Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 24, 1995, Image 55

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    Cream Of The
(Continued from Pago B 18)
3 8-ounce packages cream
VA cups sugar
4 eggs
2 cups sour cream
1 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons bottled lemon
'A tablespoon vanilla
Graham cracker crust
2 cups graham crackers
A cup melted butter
3 tablespoons sugar
Combine crust ingredients and
press into bottom and sides of
9-inch springform pan with 2-inch
Mix together cheese and sugar
until well blended. Add eggs, one
at a time, beating well after each
addition. Add remaining ingre
dients, one at a time, beating well
after each. Pour into pan and bake
one hour in preheated 350 degree
oven. Turn oven off and let cake
set one hour longer with oven door
closed. Open door and let cake
remain in oven 20 minutes longer.
Remove, cool, and refrigerate.
If desired, top with canned
blueberry or cherry filling.
My husband David and I have a
herd of 40 Jersey dairy cows. With
our two sons, David, 13, and Mike,
9, we farm about 130 acres. Our
cows are all registered and we
really enjoy working with the
Jerseys. We grow hay, corn, and
We are hoping to start haying
next week but our first crop will be
small due to the lack of rain in our
area. We just finished planting a
big vegetable garden so hopefully,
for the sake of all the crops, that
will change.
Catherine Anusesky
Stillwater, N.Y.
8 medium potatoes, cooked and
4 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
1 medium onion, diced
1 cup celery, chopped
VA teaspoon salt
Combine potatoes, eggs, onion,
celery, and salt. Prepare the
2 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
3 tablespoons flour
'A cup vinegar
'A cup water
I cup milk
Mix and cook dressing ingre
dients until thickened. Stir con
stantly, cool, and add the dressing
to the above.
We enjoy reading the Lancaster
Farming . I never miss the B
Mrs. Jacob Harnish
Willow Street
2 cups milk
3 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 junket tablet
1 teaspoon cold water
Dissolve tablet in cold water.
Heat sugar and milk to lukewarm.
Add vanilla and dissolve junket
tablet. Mix. Put in dessert dishes
and let set 10 minutes undisturbed
then chill in refrigerator.
I'm 8 years old and will be in
fourth grade when school starts.
The animals I like best on our far
mette are our three cute kittens, I
like to bike, play doll, sing, cross
stitch, and read. This treat never
lasts long at our house!
Joy Musser
1 package instant strawberry
1 cup milk
8-ounces whipped cream
1 cup miniature marshmallows
1 cup strawberries
Mix one cup milk with instant
pudding mix. Add and stir gradual
ly until smooth. Add whipped
cream, marshmallows, and straw
berries (may be fresh or frozen).
Cool in refrigerator. May be eaten
immediately or let set overnight
Before serving, stir to pretty it up
and serve in dessert dishes garn
ished with fresh berries.
This recipe is quick and easy.
My husband Ronald and I live on a
small farm. Grandchildren and
children make unexpected visits
and this recipe is quick and easy.
They all love it.
Rita Bowers
2 cups diced potatoes
'A cup finely chopped onion
A cup finely chopped celery
V* cup butter
V* cup flour
4 cups milk
2 hard-boiled eggs
6 slices bacon, chopped, fried
VA cups cooked com
Salt and pepper to taste
Cook potatoes, onion, and cel
ery until tender in just enough
water to cover vegetables. Mean
while, in another kettle, melt but
ter, add flour, blend and cook, stir
ring for two minutes. Add milk,
cook and stir with wire whisk until
smooth and thick. Add undrained
vegetables, eggs, bacon, and com.
Stir in salt and pepper according to
Priscilla Grube
8 ounces soft cream cheese
Vj cup yogurt
'A cup powdered milk
'A cup honey
'A teaspoon vanilla
Mix together and put into gra
ham cracker crust. Put into freezer
for about 4 hours. If you double the
recipe, put it into a 13x9-inch cake
Delicious served with strawber
ries. We live on a farm about half
way between Lititz and Ephrala.
