Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 17, 1995, Image 84

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    844-Lancuter Fanning' Saturday, June 17, 1995
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
Feeder Cattle Sale. Carlisle
Livestock Market, Inc., Exit
12 off 1-81 turn South - then
left onto Alexander Spring
Rd. 249-4511.
AUG. 17 - Large Two Day
Sale of Farm Equipment,
Etc. Located 6 Miles South
Of Chambersburg, Pa. One
Mile East of Marion along
Rt. 914, ’/. East Off Rte.
81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold
& Gloria Oaks. Marion Auc
tion Service,
FRI. AUG. 18-'7 PM Horse
Sale. Naw Holland Sales
Stables, Inc, 101 W. Fulton
St, New Holland, Pa.
SAT. AUG. 19 - Perry
County Real Estate, Anti
ques, Tools, Household
Furnishings. Located Box
198 Elliotsburg, PA. Own
ers; Calvin L. & Ruth L.
Eaton. Bryan D. Imes,
FRI. AUG. 25 - I:3OPM
State Graded Feeder Pig
Sale. Carlisle Livestock
Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81
turn South then left onto
Alexander Spring Rd.,
SAT. AUG. 26 - Personal
Property, Shop Equipment,
Machinery Loc 601 South
Fairview Rd., Lititz. Terms.
Jean E. Bollinger (Mrs.
Warren F. Bollinger) Kline,
Kreider & Good Aucts
FRI. SEPT 1 - Fall Machin
ery Sale. Belleville Lives
tock Market, Inc.
FRI. SEPT. 1 - IPM Pig
State Graded Sale. West
minster Livestock Auction,
Westminster, MD.
SAT. SEPT. 2-Albert Apple
will offer at public sale farm
equip, and household
goods. Located IV4 mile E.
'/ ocuwmkV
< AUTO >
nXochmge //
Absolute Auction
Saturday, June 24,1995 -10 am
Rain or Shine
(9 miles South of Dover)
Liquidation of Local Electrical Contractor
Trucks, Tools, Equipment and Supplies
Sale by the order of Wilmington Trust Company
Vehicles: Trailers:
70 GMC Sierra 7000 Box 4' Flasher Trailer
Truck, V 8 w/Lift Gate 6' ft. Rasher Trailers (2)
77 Ford 8000 Boom Truck Cable Trailers (4)
w/Stake Body Hogg Davis Trailer
76 Ford F6OO Flat bed Baker Pole Trailers (2)
76 Chevy Custom 30 Sport Kruger SI2OOO
Van 18 ft. Cable
76 Ford Fl5O XLT Super Cab Baker WSCB
74 Chevy Custom 10 Baker 3696
70 Ford Cube Van Butler LTI4IB
81 Ford FBOO Diesel Boom Tag-A-Long lAUGI2 Trailer
Truck Flat Beds (4)
72 Ford 600 Flat Bed Utility Trailer
73 Ford F7soAuger Truck Traffic Signal Trailer
79 Chevy C7O Custom
Deluxe Boom Truck
78 GMC Sierra 35 Service
73 Dodge Banner Camper
72 GMC 5500 V 8 Auger
70 Ford 800 Boom Truck
Terms; Cash • Approved Check • Check w/Bank Letter •
Certified, Pre-approved Guaranteed Funds
of Richfield, Pa. along Rt
35. Ken Smith and Dennis
Hassinger, aucts.
SAT. SEPT. 2 - Mel's
Stables, at 834 Wallace
Rd., New Holland, Pa.
From Rt. 23 in New Hol
land, go S. on Brimmer
Ave., go 2 miles S. on New
Holland Rd. to Hill Rd. Tum
left on Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2
miles to sale on left. From
Rt. 340 E. of Intercourse
take New Holland Rd. 2.5
miles to Hill Rd., right on
Hill Rd. ot sale on left Mel
Hoover, owner.
SAT. SEPT. 2 - SAM Wol- off Kratzerville, Snyder
gemuth Fall Consignemnt Small Farm Machinery,
Auction. Loc: 2101 Valley Horse & Pony Items. Tools,
Rd.. Manheim, Lane. Co. Antiques, Household
€65-6684. Goods, Butchering. Jay N.
