Case 1175 Agri King 20.8-38 Tires, Engine Just Overhauled, 125 Hp, New Paint, 540-1000 Dual Outlets Asking $9,500 (7X7)249-2317 Farm Equipment Re YORK COUNTY FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Box 222 EMIGSVILLE, PA IjPIgSBL (717) 764-6412 OR (717) 764-5115 TRACTORS AC-B with Mid Mount Mower K °D e J^f^ heel ArtlCulated LOADERS FOR VARIOUS rayioaaer tractors JD 444 Articulated Payloader Ford 5610 Special II 62hp IUAGE TOOLS A CULTIVATORS w/roll bar MISC. Ford 5000 Int. 4R front mounted 2810 Ford w/loader cultivator Ford 2000 gas Qlenco 6R no till cultivator Ford 3930 45hp w/roll bar n o w 3 pt. Fed. Spreader JD 16.9x38 hub duals 3 pt. Stone Rakes JD 650 w/mld mount mower 3 P |. box Scrapers Int 886 w/partlal cab, WF, Regular 4 Heavy Duly 3 dual remotes pt. Scraper Blades Int 766 Ml 3231 R picker Int 656 w/WF New Woods Rotary IH 584 w/loader Mowers s'to 15’in Int 444 stock at special Farmall A 4 100 w/Mld-Mount Prices. Buy Now 4 Savel Mowers | 1974 El Camlno V-8, PS. P~B~| Large Selection of New Used & Reconditioned Equipment & Tractors Used Equipment ID TRAC Case IH 7110 Magnum, 1,496 Hrs., Very Clean Case IH 5130,4WD w/Cab Ford 8000 Ford 7000 Ford 4100 w/cab. low hrs.. nice MF 165, Diesel EuSZD IH 3688 w/cab & air, nice IH 1086 w/cab & air IH 706 IH 656, gas IH 986, cab, nice IH 560, DieselE&BEl >ED HAY ft FORAGE JO 1209 Mower Conditioner IH #8 Flail Chopper Papec 870 Grinder Mixer Nl 406 Hyd. Drive Rake Gehl WR3IO 3 Ft., 8 Whl. Rake Deutz Fahr KSISO 3Pt. Rake _____ NH 316 Baler w/Kicker, Like NevJS&ul Case IH 8360 12’ Center Pivot Mower Conditioner, Very Good Stohl 410 Tedder Rake IH #5O Stalk Shredder Woods 121 Rotary Cutter USED TILLAGE 1 Int. 45 Vibra Shank 12.5 Ft. Int. 461 4 Row Front Mounted Cultivator Kewanee 3 Ft. Field Cultivator, 20 IH 361 16’ Transport Harrow’ IH 315 Culitmulcher Dunham Lehr 10’ Cultimulcher JD 400 15’ rotary hoe IH 730 var. width plow, 4 btm. IH 475 20’ Disc IH 475 13’10” Disc w/cushion gangs w/buster bar, very nice IH 500 14’ Disc Harrow Triple H 1000 Gallon Sprayer w/60’ Vicon Hyd. Boom. Foam Marker, Nice IH 550 manure spreader Bckroth. Bros. Farm Equipment '1 CASL COHPOHAIION CASEJH mlr Agco Allis 8610, MFD w/Cab, .Loaded, 95 Hrs. RD 2 Box 24A, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-943-2131 7;30-5:30 Mon.-Frl. 7:30-4:00 Sat. New Vicon Seeders in Stock IH 810 w/15’ Head IH 1020 w/20’ Flex Head Nl 323 1R Corn Picker USED COMBINES Case IH 1660 combine w/specialty rotor, 1,670 hrs. w/30.5x32 drive tires Case 660 w/2 Heads MF 410 w/2 Heads IH 93 w/2 Heads Nl 813 Flex Head Nl 844 Corn Head * Dual 5100 Hi Dump Wagon * Brillion 16’Transport Harrow * Woods 208 Rotary CutterßESEQ ■ Case IH 7120 Magnum 2 WD w/ Creeper Drive, 1,200 Hrs. * Case 1840 Skid Loader w/ 300 Hrs. * This Equipment Sold At D & E Equipment Bloomeburg, PA 717-784-5217 MM FARM MMequipment THE 181 Gornßinder runs the corn head as well as the loader. Also, hitch swing and head rises and lowers hydraulically. The tandem ax ile is on the loader side. And, the alumi num loader runs with belt (no chains). 