Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 24, 1995, Image 162

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    DSS-Lancaater Farming, Saturday, June 24, 1995
. __ _ . We are now also an
I y Authorized Service Center for
I JL x I fuel injection systems.
New HpUand. PA 17SS7
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248 Meadow Valley Road, Bphrata, PA 17522
(717 733-7408) FAX 738-4897
IH 986 dsl ROPS (1981) 4600 hrs., 1 owner,
noTA Call
JD 4020 dsl, side console, syn range,
nice $8,650
JD 2940 MFWD Fully Equipped $11,900
White American 80 4x4 90 HP Rollbar,
1989 Model
IH 510 D.D. Grain Drill 16x7 with Grass
Attach, MwJaWBl $2,550
Landoll 11 tooth 3 pt. Chisel $B5O
Int. 540 4x14 Trip Plow, semi-mount $675
IH 5100 Drill 21x7 Press Wheels DD
Soybean Special $2,800
JDB2OO Drill 18x7 w/Grass Attach. nice.. 52,900
Brillion 14 Ft. Cultipacker $1,250
Int. 45 Vibra Shank Field cult. 13 Ft $9OO
Int. 4500 Field Cult. 13 Ft $1,200
Glencoe Field Cult 14 Ft. Pull Type
Oliver 252 Disc 9 Ft
JD 2600 Plow 5 Btm. Vari-Width $2,500
JD 400 Rotary Hoe $950
Yetter 15 Rotary Hoe like new $1,850
Int. 45 Vibra Shank Fid. Cult 10’ Pull
Type $950
JD 8200 Grain drill 21x7 D.D $1,850
Krause 2200 Rock Flex 13A Disc $3,500
JD 4200 3 or 4 Bottom Rollover P10w...52,800
White 508 4xlB Spring Reset Plow $1,850
J.D. AW 11’ Disc $BOO
Int. 5500 Chisel Pull Type, 10T $1,250
White 265 Disc 14’ 22” Blades, 11” Spacing,
Nice $2,400
White 5100 4x30 Dry Fert. No Till
JD 7000 6x30 Cons. Frame Mtd. No Till
Counters Liquid Fert $4,600
Deutz Allis #385 4x30 No Till $4,850
Nl #9BOO 4R (White 6100) dry fert., insec., no till
& trash coulters, monitor, almost new. 57,500
JD 7000 4x30 conservation, dry fert., no till,
insec. monitor, reconditioned $5,500
Nl Kinze4R no till monitor dry fert $4,500
White 5100 6x30 dry fert., no till $4,800
J.D. 1219 Mo. Co. 9’ nice
N.H. 256 Rake
N.H. 455 Trailer Mower
N.H. 311 Baler w/Pan Thrower.
F.N.H. 489 Haybine
F.N.H. 492 Haybine hyd. swing tongue.s6,soo
N.H. 488 Haybine $2,650
N.H. 474 Haybine 7 $3,800
J.D. 1219 MoCo. needs work $2,000
N.H. 258 Rake $1,750
J.D. 346 Baler w/Thower CALL
1896 Bedford Road • Shlpponsburg, PA 17257
Phone: (717) 532-6139 or
(800) 377-3011
•Pate Cuatomer Acceptance Certification and Inapaetlon
Check UaL
Coupona are effective for purehaaaa through May 1,1996.
N.H. 256 Rake RißSlWith
N.H. 456 Mower 7 Trailer.
NH 477 Haybine 7
Deutz KSISO Rotary Rake
JD1219 Mo-Co (Late Model) $4,850
NH 276 Baler w/chute $2,550
NH 276 Baler w/thrower
NH 455 Mowerw/Crimper Attachment...s97s
NH 316 Baler w/75 Thrower $5,800
N.H. 38 Flail Chopper, very nice $2,650
N.H. 890 W Hay Pickup, for auger base Call
N.H. 890 N 3 Com Head, for auger base. ... Call
Gehl 3038 Corn Head,
2 row adjustable
J.D. 2RN, Com Head w/slip Cutch $1,350
Gehl NA 900 Hay Head, 6’ $625
Ford (same as Int. 720-830)
2 R Com Head,
N.H. 28 Whirl-a-feed Blower,
N.H. 782 Harv. 540 FIPM,
Elect. Controls, New Knives,
Gehl 800 HajMgg/ 3038 Corn Head &
Hay Call
Gehl 72 Flail chopper, 6’ cut $950
NH 770 Hay Pickup Fits 782 & 790 Harv..s77s
JD 3970 Harv. elect, controls-spout
NH 782 Harv. elect, cont. 1000 RPM.. 53,100
Gehl 99 Blower $575
JD 3960 Harv. elec, controls, base unit.. 53,500
JD 3940 Harv. manual controls,
540 RPM
NH 824 Corn Head
Case IH 600 Blower
JD 3 RW Com Head (Central Lube) Nicesl,oso
Ford NH 7 Ft. Hayhead 939 A 3 $1,850
Ford NH 790 Harv. Elect. Cont $5,700
NH 824 Com Head $2,400
JD 3960 Harv. Elec., Cont. Base Unit. ...$4,750
Ml 3622 Manure Spreader w/tailgate,
220 bu
JD 370 Single Axle 245 Bu
Gehl 125 Single Axle with tailgate,
250 bu
Martin Scavenber 1678
JD 300 Husker w/ 244 Com Head,
nice $4,500
Electric Controls for N.H. 892 or 890 Harv.
Complete $6OO
NH 54A Bale ThrowESUH $450
Gehl 95 hyd. drive grinder & mixer $1,850
NH 355 grinder mixer, 100 bu $2,850
IH 50 Stalk Shredder 12’ 1000 RPM $2,500
Gehl 95 Grinder Mixer 95 Bu. Nice $2,100