ROLL BACKS - Chevy & Ford
Tractors - John Deere, Farmalls,
Allis Chalmers & Ferguson
Horse Trailer - Boat
John Deere Riding Mowers
Farm Equip - Horse Carriage
Household Goods
Sat., June 24, 1995
at 11:00 A.M.
Loc. 1778 Furniss Road, Drumore
Twp., Lancaster Co., PA
Dir: Take RT 372 west of Buck. Turn
left onto Susquehannock Drive. Go 3
miles. Take Furniss Road to property.
Food served.
Sale by
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCauley
Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464*3541
Auctioneer (AU-000831-L)
Routs 13 • PO Drawer U • Felton, Delswere 19943
1-302-284-8250 • 1-800-606-2727 • FAX 1-302-284-8260
Winross Trucks & Toys.
A&C Diffenbach Auction,
Inc. 100 W. Jackson St.,
New Holland, Pa.
FRI. SEPT. 8 - SAM Farm
equip, tractors & farm sup
plies. A&C Diffenbach Auc
tion, Inc. 100 W. Jackson
St, New Holland, Pa.
State Graded Feeder Pig
Sale. Carlisle Livestock
Market Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81
turn South then left onto
Alexander Spring Rd.,
Feeder Cattle Sale. Carlisle
Livestock Market Inc., Exit
12 off 1-81 turn South - then
left onto Alexander Spring
Rd. 249-4511.
FRI. SEPT. 15 - 9AM &
SAT. SEPT. 16 - B:3OAM
36+/- Acre Farm Estate,
RD #l, Winfield, Just Right
Air Compressors (4) (ind. 82
Generators (5)
(including Smith 100, Smith
Ditch Witch V3O4WD
Ditch Witch R 65
1/2 & 1 yard Backhoe Buck
Ditch Witch Bucket
Floor Jack
Jack Hammers
Traffic Signs
Blower Fan
Electrical Wire
Electrical Parts
PVC Pipe
Sign Stands
4-Drawer Fire Cabinet
Mohr Prop. Guardian Shir
ley M. Kratzer. Dennis Mas
singer & Ken Smith Aucts.
FRI. SEPT. 15-7 PM Horse
Sale. New Holland Sales
Stables, Inc, 101 W. Fulton
St, New Holland, Pa.
SAT. SEPT. 16 - All Day
Auction to Benefit The Clin
ic For Sepcial Children at
Leola Produce Auction
Bam By Paul Horst Auc
tioneer and Other Local
Volunteer Auctioneers Wlll-
“Horst Auction Center”
WED., JUNE 21, 1995
at 2 P.M.
Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center
located at the corner of Rt.. 322 and Durlach Rd.
(approx. 2Vi miles west of Ephrata), Ephrata,
Lancaster County, PA.
FURNITURE Antique Cherry Table; Dry Sink;
Victorian - Chest of Drawers; Marble Top Table;
Needlepoint Chair; Mahogany Table; Mod. Cherry -
Corner Cupboard; Hutch; Buffet; Tea Cart; Chest of
Drawers; Slant Top Desk; Set of (6) Plank Chairs;
Dresser; High Chest of Drawers; Comer Desk; Cherry
Cabinets; Cedar Chest; Maple Dinette Set; Mod. Oak
Bedroom Suite; Chrome Breakfast Set; Chippendale
Sofa; Wing Chair; Depression Sofa; La-Z-Boy;
Craftmatic Beds; Box Springs & Mattresses; Rocking
Chair; Hide-a-Bed.
APPLIANCES - G.E. Auto. Washer & Gas Dryer;
Color TV.; (w/Remote, like new); Microwave; Elec.
Typewriter; Calculator; Stereo; Clocks, Cookware;
Silver Plated Pcs. & Flatware; Tea Set; Lamps;
Mirrors; Binoculars; Cameras; Handicapped
Accessories; Iron Bulldog
— Gaudy Ironstone;
Flow-Blue, Soft Paste, Transfer Platter; Noritake &
Nippon China, Lustre, Set of Johnson Bros. China
(Blue Danube), Hummel Figurines, Rockwell Mugs;
Bone China, Redware Bowl, Crocks & Jugs; Pressed
& Pattern Glass; Set of Sandwich Type Glass;
LINENS Comforts: Bedspreads; Blankets; Braided
& Oriental Throw Rugs, Antique Baby Shoes; Books;
Postcard Album; Dolls; Artwork - Original Oil
Paintings; Framed Prints.
