Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 01, 1995, Image 134

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    08-Lanc«ster Farming, Saturday,' July 1, 1995
Producers Can Participate
In Soybean Promotion , Research Poll
YORK (York Co.)—York
County soybean growers have an
opportunity in the near future to
voice their opinions on soybean
assessment refunds.
The Soybean Promotion and
Research Order was implemented
on July 9,1991 to outline how the
program would be carried out. The
producer poll, which is mandated
by the Act, is a poll conducted
among soybean producers to
determine whether they favor con
ducting a referendum on the conti
nuance of payment of refunds
under the Order. Soybean produc
ers may request a refund of the
one-half of 1 percent assessment
on the net market price of soy
beans sold.
Only producers who favor
requesting a refund referendum to
determine whether refunds should
continue will sign the request,
LS-51 or LS-53. If the poll shows
PHONB: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047
FAX 717-733-6058
Mon., Tues,, Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM
10,000 irrigation pipe w/2
PTO pumps, sprinklers,
complete. Call
10%' Bush Hog mower,
excellent condition.
HOhp Iveco engine, good
running condition, $2500.
717/687-6266 8-6;3oam.
13' or 15' Deere or MF or
Gleaner rigid or Ilex and
combines. Ask For
Stephen. 717-249-2317
16" packing line, includes
the 4' receiver belt, brusher
washer, sponge absorber,
(2) sizing units, and 5' turn
table. Used 20' aluminum
produce conveyor $575.
New 28' produce conveyor
$1,200. New 20 bushel
produce bins, $32; 10 or
more $3O. (717)532-5918.
1947 John Deere A; Ford
8N 717-336-2497 after
each. WANT: sidedresser
1950 JD B, restored to im- . attachment for Farmall
maculate condition. $5500. * ~ • ® l O nt ple t e.
717/684-4723. (609)267-6071.
1967 Ford 4000 diesel 717-534-1253.
tricycle Vector 10-speed. (2 ) trailer model bale wrap
3pt hitch, live PTO, single pers sale or rent. We do
remote, very grod omdi- custom baling & wrapping,
tion, $3500 908/359-5934. Call Carl 71 $867-1227.
~ Agrotrend, new rotary
“ ase backhoe. mowers, cuts 2’ diameter,
4000 hours, power shuttle s'. $825; 6’ $995.
runs good 717-672-3139;
$6,500. (410)658-2886. 610-683-8074.
that at least 20 percent (not in
excess of one-fifth of which may
be producers in any one state) of
all eligible producers favor a
refund referendum, the referen
dum will be held within 1 year.
Refunds will continue until a
referendum is conducted.
If results of the producer poll
indicate that a referendum is not
supported, refunds will be discon
tinued and a refund referendum
will not be conducted.
The producer poll will be held
for one day on July 26, 1995 dur
ing regular business hours at the
York County CFSA Office, 120
Pleasant Acres Rd., York, PA,
(717) 755-2801. Registration and
polling will take place on the same
day, except for absentee registra
tion and polling.
Absentee registration and poll
ing forms may be requested by
mail or in person during the period
June 19 through July 14, 1995
--n i d -w-TStt
1991 equipment trailer,
28'x8', Blair gooseneck
flatbed. Adjustable beaver
tail, factory winch, low
miles, excellent condition.
Don’t miss this onel New
$B9OO, asking $5900.
1993 John Deere 7700
tractor, MFWD, cab, PS,
1100 hrs., asking $55,000.
26 row FMC spray booms,
complete with cylinders,
hydraulic controls. Asking
$2,000. Call anytime, leave
message. Maine
2 E-Z Forage Wagons, 3
Beaters on 10 Ton Run
ning Gear. (717)626-4840.
(2) FMC-GBIIO green
bean multi-row harvesters,
hydro, 4WD, cab & air, ex
cellent condition.
(2) JD 6300 16x7 drills; (3)
IH 5100 drills. Zeisloft
Used Equipment,
(2) Little Giant grain bins
on running gear, $750
(2) new 11:2x28 tractor
tires, $125 each.
from the County CFSA Office
where you reside; however it must
be received in the County CFSA
Office no later than Close of Busi
ness on July 14, 1995. If the
absentee registration is not
returned to the CFSA Office time
ly, you may still participate in per
son on July 26, 1995.
