Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 17, 1995, Image 67
Sale Reports ESHLEMAN SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held June 10 for B. Frank Eshleman of Brethren Village, Litit/ Pike, Lancaster, Pa. There were 150 bid ders at the sale. The 84 acre Lancas ter County farm with a large stone farmhouse built in 1888 on Shenck Road west of Lancaster was sold for $5450 per acre or $490,500 to Richard and Katheryn Szarko of Landisville, Pa. An adjoining 1.65 acre building lot was also sold to the Szarkos for $55,000. A 2.4 acre lot was sold for $26,500 to Kathryn Wagner of Lancaster, Pa. Auctioneers were Omar Landis, Jim Landis and Jeffrey Knosp. CONSIGNMENT SALE A Consignment Sale of construction equip ment and carpentry tools was held June 10 Good’s Auction at Horst Auction Cen ter, west of Ephrata, Pa. There were 430 registered. Some prices included: gas mortar mixer $620, unisaw $6OO, shaper $575, roof ladder with engine $5OO, set of scaffolding $300,2 air compressors $3lO & $2lO, band saw $285, radial arm saw $470, drill press $230 and miter saw $l5O. Horst Auctioneers conducted the sale. KING SALE A Public Sale of real estate and antiques was held June 10 by Earl and Emma King-Forest Hill Road, Leola, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 265 registered bidders at the sale. The stone, brick and frame ranch-style house on a 165 by 183 square foot lot and a 3 car gar age was sold for $178,000 to Elam Stolt zfus of Leola, Pa. One outstanding item sold was an Amish quilt made of wool and around 100 years old that sold for $ll,OOO. It was a center-square dark quilt found in a chest. Other items sold were: J.D. SX7S riding mower $1125, rototiller $760, 20 ft. aluminum extension ladder $65, book “Annuals of the Conestoga” $450, majolica pitcher $95, German fruit bowl $42, 1909 Mascot plate $42.50, small dovetail ed wood box $270, mahogany towel rack $lO5, Whirlpool chest freezer $250 and May tag washer $420. Robert E. Martin, Jeffrey R. Martin, Ran dall L. Ranck and Michael L. Martin were the auctioneers. BALBO SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held June 5 by Joseph J. Balbo, 1038 Dawn Ave., Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. The brick rancher and 2 car garage was sold for $156,000. Horst Auctioneers conducted the sale. BUCKWALTER SALE A Public Sale of real PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE | Sat. July 15,1995 - io:00 a.m. 4.3 ACRES ■ MORE OR LESS ' Located at 625 Overly’s Grove Road, New Holland, PA, East Earl Township. DIRECTIONS! From New Holland, Rt. 23, Take South Kinzer Ave. 2.2 Miles to Auction Site on Corner of Ranck’s Church Road and Overly’s Grove Road. Real Estate consists of Single Story Frame House with Well. Also Small Barn and Utility Shed. Small Stream runs through The Property. SELLER* ESTATE OF HAROLD L. SANDOE EXECUTOR: KENNETH R. SANDOE ATTORNEY: JOHN S. DAVIDSON 717-533-5101 AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: A, & C. DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC. Alan Diffenbach Auct. -AU2258-L OUTSTANDING AUCTION dOMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Sat., June 24,1995 at 12:00 Noon LOCATION: Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Take Route #34 North 1 1/2 Mile beyond Carlisle Fairground in N. Middleton iwp... Cumberland Co., PA. A brick & block structure, 45 ft. x 55 ft. situat ed on a lot at 1968 Spring Road fronting 90 ft. with a depth of 125 ft. along Route #34. Structure has built up slag roof, interior pan eling, tiled floor w/safe, 2 baths, heated, all city utilities and air conditioning w/roof top unit, approx. 