Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 17, 1995, Image 120
C32«L»ncagtar Farming, Saturday, June 17, 1995 ■ FARM SEED SALES Join an established, aggressive and growth oriented company. Position requires sales experience, agricultural background and a knowledge of farm seed. Prefer part time person. Sales to farms. Sales area is Eastern Pennsylvania. Call or send resume to Harvey Brown at F.M. Brown’s Sons, 205 Woodrow Ave., Sinking Spring, Pa. 19608 or call 610-678-4567 I Smith Farm Equipment \ \ part time/Full time 5 i Experienced parts counter person \ 5 Computer knowledge helpful ) { Paid holidays, vacation, benefits. ; | 717/567-3562 j \ ask for Charles } NKIIKmIR Full Time - Good Benefits Housing Available. Must have Agricultural Background. Send letter of interest to: P.O. Box W, Shamokin, PA 17872 CAREER OPPORTUNITY WORK WITH DAIRY FARMERS Sell and .service Bou-Malic milking equipment anil iclaled supplies and parts. Assume estab lished accounts and develop new accounts in Jellerson, Indiana, Clarion, Armstrong and Weslmoieland Counties, PA. Must have sales experience and a dairy farm background. Salary, comnusion, truck and lunge benefits. II you enjoy working with dairy larmers, this is an excellent oopoporlunity to become part of an established company with an excellent reputa tion. All replies will be kept confidential. Contact Dennis at Lancaster Dairy Farm Automation, Inc. 1 -800-421'4587 or 1-717-627-4824 | p £%business ■mPPORTUNIVES Distributors wanted to sell shingles... You must buy a trailer truck load and pay when you receive. You can double your money if you are aggressive. call 717-567-6782 Also sell recycled asphalt shingles L for driveways on commission. Lancaster County Businesses For Sale Fresh Fruit And Vegetable Market Family Swimming And Sports Club Automobile Repair Service Soft Pretzel, Pizza, Fast Foods, And Many More Call VR Business Brokers Today 717-299-7000 Wjl business WtMpPPORTUNmES Earn $l,OOO/week in the livestock or farm equip ment appraisal business. For information call 1(800)488-7570. EMU business for sale, chicks, yearlings, breed ers. Must sell 302-492-3538 after 6PM. FREE INFORMATION! Al low the Government to fi nance your farm or small business. Loans/Grants to $687,900. Call 24 hour, free recorded message. (810)825-6700 Dept. 1319. Owner retiring, Mom and Pop butcher shop, USDA Inspected, wholesale, re tail, custom business. Ju niata County, PA (717)535-5191 days, (717)535-5507 evenings. tSoHOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Central PA’a oldaat A largaat uaad only appliance atore now open In Lebanon. Ovar 150 rebuilt eppllepoea to eelecl from. All appllancee guaranteed 1 year. w.s. Enterprises 15 S. 9th SL Lebanon, PA 717-272-2405 LU PETS 2-Coonhounds, 1 Red Tick and 1 Blue Tick Female, 16 Months Old, Ready to Train. $2OO Each 080. Will Sell Single or Together. (814)356-3408 After 7PM. 2 Female Belgian Malinois, started protection, obe diance trained. 