We have 50 cows and are milking
46 right now.
We have seven children, 5 girls
and 2 boys. The oldest is 12 and the
youngest is 17 months.
Mary Ann Stoltzfus
1 large box cherry Jell-O
1 large box red raspberry Jell-0
2 cups boiling water
Mix well and let set a bit Add:
16-ounces sour cream
8-ounces whipped cream
1 can blueberry pie filling
20-ounce can crushed pineapple
Mix well. Makes two Jell-0
This is an easy dessert that can
be made in a jiffy. We are busy far
mers and quick and easy recipes
are handy.
I always look forward to the
June Dairy Month recipes.
Naomi Smucker
2 3-ounce packages gelatin
2 cups water
VA cups sugar
Juice of one lemon
6 cups milk
Boil water and sugar for one
minute. Add lemon juice and gela
tin to cool. Add milk. Makes 4
Wilmer H. Martin
2 8-ounce packages cream
cheese, softened
V* cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla
24 vanilla wafers
-21-ounces cherry pie filling
Beat cream cheese, sugar, eggs,
lemon juice, and vanilla until light
and fluffy.
Line small muffin tins with pap
er baking cups. Place a vanilla
wafer in the bottom of each. Fill
the cups Vi full with cream cheese
mixture. Bake at 37S degrees for
15 to 20 minutes or until set
Remove from oven and top each
with approximately 1 tablespoon
pie filling. Chill. Makes 2 dozen.
I enjoy trying new recipes, espe
cially with dairy products. Usually
my family doesn't mind.
We live on an 80-acre dairy
farm. We milk 40 cows and also
have a big garden. Our five child
ren are too small to help much but
they do help in their small ways.
Elaine Martin
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
'A cup butter
1 cup water
2 tablespoons cocoa
'A cup vegetable oil
'A cup buttermilk
2 eggs s
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix together sugar and flour.
Mix together butter, water, cocoa
and oil in a saucepan and bring to a
boil. Mix with flour and sugar.
Add buttermilk, eggs, baking soda,
and vanilla. Mix and bake at 350
degrees for 30 minutes.
A cup butter, melted
6 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons cocoa
3 cups confectioners’ sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine ingredients and pour
over cake while warm.
My dads and mom’s names are
Mose and Ruth Riehl. I have one
brother and five sisters. I thought it
sounded interesting to enter this
contest. I enjoy reading section B.
Anna Ruth Riehl
2 bunches broccoli
'A pound bacon
2 cups Cheddar cheese
1 cup mayonnaise
'A cup sugar
2 tablespoons vinegar
Cut broccoli into small pieces
using only the flowerettes. Fry
bacon until crisp. Shred cheese and
add. Mix together dressing ingre
dients and combine with broccoli.
My husband and I have a dairy
farm in Sussex County, northern
New Jersey. We milk 55 cows and
have 15 Hereford cows and calves.
We grow corn and make hay. I also
work at our local school district as
a bookkeeper. We have four child
ren, three girls all married and two
grandchildren. Our son is a senior
at Penn Stale College. He is home
for the summer and helps on the
farm when not working for the
stale of New Jersey as a summer
maintenance worker. Our two
daughters also help with the hay
ing. Our other daughter is a nurse
and works nights at our local
1 cup butter
2 cups all-purpose flour
Dash of salt
Combine all ingredients and
press into a 9-inch by 13-inch pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for IS
minutes. Set aside.
4 eggs
2 cup white sugar
'/< cup all-purpose flour
6 tablespoons lemon juice
Combine eggs and sugar, beat
well. Add flour and lemon juice.
Pour over crust and bake at 350
degrees for 25 minutes. When
cool, sprinkle with confectioners’
sugar and serve.
This recipe is very quick and
easy and delicious! For a belter
flavor, we also add the lemon rind
and sometimes a bit more lemon
My parents are John and Sylvia
Beiler. We live on a farm and have
44 cows.
