Green Dragon Livestock Sales Located 1 Ml. N. On North State St., Ephrata Sale Every Friday 11:00 A.M. beef 7:00 P.M. Small Animal Sale 200-300 Stocker & Feeders Every Friday. Regular Shippers Of Northern Cattle Walter H. Rlsser, Prop. Home 717-838-4318 Office 717-733-2444 r Canadian Holsteins^ We sell complete herds (Reg, or Grade) privately or by auction. Check with us as to what we have available and for sale dates at our arena. (5) 40-50 Reg. & Grade Herds For Sale Sales Ltd^ R.R.#7, Guelph, Ontario, NIH 6J4 (519) 822-3147 (519) 824-0796 or (519) 654-7833 Yoder Holstein Dairy Dispersal Frl., June Z 3« 1995 at li:oo A.M. at the farm, 3-1/2 miles from Grantsville, MD, north on Dorsey Hotel Rd. 2 miles to Crab Run Rd. to River Road, left Ist farm. 37 Milking Cows, 4 Bred Heifers due in July, 11 calves to breeding age heifers Owner weighed milk weights Cows pregnancy checked, interstate available, monthly vet checks, ABS sired, QMS. In various stages of lactation with records up to 33,705 in 365 days. Good somatic cell count (under 200,000). Sires include Daydream, Sven, Hilton, Elusive. Service sires include Darkstar,*Willi, Doe Boy, Juggler. From the David B. Yoder herd. 25 milking cows, desirable type, good udders, in excellent form, 3 heifers due in July. Outstanding production includes records to 365 d., 33,705 m. Some individual records are Sue 365d-32,718 Tina 360d-26,685 Goldie 315d-29,595 Eliza 330d-25,590 Susie 345d-29,010 Maggie 300d-24,315 Tammy 375d-28,365 Showy 270d-23,475 Janet 300d-27,795 Pam 315d-22,815 Joyce 330d-27,450 Barbie 285d-22,155 From the Joseph B. Yoder herd, complete dispersal of Dairy animals includes 12 milking cows presently milking to 100 lbs., 1 heifer, due July, 6 calves to 1 year, 5 breeding age heifers. Calfhood vaccinated. 1 Guernsey, born 11-6-93. TERMS: Cash Catalogs available at ringside Lunch Available OWNERS: JOSEPH B. AND NANCY YODER DAVID B. AND LENA YODER Grantsville,MD 21536 NO PHONE Clark A. Yoder, Auctioneer AU-001048-L Salisbury, PA 15558 Phone: 814-662-4195 Pedigrees Oren C. Bender Accident, MD 21536 Phone: 301-746-8340 Steve Pheasant, Ringman Duncansville, PA Phone: 814695-7343 Wheatland lams Complete Guernsey Dispersal Sale July 3, 1995 • 10:00 turn. At the Form • Shepherdstown, WV Setting 200 Head of Registered Guernseys The breeder of WHEATLAND JUPITER PLAYBOYIe eleo telling: • Many outstanding pedigreed heifers sired by Magic, Perfecto, Playboy, Jlmco, Forestar, Jasper, Smokey and top young sires • Bred heifers due to Magic, Perfecto, Prince Jay, Able and top young sires • Fancy show-caliber yearlings and heifers out of top A.I. bulls April 199SAppreisel: 30 VG, 20 Des. and 1 Fair Sometie Cell Average: 3.0 for the year Sale Managers: Pennsylvania GBA American Guernsey Jim Trotter Association Business Manager 7614 Slate Ridge Blvd. Rt. 1, Box 94A Reynoldsburg, Ohio Enon Valley, PA 16120 43068 (412)667-0834 (614)864-2409 Owner: Wheatland Farms Gilbert Wright Jr. • (304) 876-6530 Rt. 1, Box 850, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 CARPENDALE FARM MACHINERY DISPERSAL AUCTION Cortland, N.Y. Fri v June 23,1995 11;00AM Auction to be held on the farm on Sherman Rd. From Cortlandville Crossing Mall & SCM, go 2 miles south on Rt. 13 and turn to Webb Rd, go 'h mile and turn to Sherman Road - Ist farm. Arrows off Rt. 13. NICE LINE OF MACHINERY (Dairy has been sold) IH 3588 2+2 diesel Tractor, 4WD, Cab, Air, good 20.8 x 38 rubber all the way around; IH 3088 4WD diesel Fend er Tractor, 18.4 x3B rear, 16.9 