717/992-2292. (4) AKC Chow Chow fe males, (1) male, 2-6 years old. $ 100/ea. 610-593-2403 BPM-B:3OPM. AKC Cows, 2 Females, 1 Red, 1 Black, 2 Years; 1 Male, Red, 5 Years. $6OO For Everything. (717)865-3488. AKC Doberman Stud Ser vice, Blue or Black, Champ blood lines, excel, temper ment. 717-656-0239. AKC Pomeranian Pups. $l5O. Juniata County. (717)589-7676. AKC Reg. Chesapeake Bay Retriever, male, $lOO. 610/856-7671. Akita, German Shepherd, Husky Stud Service Avail able. 100 Haiti Road, Quar ryville, PA 17566. ASCA Reg. Australian Shepherd puppies, 6/2/95b, dam Silver Tone Party Tricks, Sire WTCH Twin Oaks Jim Bowie by WTCH Twin Oaks Kit Car son, RXD RTScs, winner of 9 ASCA, finals champion ships. These puppies are bred for work and compan ionship, there are blue merles and black tris, $3OO. 607-936-6837. Beagles for Sale: Top notch gun dogs. (610)488-0340. Black & Chocolate AKC Lab Puppies Wormed and First Shots. (717)242-2780 Evenings. Border Collie male pupa #, Reg., imported UoodNnee, white and sable, born 2/23/95. 717-676-9564. Border Collie Stud Service, Beautiful Male w/Excellent Pedigree. $2OO. (717)792-9149. DOG KENNELS and RUNS, any size. 717/687-9050, 7-7:3oam or leave message. English Mastiff Pups, AKC, Fawn & Apricot Shots and Wormed, Big Healthy Pups, Pick from 12 Pups. (717)656-1574. FOR SALE: Persian cats breeding stock, good stock CFA registered. Also Boxer stud service champion bloodline. Call (717)738-3081. German Shepherd pups, biack/silver $9O. Ready 6/24/95. Amos Lapp, 100 Conner RD., Oxford, PA 19363 (154 miles north of Oxford, off RT10) German Shepherd males, ideal for breeding stock out of show. Quality female by an outstanding male. Call 301-292-2410. Kennel Sections, chain link. any size. 717/822-7620 7-Bam or leave message. Love your pet? You will I ova our beautiful pet memorial s&awards. Catalogs3.oo. Custom Plaques, P.0.80x522, Hagaman.NYl2oB6. Old English Sheepdog stud service needed. Prefer AKC Registered. Please call 717-445-9690 anytime. Premium Quality Dog Food. All Meat Protein, No Cheap Fillers, Quantity Discounts. We Make De liveries. Call (or Prices. Buena Vista Kennel (717)658-6529. ■Bssam AKC PUPPIES WANTED I need ail kinds - pure and mixed I Call now 717/822-2033 We Pick Up - Very Dependable “Wanted Hand-fed tame baby birds" WANTED TO BUY Puppies, mixed breed & AKC for resale in pet store. Call when young for pick-up at 7 weeks. Fair price paid. Norman Wheeler 610-380-1445 (8 AM-11 AM) 800-4 A-PUPPY (11 AM-9 PM) WANTED AKC Registered Rottweiler Pups Top Prices Paid 1 -800-349-9970 cut out this ad -x Happy Jack Pet Food Quality Feed at reasonable prices. Home deliveries available. Pro Bred Plus - 26%-18% Chicken Base, No Soy Pro Bred - 27%-12% Meat Base, No Soy Pro Bred Lite - 22%-12% Meat Base, No Soy Primo 40 Puppy - 32%-22% Poultry Base, No Soy If your feeding Eukanuba and lams, try our Primo 40 - chicken & rice (garlic and brewers yeast), mother nature’s flea repellent dog food. Also distributor for Coon Hunter’s Pride and The Pride pet food. Contact C.J. Feed Co. (717)700*0192 1(800)316-2053 sssssssssss $ PUPPIES $ WANTED $ Cash Paid $ Call Hackett $ 610/681-5236 $ ssssssssss fej’Y WANTED £ j 1 Puppies n/j < \ i For. Pets AKC, Purebred, Mixed Utters. Stud service for most breeds. Transportation provided Forest Ridge Kennel 296 S. Vintage Road Paradise, PA 17562 717-442-4259 ly NOTICE “Our One Supreme Court” sitting with original jurisdiction exclusive to and for the People of United States of America In and for Lancaster County, Pennsylvania State have properly issued an Affidavit of Declaration to Quiet Title in Common Law including all property(s) owned by Dynamo Company, including but not limited to, 1060 Sheep Hill Road, Pennsylvania state, Lancaster county (parcel #2OO/100/14/50} 3972- 0408. 