Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 01, 1995, Image 121
! OVER 100 CARS & TRUCKS IN STOCK ‘94 FORD FI 50 4X4 ‘9O FORD Fl5O SUPER CAB 4X4 ‘9l CHEV S-10 4x2 Super Cab, 5-Spd, AC. VB, AT, AC. XLT, 1-Owner, Local 5 Spd, #FI23B^ (6246A) (6233 A) MANAGER'S SPECIAL $6,333 I vj ‘B9 FORD FISO SUPERCAB 4x4, 302 VB, 5-Spd., XLT, Matching Cap, Extra Clean (6130A) | ■H ‘95 FORD F 250 4x4 Super Cab, 460 VB, 6 Used Explorers To Choose From ri Loaded *&- J ■***%' “ * * | T'“ fc *4 AT #6245A MANAGER'S SPECIAL $8,995 * • ****** •ft.', *tP r w * ‘92 FORD FI SO 4X4 XLT Super Cab. AT. AC, 34,000 Miles, Loaded (P 433) Kiel REAL 40 Acre term, Southern Northumberland Co., re modeled 4BR w/14x23 kitchen addition, new hot air heating, new roof, win dows, doors, siding, 20 acres wooded, 20 acres open, high tinsel fencing, large barn. $160,000. 717-425-2062. 111 A Dairy * Produce Farm, 38 stanchions, stocked pond, 70A tillable, balance pasture w/7A woodland, road frontage along 642 Columbia Co. Samuel S. Stoltzfus, RD2, Box 61, Millville, PA 17846. 113 acre central, PA, Snyder County farm, 40 miles N. Harrisburg. 85 till able, 6 pasture, balance woods, large bank barn, 40-50 bam, additional out buildings, 3 BR, 2 BA cen tral vac, Jen-air range, hardwood floors, reno vated 1850's torn house guest house, Living Room, BA 8 BR, beautifully land scaped. (717)539-2950. 137 acres* N. of Belmont, NY, exit 30, Southern Tier Expressway. Timbered 3 years ago. $450/acre. (610)857-1320 or (610)384-5831. 160 Acre Western Wiscon sin Dairy Farm,s3 Stalls, Very Lovely 4BR Home, Excellent Set of Buildings, Very Secluded, Perfect tor Rotational Graising. (608)648-3738. 20.5 Acres, 28X38 Barn, House Foundation 28X36, Well. Henry Byler 17477 Path Valley Rd., Spring Run. PA 17262. 300 Acre 100-cow Modern Dairy Farm, Bradford Co. 717/297-2768. 3.1 A Wooded Lot w/ standard septic, electric, well & drive. Loysville area, Perry Co. Mobiles ro stricled. 717/438-3115. 350 A< Or' farm. >cra Dairy . 140 stanchions, pipeline, feeder, silo. New buildings. Excellent cropland. New executive 4 bedroom and/ or remodeled farmhouse. Beautiful, landscaped showpiece. Full line IHC machinery. 315/348-8948 (NY). 3+ acres wooded lots in Newmanstown, PA. Close to die Middlecreek Wildlife Project, and Lancaster & Barks counties. Perked (or sand mound septic system. $55,000 per lot. Calf Walt. (717)274-2646. 3BR rancher, 47A, bam, 2 car garage, ‘FREE* gas, satellite dish. Naar Buck hannon, WV. $llO,OOO. 304-457-3066. 71+A farm, Bedford Co. 3BR remodeled house, bank bam w/box stalls in bottom of barn, fenced pasture, pond, cement feeder lots w/roofs, silos, machine shed and other outbuildings. Ideal for beef operation for horses. For sale by owner... $179,000. 814-733-4363. Acreage: 31+ acres, wooded, water, privacy, for quick sale. Blair County, $45,000. By appointment only. (814)944-2352. Acreage Wanted: Looking for 30 acres to 500 acres suitable for hunting and re creation in Lycoming, Centre, or Clinton County, Call (717)433-4319 or (814)387-4249. All kinds of farms for sale in M 0 and PA. Smith and As sociates Real Estate, Jackie Nichols, (717)762-8449, (717)697-8161. Approx. 