MW*-***: ■ Übsmoa Valley - Livestock s. Frederkkaburi, PA ■r"Tu«*d*y, June u, 1995 W kpMaj Report supplied by Auction 7 STEERS: 18 HEAD. CHOICE ipr Summer Solstice, June 21. 1270-1550 LBS. 59.75-6150; SELECT "T*./ 1300-1365 LBS. 56.50-58.75; HOLS- Vdflflf tfAfPy TEINS CHOICE 1355-1415 LBS. , 55.75-59.50; SELECT 1125-1480 LBS. '»< OLD 52.75-54.50; STANDARD 1150-1375 FrFFDOM HavC FARMER’S LBS. 49.50-51.50. PHttUOM L9AYS lirr irpijpn HEIFERS: NONE. Juneteenth, a verbal shorthand for the 19th of June, Vl LillllLn COWS: 97 HEAD. BREAKING UTILI - the date in 1865 when General DD/BTDDV AND C° MMERCIAL 41.75-45.25, ¥ _ 4 „ Gordon Granger arrived in Texas with his troops to FH()\ LHIiS l6 oS. * enforce Abraham Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation TER 36.50-38.75, SHELLS 35.50 AND abolishing slavery In Texas, Juneteenth is a state hoh- DOWN. day Because the abolition of slavery in the FEEDER CATTLE: NONE. United States was such a gradual process, * BULLS: 7 HEAD. YG#l 1555-1665 however, it is celebrated in many ways and on if It rains on LBS. 48.75-51.00; YG#21165-1350 LBS. V several distinct occasions. Juneteenth is just 157 HEAD. GOOD 75-105 one of these freedom days, as is the first ' u of January, commemorating the date of the (June 23), the 1863. Let freedom nr on New Year’s Day in •///,, || GOOD'S LIVESTOCK, INC. |] ■■ spoiled. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmrn “if Freedom lies in being hold. -Market Hogs I » lo gather Jem %Jr'" * " -Sows-Boars Rokrt I not I , ( -Cull PiOS seed, you must > x ~ ‘ vu " a ___, , j< go at midnight NOW RECEIVING: c?, Homer’s Odysseus ate garlic to protect himself from on a wet RECEIVING STATION am* 1 Circe; give it to your pets to protect them from fleas »,. / i i —J r Midsummer s i— —————— Underwater Rhubarb Eve (June 23) RTOeivld^tsSion , . „„ „ t in only your Must Be Scheduled Ifßjjlff!) 4 cups chopped rhubarb ** One Week In Advance vr.lMfc 1-1/2 cups sugar, divided shirt. |___^ 3 tablespoons butter Rt. 897 • 1 mile North.of Fivepointville 1 cup flour No crop (717) 445-5776 • FAX (717) 445-8099 1 teaspoon biking powder pinch of salt 1/2 cup milk 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 cup boiling water Line an BxB-inch pan with rhubarb. Cream together 3/4 cup sugar and the butter. Add flour, baking powder, and salt, and mix Add the milk and mix again, then spread this batter over the rhubarb. Combine the remaining 3/4 cup sugar with the cornstarch and sprinkle over the batter, then pour the boiling water over all Bake at 330° F for I hour. Makes 6 servings. before St. John’s Day (June 24) is worth praise. A brisk wind generally precedes rain m &= m pp| BINKL^S^ST \Jr J 1 ' BlfllX TiyVT —J EXTENDED PARTS |f t A AIW • DI.PT HOURS* Mon * Tuei * Thurv • Fn 133 Rothsville Station Rd • Luitz, PA 17543 7ooam -1 oo pm MjjßjaaaSjltM r/jlfl . *7l*7 ynAC Wed 700 AM • 500 PM 717-d2o-47Uj s« 7 oo am • 3.00 pm _ _ _ _ After Hour* Emergencies WE SHIP PARTS DAILY S TH!?I Sun. Closed * Lord t Day • AIRFREIGHT * B&HDELIVERYSERVICE LBS. 37.00-45.00; STANDARD AND GOOD 70-80 LBS. 30.00-40.00; «l HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES 93-113 LBS. 100.00- #2 HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES 90-103 LBS. 107.00-112.00; «1 HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES 103-110 LBS. 160.00-183.00; #2 HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES 90-100 LBS. 125.00- BEEF X CALVES. NONE. HOGS: 73 HEAD. US#l-2 237-280 LBS. 41.23-42.23; #2&3 213-275 LBS. 36.00-39.30. SOWS: S 3 HEAD. «1&3 490-573 LBS. 26.30-29.30; «2&3 355-490 LBS. 24.50-26.50; MEDIUM 235-495 LBS. 21.00-24.30. HEAVY DUTY SIDEWALL CURTAIN SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR DAIRY BARNS °)/ • DROP LINE PULLEYS Heavy duty steel pulleys with oil impregnated bronze bearings to insure life-time self-lubrication. Pulleys mounted on rugged 3-bolt bracket. • HEM PIPE Heavy structural 1" O.D. on both top and bot tom of curtain. • CABLE Aircraft cable on all drop lines and main lines. • CONTROLLER Heavy duty manual chain lift or automatic controller. • CURTAINS —Several types available including insulated, non insulated & translucent. Featuring Custom formulated extended-life dairy curtain with 7-year warranty. © IMS NORBOO. INC. New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Monday, June 12, IMS Report Supplied By Auction 252 HEAD. MARKET STRONGER. WORK HORSES 810.00-1325.00. DRIVING HORSES 475.00-10S0.00. RIDING HORSES 485.00-925.00. BETTER RIDING HORSES 1100.00- REGISTERED RIDING 900.00- KILLERS, 6 HEAD 975.00-1100.00, HEAVY WEIGHTS 725.00-900.00, LIGHTWEIGHTS 435.00-670.00. PONIES IQS.OO-400.00. LARGE PONIES 450.00-510.00, 3 HEAD 625.00-685.00. COLTS 155.00-410.00. MULES 675.00-1035.00. 465-540 LBS ißßßßaaaaßauwaaaiamiaaaaaiaiaiaßßaMiaqiaauiaiaia;'!,.], WHAT’S AHEAD FOR CORN & SOYBEAN • We Deal In Futures And Options • Our Only Business is Commodity Futures And Options • In Allentown Area and Same Principals For Over 20 Years • When Buying options, your risk is limited to the loss of the premium paid plus all transaction costs. Buying futures and options have inherent risks and should be done only with risk capital. FOR INFORMATION..LITERATURE... CHARTS...PLEASE CALL (610) 366-7979 or 800-543-8939 LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURES INC. Commerce Pleze, Suite 249, SOOOTIIghmen Street, Allentown, Pe 18104 The risk of loss In trading futures and options on futures can be substantial. Futures and options trading may not be suitable for everyone. You should carefully consider the risks in light of your financial condition in deciding whether to trade. NORBCO OH for fin the Name MAIM rUmNORBCO, INC. OMtor BARN « DAIRY SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT Rt. 233 P.O. Box 370 • Wwlmoratand. NY 13490 Tel. 315*853-3936 • FAX 315-853-8429 • .1
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