Eligibility requirements for vot
ing: Any person, who during the
period September 1, 1991,
through June 1, 1995, has been
engaged in the growing of soy
beans in the United States and
who owns or shares the ownership
and risk of loss of such soybeans.
Partnerships are considered only
one vote and any authorized rep
resentative may register and
request a refund referendum on
behalf of that entity. Any indivi-.
dual member of a group who is an
eligible producer separate from
the group may register and make a
request as a producer.
Lancastor Farming's
Phone; 717-394-3047
or 717-626-1164
1973 JD 544 4WD Loader
w/Cab, 0 Hours on New JO
Diesel, Rebuilt Trans.,
New Hydraulic Pump and
Lines, 4Yd. Bucket w/
Grapples, Solid Tires, Ex
cellent Condition.
(800)240-7543 Carl
1975 rotary screen 4400
diesel, air, 13', $8,950.;
3300 gas, 13'. $3,950. Ask
For Sam. 717-630-2736
1979 MF 550 combine,
4WD, hydrostatic, 16' float
ing grain table w/UII Reel,
1144 wide row corn head,
shed kept, field ready,
$13,000. 410-742-0510 af
ter 6PM.
1980 IH 1440 combine
about 1,800 hrs., super
nice, $18,900. Trade &
Finance. Stephen,
1991, 230 Spray Coupe,
low hours, very good oon
dition, $28,000.
610-255-4448 weekdays
6-6:3oam or evenings,
Sunday 8-10 am or leave
AC 745 power shift, new
tires and paint, fully serv
iced in excellent condition,
$14,500. AC 333 air corn
planter, 4R, no-til, good
condition, $2,200. Fox 471
chopper, SPF, 4 cylinder,
Detroit engine in excellent
condition, 2R corn head,
hay pickup head, self
propelled, $2,400. May buy
lor parts. (717)786-5123.
AC forklift, 6000 lb, air
tires, dual wheel drive, auto
Vans, 14' lift, VG condition,
$6500. Call 410-337-3570
4R self-propelled win
drower, all hydraulic
drives; JO 466/225 horse
power unit, very good con
dition. Call anytime, leave
message. Asking $20,000.
Melvin Graham. Maine
510 MF diesel combine,
13' grain head, 1143 4RN
corn head, excellent condi
tion. 717/866-2827.
S7'6' grain auger w/o mo
tor $BOO. IH 400 corn plan
ters, 30'R, (I)4R, (1)8R
$5OO, $BOO. Hy-cap grain
deaner $1,500. Aeroglide
gas grain dryer 20030
$l,OOO. (814)849-5539.
65 HP Wisconsin w/
dutch, 540 PTO, battery,
gas tank. Good running
condition. $1,900. Ready
to go. (814)448-3300.
6600 Hydro Sidehill, very
sharp, $13,800. Financing
Available. 1-800-248-2151
68 NH baler with 53A
thrower, $795; Thrower
only $5000; Drag harrow,
$l9O. Juniata Co.
8520 Baler w/Thrower, 2
High Sided Wagons, 40'
Zimmerman Hay Bale Ele
vator. Will Sell together or
Seperate. (717)739-1179
After BPM.
ON excellent condition.
NEW front tires, 12V sys
tem, paint, T rear Gill
blade. $2,995.
AC #2OO tractor, lOShp,
nice, $6800; Athens
10-tooth chisel plow, 3pt,
$1100; Noble 4R S-tine
cultivator, $875.
#4O John Deere Manure
Spreader, excellent condi
tion, back sweeps for JD A
or B. Call evenings
4400 diesel combine, rot
ary screen, 3665 hours,
A/C, 215 rigid head, 13’
bean head, 443 com head.
479 NH Haybine, pood
condition, $2OOO.
485 Case IH tractor w/
loader, shuttle shift, 800
hours, excellent condition,
$15,000; BP 20 Hesston
bale processor, excellent
condition, $6OOO.
4 Old Iron Wagon Wheels,
2-28' Diameter 2-32’
Diameter. (717)872-1552.
4' Race-N-Race, 1 -
blueberry cleaner, 2-sor
ting tables, 1-peach water
(imitator, axle for farm
trailer; 609-561-5279,
5-11 pm.
AC loader off Dl7 tractor,
trip latch bucket, $2OO.
AC M 3 combine, 15' flex
head, 6RN com head; AC
F 2 combine, 13' grain
head, 4RN com head; JD
6R cultivator; JD 2500 7b
plow. 215-538-1513;
Agri Pack 8' bagger, good
condition. 717-458-5942.
