A3O-Lancasttr Fanning, Saturday, Juna 24, 1995 SCC Approves Proposing Rulemaking For Nutrient Management (Continued from Pago A2S) tlonaly, the three year knplamaiMlan schedule would be delayed an addtional two years tor Individual autatantW capiu Improwamanto required under an approved plan if the oparalor can demonstrate that lha Improvements carrot be Inanoea through available funding mechartome and a sum of $2,000,000 has not been appropriated tor granta and loana to the Nuln ertManagamart Fund wilhto or* year of the effective date of final ragulattone. County conservation dWricta that accept pm gram delegations may Incur addtitooal costal* the admlnialratton and enforcement of the program. Theae coals will be off aat aa much as possible by tuning to dWrtcts from the Nutrient Management Fund. Many agricultural lender* are already requiring »ome form of nutrient management planning to finance new oonoentrat ed agricultural operations. The coat* of nrtriert management will be Incorporated by certain producer! Into their operation thereby relieving Pale and local governments and private landowners from incurring coets aaaixißtecl with nitrogen pollution in drinking water. PanMWOtk The propoaal aaeks to reduce excess paperwork. FOr example, a current conservation plan meeting the eraaion and aed imertallon control requkemerta o( Chapter 102 would satiety the eroeion and aedmertalion control components of a nutrient management plan. Repotting requirements tor agricultural operations that voluntarily plan ate less than those tor oonoentral ad agricultural operations. The propoaedregulationa detail the acceptable format and content o( plana which are daeigned to reduce paperwork. 0. Sunset Dale The Commission will evaluate the ettsctlveneas of theae ragulattone on an ongoing basis. Therefore, no aunael data la being established for the regulations at this time. H. Regulatory Review Under Section s(d) ol the Regulatory Review Act-(71 P.S. 1745.5(a), the Commiaaton submitted a copy of theae pro poaed ragulattone on to the Independent Regulatory Review Commlaalon and to the Chairmen of the House Agricul ture and Rural Affairs Committee and the Senate Agriculture and Rural Attain Committee. In addition to submitting the pro posed regulators, the Commission has provided the Independent Regulatory Review Commission and the Committees with a copy of a detailed regulatory analysis form in compliance with Executive Order 1982-2 Improving Government Regula tions". A copy of this material Is available to the public upon request. If the Independent Regulatory Review Commiaaton has any objections to any portion of the propoaeo amendments, It will notify the Commission within 30 days alter the dose of the public comment period. The notification shat specify the regula tory review criteria which have not been met by that portion. The Regulatory Review Act specifies detailed procedures for review prior to (Inal publication of the regulation, by the Commiaaton, the General Assembly and the Governor of objections raised. L Public Comment Interested persons are invited to submit written comments, suggestions or objections regardkig the proposal to the State Conservation Commission, P.O. Box 8555, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8555. In particular the Commission is seeking comments regarding suggestions to encourage voluntary participation In the Nutrient Management Program. Comments must be received within sixty (60) days of publication in the Pennsyfvanis Bulletin The Commission, with the assistance of the Nutri ent Management Advisory Board, will be conducting a aeries of formal public hearings and informal public meetings on the proposal The hearings and meetings will be evening sessions beginning at p.m. as follows: Public Meetings Public Hearings 1. Lancaster (Patel 1 Lancaster (Patel 2 Williamsport (Patel 2 Williamsport (Patel 3 Somerset (Date) 3 Somerset (Patel 4 Mercer (Patel 4 Mercer (Patel James M Seif Chairman 83.201 Definitions 83 202 Scope 83 203 Purpose 83 204 Applicability of Requirements 83 211 General Requirement 83.212 Identification of CAOs 83 221 Scope of Plan 83 222 Content of Plane 83 223 Identification of Agricultural Operations and Acreage 83.224 Summary of Nutrient Management Plan 83.231 Determination of Available Nutrients 83 232 Determination of Nutrients Needed for Crap Production 83 233 Determination of Nutrient Application Rates 83 234 Nutrient Application Procedures 83 241 Alternative Manure Utilization Plans 83.251 Manure Management 83 261 Storm Water Runoff Control 83.271 Implementation Schedule ADDITIONAL PLAN CONTENT REQUIREMENTS FOR CAOe 83 261 Excess Manure Utilization Plans for CAOs RECORD KEEPING AND INFORMATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PLANS 83291 Record Keeping Relating to Application of Nutrients 83 292 Alternative Manure Utilization Record Keeping 83 299 Exported Manure Informational Packets ADDITIONAL RECORD KEEPING AND INFORMATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CAOe 83 301 Record Keeping For Manure Transfers from CAOs 83 302 Exported Manure Informational Packets for Distribution by CAOs MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR MANURE STORAGE FACILITIES 83311 Minimum Standards for the Design, Construction, Location, Operation, and Maintenance of Manure Storage Facilities 83.321 Initial Plan Review and Approval 83 322 Plan Implementation 83.331 Plan Amendments 83.332 Amendments Due to Unforeseen Circumstances 83.333 Plan Transfers CONTAGIOUS DISEASE EMERGENCIES 83.341 Manure Management In Emergency Situations 83.351 Applicant Eligibility 83.352 Condition ter Receipt of Financial Assistance 83.353 Financial Assistance Criteria 83.354 Application Procedure 63.355 Project Evaluation Criteria 83.356 Eligible Costs 83 357 Loans 83 358 Loan Guarantees 83 358 Grants 83.360 Grants and Loans 83 361 Funding limitations 83 362 Implementation and Reporting 83 363 Delegation of Financial Assistance 63 371 Delegation to Local Agencies 63 361 Compliance Plans TITLE 25. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES CHAPTER 83. STATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION SUBCHAPTER 0. NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT GENERAL PROVISIONS NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLANS CONTENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PLANS NUTRIENT APPLICATION ALTERNATIVE USES FOR EXCESS MANURE MANURE MANAGEMENT STORM WATER RUNOFF CONTROL IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE PLAN REVIEW AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AMENDMENTS AND TRANSFERS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE DELEGATION TO LOCAL AGENCIES OTHER PLANNING PROVISIONS IB&201. Definitions. Ad - The Nutrient Management Act (3 P.S. Hl7Ol -1719) AEU per acre - An animal equivalent unit per acre ot cropland or acre of land suitable for application of animal manure Agricultural operations - The management end use of fanning resources tor the production of craps, tveelock, or poultry Animal concentration areas - barnyards, feedlds, baling arena, exercise tots, or olherelmllar animal oonllnement areas that will not maintain a growing crop, or where deposited manure nutrients are In excess of crop needs. Areas managed as pastures or other cropland are excluded. Pasture access ways are excluded, If they do not cauaedred flow of nutrients to surface or ground water. Animal equivalent unit (AEU) - One thousand pounds nve weight of livestock or poultry animals, regardless of the actual number erf Individual animals comprising the unit. Beet management practice (BMP) • A practice or combination of practices determined by the Commission to be effective and practicable (given technological, economic and Institutional ccxelderationß) to manage nutrients to prated surface water and ground water taking into account applicable nutrient requirements for crop utilization. Beet management practioea Include, but are not limited to: (1) Conservation tillage. (2) Crop rotation. (3) Soil testing. (4) Manure lasting. (5) Diversions. (6) Manure storage fadtUee. (7) Storm water management practices. (B) Nutrient application. Commission - The State Conservation Commission established by the Act of May 15,1945 (P.L 547, No. 217), 3 P S §1849964, known as the Conaervatton District Law. Concentrated animal operation (CAO) - Those agricultural operations where the animal density exceeds two AEUs per acre on an annualized basis. Concentrated water flow areas-Those natural or manmade areas where storm water runoff Is channeled and conveyed directly to a surface body of water. Concentrated water flow areas Include, but are net limited to, ditches, waterways, guUles and swales. Conservation district-Any county conservation dttrict established under the Act of May 15,1945 (P.L 547, No 217), 3 PS SSB49-664 known as the Conservation District Law. Conservation plan - A plan that identifies conservation practices, and, at the very least, inductee an erosion and seg mentation control plan. Cooperative extension • The Penn Stale Cooperative Extension Crop group-A crop field or group of crop fields that are planted to the same crop, managed as a unit, have similar levels of residual nutrients, and will produce similar crop yields. Department - The Department of Environmental Resources of the Commonwealth. Eroeion - The natural process by which the surface of the land Is worn away by the action of water, wind or chemical action Fanning resources - The animals, facilities, and lands used for the production of crepe, livestock, or poultry The term includes all lands located at the animal production faculty which are owned by the operator, and any lands under agreement or under the management control of the operator that are an Integral part of the production of crepe, livestock or poultry and the associated management of nutrients. Fund - The Nutrient Management Fund established under Section fOof the Act (3 P S $1710). Manure Management Manual - The guidance manual entitled “Manure Management Manual For Environmental Protec tion" and its supplements developed by an interagency workgroup and published by the Department of Environmental Resources. The manual describes approved manure management practices for which a permit or approval from the Depart mentis not required as set forth In the Department's regulations at 25 Pa Code|lol 8 (relating to pollution control and pre vention from agricultural operations) Manure Storage Facility - A permanent structure or facility, or portion of a structure or facility, utilized for the primary pur pose of containing raw or untreated manure The storage facility of a waste management system is the tool that gives the manager control over the scheduling and timing of the spreading or export of manure Examples include, but are not limited to liquid manure structures, manure storage ponds, component reception pits and transfer pipes, containment structures built under a confinement building, permanent stacking and composting facilities, and manure treatment facilities. This definition shall not Include the animal confinement areas of poultry houses, horse stalls, freestall bams, or bedded pack animal hous ing systems Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - The Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, formerly known as the Sal Conservation Service Nutrient-A substance or recognized plant nutrient, element or compound which Is used or sold for its plant nutritive con tent or Its claimed nutritive value The term includes, but Is not limited to, livestock and poultry manures, compost as fertilizer, commercially manufactured chemical fertilizers, sewage sludge, or combinations thereof. Nutrient management plan (plan)- A written site-specific plan which incorporates BMPs to manage the use of plant nutri ents for crop production and water quality protection, consistent with the criteria established In Sections 4 and 6 of the Act, 3 PS $$ 1704 and 1706, and at 25 Pa Code SSB3 221 -83.271 and 83 281 (relating to additional plan content requirements for CADs). Nutrient management specialist - A person satisfying the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture's nutrient management certification program at 7 Pa. Code 5§1311-131 51 (relating to nutrient management certification) Pastures - Crop areas managed for forage production that are harvested by livestock and/or haying, and where animal management practices assure that uncollected manure nutrients are limited to the amounts utilized by the crop. Pennsylvania Agronomy Guide - The quick reference book published by the Cooperative Extension as a practical guide to grain and forage production, soil fertility management, pest management, and erosion control, with special reference to Pennsylvania conditions. Pennsylvania Technical Guide - A primary reference document published by the United States Department of Agricul ture's NRCS, which » used by technically trained persons to plan and apply appropriate BMPs. Perennial Stream - A body of water that normally flows year-round in a defined channel or bed, and Is capable, in the absence of pollution or other man-made stream disturbances, of supporting bottom dwelling aquatic animals. Permanent Manure Stacking Areas - Designated, improved storage areas that ate used for the long term or recumng storage of solid manure. Sediment - Soils or other surface materials transported by surface water as a product of erosicn Sedimentation - The process by which sediment is deposited on stream bottoms Storm water - Drainage funoff from the surface of the land resulting from rain or snow or ice melt. Surface water and ground water - Any and aU rivers, streams, creeks, rivulets, Impoundments, cliches, water courses, storm sewers, lakes, dammed water, ponds, springs and all other bodies or channels of conveyance of surface and under ground water, or parts thereof, whether natural w artificial, within or on the boundaries of this Commonwealth. Temporary Manure Stacking Areas - Unimproved areas, preferably located In crop fields, that are planned to be used in unforeseen circumstances for the storage of sobd manure to be used during the next growing season, or for other acceptable uses H&202. Scope. This subchapter specifies minimum criteria and requirements for (1) Nutrient management plans required under the Act on CAOs (2) Voluntary nutrient management plans developed on other agricultural operations and submitted to the Commission or delegated conservation district for approval under the Act (3) Compliance plans submitted by any agricultural operation found to be in violation of the Clean Streams Law, 35 P S SSSBI 1-691 1001 (4) The construction, location, storage capacity and operation of animal manure storage facilities constructed and exist ing facilities expanded or repaired as part of a nutrient management plan developed under the Act. (5) Manure handling In emergency situations where there is an outbreak of a contagious disease that poses a threat to animal or human health. (6) The awarding of financial assistance under the Act for the Implementation of nutrient management plans for existing agricultural operations Purpose. The purposes of this subchapter are to: (1) Assure the proper utilization and management of nutrients on CAOs. (2) Encourage the proper utilization and management of nutrients on other agricultural operations (3) Protect the quality of surface water and ground water. (83204. Applicability of Requirements. (a) CAOs required to plan under the Act shat refer to the following sections tor applicable requirement*. §§83.211 through 83.234,83 2SI through 83.332, and 83.341 (relating to manure management In emergency eituatione). (b) Agricultural operePone that voluntarily plan under the Act ehal refer to the following sectlone tor applicable require manta: 1183.211 (relating to general requirement), 83.221 through 83 271,83.291 through 83299 (relating to record keep ing and Information packet* tor all plane), 83 311 through 83.332, and 83.341 (relating to manure management In emergency eituatione). 1(83211 General Requirement. (a) A CAO In existence on the effective dale of this subchapter shall submit to the Commlaeion or delegated conserva tion district, a nutrient management plan within one year after this effective date of this subchapter. (b) A CAO which oomee Into existence after the effective date of thie subchaptar aha* eubmlt to the Commlaeion or del egated conaarvation district a nutrient management plan within three months after such date, or prior to the commencement of manure operations, whichever la later. It is recommended that the CAO submit the plan for review and approval prior to construction. (c) An agricultural operation which, because of expansion of animal units or loss of land suitable for manure application, meets the criteria for a CAO shall submit to the Commission or delegated conaarvation district a nutrient management plan within three months alter the date of completion of the expansion or the loss of land. It ie recommended that an operator who Intends to expand an existing agricultural operation submit the plan for review and approval prior to expansion. (d) An agricultural operation other than a CAO may voluntarily submit a nutrient management plan at any time after the effective data of this eubchapter.lt is recommended that the opanrior of an agricultural operation voluntarify submitting a plan under the Act, submit the pitn for review and approval prior to construction. (e) All plane and plan amendments shall be developed by nutrient management spedaliols certified In accordance with the Department of Agriculture's nutrient management specialist certlflcalion requirements at 7 Pa. Code (1131.1 -131.51 (relating to nutrient management certification) The specialists ahal certify that the plane are In accordance with the requirements of the Act and thie subchapter GENERAL PROVISIONS NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLANS (Turn to Paga A 32)