Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 17, 1995, Image 133
Cumberland County, South Middleton Township approximately 115 acres Dwelling and Barn Inspection by appointment only 1717] Lancaster Co. 81 Acre Dairy Farm, 60 Tillable, Remainder Pasture, 42 Tie Stalls, Pipeline, 16x60 Stave Silo, 20x60 Harvestore, 40x60 Equipment Storage, and Other Buildings, 1700 Log & Brick 4BR House w/Aluminum Siding w/2 BR Apartment (717) 426-3684 (717) 665-6254 WARREN COUNTY, NJ INDUSTRIAL LAND FOR SALE 2.58 ACRES ZONED INDUSTRIAL WITH 40x70 Butler Building with loading deck, 3 Phase Electrical Supply, Ideal for Heavy Truck or Bus Parking and Repair. Current Use as Saw Mill and Pallet Mfg. Water and Septic installed. 5 miles from Rt. 31,5 miles Nth of Rt. 22, Vi mile from Rt. 57. Priced to sell at $162,000. Fischer Commercial Realtors (908) 689-5600 eve. (908) 689-6454. LEBANON COUNTY FARMETT 600 head hog finishing barn w/contract on 7 acres in Northeastern Lebanon Co. 1849 stone home w/attached summer house; 3-car detached garage: bank barn w/new feed lot; stream on property. (717) 933-9307 GROUND FOR SALE 75+/- ACRES of good level tillable ground. Plenty of pasture w/stream. ;Some woods. Asking $3,500/Acre (Not tingham Church District). "ALSO SAVE ;MONEY" Build your house and the next ;door neighbor will rent you a barn, silo ;and additional pasture. No need to ;spend money to build barn, cow stable ;and silo till laterl CALL CHRIST TAYLOR ; BEILER-CAMPBELL REALTORS : (0)610 932-1000 (E) 717 529-2629 22 Acre General farm, nearly all tillable. North of Lebanon 72 near Heisey’s Diner. 2 story dwelling in good condition. plus wagon shed. Good forproduceor horses, etc. Call today for immediate possession. 40 Acre Dairy Farm fronting on Rt. 340 and Witmer Rd. Large frame house and bank barn. We Need Farm Listings Anywhere In Central PA. Especially Dairy And Broiler 243-3341 JASPER, NEW YORK 72+/- Acre Farm Vt open, V% wooded, large frame house, LR, DR, kitchen, VA baths, 5+ BR, oil hot air heat, wood stove. Hay shed & other out-buildings. 20 miles from Tioga Co., PA. Great hunting and recreation. $G5,000 (215) 257-5091 CENTRAL VIRGINIA: Farms and land available from 5 to 500 acres, reasonable prices, very low taxes, farmer friendly communities, agricultural economy, free catalog State Wide Realty Co. Farmville, Virginia 804-392-6163 Farms & Rural Properties Low Prices, Low Taxes, Free Catalog POTTER CO, PA. 311 ACRE SHEEP OR BEEF—Farm with SPRINGS, PONDS, some timber, TLC house/bam. Producing crops now. $220,000. #273 RETIREMENT FARM—Rental, fields, woods, FREE GAS (excellent for green house) Maple syrup producing possible. 81 AC. 2 stry 4 or 5 bdrm. Outbldgs. $lOB,OOO. #346 264,000 ACRES STATE ' LAND—Border this SUPER A-Frame in country VIEWS! 3 bdrm/3 bath/integral garage. $145,000. #360 ROY K. HARTMAN REAL ESTATE (814) 274-0311 (814) 274-0325 FAX RD# 1 BOX 204-B COUDERSPORT, PA. 16915 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA FARMS, PARMETTES. LAND AND CABINS Our Farm and Land Division currently has many farms, farmettes, land parcels, and cabins available in central Pennsylvania. We would be happy to send you a free farm and farmette list and/or rural land and cabin list. See the April 29th or May 27th issues for a complete farm and farmette inventory Farm and Land Division Fred Strouse Mel Rockey Terry Glngher Jim Harpster Realton 243 ACRES, 60 tie stall dairy barn. 2 