NEED SOMETHING HAULED? Will do your cattle hauling. Also, hauling with our 24 foot Gooseneck Trailer w/Winch Local Or Long Distance 717-354-7992 Custom Spread!; 'l I 1 j HP ' >l H ~ ** l* * ■ - V*^ 7 - Gap Area Ph: 610-593-5866 Dauphin Cty. Ph: 717-865-3294 FLAVOR SEAL ROUND BALE WRAP 1-MIL White UV Film A Proven Quality Film Per Roll SkitfPrlce •20 X 6000 $58.50 (32 rolla) $57.50 •30 X 5000 $72.50 (24 rolls) $71.50 DANIELS FARM STORE 324 Glenbrook Rd., Leola, PA 717-656-6982 CUSTOM GRINDING PORTABLE TUBGRINDBR Turn Wood Waste Into Valuable Mulch, I BAGGING MACHINES 1 * SILAGE BAGS ' • BALE 1 WRAPPERS 1 \ BUY - SELL - TRADE BAGGERS OVER 20 NEW MACHINES TO CHOOSE FROM 4 USED MACHINES TO CHOOSE FROM For Your Bait Prlcaa, Sarvlca and Quality ADAM’S SUPPLY P.O. Box 821, Brownatown,. PA 17508 717-656-6508 "'Reduce Material SO to 75%j V for hauling^"' | Custom | { Combining \ { 16’ Cutting < ► Platform < { Days 5 ( (717) 944-1346 \ } Eves. 5 I (717) 838-1947 \ HELP WANTED Beef cattle herdsperson position. Reg. Cow calf op eration, Lancaster Co., PA. 717-653-8955 for further information. Couple interested in start ing their own dairy herd, you help provide labor and management expertise, I will provide you w/the op portunity to put some cows in our fadliy providing you the chance to build equity. Interested only in couple looking to some day own your own farm. Lancaster Farming (G-157), P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Dairy herdsman or farm worker for 100 cow dairy EARN MONEY Reading Book*! $30,000/yr. income potential. Details. 1-800-513-4343 Ext. Y-4156. Experienced help for dairy farm, milking and field help required, housing pro vided; 410-348-5640. Experienced farmhand wanted. Milking skills re quired. Machinery operat ing capabilities desired. Cumberland County, PA (717)776-5683 or (717)776-6677. Experienced person for poultry layer operation, Mil iersville, PA., area. (717)872-5554. For general forming, recent experience and references required. House and pri vileges. Chester Co. 610-869-2527. Full time welder needed immediately. (Experienced only!) Christiana, PA, (610)593-6112. HORSEMAN Experienced. Farm Balt. Co. Sates prep., mainte nance. New house. Refer ence. Box 68, Butler, 21023. 410-771-4580 Milker wanted to milk 60 cows on dairy operation. Cumberland Co. 717-249-0280. Motivated person for 90 cow Reg. Holstein herd, perfer Christian. Pleasant working enviomment, con tract cows, show cows, nice salary, benefits, hous ing, experience and refer ences needed. Call 717-464-0765 for more information. People Wanted to work in scrap yard. 717/354-8946, 610/286-5836. Person for Holstein dairy, Lancaster Co. Experience and references. Housing and utilities provided. 717-464-3752 Reg. Holstein farm needs part-time person for even ings and weekends. Lan caster Co. 717-464-0765. RV CAMPGROUND MAN AGER: Live in beautiful Tioga County, PA. Ideal for energetic, semi-retired couple. Work w/all phases of camp operation. Re gistration, store, park main tenance, employee super vision. Must be honest, neat, dependable, very friendly and enjoy people. Park open April 15th thru December 15th. Year round home provided. Sal ary plus bonus. Call WON DERLAND TRAILS, INC., Collegeville, PA 610-489-3737. Small Apart for 1 in Ex change for Daily Animal Care (1 Hour/Day) and Grounds Maint. (1 Day/ Week) on Small Farm in Hunt Valley. (410)527-0262H (410)298-8244W. Tractor trailer driver needed. Must have Class A CDL, clean driving record and verifiable employment history. Pre-hire drug screening and physical re quired. Year 'round full time work. Home everyday and weekends. Call Marl boro Mushroom, (610)869-8765 to arrange interview. LITITZ ASSISTANT NURSERY MANAGER TRAINEE Seeking an individual with previous retail nursery and/ or management experience. Duties include supervision of employees, customer assistance and operation of retail equipment. Day and evening hours. Must be able to lift up to 60 Lbs. Stauffers of Klasal Hill P.O. Box 1500 Litltz, Pa. 17543 Applications may bs obtained at any SKH location EOE WANTED: Parson to work on 70 oow dairy farm. Must enjoy working with cows. Field and bam work. Stall barn, pipeline. House available. Possible husband/Wito team. South ern Dauphin Co. 717-367-3667. Wanted: Part-time truck driver to truck horses, loc ally from PA to Flordia. Re ferences required. 