THE LUCKNOW MIXER WAGON Call your nearest dealer today. N.J., DEL, MD EASTERN SHORE MARTINSBURG, PA JONES DAIRY SERVICE WINELAND EQUIPMENT, INC. (609) 267-0198 (814) 793-2109 IT ALSO CUTS MANHOURS. HBSSTON 1160 Mower Conditioner ~~v tf¥Vnni/\mT When you’re doing high-capacity A MJaiUll haying, our Hesaton 1160 Hydro TL3! THE PRIME LINE Swing Mower Conditioner geta right down to bualneaa. We have the parts & people who known how to look them up! For equipment built-in Hesston, KS. No matter what color the paint! r To Fit Most Models Of Round And Square Balers - Including WR 350 Designed Specially For Large Hesston & Case IH Square Balers Used Hay Equipment Values: NH 499 Haybine 12’ Hesston 1091 Mower Conditioner 9’ Grimm Tedder Hesston 1095 Mower Conditioner, Very Good Hesston 1160 14' Mower Conditioner Case IH 8530 w/Thrower Hesston 1095 Mower Conditioner, 9’3” Hesston 1120 Mower Cond. s/n 1005 Gehl MC2140 Sickle Mower Cond. 7’ Hesston 1060 Disc Mower Cond. 10’6" Hesston 1060 Disc Mower Cond. s/n 729 New Holland 488 Haybine New Holland 57 3-point Rake Tonutti 9’4" FT Rotary Hay Rake 5149 Cap Stine Rd. 961 Leister’s Church Rd. Frederick, MO 21701 Westminster, MD 21157 301/473-4250 410/848-4585 301/293-6833 410/876-2121 le and the best in quality on the market today. LEOLA, PA M.M. WEAVER & SON * (717) 656-2321 Simply the best $7,950 $3,800 ....$B5O 54,500 Call For Price 513,250 54,995 55,495 54,995 511,950 59,995 53,850 5995 53,440 i" " " " """1 IMF 1020, 21 hp, diesel tractor w/warranty & new loader I MF 265, diesel. 8 spd., 28* rubber ■ IMF 180 diesel, wide front ■ MF 175, 38* rubber, motor overhauled, sq axle 8 speed I IMF 165 38* rubber, good running tractor ■ MF 50. diesel, WF, good rubber | IMF 135 gas, good running _ MF 35 good running tractor | I Ferguson 20 w/englne overhaul MF 846 loader, qulck-tach I ■ EQUIPMENT | 7' Hawse rotor mower, like new I INH 847 round baler, auto tie ■ NH 489 haybine | 17' Dyna Balance Mowers ■ 6R Int corn cultivator I _ 95 Gehl Grinder Mixer, like new _ I IB 510 7xlB drill w/grass seed box I * MF 880 spring reset plow: 4x16 ■ I Taylorway 7 tooth soil saver I Cultlpackers: 12', 14' and different sizes i ■ Gravity box and gear ■ Rotary mower I I Used Brillion cultlpacker and cultimulcher parts ■ Packer pups | _ New farm and corral gates, also hay feeders _ |. r 11 I I MF Tractor parts Dismantling. 20. 30, 35. 40. 50. 65, 85. 90, 135, 150, 165, 175, 178, 180, 283, 285, 399 4WD, 1080, 1085, 1100, 1130, 1105, 1135, 1150 w/cab, 1155, 2805, 3680, MH 22. 44 1 1 NOLT’S EQUIPMENT I 1 403CentervilleRdrNcwvillc. PA 17241 ■ off 81 exit 11. 