Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 24, 1995, Image 45
Officers to the community. Marion Grange Offers 75th Anniversary Cookbook person, at 308 Mill Road. '/, cup flour Womelsdorf, PA 19567 or by call- salt, to taste ing (610) 589-2473. pepper, to taste POTATO SALAD parsley, to taste 8 potatoes; cooked onion, to taste '/a cup carrots, raw cream, to taste 'A cup celery, raw Boil vinegar, eggs, sugar, butter 1 cup vinegar and flour. When cool, add salt and 3 eggs pepper to taste and parsley and '/a cup sugar onion. Add cream to thin. Refrig -14 cup butter erate overnight. WOMELSDORF (Berks Co.) This recipe is from the Marion Grange’s 75th Anniversary cook book. The Marion Grange, located in Berks County is celebrating their 75th year of service to the community. The Grange and agri culture have had a long and pros perous relationship. The Grange strives to improve the quality of rural America. Copies of the cook book may be ordered by contact ing Karen Mohn, cookbook chair- Multi Fuel Furnaces & Boilers Wood, Coal & Oil >< » « Also Outdoor Boilers wood & coal models PENN MFC. CO. 393 W. Lexington Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 Call (717) 626-1397 or 627-2303 Attention Central PA Farmers Broiler and Hog Finishing contracts available for new houses ■ Northeast Aqtl Systems, Inc. OB FhMOV BuiMuPark DMnarvaSKn Ml IS9AWM) Airport Rood raurMHiyM* IB Ufltz PA 17543 FMaonug MO MB Ph <717)669-2702 cform«hr long lm«0 M 1-800-673-2580 msmjmim HESJ n Grange are celebrating the grange’s 75th year of service SOYBEAN ROASTING ON YOUR FARM 9 ■I; I . m SsfC.'— FULL-PAT ROASTED SOYBEANS for Merimum Feeding Value • High energy, by-pass protein and palatabllity • Toxic enzymes and molds destroyed • Peak performance with retained oil and lecithin • Improved Total Digestible Nutrients • Ultimate rich peanutty flavor and aroma • Dried as roasted • Roast own-grown beans - Avoid trucking and docking • Economical and efficient for lower feed costs • Ready for use or storage in PA and Surrounding State* Custom David N. Groff RD 3 Lewisburg, PA (717)568-1420 Horst Grain Roasting 3040 Penns Grove Rd. Roast-M-Matlc Lincoln Unlv., PA 19352 Grain Roasting (Chester Co.) Sales-Service (610) 869-8834 Custom Work Roast Cool UnH Available For more information call 1-800-673-2580 ask for Jay Kreider . Schnupp’s Grain Roasting. Inc. RD 6 Lebanon, PA I -800-452-4004 717-865-6611 Cook’s Question ANSWER—Jennie Schlegel, Fleetwood, send a recipe for Viginia Unger of Winchester, who wanted a recipe for sauce made from pigs’ feet. 3 or 4 pigs feet Small piece of cheap pork steak Wash pigs feet. Put pigs* feet and pork steak in a kettle with water to cover. Add salt to taste. Cook until you can stick a fork in pigs’ feet and it is tender. Remove pork from pan and place on a platter until cool. Cut pork into small pieces. There is not too much meat on the pigs’ feet. Put meat and broth into a deep glass pie plate. Add some vinegar, heat and taste until sauce tastes sour. Put into refrigerator until sauce is stiff. ANSWER Sarah Clark, Breezewood, wanted a recipe for ice box fruit cake. Thanks to Josephine Matenus, Dallas, for sending a recipe. Ice Box Fruit Cake 1 pound box seedless raisins 3 cups pecans 10-ounces marshmallows 8-ounces coconut 1 pound box graham crackers 13-ounces evaporated milk Red cherries, optional Pineapples, optional Heat milk and add mashmallows. Let melt and mix well Crush crackers and add raisins, paeans, and coconut. Pour milk mixture over cracker mixture. Mix well with hands. Add cherries and juice. Mix again. Pack fruit cake mixture into the empty graham cracker box using a waxed paper lin ing. Put rubber bands around the box to maintain shape and refrigerate. LANCO I I Li CONCRETE L LJfll VIMLLS WE DO SCS WORK • ALL TYPES OF POURED WALLS • Retaining Walls • Bunker Silos • Manure Pits (circular or rectangular) • Slatted Floor Deep Pita • Footers * Flatwork t CONTACT: STEVE PETERSHEIM, JR. P.O. Box 256, Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505 717-291-4585 • (FAX) 717-291-4686 The Old Country News A New, Unique Magazine with art, history, new & old interesting articles that everyone will en joy—but will be of particular interest to the older generation & to plain folks. * A Beautiful Painting on Every Cover v PA Dutch Writing by Bill Clouser, Spring Glen v Herbal Section by Patricia Leaman v Kathryn's, Kotner - A Section for the Ladles v Children & Korner - Stories and Puzzles for Children v A Power Section - Early Uses of Steam & Electricity * Old & New Articles on Farming v Interesting Wildlife Articles c«r tnuv .YBininss .pnirmn HttesneJ-sa - bnCT»t»rf«rmmg, Saturd«y, Junt 24, 1995-B9 (Continued from Pago BS) Pig Feet Sauce ciamsesldei wnroei This is a monthly magazine -you will receive 12 issues for 1 year for $2O. Send your check or money order in the amount of $2O (for US residents), $25 dn U.S. funds for Canadian Residents or $29 in U.S. funds for Residents of all other countries to: The Old Country News, Dept. L. 420 Weaver Road, Miltenburt, PA 17061