Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 17, 1995, Image 73

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    Public Sale of '
Valuable Real Estate
5.6 acres Fannette
and 2 acre Lot
Wed., July 19,1995
6:30 p.m.
Located at 925 S. Ridge Rd., West Cocalico Twp.
Lane. Co. 272 N. left at Denver/Reamstown light
into Denver - turn R. on 6th St., this becomes
Ridge Rd., watch for signs.
Real Estate consists of 1 'A story frame dwelling con
taining kitchen with dishwasher, dining room, living
room, family room with fireplace, 2 full baths, 4
bedrooms, Ist floor laundry. Partial basement, oil
hot water heat. Also on property: 3 car garage with
workshop, utility shed, woodshed, bank bam with 4
stalls, large 25 x 135 building - now being rented,
building used as storage sheds - 9 units, large work
shop building with woodstove, mature apple trees,
and peach trees, riding ring for horses, large pad
dock- Situated on 5.6 acres.
2 acre lot adjoining property, already perked.
10% down day of sale, balance at settlement.
P.S. TVact #1 and TVact #2 will be offered sepa
rately, then both will be offered for sale together.
Thurs. Eve. July 6 - 6:00 to 7:30 RM. and Sat July
8-1:00 to 3:00 P.M. or by app’t call 717-336-6983.
This is a beautiful property in country with many
possibilities, owners moving out of state.
Ford 8N Tractor and New Idea Manure Spread
er to be sold at 7:00 P.M.
Terms by
Rodney and Lori Cook
m\ rt Pannebecker
MU uebon Service
R Funk Attorney .
6:00 pm Monday Eve., June 26,1995
Location: 472 South of Quarryville approx. 7 milea to Kirkwood turn left on Maple Shade
Rd. to 2nd Rd. right Cooper Dr. to eale on left or 896 South of Straaburg to Nine Pointa
turn right on Noble Rd. to Bartville go straight on Rosedale Rd. South to Morrison Mill
Rd., turn right to I Cooper Dr. left to sale on left. Stoltzfus Hardware Store. Watch for
Plumbing Supplies
PVC, poly and plastic pipe fittings, ball valves
Air Tools
Air drills, air grinders, air impact wrenches, air clippers, air paint spray guns, air sander, air Skil
saw, Bostitch, Duo-fast and Senco air nailer and staplers, air gauges.
Garden sprayers, saw blades all sizes and all kind of saw blades 61/2 to 15 inches including
some Vermont American Laser x 2 and lighting dynamic, piranha metal and masonry saw
Toolboxes, vises, hammers and plumb, Stanley, Estwing, Breaking bars, vise grips, adjustable
wrench, hole saw kits, pop rivet guns, propane torches, drill bits, drill bit sets, wood bits, mason
ry bits, boxes of nails, hand saws and hacksaws, pointers, edgers, finishing trowels, welding
helmets, face shields, wrecking bar, measuring tapes and rule tapes, chalk lines, nail pouch,
wood chisels and wood chisel sets.
Dirt shovels some fiberglass handles, in Ames, Union, True Temper, aluminum shovels
in Union, four and five prong forks in Ames and Union, digging irons, D-handle four prong forks,
silage and stable forks, post-hole diggers in Ames and True Temper, flat barn scrapers and 24
inch scrapers, garden rakes some fiberglass handles, some yard rakes, corn knives, scythe,
apple pickers fiberglass handles, pole tree trimmer, barn kitchen and straight brooms, dust pan
brushes, whitewash brushes, 6 to 15 gal. aluminum tubs, fork, shovel, axe & hammer handles,
misc. garden tools, grass shears, hedge shears, anvil pruners, tree pruners, weedeater
suppli, heads, knives, parts, lawn mower knives, steel and plastic kerosene gas cans, misc.
funnels, hex key sets, levels all size, line levels, square all size, coping saws, Stanley wood
plane, pocket plane, putty knife, punches, files, brick chisels, metal snips, and shears, misc. pli
ers, utility knives and blades, pocketknife, pipe wrenches, tubing cutters, flaring tools, bolt cut
ters, nail sets, grinding wheels, wire wheels, sander belts, sandpaper, misc. tape, lot of duct
tape, C clamps, bar clamp, box nails (all sizes), misc. ropes on rolls, misc. hinges, bolts,
screws, nuts, washers (tons of them), ready rods, all sorts of store shelving to be sold June 26.