8’ Trans No-Tlll Grass Seeder For Sale Or Rent ALSO AVAILABLE Cultivators, Gyrorakes, Superior Mowers 181 MANUFACTURING Jacob 8 Alvin Blank 5302 Amish Road • Gap, PA 17827 717/442-9451 (Call between 8:45 & 9 A.M.) ZETOR ZETOR ZETOR ZETOR ZETOR ZETOR ZETOR KERMIT K. KISTLER, INC. | FARM & LAWN EQUIPMENT o SALES SERVICE PARTS Route 143 Lynnport, PA 18066 610-298-2011 ry* WOODS j 1 U Polaris ATV’s & snowmobiles John Daw* 6600 dlnel combine, ?F ro . n del 4340 53H 5 good condition, field ready w/atraw Shuttle Reverter w/Westendoff spreader, grain tank extension, cab, Loa «2 r l I? JL U - C J”* 13’ grain head w/Hume Reel SALE PRICE $23,315 Only 2,004 hra $7,500 iM-PrognmtAvMM* N DC Q John Daara Tractors From 8 HP to 5400-60 HMWD John Deem 755 20-hp 4WD Hydra Tractor wfLoidtr Zctor 3320-46 HP Tractor 4WD Zctor434o-59 HP 4 WD Tractor WForward 6 Rovono and Front End loader Zator 6340-70 HP 4WD Tractor Zetor 9540-93 HP 4WD John Deera 606 3 Pt Rotary Cutter Woods D 80 Cutter New Holland 24’ Elevator added 6' Length N 0C O Available Tufflon3PL.6R.Diac 3 Pt Workaavar Landacaping Rakea Havana Aluminum Tnilara Praline Utility Trallara, 4x8,5x8,5x10 USED E< OC Ford 9N Tractor JD1219 9 Ft Mower Conditioner, Excellent Working Order, Ready To Go $5,995 John Daere 3 pt, 5 Bottom, 16” plow JD AIH 2 Row Potato Diggara N 0C P JPHN DEERE JPHN DEERE Knownr Firming, Saturday, Jui* t 7, IM6-D27 p *°Ptfc^>Sf r Since 1945 Loranz 3 PL Trick Eliminator 12 Ft Spike Tooth Harrow Paquaa 710 Haytadder Brilllon 7 Tooth Chisel Plow Brillion 12 ft S-tina w/basket roller Waalfleld Auger* 11-16 ft Hard! Sprayers: » 155 Gal. wft3 Ft Boom • S 3 Gal. 3 PL w/PTO Pump & Gun • 53 Gal. Trailer Sprayei wf BAS Eng. A 6' Boom'Small Trailer Sprayer - w/ 6 Ft Boom • Century 50 Gal. 3 Point w/ A 48" Boom A Handgun Pequea 606 4-wheel Running Gear w/Tlres Paquea BxlB Bale Wagon on 8 Ton Demco Running Gear w/hi-float tires Demco 8 ton Running Gear w/used tires Ficklin Gravity Box 190 Bu. Capacity tUIPMENT Holmes IS ft. x 7 ft 3 in. Low Bed Trailer w/8 Wheels, Hyd. Jack $1,995 Woods Model 59 Grooming Mower (or 8N A9N Hi John Deere Side Mount Sickle Bar Mower 31 (3) 7ft Sickle bar mower’s from $485 JD 3-Bottom Trip Plow w/Wheel $595 JOHN DEERE JOHN DEERE Features interlocking bottom chain and cat bide cutting disks ZETOR Tractors up to 150 Hp
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