Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 24, 1995, Image 51

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    Cream Of The Crop
(Continued from Page B 14)
3 8-ounce packages' cream
% cup sugar
3 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla
Vanilla wafers
1 can pie filling
Mix together all ingredients
except wafers and pie filling. Place
a wafer in bottom of each cupcake
paper. Fill two-thirds full with
cheese mixture. Bake IS minutes
at 350 degrees. Cool and top with
cherry or blueberry pie filling.
These are delicio'is and great to
take along to summer picnics.
Louise Hoover
1 cup butter
VA cups sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups chopped dates
Boil 2 minutes. Cool slightly.
4 'A cups rice cnspies
1 cup chopped nuts
1 teaspoon vanilla
Butter hands, shape into balls
and roll into fine coconut Bake 30
minutes at 350 degrees.
/ have four sisters and six
brothers. I have twin brothers and
twin neices. All together I have 4
neices and 2 nephews. We have
about 112 cows, 22 calves. 1 dog,
about 1 dozen cats, and 15 chicks.
Rosene Horning
1% cups graham cracker crumbs
'/, cup melted butter
'A cup granulated sugar
8-ounces cream cheese,
1 cup confectioners’ sugar
'/: teaspoon vanilla
'A pint whipping cream,
1 can cherry pie filling
Mix crumbs with sugar. Pour
melted butter over mixture and
toss lightly to coat Pat firmly over
entire bottom of 9-inch square bak
ing dish. Cream cheese well, add
vanilla and confectioners’ sugar
and beat until fluffy. Blend in
whipped cream. Spread mixture
over crumb crust Pour pie filling
over top. Refrigerate 8 hours or
We live on a dairy farm. We
have three children, Jessica, 13;
Rachel, 10, and Jonathan, 9.
They help to feed the calves,
sheep, and dogs. We milk 50-60
cows and raise heifers and a few
sheep. We enjoy farming even
though it is hard work and very tir
ing some days.
Carol L. Heagy
The Heagy family live on a
dairy farm in Joneatown.
'A cup brown sugar
'A cup peanut butter
'A cup butter
1 cup flour
8-ounces cream cheese
]A cup sugar
'A cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
1 cup whipping cream, whipped
1 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cream brown sugar, peanut butter,
and butler until light Add flour
and blend Until crumbly. Sprinkle
in an ungreased 9x 13-inch baking
pan. Bake for 10-12 minutes.
Set aside 1 cup baked crumbs
for topping. Press remaining
crumbs in pan. Combine in a bowl,
cream cheese, sugar, peanut butter,
and vanilla. Beat until smooth.
Add eggs and beat Fold in
whipped cream. Pour filling over
crumbs in pan. Melt chcolate chips
and drizzle over filling. Using a
knife, cut vertical lines through
filling to marble.
Sprinkle reserved crumbs on
top. Freeze at least 2 hours.
Remove IS minutes before
My husband and I moved to Cla
rion County from Cumberland
County in 1990. We live on a
200-acre strip-mined farm. By
working with it and learning how
to farm it, it is responding. We milk
40 to 45 cows.
We have four children, Elmer,
6; Cindy, 4; Joyce, 2; and Bethany,
B'A months.
Along with being a farm wife
and mother, I enjoy gardening and
flower beds in the summer.
Christina Weaver
1 pound marshmallows
1 pint milk
1 pint whipped cream
1 medium can crushed
'A pound cinnamon crisp
Heat milk and marshmallows
long enough to melt marshmal
lows. CooL Drain pineapple. Add
whipped cream and pineapple.
Add some pineapple juice if too
stiff, maybe all of it Roll crackers
and line glass dish with crumbs,
reserving approximately ‘A cup for
topping. Pour pudding over
crumbs and sprinkle reserved
crumbs on top.
Delbert Martin
2 tablespoons oil
1 cup onion
1 pound ground beef
4 cups tomato sauce
3 cups water
3 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons dried parsley
1 teaspoon basil
'A teaspoon pepper
8-ounces uncooked spaghetti
1 cup Velveeta cheese
Brown meat Add all but spagh
etti and bring to a boil. Add spagh
etti. Cover and simmer for 25-30
minutes. Add cheese and allow to
melt Also very good reheated.
I’m a dairy farmer’s wife. I help
a lot in the barn plus manage the
household. We have nine children.
3 of them are married, and making
us grandparents six times over.
My hobbies are quilting (if
there’s time) and working in the
yard and flowerbeds.
Esther Martin
Cake batter:
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
'A teaspoon salt
'A cup milk
2 tablespoons butter
’A cup brown sugar
V. I cup butter (melted)
2 tablespoons cream
1 cup shredded coconut
In large bowk beat eggs, sugar,
and vanilla until creamy. Combine
flour, baking powder, and salt
Add to egg mixture. Beat on low
until all mixed through. Heat milk
and butter until butter is disolved.
Add to batter and beat well. Pour
into square 9-inch pan. Bake at 350
degrees for 20-25 minutes. Cool a
For topping, stir all the ingre
dients well and spread over warm
cake. Put under broiler about 4
inches from top of cake for about 3
minutes, until lightly brown.
Serves 8-9.