/ have six sisters and two
brothers, all married. I have three
brothers and one sister still at
home. I have 14 nieces and 13
nephews! They are all very special
to me!
Susie Beiler
13-ounces evaporated milk
20-ounces crushed pineapples
'A cup sugar
3-ounces strawberry-flavored
8-ounces cream cheese
Chill milk overnight. Boil
pineapple and juice with sugar
slowly for S minutes. Add gelatin
and stir until dissolved. Cool. Beat
cream cheese with chilled milk
until fluffy. Fold in pineapples and
gelatin mixture. Pour into a mold
and chill until firm.
Note: Any flavor of gelatin may
be used.
I am 13 years old. I have four
sisters and one brother. We live on
a dairy farm.
2 8-ounce packages cream
cheese, softened
3 A cup sugar
3 eggs, separated
1 tablespoon flour
1 pint sour cream
2 tablespoon lemon juice
Beat together cream cheese and
sugar. Add egg yolks, flour, sour
cream, and lemon juice. Beat until
smooth. Beat egg whites until stiff.
Fold into cream cheese mixture
along with 1 teaspoon vanilla.
Pour into 8- or 9-inch springform
pan, which is lined with graham
cracker crust. Bake at 325 degrees
for 35 minutes. Turn off oven and
let cheesecake cool in oven at least
one hour. Do not open door.
Minnie Schlegel
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
2 cups pumpkin
Vi cup flour
3 cups milk
'A teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix together all ingredients.
Pour into two pie crusts. Brown 2
tablespoons butter and pour on top
of the pie. Bake at 32S degrees for
one hour.
My parents are Henry and
Martha Oberfioltzer. lam 9years
old. I have four brothers and a sis
ter. We live on a farm. We fatten
steers and raise pigs.
Joyce Cosh
Sussex, NJ.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 24, 1995*819
Lorraine Zimmerman
Grace Oberholtzer
Arlan and Louise Kurtz
and their children Hledi,
Justin, and Matthew live In
Morgantown. Their favorite
recipe, Sticky Cinnamon
Rolls appeared In the June
17th Issue.
1 pound butter, softened
1 pint vanilla ice cream,
4 cups flour
Preserves, flavor of choice
Blend all ingredients, adding
flour slowly. Pinch off a small
chunk of dough and roll into a ball.
Place ball on ungreased cookie
sheet Push finger into the center of
the ball to make a well. Fill with
preserves. Bake at 350 degrees for
20 to 25 minutes. Sprinkle with
confectioners’ sugar while hot
Barbara Muir-Darby
10-12 eggs
254 cups milk
1 cup shaip cheddar cheese,
1 onion, chopped
VA pounds sausage or ground
1 teaspoon mustard, optional
1 teaspoon parsley flakes
2 slices bread, crumbled
VA teaspoon salt or to taste
'A teaspoon pepper
Grease a 10x6x2% -inch casser
ole dish or roast pan. Layer the bot
tom with bread crumbs, brown
sausage, and layer over bread, add
a layer of cheese, and sprinkle with
parsley. Beat milk, eggs, onion,
and seasonings, and pour over cas
serole. Refrigerate overnight and
bake in the morning at 350 degrees
for 45 minutes.
My mother got this recipe while
traveling and we made it quite
Bertha B. Zimmerman
1 baked angel food cake
1 pint strawberries
1 package Danish Dessert
1 cup confectioners’ sugar
8-ounces cream cheese
4 cups whipped cream
Prepare Danish Dessert using
strawberries. Cream together con
fectioners’ sugar and cream
cheese, add whipped cream. Tear
angel food cake into pieces in a
large bowl. Pour cream cheese
mixture over cake cubes and toss
to coat. Put in 10xl3-inch pan and
top with strawberry Danish
Liz Heistand
I'A cups sugar
1 box instant custard
1 box junket freezing mix
2 quarts cream
Combine all ingredients with
enough imlk to fill one gallon
freezer can about a good % full.
Charlotte Lehman
Keedjsville, Md.
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