10 tons. This commercial site has many and varied noeeihilitioe Inspection by appointment: Phone owner or auctioneer {Phone numbers list ed below.) TERMS: 20% when stricken down. Bal ance on or before 45 days. Other terms announced time of sale. Owners FRANK & BECKY DARCEY, Phone: 717-334-1903 CLAIR R. SLAYBAUGH, Auctioneer PA Lie #BS6L Phone: 717-677-7479 Daniel M. Frey, Atty. 14 Center Square, Hanover, PA estate was held June 8 by Edgar K. and Eli zabeth M. Buckwalter, 1602 Clay Road, Eli zabeth Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. The 214 story alumi num sided dwelling with a garage and new well was sold for $113,600. , - T. Glenn, Timothy G. and Thomas A. Horst were the auctioneers. ABEL ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of real estate and guns was held June 3 for the estate of Robert D. (Bobby) Abel, 202 Abel Road, Wrightsville, Pa. A 4-bay garage with living quarters above on 3.07 acres was sold for $79,000. A 12.9 acres of woodland brought $31,000. Guns sold as follows; old muzzle loader $l5OO, Winchester M-42 410 pump $950, Custom made 30-06 with scope $7OO, Winchester model 92-32 WCF $575, Winchester M 43 .22 Hornet $7OO, Winches ter M-12 12 gauge pump $425, Winchester 12 gauge pump $375, double barrel shot guns $l3O, $l6O, &$l6O, .22 hexagon barrel rifle $llO and spotting scope $l5O. Other items sold were; 3 pc. oak bed room suite $BOO, oak rocker $l7O, decorated rocker $l2O, 4 pc. bed room suite $450, cane seat rocker $95, oak stand $l5O, mantle and shelf clocks $75 & $lOO, modern type Grandfather's clock 5550, Magnavox color TV $lOO, ox yoke $290, iron bull dog $9O, Rose ville vase $BO, Aunt Jemima door stop $l7O, Hess truck $65, Win ross trucks $ll5 & $l5O, man’s 10K dia mond ring $350, Toledo meat grinder $3lO, mini bike $475, Int. lawn mower w/blade $7OO, dinner bell $270, saus age stuffers $55 & $6O and 12 ft. x 18 ft. picnic pavilion $l3OO. Brian L. Gilbert and Jacob A. Gilbert were the auctioneers. BEAR ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held June 10 for the estate of Della Bear, Bear Rd., Lenhartsville, Pa., Windsor Twp., Berks County. The 7 acre farmette with a house, bam and outbuildings was sold for $150,000. David P. Loeb was the auctioneer. RIGGINS SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held June 10 by Randall W. Riggins, Sr. and Nina S. Riggins, 4'A miles west of Millerstown, village of Donnally Mills, Per ry Co., Pa. The 90 acres with a 2 story house, bam, metal building and outbuild ing was sold for $156,000. Wayne Myers Auc tion Service conducted the sale. ALTHOUSE SALE A Public Auciton of automotive tools was held June 10 by Marilyn Althouse and Ted Alt house, Jr. at 83 N. Leba non Street, Quentin, W. Cornwall Twp., Leba non Co., Pa. Some items sold were: *64 Corvair Mon za $9OO, 4-section tool chest $775, acetylene outfit $3OO, air jack $2lO, 3/4 inch socket set $llO and set of 3 pipe wrenches $37. . Harry H. Bachman was the auctioneer. BEDNAR FAMILY SALE A Public Auction of farm equipment was held June 10 by the Bednar Family, 635 Laurel Road, Lehight on, Pa. Some prices were: hit & miss engine $5OO, picnic table $9O, 1981 Dodge Omni $l9O, har row $65, cement mixer ; $92, Oliver tractor $575, hay rake $47, sprayer $340, Int. engine $270 and Far- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 17, 1995-827 mall M tractor & picker $B4O. Robert A. Amer and Dean R. Amer were the auctioneers. HERMAN ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of antiques and collecti bles was held June 10 for the estate of Grace E. Herman, south of Sunbury, Pa. Larch Road near village