Bird feeders, all sizes Tingley, boots and rubbers, gloves, 100’s of flashlights and battery 6 volt
flashlights and lanterns, hand staplers and staples, paint rollers and brushes, caulking, wood
stains, misc. paint, paint thinner, wood filler, misc. glue, lunch box and Thermos, ice chests.
Cash or Honorabto Pa. ehacka only.
AH announcamanta aala day taka pracadanea ovar alladvartialng.
Not raaponalUa for aeeldanta.
OjJL Food on Pramlaaa.
j3Wr Auctioneer
MQh Mel Hoover AU-0033111-L
(717) 354-8397 Home Barn (717) 354-6431
■ Clip a Sava • 1 Vim Only
Hardware Store Liquidation
Absolute Auction
Tools and Misc. Tools
Bam, Garden and Yard Tools
THURS., JUNE 22. 1995
at 4 P.M.
: Located at 1350 Kiaaal Hill Road. Manhelm
; Township, Lancaster Co., PA.
i Directions: Rt. SOI South of Lltltz - Turn East
1 onto Millport Rd. - Left onto Kissel Hill Rd.
: FURNITURE Antique Chest w/Strap Hinges;
; Balloon Back Chairs; Living Room Suite; Oak Chest
of Drawers; Oak Rocker; Bedroom Suite; Cedar
: Wardrobe; Antique Highchair; Dry Sink; Rope Bed;
Cane Rockers; Plano Roll Cabinet & Rolls; 6 Oak
Pressed Back Chairs; Oak Slant Desk; Carpet
Rocker; Octagon School House Clock; Brass & Onyx
Mantel Clock; Gilded Mirror; Lamps; Pictures; Child’s
Rocker; Doll Bed; Oak Stand; Spring Chair.
APPLIANCES 18 cu. ft. G.E. Refrigerator: 40"
G.E. Elec. Stove; Freezer.
CHINA & GLASSWARE Pressed & Pattern
; Glass; Fostoria; Opalescent; Ruby Shakers; Blue
: Glass; Depression Glass; Oriental China; Vaseline;
; Fiesta: Wooden Handle Knives' & Forks; Tin Candle
Molds; Butcher Pan; Cookie Cutters; Spice Box;
Wooden Measure; Crocks & Jugs; Lltltz Springs
Pretzel Cans; Iron Waffle Iron; Noritake; Kerosene
Lights; Wood Kitchen Items; Cookware.
LINENS Toys & Games; Metal Trucks.
TOOLS One Horse Sleigh; Pr. Brass Shaft
Bells; Chicken Crates & Egg Baskets & Scales;
Tobacco Spears: Wooden Flails: Straw Knife;
Wooden Wheels & Hubs; Walking & Potato Plow;
Apple Butter Stirrer; Butcher Tools; Wooden Butter
Churn; Wood Drying Rack; Sausage Stutter;
Wooden Barrel & Crates: Iron Kettles.
No out of state checks unless accompanied by a
current bank letter or prior arrangement with auc
tion service.
Terms By
Horst aucts.
Sale for
Stoltzfus Hardware Store
Elam F. Stoltzfus
422 Coo par Dr., Kirkwood, Pa. 17536
SAT. JUNE 24 - 9AM Real
estate, 3 bedroom brick
rancher, antiques, HH
goods, furniture, guns, chi
na & glassware. 74 High
land Drive, Lane. Pa. East
Lampeter Twp. Approx. 1
mile E. of Lane, on Rt, 340.