120 Acre Farm, House, Bam Without Build ings, 80 Acres Tillable, Ba lance Pasture and Wooded, Set-Up for Beef Cattle, Good Hunting. West Penn Township, Schuykill County. Call for Price. New Penn Realty Inc. Robert A. Arner (717)386-4586 Berks Co. ISA Holse Farm, 4BR, 2V4 bath, 8-stall barn, vineyard, $190,000. 610/926-4561. BUILDING LOTS IN MAN HEIM: Acreage ranges from 2+ acres to 10+ acres. Prices $59,900 and $139,900. Call Jim Barto, Murry Realty Inc, (717)560-0755. LancMt* Firming, Siturday, July 1,1M5-C39 faRM WITH FREE fIAS REAL ESTATE Near Parker, PA I Al legheny River; appxi 80-a -cres,'paved road, 6-room 6 bath home, kit appliances, free gas heat, 50x60 bam, poultry houaa, private hunt ing, $89,900. #82427. John I Patricia Planker, R.E.8., 412/867-6623. WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY, INC. Farm for Sale: 29 acre form w/bam and house in Hkik eltown area. (717)656-2615. Bradford County Farm V RENT; 335 acres, SO cow bam, 3BR house, 800 gal lon bulk tank, 2* pipeline. (20 1 )383-38 29, (717)596-4057. FOR RENT: Dairy farm near PA. MO. line, 180 acres tillable, facilities for milking 80 cows plus young stock. (301)264-3770. FOR SALE: 460 acre form, 2 Harvesters silos, 2 bams, calf bam, large machine shed. Located In Somerset Co., PA. Best deer hunting in state. 814-926-3342 evenings 9-11. FOR SALE OR LEASE, 261 A dairy term, approx. 235 tillable. Jefferson Co.. PA. Call for details. 814-849-2039. FOR SALE: 157 A dairy farm, 3 silos, 44 tie stall, 4BR house. Union Co., PA 717-524-2031. GENTLE COUNTRY Liv ing: 125 Year old farm house, 4BR, 2 bath, large bam and out buildings. All on 3.67 acres. $215,000. Call Hal Saydah, Murry Re alty, Inc., (717)560-0755. GRAND LOCATION: 10.25 acres great for anything. Located in Warwick Twp. Hammer Creek runs through property. $89,900. Call Jim Barto, Murry Re alty, Inc. (717)560-0755. Hanover: Adams County farmettes 8.2 to 27.0 acres, secluded, perked and probed. Some deed restric tions to protect your prop erty. All nave considerable hard road frontage. Also available 132 acre farm with brick house, well and septic, some outbuildings. (717)867-3968. HERSHEY MILL RD: 5+ acres, privacy, wooded A open, great view. $89,900. Call Jim Barto, Murry Re alty, Inc (717)560-0755. lOWA FARMLAND; hog, grain or CRP farms for owner/operators or inves tors. Larger units available in the Heart of lowa. Twin Cities Real Estate, Toledo, lowa, 515/484-3248, 515/484-3921. Lancaster. Co.. Penn Twp. 62A Limestone Farm. Bank bam, corn bam, tobacco shed, shop, 2V4 story SBR house. Frontage on Doe Run & W. Lexington Rd. 717/665-3677. Montour County, 180 Acre Farm and Building; Also An Additional 94 Acres. Phone (717)275-3809. Picturesque 168 acre farm, 110+ tillable, 35 wooded, 9-room newly remodeled house, central air, 4BR, 2 full baths, 2 large fish ponds, 55+ QPM spring, 2-story out building, corn crib and large pole barn. (717)356-7695. Picturesque 16+A Lancas ter Co. farm with stone house, spring house, bank barn, stream and pond. House restored with many special features, including thermopane windows, cus tom cherry cabinetry, cedar closets, decorator tiles, fireplaces and hearths, 24* deep window sills. Conve nient to gamelands and turnpike... $279,000 717-445-4430. Sale: 155 A, modem house, shop, 135 stall bam, gas well, orchard, rental Tot, Honeyoye Lima soils. Cay uga Co., NY 315/839-7635. 