TOOLS Cub Cadet 1002 Riding Mower (like
new); Car Buffer; Circular Saw; Sander; Sabre Saw;
Drill; Grinder; Toolboxes; Hand Tools; Socket Sets;
No out of state checks unless accompanied by a
current bank letter or prior arrangement with auc
tion service.
Horst aucts.
L.?!:!L NN - (717) 859-1331 • (717) 738-3080
TIMOTHY G. Fax # (717) 738-2132
Sat., June 24,1995
9:00 A.M. Sharp
Off Route 81 at Mechanics burg, Route 114 Exit Go North on 114 less than '/« mile, turn Left on Green
Ridge Road. Go approximately 2 miles to Green Ridge Estates - Turn Right on Kelly Drive to Sale Site.
2 Steel Buildings
Butler Farmstead (Steel Girders -no wood) - 50 x 100 x 16 ft. to Square - 30 lbs. Snow Load - Doors in both
ends. Agway - Post Frame -74 x 114 with 50 ft. Clear Span -14 ft. to Square. (Both Buildings must be
removed from Site) - Both in Very Good Condition.
Ford 3000 - 1400 Mrs., Original owner - Very good condition; Clark 7000 lbs. lift Forklift - Gas - Large sol
id tires; Baker Ele. Fork Lift - 2000 lbs. lift; Austin Western Grader - 6 wheel drive - 471 GMC Motor, Buf
falo Springfield 12 to 18 ton roller, McConnel Power Arm 3 pt. backhoe; Partially built Dune Buggy from pro
fessional lot - VW Motor - all parts - needs completed; Heavy 8 ft. Steel, single Axle Trailer, 2 Walk-in type
Safe Doors - New; Table Saw - 220 Volt; Ford 3 pt. Post Hole Digger - 3 size augers; Tye 3 pL, 5 ft. Lawn
Grass Seeder; Valac 3 pt. PTO Saw Buck; 2 Telephone Systems -14 phone Unit -50 phone Unit; 3 pt. Screw
type Log Splitter, Fairbanks Platform Scales; Parts Washer - Air Grease Gun - Screw Guns; Assorted Air
Tools + Misc. Garage Items; Pallet jack - Gas Ceiling Heaters - Band Saw; Cole Single Row Com Planter;
Power Hack Saw; 2 - Vemco Drafting Tables; 6 Oxygen and Acetylene Bottles; Several Sets of Clothes or
Equipment Lockers; Generator; 3 Axle - 16 ft. Trailer with Diamond Plate floor; Ford 2 Bottom Plows; Ford
3 pt. Cultivator; Suit Case Tractor Weights; Roller Door Track; Assorted oil - Fuel - Air Filters; Billy Goat
Vacuum; 50 Cartons of Floor Tile; Peg Board on Frames; New & used Bi-fold and Regular doors; 10 H.P. 3
Wheeler with Dump Bed; Gang Reel Mowers; Rough sawed Cherry - Walnut and Locust Boards; Pony Sad
dle - Horse tack - Buckets & Feeders; Office Desks - File Cabinets; Ceiling Fans - Office Dividers; 4-55
Gal. Drums of Insulation Glue - Like Elmer’s; 2 - Elec. Gas Boy Pumps; Old Ice Pop Cooler; Large assort
ment of Steel and Wooden Doors; 150 pieces of new Sliding Door Screens (White and Brown); 15 and 24 inch
Fiberglass insulation; Hallmark Card Display Shelving; More than 200 lineal feet of 8 ft. High, 4 ft. wide -
Heavy duty Metal Shelving; 200 ft. of Steel -14 ft. high Pallet Racking in 8 ft. Sections; 1000 ft. of 1 ft. wide
Metal Shelving and Dividers. Addresso Graph Machine; Aerotron Base Radio, 4 Units; Compost Barrel; 300
Amp Welder w/4 Cyl. Engine; 12 Ton Press; 3 Air Hammers & Tools.
