MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors And Combines USED TRACTORS A MF 3660, 4 WD. 140 HP. Renul Unit $46,000 MF 285, 84 HP $ll,OOO MF 375. 60 HP w/Lo«der MF 3525, 108 HP $15,000 MF 2675, 100 HP - $11,700 MF 253. 48 HP $14,000 MF 1085, 84 HP $6,800 MF 1155 With Ob, 140 lIP .„$9,800 MF 30E With Loader, 700.Hn $19,800 USED COMBINES . 1980 MF 550 4 Wheel Drive 819,000 1982 MF 860 With 1163 Com Heed 822,000 MF 850 Combine, Grain & Com Heads $19,000 MF 8460 Combine, Hillside Cleaning, 6R Comhead, IS’ Floating Bar Head 1979 JD 4400, 13 Ft Soybean Head NH TR7O SP 4 WD Combine With 6 Row 30" Com Head 15 Ft Flex Head $12,000 1991 Glener R-60 Rotary Combine. 18’ Floating Head. 2000 Hrs $68,000 Gleaner “M” Combine $6,000 USED HARVESTERS JD 5720 Harvester with 4RN Corn Head, 7 Ft. Pickup Hay Head With Iron Guard JD 5820 Harvester w/4RN Comhead, T Pickup Head Fox Super E SP Forage Harvester With 3 Row , 30" Com Head and 6 Ft Hay Pickup $13,500 New Idea 709 4WD Uni System With 767 Forage Harvester, 768 w/n Com Head, . _ ___ 766 Grass Head $17,000 HAT EQUIPMENT JD 6 Ft PUU Type Rotary Cutter $BOO M&W Round Baler $2,800 NH 1495 Diesel Haybine $7,900 Demo Vicon 151 IE 5x6 Round Baler $9,900 5 KM32I Disc Mower Conditioner 10'/1 Ft Cut, _ Priced From $4,900 to $ll,BOO KM2BI Disc Mower Conditioner, 9 Ft Cut.... $4,800 Woods RM 500 3 Pt 5 Ft. Cut Mower $6OO Bush Hog 3 Bt. 5 Ft. Cut Mower $BOO New! Pequea Hay Tedder Haybuster Tub Grinder $9,800 M S ANURE ft FEEDING EQUIPMENT JD 660 Manure Spreader $1,200 Knight 716 Side Slinger Manure Spreader Mounted on *79 Mack “R" Tandem Axle Truck, 54,000 GVW $19,800 S.F.M. 1100 Gal. Liquid Spreader $3,800 Teagle Bale Shredder $1,900 #lB3O Oawald-Butler T.M.R. Mixer Wagon Lucknow 28S Mixer Wagon $8,900 PLOWS & TILLAGE M&W 5 Tooth V Ripper JD Front Mount 4 Row Cultivator. MISC. EQUIPMENT 61 FI. Weitfield Iff* Traniport Auger $3,200 10 Ft. Tye No Till Grain Drill Pull Type Air Blast Sprayer $1,700 Herd Pull TVpe 32 Bu. Seeder w/Hyd. Remote Control $l,BOO Brady 12 Ft Flail Shredder 85,800 Brady 6 Ft Flail Shredder $2,200 • MFIOI7 Backhoe for MF 1035 $3,900 7 R 3 Pi. Scraper Blade $3OB 2 EZ Trail Bile Biiket Vicon Feeden, Main Station, Vicon Feeder, Sub Station.... 180 HP MF 8160 Leola, PA 17540 Phone: (717) 656-2321 Located: 4 mllss Wsst of Now Holland on Rt. 23,1V4 milts Northeast of Lsola on ths No. Groffdsls Rd., 1 mils on ths right, opposite Groffdsle Msnnonlto Church. $8,700 s7Bo @ $2,600 82.800 51,500 SINCE 1936 Accesibility to the cooling system is excellent. The oil cooler, air conditioning and the engine radiator are all easy to get to in seconds. All you need to do is open up the hinged rotating screen, and that’s it A typi cal example of the attention to detail which makes serv icing of this machine so straightforward. MF 8100 Series Tractors LEADING THE WAY UHiCIWr nVumiQi ORnOljf) vlflt I/ 1 if|pM7 The cooling systeir; is unique and features an enormous cooling area. The air is sucked in via a rotating screen from the front, working with, not against the travel speed. The cooling area is enormous. IMS HARVESTING SPECIALIST MASSEY FERGUSON
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