Vivian Hefftaer
V* -'A cup sugar
1 tablespoon flour
'/• teaspoon salt
'A teaspoon cinnamon
2 cups pared and sliced apples
'A cup oatmeal
A cup brown sugar
A cup flour
V* cup butter, softened
'A teaspoon baking soda
'A teaspoon baking powder
'/• teaspoon salt
Sift together sugar, flour, salt,
and cinnamon. Combine with
sliced apples. Place in a 9-inch
pan. To make the topping, com
bine dry ingredients and rub in but
ter to make crumbs. Put crumbs on
lop of apple mixture. Bake at 375
degrees for 35-40 minutes. Serve
hot or cold with plenty of cold milk
This recipe is an old favorite.
Whenever, we have lots of apples
that are getting spots, we make
them into apple goodie. Then we
take the the above recipe times six.
We live on a hog farm with
around 100 sows. We raise the
piglets to about 60 pounds.
There are 10 people in our fami
ly. Mom and Dad and eight child
ren from ages 11 months to 21
Lena Hoover
3V4 cups milk, scalded
*/< cup sugar
V» cup cornstarch
'A teaspoon salt
I tablespoon butler
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 egg yolks
'A cup milk
Make thickening with diy ingre
dients. beaten egg yolks, and
14 cup cold mil!:. Pour into hot
milk and stir until it thickens. Add
butter and vanilla. Fold in whipped
cream or beaten egg whites or top
with meringue.
We love this homemade pud
ding, especially in the summertime
with fresh peaches, etc. We have a
grower/finisher barn for pigs and
feed 40 veal calves, plus over the
summer, we farm quite a bit ofpro
duce so our busy season is just
We have three children, Matth
ew, 3: Lowell, 2, and Lillian,
5'A months.
Mcrvin & Alice Zimmerman
Terre Hill
Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Juna 24, t>95«815
Gerald and Mabel Hammon at their 50th wedding
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
A cup sugar
1 cup boiling water
2 8-ounce packages cream
1 teaspoon vanilla, lemon or
almond extract
9-inch graham cracker crust
Mix gelatin with sugar. Add
boiling water and stir until gelatin
is completely dissolved. With mix
er, beat in cream cheese and vanil
la until smooth. Pour into crust
Chill until firm.
Top with fresh or canned fruit if
desired. Or marble with 'A cup of
your favorite ice cream topping
before chilling or swirl in 'A cup
fruit preserves after chilling 10
Lancaster Forming is one of my
favorite newspapers, especially
section B.
Anna M. Ndt
(Makes 2)
3 cups flour
1 cup sugar
A cup butter
A teaspoon cream of tartar
1 egg
1 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
Make crumbs of butter, flour,
and sugar. Set aside 1 cup crumbs.
Add egg, buttermilk, and vanilla to
remaining batter. Add cream of
tartar and baking soda. Beat well.
Pour into pie crust and sprinkle
with reserved crumbs. Cinnamon
may be sprinkled on top. Bake 350
This came from my mother who
is 91 years young and still makes
these pies. The recipe came from
her mother and now I make them
too. Very easy and very good.
Janet Cassel
6 cups milk
6 tablespoons tapioca,
A cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
Combine ingredients and bring
to a boil, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat; add 2 teas
poons vanilla. Pour into bowl. Stir
after about 20 minutes.
An easy delicious dessert!
I am nine years old. / have four
brothersyounger than I. We recen
tly moved to a dairy farm in Leba
non County. We use lots of milk!
Janelie Kauffman
2'A cups milk
'A cup plus 1 teaspoon instant
cream of wheat
Mix the cream of wheat in the
cold milk. Cook on high, stirring
constantly. As it heats, lower heat,
continue stirring until it starts to
thickened. Remove from heat and
stir in VA -2 round ciumbled
shredded wheat biscuits (Quaker is
Return to heat and cook slowly
about 30 seconds. We sweeten
with equal and add milk to taste.
We use 2% milk. We also slice
some banana over it and maybe a
little of our favorite cold cereal
rice chexs. We just put together
this recipe this past winter and we
never get tired of it Gerald makes
it while I do other things. It’s so
easy and good.
We have been married 56 plus
years, farmed SO of those years and
still feed about 30 dairy heifers a
year. We have lived 52 years on
our present farm home and love it
We lease the farm ground to a
neighbor, and have good pasture
land for Oar heifers. We buy hay
and grain for them.
Mable Hammond
3 eggs
V I cup sugar
2 8-ounce packages cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon lemon juice (blend
Use cheesecake pan or angel
food cake pan that lifts out Bake
K.hour at 350 degrees. Then top
with the following mixture:
1 pint sour cream
'A cup sugar
Return cake to hot oven that is
turned off and let set IS minutes.
Cool. Mixture will settle.
This is the most delicious and
simple cheesecake I’ve ever tasted.
Topped with fresh berries is a
great hit. We enjoy this recipe
especially at strawberry time.
We live on an 80-acre farm. We
have 4 little children, Raymond, 4;
Mary Grace, 3; Marian Jane, 2,
and Wilmer Mark, 4 months.
They have lots of fun helping
mom in the berry patch this time of
the year.
Mrs. Henry Stoltzfus Jr.
(Turn to Pago BIS)