Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 17, 1995, Image 97
hm* •ufm* Ir* la* « . pJ/nCf rr ,44 MSjk?« v li i RECENT ADVANCES IN MILK REPLACERS FOR DAIRY CALVES Jud Heinrichs Professor Of Dairy And Animal Science Penn State Milk replacers sold and fed to dairy calves in the United States generally are high quality products that can be nutritious sources of feed for calves and economically used under many management situations. Milk replacers can be classified by protein source and level, energy content, and presence of medica tion. Protein sources usually are classified as derived from milk or from alternative protein sources. The following figure lists many of the common protein sources used in feeds. ALL MILK PROTEIN Dried Whey Protein Concentrate Dried Whey Dried Whey Product Skim Milk Casein Sodium or Calcium Caseinate YEARS OF TROUBLE FREE 81 IS Is ged ieed Jorn, : ' Silage, Bulk Feeds, Small Grains, Manure or Bales. Both protein and energy levels are very important in choosing a milk replacer. Protein levels cdh range from 16 to 26 percent, with 22 percent recommended by the National Research Council. Several research studies have shown that milk replacers with all high-quality milk proteins are very adequate with 20 percent protein. However, when increasing amounts of alternative protein sources are used in the formula tion, a higher level of protein is needed to achieve the same growth response in calves. Even with increased levels of total protein (up to 26 percent), milk replacers with high amounts of alternative plant proteins will not result in the same growth in young calves as will those with all milk proteins. Some replacers con tain added methionine and lysine to improve the biological value of ALTERNATIVE PROTEIN Soy Protein Isolate Protein Modified Soy Flour Soy Protein Concentrate Soy Flour Plasma Protein Modified Wheat Protein Exhaust Fans eluding Efficient Belt Drive Units With Housing And Shutter 30”, 36” Ahd 48" lute The Dairy Farmers For A Job Well Done! Vf=M4U/| fcv 8” PORTABLE FANS for cooling dairy barns, *ck buildings, garages, (houses, plants or for lergency ventilation. 880 SERIES PORTABLE W: ™ ZIMMERMAN HEAVY DUTY HAT TEDDER - 790 SERIES hay crop T & 9’ Raking Width PTO D'lve the product for young calves when lesser quality plant proteins are used in the formulation. Fat levels in milk replacers typi cally range from 10 to 22 percent Although the National Research Council lists a requirement for only 10 percent fat in milk replac ers, research has Repeatedly shown that higher levels of fat help reduce scours in young calves and can be beneficial in providing more calo- MEDICATION FEED USE LEVEL Chlortetracycline Up to 100 g/ton Oxytetracycline SO g/ton Oxytetracycline/ Neomycin Decoquinate To Represent Lancaster NEW HOLLAND (Lancaster Co.) On May 17, five young men frqm Garden Spot High School teamed together and de feated 30 other county teams to win the Lancaster County Enviro thon Contest Their closest competition came from Pequea Valley and Cones toga Valley. In all, ISS students comprised the 31 different teams. The Garden Spot team was ries to calves in cold environ ments. This is because fat has 2.S times more energy than do carbohydrates. Even with high levels of fat in the milk replacer, calves need grain to consume enough energy in the winter months. In fact, grain should account for nearly all of the calories used for growth, while the milk replacer maintains the calf. There is a growing trend in some areas of the country to use non- IOOg/ton to 2SO g/ton SI g/ton to 100 g/ton 100 gAon Oxy 200 gAon Neo 200 gAon Oxy and 400 gAon Neo to 400 gAon Oxy and 800 gAon Neo 45.4 gAon (to decoquinate per 100 lbs. body weight) coached by Bruce Stajnrajh and included sophomore Dan Lauder milch, Darrel Becker, and Brian Martin and freshmen Andy Weav er and Junior Zeiset. Garden Spot scored 399 points out of a possible 500. Pequea Valley’s IFFA team placed second with 387 points and Conestoga Valley’s Flaming Geckos were third with 373 points. The Envirothon is an environ mental contest that tests students on their knowledge of the out doors and the natural things you would expect to encounter. Teams of three to five students compete against each other. The teams are tested in the following topic areas: wildlife, forestry, soils, aquatics, ecology, and this year’s current topic, “groundwater.” The tests are in written form, however the students are many times seeing, feeling, smelling, and hearing the actual questions. It might be a tree SPfif T f Ofllrt. VPhln*Rp I.P*> Unctstar Fanning, Saturday, Juna 17,1N5-CS STATEMENT WITHDRAWAL PERIOD Growth promotion and None required feed efficiency Aid in prevention of bacterial diarrhea As an aid in the prevention of bacterial diarrhea As an aid in the treatment of bacterial diarrhea Aid in prevention of bacterial diarrhea (scours) Aid in treatment of bacterial diarrhea (scours) For prevention of coccidiosis None required in ruminating and non ruminating calves and cattle caused by E. bovis and E. Zumiii medicated milk replacers, but many research trials have shown that medication in milk teplacera can improve calf health and increase performance. The use of medicated replacers may require a withdrawal period prior to slaugh ter. Four medications have been approved (see following figure) for use in milk replacers: three are antibacterial and a fourth aids in the prevention of coccidiosis. S days before slaughter 30 days before slaughter In State or mammal they are asked to iden tify. It may be a bird call they are asked to know. Understanding the “water cycle" would definitely come in handy, as well as recog nizing different soil characteris tics. The contest is sponsored by the Lancaster County Conservation District and receives donated time and funds from the Lancaster County Parks and Recreation De partment, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, the Penn sylvania Game Commission, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and Pennsylvania Power and Light (PP&L). On Saturday, June 24, Garden Spot will be challenged once more as they will compete against other county winners at the state level contest If Garden Spot manages to claim first place at Bald Eagle State Park, they will continue as Pennsylvania’s representative at the national level contest