Ag Tech pre-seeder, 6'
wide, used very little, ask
ing $3750. 610-777-4515.
Portable: Sullair 86 CFM
skid mount, Volkswagen
gas, $1000; Oavey 250
CFM Detroit diesel, $3000;
Gardner-Denver 175 CFM,
very low hours, $6500. Call
Alan Hyman 410-337-3570
anytime. ,
Allis Chalmers HDS track
loader, diesel, runs good.
$3,500. (410)658-2886.
Allis Chalmers WD4S, tires
like new, sheet metal good,
$1,545. Lancaster County,
diesel, standard w/live
PTO & hyd., PS, super
condition, coming in from
North Dakota, $3,300.
Badger Chuckwagon; NH
770 Forage Harvestore w/
Corn Head.
Badger Feed Mixer w/
mechanical scale, 220 cu.
ft. $3,500. White tractor,
field boss 31 w/1155 loader
and rear blade, $9,700. NH
tractor w/culdvator and rear
blade, $1,500. Gehl FB
1580 blower. Hess ton PT7
mower conditioner.
Bale slicer kit for Nl 484 or
IH 3450. After 6pm,
Bauer Rainstore Irrigation
Reel 3.rX9es'. Like New
$15,000 (301)791-5529.
BELTING; We spedalize in
flat belting, cut to order,
baler throwers, self unload
ing wagons, long table
blower baits. Franklin Co.
717-263-0573. NO Sunday
Belarus Tractors, New
65HP 4WD w/Cab
$14,900. 81 HP 4WD w/
Cab $1 7,400.
Belt pulley John Deere, 20
series. WV,
Box making machine for
cardboard cartons of all
types and sizes, $l5OO.
Call 410-337-3570
Brillion min-till 6R cultiva
tor, excellent, $2100; Long
irrigation reel, $lO,OOO.
Brillion 8' & 10' packer/
seeder; Brillion s'4* land
scape seeder; Nl & me
chanical transplanters,
pull-type & 3pt hitch. Thom
Wheary Jr.. 717/687-6553.
Brillion 12,13,14' cultimul
chers. Priced Right!
Bush Hog 10' pull-type rot
ary mower*, $3095. Ta
neytown Farm Equipment
Bush Hog IS' Wing Mower,
New, List $10,600 Sale
$7,495. (717)428-3260.
CASE 930, standard,
1960, 85 h.p., diesel, cab,
LPTO, PS, 1 owner, 2 out
lets, RARE, ready for pull
ing, $2,500. 410-633-9091
CAT 3208 engine, factory
remanufactured, 20K, can
hear run still in truck,
$5OOO. 304-263-2976.
5U5066 w/CAT hydraulic
straight blade, rear PTO,
fair U/C. $3200.
P.O. Box 407 RT 29
Palm, PA 18070.
CAT 04 dozer, good condi
tion, $4OOO. 717-256-3233.
CAT forklift 10,000 lb. ca
pacity, 12’ lift, dual
pneumatic tires, $6500
080. 717-225-3798.
Case 2090, FWA, cab, air,
(nice), $14,900. MILLER'S
REPAIR, Bird-In-Hand.
Case IH 3450 round baler,
same as Nl 484. After 6pm,
Case IH rollover four bot
tom plow, excellent condi
tion, asking $7OOO. Call
anytime or leave message.
Maine 207-435-6029.
Case Int 275 diesel, 31hp,
Cat 922-B wheel loader,
1964. Great for mulch or
the farm, $7,900. Call Tom
Rosser 610-769-1578
evenings; 215-245-2749
Complete Set Cultivators
for FarmaH Cub. Excellent
Condition. Also Plow. Lan
caster. (717)367-3036.
Complanters: 2 and 3 row
with John Deere Max-
Emerge II units. Plateless
or vacuum. 3-Point or pull
type. JD 7000 com plan
ters, parts, & overhauled.
Liquid and dry fertilizer at
tachment custom installed
on planters, cultivators,
etc. Pequea Planter, 561
White Horse Rd., Gap. PA
17527. Lancaster Co. 1
% miles north of Gap on
FD7, 6 way. $12,500.
D4D, 78A Series, ready to
work, $B,OOO.
755, ROPS, GP. nice
condition, $13,000.