of Stonington. Some prices received were: cardboard doll house $82.50, Maytag oil can $35, child’s tin “radio hour” plate $lOO, little tin mouse (no tail) $9, blue and white gra nite kettle $135, post card album $l3O, glass butter chum $llO, bor ing machine $87.50, quilt $250, cook stove $395, 8 qt. lard press 110, clothes tree $75, iron and brass bed $6OO, drop-front desk $450, 3 pc. oak bed room suite $llOO, oak kitchen cabinet top $250, dry sink $BOO, blind comer cupboard $l4OO, oak rocker $lBO, high-back dry sink $l2OO, egg scale $3O, bam lantern $3O and tin bus boy toy $lOO. George J. Henry and George R. Henry were the auctioneers. BATZ ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held June 10 by the estate of Mary A Batz, between , Notice!!! OSSw® Closed on Tuesday July 4 Auctioneers... Please Mail or Fax Public Sale Copy Early! Fax No. (717)733-6058 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication JUNE SAT. JUNE 17 & SAT. JUNE 24 - 9AM Toy Auc tion. Location Jacobus Fire Hall, Jacobus PA; 1-83 Exit 3. W Vi Mi. to Old Trail N 1 ’/» Mi. to Fire Hall on R. Owner: Elwood Heagy. Kenneth Keeny 8 Marietta Thomas Aucts. SAT. JUNE 17- Bally walk in ref/freezer, four color state lights, building & surp lus school Hems. At the rear of Oley Valley High School. Located off Main St., 1 block W. of RL 73 (at the Blinker Light), Village of Oley, Berks Co., Pa. For Oley Valley School District. Frey Aucts. SAT. JUNE 17- 200+ parts tractors. Plus 20 running tractors, forklift, farm imple ments. Selling for Don Hull & Son Sales. Verona, NY. Goodrich Auction Service Inc. SAT. JUNE 17-HH Goods, antiques, tools for Sterling Hostetler, 369 Koser Rd., Lititz. Nevin Martin & Sons, Auct. SAT. JUNE 17 & SAT. JUNE 24 - BAM Two-dav public sale of personal property for the estate of Harrisburg and Allen-' town. Pa. Bethel Twp., Berks Co.. Bethel, Fit. The 20 acres with a I'A story house, 2 car garage and stream was sold for $151,000. Dwight D. Miller was the auctioneer. WALKER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held June 10 fra: the estate of Hessie Walker, Walker Road, S. York Co., Airville, Pa. The 71 acre farm with 2 houes, bank bam, shed and garage/ workshop brought $220,000. Russell Wright, Ralph Wright and Ralph Brenneman were the auctioneers. SCHRECENGAST SALE A Public Sale of anti ques was held June 10 by Rachel Schrecengast Estate, 146 North Derry Ave., Yeagertown, Pa. in Mifflin County. Some prices were: old baby carriage w/ parasol $525, large rye straw basket $350, lamps $2OO to $525, 2 blue decorated jugs $l4O & $260, oak dressers $260 & $320, carnival glass dishes $3O to $l6O each, hand record player $l6O, marble-top stand $2OO and old barber chair $lB5. Mark Click was the auctioneer. Erma V. Glazer held on the premises, 10 Prospect St., Meroersburg, Franklin Co., Pa. J. Robert Meyers, auct. SAT. JUNE 17 - B:3OAM Val. Real Estate, House hold Goods, Antiques, Tractors, Tools, Truck, Etc. Located on Premises Along Rt. 220,1 Ml, W. of Linden, PA. Near Harvest Moon. (Lyc. Co.) 5 Mi. W. of Wil liamsport. Owner: H. Janice Fisher. Fraley Auct. Co. SAT. JUNE 17 - B:3OAM Real Estate, Tractors, Equipment, Household Goods. 1939 Frederick Pike, Littlestown, PA. (West of Littles town, PA Go Through Kingsdale to PA & MD Line, Along Frederick Pike) Seller: Harold Study Estate. Rentzel's Auction Service. SAT. JUNE 17-9 AM Con signment sale on site at John Koser Building Sup plies, 523 Koser Rd , Eli zabethtown, Pa Take 283 to E-town/Hershey exit, turn N onto Hershey Rd (743) to the first road, turn right onto Beverly Rd, turn left on Koser Rd 1/8 mile. Wolgemuth Auction Service