500.00, 7 HEAD 560.00-650.00. MULES 785.00-900.00