Danhuser F-8 Heavy Duty
Post Hole Drill, 18* Auger,
Excellent Condition, Cur
rent Cost $lBOO Asking
$775; Nearly New Ford
55HP Tractor, Cost
$20,000 in 1994 Asking
$14,900. (717)776-7858.
Deutz-Farr KSBO Rotary
Rake, Good Condition.
$lOOO. (717)836-1907.
Hesston P-10 hay condi
tioner 9', needs work, best
offer. Monroe County.
STARTERS with 3 yr.
warranty for most domestic
tractors and select imports.
With 6 month no risk
money back guarantee.
Call Gary D. Sneath at
Horse farm equipment, Ml
4W manure spreader on
rubber; hay tedder; Iron
Age 2R com planter; S' Nl
sickle bar mower; IH 3x14
trailer plow on steel.
Hot water pressure washer
for engines, etc. Newly re
conditioned, works great,
$6OO. (410)857-2345.
IH 101 combine, 10' head,
soybean lifter, guards,
good condition, $795.
IH 1066, MFD, cab, 3 pt.,
540/1000, new TA, clutch
& rear rubber, $10,250.
FOR SALE: 1985 Kubota
KH-28 excavator, 3 buck
ets and hydropaokei
16,000# machine, 500 C
hrs., $20,000. Call
814-226-7322 after 5:30
FOR SALE: Int M tractor
good running order; John
Deere sickle mower, fits on
H or M, good condition;
gravity wagon; ground dri
ven manure spreader. Call
FOR SALE: NH 919 4R au
ger base head w/windrow
pickup. WANTED: NH
■ R7O hydrostatic combine
lor parts. 717-445-6156.
FOR SALE: Small farm
equipment, plows, pack
ers, discs, harrows, mow
ers, crimpers, tedders,
rakes, etc. Trade ins wel
comed. NH mowers, rebuilt
and guaranteed, engines,
hydraulics, crimper hoo
kups available. KIRK-
Coopers DR, Kirkwood,
PA. 17536. 717-529-3299
Ford 1600 22hp diesel
tractor w/60" belly mower,
$3500. 717-859-3533.
Ford .2000 tractor w/power
steering and mounted
sickel bar mower, 3pth,
new rebuilt engine w/1
hour on engine, $4,550.
Ford 3000, very good
shape, 3pt hitch, w/York
rake & brush hog, $4BOO.
Ford 3400 diesel, 2,700
hrs., 3 pt, PS, live PTC,
$4,800. 410-833-9091
Ford 532 baler w/lhrower,
good condition, kept inside,
$1,500. Susquehanna Co.,
Ford 7600 tractor w/cab,
3300 hrs, good cond.; after
6pm 717/328-5655.
Ford 8700, dual power, cab
& air, 3700 hour, 1-owner,
out of estate, sharp,
$12,000. (301)898-7426.
Ford Jubilee high clear
ance, step-up, step-down
transmission. Set up for
working vegetables on
plastic mulch. Has front
mounted 3R sprayer and
1R cultivator on rear, ex
cellent condition, $3950.
610-353-7304 Chester.
Forklift, #6OOO towmotor,
air tire. Old but runs, 0.K.,
no smoke, $2500. Call
410-337-3570 anytime.
cylinder air cooled diesel,
wagon style trailer, very
good condition, $2500.
Gehl forage wagon, 2 bea
ters, 2 floor chains and au
ger in front, $1,200. Har
rington, DE,
Generator US light power
KWIS KVA 18.75 volts
120/240 RPM 1800 meter
shows under 870 hours
4cyl. Hercules diesel. Runs
well. 46V starter. Has small
oil and water leaks. $2500
080. Bill (610)469-9188.
Gleaner F 2 hydro combine,
1500 hours, excellent, 13'
flex head and 435 corn
head. $15,000. Call
Grinder mixer, only 5 years
old (feed mill), Nome mod
em mill, Volumetric station
ery mill, 49 ton overhead
storage. Went out of busi
ness, must sell. Must Seel
Cut feed bills in half. Jacob
or Rin 201/694-9114
201/696-8562, Farm
whl., new 4 used, $5OO 4
Up. 410-833-9091
HAY RAKE NH 56, field
ready, $1,200.
HAY RAKE Nl 5 bar, rub
ber teeth, front whl.,
$l,OOO. 410-833-9091
Hay Rake. 3pt hitch 4 reel,
good condition.
taI Waukesha farm, indust
rial engine parts. M4M
Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega
Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473.
(718)828-9026; fax