1246 East Earl Road, Pennsylvania State, Lancaster county (parcel # 200/10 Q3/2/6) 4173-0302 including all bank account(s) et al, wherever said inventory/mold(s) et al, is located. Demand is hereby made upon all persons, people, or entities to produce a Title, or the Title believed to be the Superior Title, or lose any and all right to title(s), or interest in said described property(s). All responses must be received within (4) days after the third Publication in the newspaper, the response must be sent Certified Mail, return receipt to: Our One Supreme Court, Office of Clerk of Court, c/o PO Box 123, Sterling, Kansas PZ 67579. Attested to by peers in Common Law. NOTICE Our one “Supreme Court" sitting with Jurisdiction exclusive to and for the people of United States of America In and for Lancaster County, Pennsylvania State have properly issued an Affidavit of Declaration to Quiet Title in Common Law including property. Owned by Phares Zeiset 1266 Sheep Hill Road, Pennsylvania State, Lancaster County. (Parcel #IOQ7/l/3) Demand is hereby made upon all persons, people, or entities to produce a title, or the title believed to be the Superior Title, or lose any and all rights to title or interest in said described property. All responses must be received with in (4) days after the third publication in the newspaper. The response must be sent certified mail, return receipt to: Our Supreme Court, Office of Clerk of Court, C/O P.O. Box 123, Sterling, Kansas, PZ. 67579. Attested to by Peer in Common Law. ■ELLANEOUS ISOhp water-cooled air compressor, rotary screw, Sullivan Sull-Air; 40hp single cylinder water cooled air compressor. Both good condition. 215/723-0540. 1978 Heath Esab, 8 head flame cutting machine, photo tracer eye. For more information contact Steve Gaul, HIGH STEEL SER VICE CENTER 717-299-8989. hrs. 7AM-3PM. 25 KVA alternator, brush less, 271 GM skid mounted, 3ph, 240 V, w/110 tap, $2,800. (412)224-6706. 302 Small Block Ford En gine, VB, never used, $lOOO. 717/354-3105. 3-phase 325 amp Lincoln constant voltage power unit, $1500; Lincoln semi automatic wire feeder. $6OO. 717/423-5181. (6) Bridgeport Mills, step pulley, J-head, 42*-48* tables, S2SOO-$2900; (3) 13* Southbend lathes, $l2OO-$lBOO, 9* South bend s7oo,lS*x36* Cincin nati hydra-shift engine lathe, excellent $5,000. (610)932-4019. Reg. Border Collie pupe, good working parents, reedy to go now. NO Sun day ca1M717)93M473. WANTED: AKC male Pomeranian dog or puppy, prefer cream color. 610/488-0576. WANTED; Puppies, pure and mixed breed. JACK'S DOG FARM. 215-766-8802; 215-766-8840 Leave message. NOTICE ItO TBS 21atC8WTURY Help develop innovative' Instructional Products while gaining design skill experience to earn a decent home* office income. GEO + please. Write: IHTBLLI GAIN 2000, Associate Designers Program,Bx7lß .Warn Springs, GA 3U30 . “Notlca" Air Compressor Parts lor All Makes, New and Re built Tops and Bottoms, Valves, Gaskets, Rings, Filters, Pistons, Pressure Switches, Safety's. Always Buying Air Compressors Indian Valley Air Compres sor (215)257-6434. Air Compressor, 65CFM & CPBSRG-2, w/gas engine, $1750. 717/354-3105. American Floor Sweeper, electric, self-propelled, 48*W, model 20008, $6OO. 717/354-3105. AQUASHAOE: $39,991 Grass carp, koi, stocking fish. Sproch Fish Hatchery 800/99-*GRASS*. Asplundh Wisper Chipper. Well Maintained, 2143 Hours, 6 Cylinder Ford, 3 Sets of Knives. Asking $3950. Can be Seen by Calling (610)372-4700 Ext 202. BEEHIVES; strong 8 frame hives complete $75, empty equipment also (717)432-0690. Be judgement proof. Pro tect your assets. Free infor mation. Williams Publish ing Co., Box 7326, Lancas ter, PA 17604.