x2B front, has Westendorf Quick Attach Loader w/Pallet Forks, 2 Buckets, & Push Blade; IH 856 diesel Fender Tractor, 18.4 x 34 rubber; MF 1105 diesel Tractor w/Cab, 18.4 x 38 rubber; Case 400 diesel Tractor N/F; Case 1840 Skid Steer, diesel, less than 300 hrs, aux. Hyd, almost new; Case 1835 C Skid Steer, diesel, 2600 hrs (1 Rubber Tired Scraper, Manure Bucket w/Tines); Knight Reel Augie 2300 TMR Mixer Wagon w/J Star #lO Scales, Auger Discharge w/Mag nets, used 2 seasons; IH 710 6.btm Spring Reset Plows w/Side Hill Hitch; Bush Hog 3 pt Chisel Plow, 12 Shank; Brillion 14 ft Cultipactor; JD BAW Transport Discs w/Fold Up Wings, 21 ft total; Brillion 16 ft Tandem Axle Culti-Mulcher; IH 51018 hoe Grain Drill; IH 600 Cyclo- Air Com Planter, 6 Row, sharp; NH 900 Tandem Axle Chopper, Metal Alert 11, long Tongue, Elect. Controls, set up for Dump Wagon Hyd, 3 row Com Head, 2 row Snap per Head, 1 yr old NH 990 W Pickup Head, a really nice chopper; Dual 5100 Dump Wagon, sharp; Casc-IH 600 Blower; IH 47 hi-Moisture Com Blower; Field Sprayer w/Long Booms; NI Cut-Ditioner; NH 56 Rake; NH 67 Baler; Kory Gravity Box on gear w/Fert Auger, Sharp; JD 24T Baler w/Throwcr; NH 513 Manure Spreader; Big 3 pt hitch Wood Splitter; Better Built 3 pt Lagoon Pump; 18 ft Auger w/Motor; 18.4 x 38 Gamp On Duals; Little Giant Hay & Grain Elevator on Wheels; Win-Pow er 50 KW PTO Generator on Trailer; 3 pt Hitch Post Hole Digger; Badger IS ft Elevator; Some Running Gears; Some Misc older Farm Machinery; 18 ft. Goose neck Stock Trailer; other misc. items commonly found around the farm. BARN EQUIPMENT Approx 100 Cow Mats; Approx ISO Suspended Free Stall Dividers; Lots of Heavy Duty Gates; (2) SS Bunk Feeders; Hoof Trimming Chute; Foot Bath; 7 Fiberglass Calf Hutches. TRUCKS IH 4070 Cabover Diesel w/318 Detroit, Air Brakes, Tan dem Axle w/3SOO Gal Manure Tank; Amy 6x6 Tandem Axle Thick, 6-71 Diesel Detroit, 10 speed w/3000 gal Manure Tank; IH Gas Thick w/Air Brakes, Thndem Axle, IS'/i ft Dump Box w/High Sides & Hyd Tailgate; IH 10 Wheel Dump Thick w/High Sides; 6 x 6 Army Thick 2‘/j ton Cab & Chassis; Dump Box; Jeep 4000 4WD Thick w/Dump Box; Old Walters 4x4 Thick w/V Plow; Old Brockway Thick; 6x6 Army Thick for parts; etc. 3 Harvestore Silos: 20’x90’, 20’x80’, 20’x50’. 2 have Goliath & 1 has Hercules unloaders. For sale at private treaty by contacting Bob Carpenter @ 607-756-6689. PS-A real complete Dispersal. Something for every one. Good usable equipment Don’t miss it! TERMS - Cash or Good Check w/Positive ID. Pay ment in ftill day of Auction. . Lunch Available OWNER Carpendale Farm MELMANASSE Sales Managers & Auctioneers Wbltney Point, N.Y. 607-692-4540 / 1-800-MANASSE Dairy and Livestock Sales Public Auction Register Cloainf Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each Week’* publication Of Chambersburg, Pa. One TUjES. SEPT. 19 - 9AM Mile East of Muion along Quilt, craft & buggies. AAC Rt. 914. ’/. East Off Rte. Dlffenbach Auction. Inc. 81. Exit 4. Owners, Jorrotd ICX) W. Jackson St., Now & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auc- Holland. Pa. Hon Service. W w ED. SEPT. 20 - 9AM FR(. SEPT. 22 - 1:30PI Quilt & Craft A&C Diffen- State Graded Feeder Pi. bach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Sales. Carlisle Livestocl Jackson St, New Holland. Market, Inc., Exit 12 off I-8 Pa- turn South the” left onti WED. SEPT. 20 & THURS. *'®* a E ndor S P ri "° * d - SEPT. 21 - Large Two Day 249 ' 4511 - Sale of Farm Equipment, SAT. SEPT. 23 -2 JD Trac- Etc. Located 6 Miles South tors, Farm Equipment, MX. ROCK FARM DAIRY COW SALE Thursday Evening, June 22, 1995 7:00 P.M. Located south of Carlisle, Pa., off 1-81 at Plainfield exit to Rt. 11, South 2 miles to Cumberland Golf Course, turn right; Go 1 mile to Clay Rd., left to stop sign, left to 2nd farm on left. Selling... APPROX. 