story home in excellent condition. $370,000 #1024 GRADE A DAIRY for 34 cows, 4 bedroom home, cattle shed, calf barn. 19 Acres of pasture w/water. #2l2f 260 ACRES, 2 modern homes, 70 cow barn, young stock facilities, everything just right. # 1009 247 ACRES w/179 tillable, 60 lever stanchions, 2 story home. Tama soil. #lOlB 460 ACRE DAIRY, 100 stanchion barn, heifer facilities, 2 modern homes. Land Contract available. #lOl6 We have many fine dairy farms to choose from. Call today. R ELLI RELIAI iLE REALTY 9511 C unty E 'arlinjt n, Wl 5353 1 i/.nm 77/._/mQi I T V m (814)364-1705 (814) 466-6688 (814) 364-1169 (814) 238-2525 245 8. Allen St., State College, PA 16801 (814) 234-4000 1-800-876-3398 , T T r IiJ: raoGFjyma W. Cocalico Twp., Northern Lancaster Co., 240 Sow Farrow to Feeder Pig unit on small acreage. Concrete manure storage. Manure management plan. Land joining Middlecreek Wildlife. 2 1/2 story, 4 bedroom home with new furnace, windows, and vinyl siding. Large 3-story bam with attached 2-car garage. P.I.C. sow herd will stay on farm. Pigtales records show 22+ pigs weaned. Excellent herd health. Property and buildings well maintained. Owner purchasing larger hog farm. For Sate by Owner* 717-336-X469 BROILER FARM VA’S EASTERN SHORE L ~ 93 acres (60 till) with 5 modernized broiler houses - 68,000+ bird capacity. Acreage double cropped. Nice family farm in ideal climate with good cash flow. Excellent 4 bedroom, 3 bath brick rancher w/LR, FR/w FP, DR & deck. Asking $325.000 Call (804) 665-5769 WIMPLE ASSOCIATES NICE LAND ON DEAD END ROAD: 156 acres with 96 tillable. Gently rolling, well-drained land. Very good barn with 63 stalls on pipeline plus 20 heifer stalls, 2 Patz cleaners, manure shed. 20x70 Harvester plus (2) 18x40 silos. 30x30 sawdust silo. 40x90 Butler shed. 2 corn cribs. Nicely remodeled 10 room home. $155,000 FARM TOWN TAVERN: Owner retiring after 20 successful years. Busy tavern has large back room with pool table and living quarters plus Income apartment overhead. Adjacent in the same building is a separate store, (formerly a liquor store). Turnkey operation for $89,000 Mort Wimple Associates %ga('Estate Sates ■ Management “ESTABLISHED 1953“ u - 8 - ROUTE 20 SLOANBVILLB N.Y. 12160 Fret Farm Catalogues < slB > *75-®3BB FAX: (BIS) 878-6749 I DEEP CREEK LAKE, MD | Beautiful Country Retreat ;< ! Featuring 105.6 +/- Acres w/ Pond, Fenced Pasture, \ Trout Stream, Mature Forest, Bordering State Recreation <( I Property w/ Panoramic Mountain View. 80x40 Barn with ! Attached 40x25 Shop, All Heated w/220 Electric Service. <| 1 Detached 40x25 Equipment Shed, Calf Barn, S ! and 2,500 sq. ft. Custom Home. Please Call Russell | For Free Brochure I (8N)5444425| a (joi)MWOO« ML HOUSING K PORTUNITY 4 UncMter Farming, Saturday,♦ Jun» 17, IWS-C45 r FOR RENT I p Retail/Offlce ’ p Space in prime i t Lewisburg, PA 1 \ location. 3 \ \ units, 700-1200 j \ i i For more I V information call f J (717) 523-8484 J Call or write for our listing, or see our local listing in Lancaster Farming’s April 29th 19 9 Paul M. Longacre Real Estate Rt. 100, Hereford, ■ PA 18056 215-679-5919 64 Acre Dairy Farm in Morrison Cove, Bedford County, PA 50 Acres Tillable, All Outbuildings are 8 Years Old or Less, Barn has Loafing Shed, Milking Parlor, 525 Gallon Bulk Tank w/5 Milkers, Implement Shed and Other Outbuildings. Remodeled 4BR Farmhouse $214,900 Call Us For Other Dairy Farms Call (814) 944-9418 Ask for Wes