Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 24, 1995, Image 134
DIO-Lancaattr Farming, Saturday, June 24, 1995 Wilrich 24' field cultivator, Whits 140 MFWD; White very nice, $4 95 0. 120;While2-180,512,900. 717/437-2604. 717/867-4896. TRAIL AGI-POMPE® 32' AND 42' FOR LAGOONS 0 T 11.2- 4 PLY $ll5 14.9- 4 PLY $lB6 14.9- 6 PLY $2OO 11.2- 4 PLY $143 12.4- 4 PLY $l5O 13.6- 4 PLY $166 13.6- 6 PLY $lB7 14.9- 4 PLY $194 14.9- 6 PLY $217 16.9- 6 PLY $264 16.9- 6 PLY $278 18.4- 6 PLY $317 18.4- 6 PLY $345 18.4 - 34 8 PLY •••••••••■..5377 13.6- 4 PLY $2ll 13.6- 6 PLY $234 15.5- 6 PLY $258 18.4-38 6 PLY $379 mccreary skid-loader tires 10.16.5 8 PLY $75 10.16.5 10 PLY $79 12.16.5 8 PLY $9O 12.16.5 10 PLY $94 24 Hour farm tire service Call us first & save 1-800-437-4961 JOE’S BATTERY & TIRE 2225 UNION BLVD. ALLENTOWN, PA 18103 FIDELITY TRU-GRIP FARM TIRES JUNE & JULY SPECIALS Styled hand-start JD A, i!?, 2 ®?.® l 450 •P | ?ader; Vermeer6o6-Hbaler,used Vermeer 6041 Baler, 4X5 WOODS MOWING good rubber, power-trol, 675 *hid steer. All very very litte. Diy/Uquid bale Bales, Electric Tie. MACHINE 12 h.p., 44" and roll-a-matic, $1,500. good condition, perservative applicators. (717)539-8963. Snyder tyand new. $3,400. (717)285-3420. 717-365-3794. 717/733-4516. County. K'z LeW 41O8M-9091 REPLACEMENT TRUCK BED „„, f y* ■~l 'l*'?/,, T’LX7I”Wor 85” W 81/2’ LxBO"W or 90” W Wood or Steel Floor Also Available In 4'xa' and s’xB' s’xB’ Starting at $595 S’xlO’ Starting at $640 UTILITY (TILT OR GATE MODEL) SIZES: S'xS', S'xlO' 2000* GVW-5 xlo', 6’4”rl2’, 3000# GVW UTILITY WITH GATE-SEES: 16’x76", 18’x76 M , 7,000# GVW, Alto Available In Car Haulara 16’, 18’ 7,000# FLAT BED: Sins: 16 x 76", 18’x81” 7000# GVW, Mlf storing 80” long ramps LOOK FOR ITEMS MARKED WITH * FOR SUMMER BLOW-OUT PRICES 2030 Tractor, Diesel w/Roll Bar & Canopy, Dual Hyd. Outlets. H.D. Front End, w/JD 40 Loader w/bid. Valve, Good Condition Call For Details Ford 9N Tractor, Excellent Condition 9F.810 Looking for a good used JD Forage Hamster that has been thoroughly gone over by expert service technicians? Then check out the following machines. JD 3940 Forage Harvester w/Hydra-Electrlc Controls, 1000 RPM, Excellent CondUon Call For Details JD 3960 Forage Harvester w/Long Tongue & Hydra-Electric Controls, Excellent Condition Call For Details JD 3970 Pull Type Forage harvester w/Long Tongue Hydra-Electric Controls and Extras $ll,OOO JD3970 Forage Harvester w/Long Tongue, Hydra-Electric Controls, 1989 Model, Gone Over & Field Ready By Experienced Mech Call for Details , , , , , JD 8250 Fertilizer Grain Drill, S. 14x7 boots, grass seed attach $2900 W 120 Forgae Bax w/Roof &3 rd Beater w/Steel Sfdes.Good,4Bo m 56 2 Row corn planter w/diy fertilizer S7SO IH 130 Forage Box w/Roof & 3rd Beater w/Steel Sides on 12-ton Tandem Axle 3 Wbgon Gear, Shed Kept Excellent Condition. $2,980 JD 3RN Com Head, excellent condition - JD 245 loader w/alngle lever valve & 85" bucket, self leveling QT Call for detail • Harvester W/Metal U W/3RN JD 100 Stack Wagon w/mover CallfcrMca •JD 714*Forage Wagon Ori ExceUnit JD1275 Wagon Gw.....^.. $2,800 sl*oo *NH 520 Manure Spreader w/Hyd. Endgate. 4 Years Old. • JD3RN Com Head w/New Belts, Knives Reworked $4,8009*780 Excellent Condition! CouldntAakForANlcerOne $3,200 s3*oo JD2RW Com Head for Parts or Mech. Spedall $4OO JD 13 Ft Quick Tach Grain Head w/Love Cutterbar Call JD343 Snapper Head - Excellent Condtkm Call for Price Meyers BFt Snow Blade to MID on Tractor w/Trip Springs $1,600 JD Adapter Plate to Put Snapper Head on Forage Harv $728 NHTRBS Combine In Excellent Condition-Low Hours-Shed Kept! w/13 Ft • JDS 1/2 Ft. Hay Pickup Ited-Early style $BOO $696 Grain Head 4 4RW Com Head. Also has adapter Plate New to Put H&S 7+4 Front & Rear Unload 16’ Forage Box w/All Steel Constr. & Variable Speed Drive.... List $10,395, Special $8,200 Sunflower 3pt. hitch V-rlpper, 4 shank, auto reset List $5900, Special $4350 10'LxS’W TRACTORS IUIPMENT STARTING AT $695.00 Car Oolile JD 330 Round Baler, excellent condition * IH 241 Round Baler. JD 435 Round Baler w/push bar, large tires, 1990 model Call For Detail* JD 435 Round Baler w/surface wrap attachment bale push bar & converging wheels JD 1209 Mower Conditioner. NH 56 5 Bar rake. * NH 495 12 ft. Mower conditioner - Good Condition $2,650 $9,000 * Hesston 1085 9 Ft Mower conditioner w/Uft Cyl $l,BOO $9lOO * NH 495 Mower Conditioner Head on a Hesston Swing-Arm Unit 51,500 s*ooo * IH 11909 Ft Mower Conditioner - Mech. Condition Fair $1,400 $l,OOO *JD 235 Dura-Cushion Center Fold Disk Harrow -15 Ft. 8 1n...58,000 $9,000 JD 875 4-Row Cultivator w/AU Extras Available! This Unit Like Brand Newlll Used Only 1 Hour $4,600 JD Heads On. HIGHWAY HYDRAULIC DUMP S'xB', 3000# $1,996 S’xlO’, 7,000# $2,995 6’xlO’, 10,000# $3,496 DROP AXLE CONSTRUCTION 14' 7000# or 12,000# GVW GOOSENECK SIZES: 20’x8’ 12,000# or 14,000# GVW, 24’xB’ 14,000# GVW DECK-OVER CONSTRUCTION 18’xO' w/Tall 10,000# GVW $2,906* $3,295 LY EQUIPMENT Also A Dealer For Sunflower Tillage Equipment And H&S Equipment Starting At $3796 w/4’ Ad). Tall r if')} Call For Details $1,500 Call For Details s9oo $1,300 .Can for details