Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 17, 1995, Image 179

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    Case IH 863 Comhead
IH 820 2214’, Grain Head
IH 1020 IS’, Grain Head
IH model 963,6 R Com Head
IH 844 4RW Com Head
IH 1420 Axial Flow Combine, IS’ 820 Head & 844 4R Com Head
1994 Case IH 1644 Axial Plow w/1714’ 1020 Head, 593 Hours
1992 Case IH 1640 Axial Flow w/lS' 1020 Head. 700 Hours
Case IH 5100,18x7 Grain Drill
JD Grain Drill, 10’
IH 475 Disc Harrow. 17’5” Hydraulic Fold '
White 252 Disc Harrow, 12’8’'
IH 510 Grain Drill, 18x7
JD Grain Drill
(S)IH 295 Planter Units
JD 3 Pt. Hitch Rotary Hoe 20’ Wide
Mechanical 3 Pt. Hitch 3R Transplanter
JD 17’ Manual Fold Disc Harrow
Case IH 165 Sb 16” roll over plow
AC 616 Hydro Lawn Tractor w/44” Deck
Hale 50 FB2, PTO Irrigation Pump With Couplers
Cub Cadet 582 Garden Tractor
JD 7b On-Land Plow
Case IH 5717 Chisel Plow, 17’
White 6b Semi-Mounted Plow
Unverferth Header Cart
Brittania Boom Sprayer
Century Sprayer, BBEDDBiiler
NH 258 Hav Rake
Case 1H 1190,9’, Mo-Cond.
NH 1495 Self-propelled Haybine
Agricultural equipment. SuppAus A Survkus
shiloh, n.j. 1-800-752-6373
JD 2955 Diesel, Cab, Air, Hi-Low, Very Nice
1981 JD 4040, Cab, Air, Quad Range, Excellent Cond.
JD 2950 Hi-Lo MFD, 2800 Hrs., Very Nice
JO 2755 Diesel, Cab, Air, Hi-Lo, Excel. Cond.
JD 2155 Diesel, Hi-Low, Indpt. PTO Dual Hyds., Roll Bar,
1 Owner, Very Nice
1981 JD 2640 hi-10, indpt. PTO, good condition
JD 830 diesel, 3-cyl. power steering, live PTO, good cond.
1981 IH 1086 Diesel, Cab, Air, 3,100 Hrs., 1 Owner,
Excel. Cond.
IH 686 Diesel, 3 Pt. Dual HytQlllUß Rubber, Good
IH 966 Diesel, Cab, Air, Black Stripe, Very Nice
IH 856 Diesel, Fender, 3 Pt.. 18.38 Rubber, Very Good
MFIOBS Diesel, Factory Cab, Good Condition
MF 298 Diesel, 1900 Hrs., Very Nice Condition
JD 343, 3RN
JO 443,4 RN
JD 444,4RW
JD 444,4RW .Low Tin
JD 643 Hi Tin
JD 643 Oil Bath
JD 643 Side Hilt
AC 430 Black, 4RN
AC 630 M 2 or L 2
NH 353 Grinder Mixer, Good Condition
NH 352 Grinder Mixer, Good Condition
JD 7000 4RW dry fert. insecticide, monitor, no-till
coulters, excel, cond.
JD 4R 3 Ft. RN Cultivator
NH 353 grinder mixer w/scales, very nice
Papec grinder mixer w/molasses pump, good cond.
JD 7000 4R dry fertilizer, insecticide, very nice
Craft 85*, 3 pt. Snow Blower, Good Cond.
JD 146 Loader for Utility Tractors
JD RM 6R Cultivator
NH6BO Manure Spreader
IH 943 4RN
IH 843 4RN
1H844 4RW
MF1144 4RW
MF1143 4RN
MF1163 6RN
II1! |l II 11 [I '1 M'l"[l |l I 1 Mil i. j! [M[l|l |l [I [! i| M,l[l M !l 1 M||
ll Summer Specials
i l 11
JD 4219 Engine, Rebuilt, 1 Year s«i« Prie«
Or 1500 Hr.
Warranty .T 52,508 $2,300
JD 3 RN Com Head For Harvester
F.R $1,500
JD 5020 Fender Tractofs3,oo© $4,800
NH 371 Manure
Spreader ."$375 $325
6V92T Detroit, Good
Condition 51,200
18.4x34 Duals sBs© $450
Ford 6500 Backhoe $3,500
Bxloo ft. bags $450
Bxlso ft. bags $6OO
New JD Engines Avellable
Rebuild Engines (all makes)
Detroit Parts In Stock
RR#5 Box 63
Mifflinbura, PA 17844
JD 337 Baler w/EJector, Elec. Controls, Excel. Cond.
JD 336 Baler w/30 Ejecto^^_
NH 472 T Haybine, GooQßQtion
NH 316 Baler w/75 Ejector, Excel. Cond.
Ford NH 326 Baler w/Belt Thrower, Excel. Cond.