125 HOLSTEINS 50 Cows just Fresh - 20 Cows due for July & August (There will be a few Registered animals - Balance Good Grades) 2 Good Stock Bulls 10 Short-Bred Heifers - Approx. 40 Open Heifers (All Sizes) Majority Calfhood Vaccinated A Few Calves Will be selling - (Note-Baby Calves sold first) Animals Vaccinated for Shipping Fever & Pink Eye! “DON’T MISS THIS AUCTION - SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY!” Trucking Available - Health Charts - Lunch Stand Owner- BILL & CYNTHIA McKBEHAN 235 Springview Road Carlisle, PA 717-243-7651 RICK FOREMAN, Auctioneer Lie. #AU-1163L Henry Kettering, Pedigrees Lit» Wednesday Niahl Special Holstein Dairy Sale to be held at Smoketown Quality Dairy Sale Wednesday, June 21,1995 BRM. 14 - 2 and 3 year olds. Heifer’s and cows out of one herd. Out of the mountains of Susquehanna Co. These are big strong heifeis. Springers and fresh milking up to 95 lbs. Reg. Lar-Lin Bell Hilton - ET - Born 5-23-91 Dam - Sunset - Acres - By Epcot - Red - ET 1- - 332 -19184 - 3.6 - 708 - 3.1 - 591 2- - 305 -15630 - 3.6 - 564 - 3.2 - 505 Due 6-25-95 - to Looslea Viigil ET Dam’s record - 3Q5 - 22465 - 746 - 880 - 327 - 24656 - 790 - 815 2 - 3 - 305 -16412 - 3.8 - 622 - 3.2 - 519 - 3 - 4 - 288-18889 - 3.6 - 672 - 3.3 - 614 Dam - 2.2 - 305 -19650 - 3.2 - 632 - 3.2 - 622 - 3 - 3 - 305 - 21911 - 3.6 - 779 - 3.3 - 706 A group of cows in all stages of lactation. Milking up to 100 lb. Sgias •*’»*'§ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 17, INS-MS Grade Robert a Louisa Riuer. Rear 361 North Broad St, Lititz. PA. John D. Stauffer Auctioneers. SAT. SEPT. 23 -Mel's Stables, at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. Prom Rt. 23 in Naw Hol land, go S. on Brimmer Ave., go 2 miles S. on New Holland Rd. to Hill Rd. Turn left on Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 miles to sale on left. From Rt. 340 E. of Intercourse take New Holland Rd. 2.5 miles to Hill Rd., right on Hill Rd. ot safe on left Mel Hoover, owner. SAT. SEPT. 23-9 AM Per sonal Property 564 W. Lex ington Road, Near Erbs Church For Ammon E. Shelley Estate. E.M. Murry Assoc., aucts. SAT. SEPT. 23 -10 AM Heifer Sale Reg & Grade. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., 101 W Fulton St„ New Holland, Pa. TUES. SEPT. 26 - BPM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South - then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. WED. SEPT. 27 - Caernar von Cream Of The Crop 11, Morgantown, Pa. FRI. SEPT. 29-6 PM Feed er Cattle Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. SAT. SEPT. 30 -104 Acre Farm, Farm Machinery, Personal Property. Located 1845 Mill Rd., East Earl, Caernarvon Twp., Lane, Co. From Blue Ball Rt. 23E to Pool Forge Rd. Turn Left to Stop Sign to Left onto N. Churchtownßd To Mill Rd. Turn Left to Farm on Mill Rd. to First Farm. Terms by Noah & Lena Sauder. Kline, Kreider, Good Aucts. OCTOBER WED. OCT. 4 -630 PM Winross trucks & toys. A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St, New Holland, Pa. WED. OCT. 4 - Farm Equipment. Located Along Rt. 897, 1 mi. S. of Swart zville. Owners: Adam & Lena Sauder. Nevin Martin & Sons AucL
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