For Clarence & Arlene
Esbenshade. Miller & Sie
grist aucts.
MON., JUNE 19, 1995
Located at 905 N. State St, Ephrata, Lancaster Co., PA.
12’ x 24’ REAR GARAGE
This Fine Stone & Brick Dwelling Has Many Fine
Features! LARGE LOTI
FURNITURE: Waterfall Bedroom Suite; Breakfast Set;
Hutch; 21 Drawer Cabinet; Oak Library Table;
Smoking Stand.
APPLIANCES: 22 Cu. Ft. G.E Refrigerator (Side By
Side) Auto Washer & Dryer; Electrolux; Air Condition
er; Accordion.
TOOLS; Troy-Bilt Rototiller (Tuffy); Self-Propelled
Mower; Wood Ext. & Step Ladder; Fishing Rods.
CAR: 1974 MERCURY COMET - 2 Door Coupe.
No out-of-state checks unless accompanied by a current
bank latter or prior arrangement with auction service.
6:00 PM
A This is a partial listing
Assortment of Watt Pottery, Asst, of Hand Sewn Quilts, Indian Blanket, Old
Wooden Choc. Bucket, Howdy Doody Cups, Old Dolls, Old Cookie Cutters,
Grimes Qt. Milk Bottle Baby Face, Qt. Milk Bottle of Farmers Co. Clcona, Crocks
& Jugs, Oak Split Baskets, Old Produce Scale, Wooden Rake, Agate Funnel, Hog
Trough, Old Keys, Red Globe Lantern, Lance Cracker Jar, Asst, of Old Toys,
Wind Up Cats, Rabbit Pull Cart, Old 16mm Film of Little Black Sambo, Abbott
& Costello, & Others, Old 1950 Bowman Baseball Cards, Old Valentines, Cast
Iron Banks, Peanut Butter Flower Glasses, Depression Glass, Old Glass Flour,
Sugar Set, Dresser Scarfs, Linens, Oak Keg, Hand Made Wrought Iron 8’ Long
Grape Vine w/Goose Neck Lights, (to Hang on Wall), E. W. Landers Caldron Free
Standing Butcher Furnace w/45 Gal. Kettle, Very Ornate. Lg. Sausage Sniffer,
(Union Mch. Co. Phila.), Milk Can, Child’s C.I. Cook Stove, Lead Soldiers, Old
Possibly Inlaid Ivory Chair, Sinclair Gas Pump w/Olass Globe, Oak Drop Leaf
Table, Reed Rocker, Small Child’s Desk, Spinet Desk, Blue Willow, Halls pcs.,
Mahogany Round "Bible, Mahogany Victrola, Hoosier Cabinet, 5 Pcs. Cherry
Bedroom Suite, Tin Candle Mold, Cobalt Blue Vases & Stemware Pcs., Pine
Hutch, Floor Lamp, Old Bon Ton Pins, Old Hershey Choc. Pin, Asst. Old Badges,
Tin Egg, Old Rockers, Old Ring Toss Game, Knives, Beam Scale, Drop Leaf
Tables, Signed Picture of Hopalong Cassidy, Comics of Walt Disney Mickey
Mouse & Br’er Rabbit,' Old Santa Suit, Ironstone, Milk Carrier, Pictures &
Frames, 3 Runner Sled, AMF Pedal Go Cart, Kitchen Wares, Flatware, Old Col
oring Books, Old Christmas Decorations, Pink & Green Depression Glass,
Assortment of Nice Glassware, Sewing Notions, Rush Scat Rocker, Two Tapes
bv Pcs., Teardrop Drawer Pulls, Sprinkling Cans, New Haven Wall Clock, Fire
place Iron Shaped Like a Dog, Accordion, Hershey Creamers, Asst, of Arrow
heads, Old Tin Ice Cream Scoop, Sm, Child’s Chair, Asst. Chalk Figurines, Mili
tary Overcoat, Large Amount of Children’s Books, Assortment of Old Tin and
Rubber Toys, Large Advertising Can, Pin Cushions, Many Other Nice Items to be
Sold at Auction.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE; These are a Few of the Things to be Sold, Some
thing Here for Everyone. More Items will be Consigned by Sale Time. Come
Spend Time & Look at a Lifestyle from the Past a
Auctioneer: Auction Managed & Conducted by,
Dwight D. Miller Dwight D. Miller pif
(717) 933-5736 Auctioneer/Appraiser w^4sT E
AU-2414-L Jf"'*
Arnolds Bread Display Case, Pocket Watches, McCoy Canister Set, Scaulding
Trough, Apple Butter Kettle, Chicken Crates, Molasses Pump, Wooden Rake,
Butcher Kettle, Grain Cradles, Jelly Cupboard, Black Smith Drill Press
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
AT 4:00 P.M.
