Dl4-Lancastar Farming, Saturday,- Juna 24,1995 In Stock At Binkley & Hurst Bros. Now! A| . Behind Trailers, Then See Binkley & Hurst Today r 'Jssiß ■■■■■mvi 10,000 GVW Trailer With Slipper Flat Deck with 5‘ Beavertail & WaW IIH • Perfect match for bunker silos or upright SP""* Su.pen.ion For Better Quality. Ramps (Deck Over Wheel*) 10,000 jSBbL \U Silo fillers U’ Un* FUt Wui r Beever GVW Trailer Tendem Axle, 8’ Wide x mw»* . All steel construction gives you more *“ * ®II^.L- / ~ ?*“ Huch ’ w* h*i Lens* Pfo« s* Beevetua • Fastest and most officiant Dump Box on Strength ths market. Unloads in 30 seconds or less • New automatic open and close Interlocking Call Today For Immediate roar door latch system. . ~ ■» a n • Strongest all steal design standard. UeilVeiy rOI glllCK Rear • Available In PTO or hydraulic drive. Binkley & Hurst Bros. Has Quality 3200 and 4200 Series Tractors In Stock CASE IH is proud to introduce the new 3200 and 4200 Series tractors. The new, small, working man's tractor from Case... who brought you the world-renowned MAXXUM® and MAGNUM® tractors... again setting new standards of excellence.* This line of smaller tractors incorporates the features, benefits and value of their industry-leading "stable mates.’ Here are the models that make up the 3200 and 4200 series. { 3220 - rated at 42 PTO horsepower - cab not available 3230 - rated at 52 PTO horsepower - available with cab 4210 - rated at 62 PTO horsepower - available with cab 4230 - rated at 72 PTO horsepower - available with cab 4240 •. rated at 85 PTO horsepower - available with cab ■pi ✓ For On Tnc FarmL I (Certified Service^ k S Hurst Bros. miHvs■Hv Binkley & Hurst Has Hay Equipment You Can Depend On Let’s Get Together Now! See Binkley & Hurst For Quality Case IH Self Propelled Mower Conditioners 133 Rothsville Station Rd. P.O. Box 0395, Lititz, PA 17543-0395 Located V> Mile North of Rothevllle In Stock With 12’ Header, Deluxe Cab, Air Cond. and Deluxe Suspension Seat. See Binkley & Hurst Now For Quality New Case IH Drills - GET EVEN STANDS 16x7 Case IH S3OO With Double Disc Openers, Press Wheels, Grass Seeder, Soybean Package, Seed View Cups and Fertilizer Attahcment and Without Pert (1) 20x6 Soybean Special Drill With Press Wheels Several 24x6 5300 Soybean Special Drills With Grass Seeders A Quality Case IH Grain Drill Now! BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. 1^879978 (71 7) 626-4705 Fax 717-626-0996 JUMBO BALES Model 8570 In Stock For Immediate Delivery! £dtl For Soybeans! If Tou Prefer Quality When It Comes To Tow 78" Between Fenden Bim^msT ,M To*zsr “• m & BROS INC -f Lititz, PA 17543-0395 RHSaBSS- Fax 7J 7-626-0996 (717) 626-4705 1 -800-487-2978 8315 Disc Mower Conditioner First Of Its Kind The 8315 is the first mower conditioner of its kind to combine a center-pivot tongue and mechanical drive with 15’3" (4.65 m) rotary disc cutting performance. With its wide cutting width, the 8315 is designed to handle large acreage hay production. A hydraulic center-pivot tongue and swivel gearbox hitch enables the 8315 to cut fields in both directions or turn corners with ease. Its rotary disc header features a heavy-duty spur gear cutterbar and 10 oval cutting discs that are powered by a belt and gearbox drive. High-speed discs are heat treated spring steel for durability and spin at 2,600 rpm to slice through the toughest crop conditions. Header tilt is also hydraulically controlled from the cab. The wide 110” (2.79 m) steel-on-steel intermeshing conditioning rolls feature automatic separation for non-plug operation, and adjustable roll spacing and pressure. A swath baffle and adjustable windrow forming shields are standard. See Binkley & Hurst Today In Stock For Delivery Now! Hay Equipment You Can Depend On See Binkley & Hurst For Quick Delivery! m' 8750 FORAGE HARVESTER (1) Cua m Modal 1340 9’ Mower Conditioner (4) Cue IH 600 Forage Blowen In Slockl w/00 Beth Drive * Auto. Roll Separation £) Small Round Baler Modal *420 39" Wide Faatuna In Caat Of Plugging. x 30" to 54" Variable Height Hatd Con (2) Caaa IH SS3O Square Baler With Thrower. Lam, Souaro Baler Model 1570 31"a34" Good Capacity With Up To 100 Stroke Bala Size With tub Syitam Pbr Minute Plunger Spaed. Inline Model (7) taiga Maah Wrap Rowd Baler Modal IMS Which BUminatee Side Draft S> x g> with Variable Sine Die. left Deal Ntwl (g) ggjo 12 ft 14 Foot Cut Self Propellad (3) IS2O Squat* Btlera With or Without Diaael Modali In Stock With Cab ft Throwen. Tractor Pull Or Horae Drawn Ak Cond. Modeli In Stock, 92 Strok* Par Min. (9) 1315 Swing Frame 15 Fool Diac Mowar Plunger Spaed, Inline Baleta Pull Eaeier, pun Tun* Machine Buy Youra Nowl (1 Only) Great Price Good Quality See Binkley & Hurst Bros, for New Case IH Quality Hay Tools In Stock . All New Case IH Forage '■ Harvester In Stock With Metal Detector, Special New In Cab Controls On Joy Stick Lever