33+A Snyder Co. Farm w/ 9-room house, bam, out-* buildings, trench silo. <7171539-2686 50 COW DAIRY FARM., GOUVERNEUR, NY. 110 A, kwsiy roing lielda. Excellent bam. Good sold house... $60,900. $15,000 down. 616-868-5182. *594... Country fiving at its finest Remodeled 1806 2 story home, 66A, Eulalia Township, 4BR, 2V4 baths, fun basement, gas heat, brick fireplace, large bam, large pond, nice woods, pasture land. This fine property has so much to offer! *463... Gorgeous country location. Immaculato tri level home, 3+A, Sweden Township, IK baths, full basement Intergral 2 car garge, nice yard. All this for $106,000. *575... Rsntal investment opportunity. 6 unit motel, 4-2 bedroom cabin, +4 bed room cabin on 6A, Sweden Township. Lots of potential! *545... Income producing. Here's an opportunity for you and your family. Re staurant, video business, +4 BR home. Prime loca tion along RT49, Ulysses. *562... Excellent recrea tion location. Beautiful chalet, +2 lots, Bingham Township. Private privilege to Lake Lloyd. Property in immaculate condition, $62,500. GOD'S COUNTRY REAL ESTATE 814-274-7640. 6 Wooded Lots, perced & approved, S.BA to 19.6 A. Juniata Co., Waterloo area. Mobiles restricted. 717/438-3115. CENTRAL, NY: 565 A dairy farm, 120 free stalls, dou ble 4 milking parlor, 2,000 bulk tank, TMR feeding system, 2 houses. 607-387-9575. CHAMBERSBURG AREA: 157 A, bank barn. BBR, 2,700 sq.ft, remodeled home. Priced at only $350,b00. Very good oon dition. Call JACK GAUGHEN COMMER CIAL 717-761-5500. Easton, PA. 52 Acre Till able Farm, 3BR House, Bam for 40 Stalls, 5 Out buildings. $269,900. (610)252-6814. Steuben Co. NY, 73A, house, pole barn shop, pasture, pond, garden, beautiful, secluded; also 17SA, no buildings, will di vide into 100,50,25 A par tial. 607/225-4616. St Lawrence County Daily Farm, 217 Acres, 70 Till able, 30 Hardwood Timber, Balance Pasture, Woods. 37 Cow Tie Stall Barn, Pipeline, Heifer Bam, 4BR House, Asking $119,000 (315)386-2520 Leave Message. TIOGA COUNTY: •165... S.SA, perked, fron tage, views, slate lands and lake nearby. Ctymer Twp. $ll,OOO #179... Beef or hobby farm, 115+/-A, large pond, farm house, barn, machinery shed, all in move-in oondi tion. Clymer Twp. $130,000 Owner financing to qualified buyer. •182... Lodge on 7ViA, bordering state lands, 4BR's, LR, game room, kitchen, full basement, Middlebury Twpship, $99,500. •183... Factory and ware house complex on 3.095 A, 18,000 sq. ft., Municipal water and sewer, 3ph, 800 amp electric, gas heat, loading dock, Knoxville Boro., $130,000 •184... 100+/- mixed acres w/sound bank barn and equipment shed, pond, ap proved perk, Chatham Twpship, $BO,OOO. •189... Potter Co., Far mette. 1988 Ranch style home, 2!4 car garage, metal bam, surrounded by 42A, Harrison Twp., price to sell $85,000. POTTER CO.. PA #177... Nicely remodeled 48R home, 30 timbered acres, pond, creek, pas ture, woods, Harrison Township, $90,000 ENDLESS MOUNTAIN REAL ESTATE, Westfield, PA 814-367-5380.