Real Estate At 7:00 P.M.
Terms By:
. UncMtw Farming, Saturday, June 17,1995-833
SAT. JUNE 24 - 9:3OAM
M&M Outdoor Power
Equip, 104 N. Hanover St.
Hummebtown, Pa. Rt. 322
to Hershey Park Drive, at
first traffic light, turn left
onto Walton Ave. going into
E. Main St at the square in
Hummelstown, turn right
onto N Hanover St. Auction
is just beyond the under
pass on the left. Richard &
Mon. June 19
AT 5:00 PM
hick McNael, auots.
Coin Auction. Murry Auc
tion Emporium, 23 N.
Water St., Utitz, Pa. Direct
ly Vi Block to Rear of Stur
gis Pretzel House. E.M.
Murry Assoc.
SAT. JUNE 24 - 9:3OAM
Complete Dairy Herd Dis
persal, milking, bam equip
& some macnienr. Gleno
den Farms, MountainvHel,
NY. S. of Newburg, from
the intersection of 1-84 and
1-87 take Rt. 300 s. to Rt. 32
S. for 1.3 miles to Orrs Mills
Rd. on right. Proceed 1
mile to Otterkill Rd on left,
go 1 mile to Taylor Rd. on
left. A. Bruce Whittier, Paul
Snyder, aucts.
SAT. JUNE 24 - 9:3OAM 89
Acres Real Estate, person
al property. Margaret H.
Smith Estate. From the
West end of McSherrys
town, Pa. take Right onto
Centennial Rd. and travel
2'/» mi. to auction site.
Dennis J. Plunked, auct.
SAT. JUNE 24 -10 AM
Building materials. Rt. 97 S
to W on Rt. 176 (Dorsey
Rd. approx. 2 mil tp left on
DiGiulian Blvd. Southern
Sales Services.
SAT. JUNE 24 -10 AM
Estate of Thomas Leroy
Stoidler. 61 Corvette, 87
Corvette, 92 Harley David
son, mechanics tools, Hess
trucks, local artists prints.
Held at the Masonic Lodge,
Manor Ave. Downingtown,
Pa. from Bus. Rt. 30 at
police station, follow Rt.
322 W. two blocks to auc
tion. Rodger Paisley, auct.
SAT. JUNE 24-10 AM Anti
ques, collectors items, HH
goods, tools, bam items,
etc. at 14 Chestnut St,
Muncy, Pa. Eleanor S
Yoder, owner. Fraley Auc
tion Co.
SAT, JUNE 24 -10 AM
Major liquidation. Cherry
Creek Woodcrafters, Inc,
Rt. 83 Cherry Creek, NY,
40 Miles S. of Buffalo.
Rough Mill Division only.
Forklifts, misc. hardwoods.
From Buffalo 190 West to
Dunkirk/Fredonia Exit to Rt.
60 S. to Rt. 83 to Cherry
Creek. Mill is located on the
left hand side. Cambridge