Large Assortment of Flea Market Items and Furniture - Household
Auctioneer’s Note: Owner has been collecting these items for over 40 years in Business. All must go to
make room for Real Estate Development Many, many more Items sell not men
tioned. Come early - Plan to be here all day.
Out of State Buyers and New Buyers to Auction Company - Must Bring current Letter of Credit - Cash
- or Certified Check. I.D. Required for Bidder’s Number. Lunch Stand Reserved. Not Responsible for
Accidents. «n i— niiii'l)
ing to Lend A Helping
SAT. SEPT. 16-9 AM Anti
ques, collectors & house
hold goods, 551 Kissel Hill
Rd., Lititz, Pa. for Mr. &
Mrs. J. Richard Murr. E.M.
Murry Assoc., aucts.
MON. SEPT. 18 - Lebanon
Valley Auction Co. Con
signment Auction. planning
a 20lh Anniversary Auction
at the Lebanon Area Fair
grounds, Lab., Pa.
Sale Managed By: Kling’s Auctions, Inc.
R.D. 1, Box 66, Landisburg, PA 17040
PA License #O5OO 717-789-3883
THUR., JUNE 22, 1995
Sale at 9:00 A.M.
Located—3 miles west of Leola, turn south off Rt.
23 on Pine Drive, 1 mile to sale, Lane. Co., PA.
ATTENTION: Furniture sold first at 9:00
Cupboard, Old Cherry Spoon Carved Bed, Washs
tand w f CandMhotders, Plank Bottom Chairs & Rock
ers, Grained Wooden Cabinet, Mitered Benches,
Oak Library Table, Dresser, Child's C Roll Top Desk,
Old Wood Playpen, Bassinet, Chest of Drawers, Old
Wood Medicine Cabinet, Old Cupbaord, Quilting
Frames, Prizer Gas & Coal Stove, Wood Burning
Stove, Metal Wardrobe, Center Table, Estate Space
Heater, Vintage Clothing.
Bedding Coverlet, Quilt, Hook Rugs, Feather
Pillows, Sewing Basket, Diaper Basket, Washbasket.
GLASSWARE Depression Glass, Goofus,
German Fruit Dishes, Canella Cup & Saucer, Bava
rian China, Peanut Butter Glasses, Pressed Glass,
Decorated Ironstone, Teddy Bear Banks, Old Earth
en Molds, Crocks, Salts, Creamer, Butter Dish,
Chicken & Rooster on Nest, Vegetable Dishes, Large
Ironstone Platters. Old Cookie Cutters, Scoop
Scales, Cup & Saucers, Agateware. Roasters, Cook
ing Utensils, 2 Heart Earthen Bowls, Oyster Knife,
Apple Peeler, Egg Scales, Hand Cranked Meat She
er, U.S. Slicing Machine, Lard Cans, Baskets, Old
Meat Hooks, Butcher Bench, Copper Kettle, Old Pud
ding Strainer, Coal Oil Lights, Old Deeds 1837,
Frantz 1873 Deed & 1885, Old Valentines.
EQUIPMENT Spring Wagon, Open Sleigh,
Potato Plow, Walking Plow, 2 Hole Com Shelter, 5’
McC. No. 9 Grass Mower, 2 Horse Tongue Hitch,
Coal & Gas Brooder Stoves, Chicken Feeder, Egg
Crates, Nest, Egg Baskets, Little Giant Chicken
Waterers, Small Iron Hog Trough, Scrap Iron, Stew
art Hand Crank Clippers, Apple Picker, Sled, Burlap
& Cotton Feed Bags, 9' Fiberglass Overhead Doors 4
Panel High & Track, Speedy Wire Corn Crib & Roof,
1500 Bushel, Push Mower, Sickle Mower
TOOLS Large Anvil, Monkey & Pipe
Wrenches, Champion Blower Forge Co. Wall Drill,
Pipe Vise, Portable Bench Vise, Tap & Die Set, Bolts,
Nuts, Old Snow Birds, Hand & Garden Tools, Rope &
Tackling, 40' Extension Ladder, Buggy Harness,
Chrome Nickel Buckles, Express Wagon, Muskrat
Traps, Lumber, Dinner Bell, Pump Jack, Milk Can w/
Mailbox, Log Chain, many other items not men
Terms by
Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, (717) 656-7770
Randall L. Ranck
Michael L Martin, App.