2 mUes N on 233 | (717) 776-6242 No Sunday Calls j NEW EQUIPMENT Sukup 9400 6R Cultivator w/Guidance System Agco-AlliS 9650 AWD , Agco-Allis 5670 2WD Agco-Allis 4650 2WD R 62 Gleaner Combine Artsway Sllamlx > Hydra-Mac 1300 Skid Loader M&W Round Baler Kidd Bale Chopper Marllss No-TIII Drill 10’ Pull Type Landoll 6R Corn Planter Landoll 4R Corn Planter Woods Mower Deutz-Fahr Hay Equip. Kuhn Hay Equip. USED EQUIPMENT Nl 2 Row Com Picker, Pull Type, Wide Row, Excellent Condition 5670 2W Tractor, Low Hours MF Loader w/3 Buckets AC Model F Combine w/438 C-Head, 13’ GH Gehl Model 1000 Forage Harvester w/C-Head Mott 6’ Field Mower NH 315 Baler w/thrower, excellent condition AC 6140 Tractor w/loader, 800 hours JD Rake w/wheel at tongue RSO Gleaner Combine Exc. Condition less than 500 hrs., 630 Corn Head 15' Flex Grain Head B. EQUIP. INC. 8422 Wayne Highway Waynesboro, Pa. 17268 m 1 717-762-3193 lAIaRBI 7AM - SPM Mon.-Fri. Fonlu my your farm today 7iOOAM3PM GLEANER* JOHN DEERE RARE COLLECTOR TRACTORS JD 80 Two-Cylinder, 1956, #8001416 $7,500 JD 70 Two-Cylinder, 1956, Standard, Gas. #7031615 85,500 JD 70 Two-Cylinder. Diesel. NF, Pony, #7039404. .83,500 JD 60 Two-Cylinder, 1952, High Crop, All Fuel #6004832 TRACTORS JD 2155 2WD with Front Grader Blade $12,000 JD 4040 Fender Tractor, 1 Remote, P S , New Tires, 5850 Mrs .... $20,000 JD 620 Two-Cylinder . $4,300 JD 7720 Combine Titan 11, 2WD, 1988, 1563 Engine Hrs , .RECONDITIONED JD 220 Flex Head JD 216 Flex Head JD 215 Flex Head JD 213 Flex Head. Completely Reconditioned JD 643 Corn Head JD 643 Corn Head. Low Tin FORAGE E9UIPMENT Badger Forage Wagon One Year Old. Tandem JD 6R Stalker Head JD 3970 Pull-type Chopper. Less Heads, Spout-trak, iron-gard JD 3970 Pull-type Chopper. Less Heads Reconditioned JD 3RN Corn Chopper Head j JD 714 A Forage Wagon ... CORN/SOYBEAN PLANTERS JD 7200 6RN Llq Fert, Frame Coulters, 150 Monitor $11,500 JD 7200 6RN Dry Fert. Frame Coulters. Insect $12,000 JD 7000 6RN w/Monltor. Llq Fert. Frame Coulters Artsway u • Sllamlx 810 Call for supei JD 750 No-tm Drill, 15', 11L Tires. Caster Wheel Hitch, Grass ... JD 8300 Conventional Drill. Single Disk 18x7, price. Grass JD 8100 conventional Drill, Single Disk 18x7, No Grass $1,200 JD FBB Conventional Drill. Single Disk 17x7, Grass $ 1.000 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT IH 11 Foot Light Duty Disk-Harrow. $5OO JD 444 H 2 Bottom Trailing Plow. 14 Inch Bottoms .$375 JD F 45 3x16 Mounted Plow , . ... $650 JD 970 Roller Harrow. 12' w/cyllnders. DEMO .. . $6,750 JD FI2S 4x16 Mounted Plow. No Coulters, New Shares, Shins, Sides JD 950 Roller Harrow, 12 Ft JD 960 Field Cultivator, 21 Ft .Tine Attachment HAY EQUIPMENT JD 660 Dolly Wheel Hay Rake, 8.5 Feet... Pequea New 818 Bale Wagons with New 8 Ton Gears JD Hay Elevator JD 1508 Flexwing Mower. IS ft. Excellent $5,500 Mechanical Christmas tree planter .. .Planted 25 Acres $ 1.650 HB6O Sweepster for NH or JD Skid Loader ... .$2,900 Oswalt 530 Mixer Wagon . . .$17,000 Ljncuttr Farmtog, Saturday, Juiy 1, 19084) COMBINES GRAIN DRILLS MISCELLANEOUS GLADHILL TRACTOR MART. INC. O 900 East Patrick St. P.O. 80x777 Frederick, Maryland 21701 Ph0ne:(301)663-6060 Jon Sewell 1-800-245-0691 159 $lO,OOO $55,000 .$5,500 $5,500 $5,000 . . Call $7,500 $13,500 $ 15.000 $21,000 $lO,OOO $4,000 $4,500 $8,500 $20,500 $2,250 $1,650 $3,750 . NEW $2,900 Call $1,200
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