JD 1209 Mower Condition, Late Model
NH 320 baler w PA Turn Chute, Excel. Cond.
JD 716 A forage wagon w/tandem axle
NH 1034 Bale Wagon, Tandem Axle, 105 Bale Capacity
Ford NH 1038 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale Cap., Single Bale
Unload & Retrieve, Almost New
JD 435 Round Baler, Very Nice
NH 277 Baler wffhrnßlWllnri Cond.
NH 846 Round Baler
JD 535 Round Baler w/Monitor, Excel. Cond.
New Farmco 18’ Steel Side Hay Wagons
NH 315 Baler w/Thrower
Gehl 99 Blower
Kuhn 2 Star, 3 Ft. Tedder, Like New
JD 1219 Mower Condition, Good Cond.
Kuhn 2-Star Pull lßHD der
NH 847 Round Baler
JD 1217, T MnwlWlßHitinnar
NH 450,3 Pt. Mower
(Displayed Inside Buildlnd)
1986 JD 8820, Titan M Cab, Air, Hydro, 1400 Hrs.,
Excel. Cond.
1986 JD 6620 Diesel, Titan 11, Cab, Air, Hydro, Excel.
1981 JD 4420 Diesel, 1700 hrs., Fully Equipped, Excel.
1977 JD 4400 Diesel, Cab, air, Electric Header Control,
Chopper, Good Cond.
1975 JD 4400 Diesel, Cab, Air, Elec. Header Control,
Chopper Good Cond.
IH 1460, Cab, Air, Hydro, Good Cond., Choice Of Heads
MF 550 Diesel, Cab, Air, Hydro, 23" Rubber, 1200 Hrs.,
Good Cond.
MF 13' Flex Head w/UII Reel
IH 820 15’ Flex Head, Excel. Cond.
JD 213 & 215 (lex heads
UHCMUr Firming, Saturdiy.Juna |7, ti
Small knife (44) kit for Deere self-propelled
choppers $4,978
Late 4400 diesel $7,780
Deere 6600 diesel, sharp $7,080
Deere float & rigid,2oo ft $1,078
Deere 215 flex $4,480
Deere low tin 643
Late model Case IH blower
N.H. 1000 RPM blower
Big Fox pickup header
Gleaner, 15’ rigid table for M 2 or
L 2
Late IH 715 diesel and 2 heads $6,980
Call Stephen, 1-717-249-8936
116 Richlandtown Pike
Quakertown, PA 18951
JD 420 Loader & Backhoe
JO 2030 w/145 Loader
JO 2440, 2300 hrs.
JD 401 D w/Loader
JO 60, PS,*9 pt.
Ford 4600 w/Ford Loader
Ford 1910 w/Ford Loader
Ford 445 A, 4x4 w/Loader, 3 pt. PTO
Ford 1100 w/4' Finish Mower
Ford 4610,8 Speed, New Tires & Paint
Ford 9N w/loader
Ford 7700,1 w/Cab, 1 without
Ford 2000,4 cyL, new paint
Ford 50000,8-speed, power steering
Ford 8N Rebuilt, new paint
Ford 1715,4x4 w/Loader
Ford 3910 8 Spd. 800 Hrs.
Ford 4000 diesel, 8 speed, P.S., live PTO
Ford 555 A, Tractor Loader Backhoe
Farmall C w/slngle front wheel
Ford 1210, 4x4, 5’ Belly Mower
Ford 4630 fully equipped, like new
Ford 3230 w/300 Hrs.
k Call Now 4
For Special
1, Deals (J
Ford 3910 Series 2, 8 Spd. w/snow plow \
Farmalj Cub w/Woods Mower 5
IH 300 w/Loader & Fast Hitch 5
MF 35 w/loader, PS 5
JD 300 Husker w/3RN Head
Nl Super Shelter for 324 & 325 Pickers
Nl 325 2RN, 12 Roll Bed, Late Model
Nl 324 2RW, 12 Roll Bed, Late Model
JD 3970 Harvester, 1990 Model, Excel. Cond.
NH 892 Harvester w/824 2R Corn Head, Good Cond.
JD 3970 Harvester, Long Tongue, Electrical Controls
JD 3940 harvester w/Electrical Controls
JD T Pickup Head
JD 2RN & wide com heads w/Sllp Clutch
NH 824 & 770 2RN Com Heads
JD 3RN & 3RW Com Heads w/Slip Clutch
IH 720 6xlB Spring Reset, Onland Hitch
IH 735,6 Base, Variable Width Spring Reset
IH 720 6xlB Spring Reset
IH 720 sxlB Spring Reset
IH 720 4xlB Spring Reset
JD 1450 4&5x18 Spring Trip
JD BWFI4' Rock Flex Disc
JD 160010-tooth 3 Pt Chisel Plow
Amco 12' Rock Flex Disc
JD 1635,12' Heavy Weight Disc, Excel. Cond.
Brillion 14' Roller Harrow, Good Cond.
IH #l4 5 Shank V-Ripper
t* ft
. T» j