610-932-2321. Penn State Cooperative Extension is seeking applicants for an agricultural marketing agent for Lehigh (base), Northampton,Budts, [ZZuZD Montgomery and Berks Gauntlet to plan, implement, conduct and evaluate non-lbr mel educational programs in the broad areas of agricultural marketing. The individual rep resents Penn State and the College of Agricultural Sciences in interpreting, apply ing and disseminating the latest research findings in agricultural marketing and in helping clients to plan marketing strategies and solve marketing problems. Qualifications. Candidates need to have one or more degrees in Agricultural Marketing, Agricultural Economics or Business/Marketing A Master's degree is preferred Candidates who have experi ence in commodity marketing and/or producer/processor experience are encouraged to apply Candidates should poss ess strong teaching, evaluation and program development skills and demonstrate jx>sitive human relations and effective Interpersonal and public com munication skills The Lehigh County Cooperative Extension is a unit of Penn State and as such off ers a competitive salary and a liberal benefits package. The closing date for accepting resumes and applications is July 10,1995 or until a suitable candidate has been selected Applications and a detailed position announcement are available by writing or calling Human Resource Services, Box SEAM3,3O7 Agricultural Administration Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, (814) 863-3452 An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer Women and Minorities Eocouratcd to Apply HELP WANTED Looking for farm work? The Pennsylvania Farm Bureau can computer-match your qualifications and experience to its members’ employment needs. No fee is charged. If interested, send self addressed, stamped envelope to; PFB, Ag Employment Opportunities PO BOX 8736, Camp Hill, Pa 17001-8736 Experienced Crop Person wanted on modern dairy farm. Experience needed in crops, mechanics and welding. Every other weekend off. Vacation, housing and benefits available. Salary based on experience. References required. Call (610) 756-6993 7 am to 6 pm, Monday thru Sat. y } POSITION AVAILABLE ( i. I Herds Person for 50 milking cows & 50 < \ \ head of young stock. Responsibilities ► $ { include - milking, feeding, cleaning & \ (( caring for the dairy animals. SO hr. ) i \ work week. ! \\ For more information, call ) < Munizza at 215-345-1500 ext. 2478. ► i i EOE/AA 5 4 4 ► Self-starting motivated person w/management abilities wanted for 65 registered Holstein dairy in Southeastern PA. Tie stall bam w/modem environment. Job includes: crop and machinery maintenance and management for 250 acres, feeding, fencing, daily repairs. Nice salary, housing and benefits. Experience and references needed. Reply to Lancaster Farming, R-13 P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 MANAGER WANTED Looking for hands on person with extensive beef cattle and field experience. Good salary, house utilities and benefits. Send references and work experience: Rolling Ridge Farms 2080 Ehrman Road, Cranberry Twp. PA 16066 (412)538-4200 HORTICULTURE AGENT AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES PENN STATE Penn Stale CoopetaUve Extension is Seeking applicants for an agricultural marketing agent for Lehigh (base), and Northampton Counties to organ ize, implement and evaluate Agriculture programs. Specific program content responsibilities include commercial and con sumer ornamental horticulture including, production nursenes, greenhouses, garden centers, landscape and lawn core opera tions, grounds managers and master gardener program Also included is a minor emphasis on commercial fruit and vegetable production. The individual rep resents Penn State and the College of Agricultural Sciences in interpreting, applying and dis seminating the latest research findings in the program area Qualifications Bachelor’s degree m Horticulture or Ornamental Horticulture and related work experience A Master's degree is preferred Candidates should possess strong teaching, evaluauon and pro gram development skills and demonstrate posiuve human rela tions and effective interpersonal and public communication skills The Lehigh County Cooperative Extension is a unit of Penn State and as such offers a competitive salary and a liberal benefits pack age The closing date for accept ing resumes and applicauons is June 30,1995 or until a suitable candidate has been selected Applications and a detailed posi tion announcement are available by writing or calling Human Resource services. Box SEH3, 307 Agricultural Admmistrauon Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, (814)863-3452 An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer Women and Minorities Encouraged to Apply fncmy Farming, Saturday, June (7, 1995-C3l Hay, cash crop, and dairy farm looking for Indivlduatfor haying and halfar care. Experience with rotational grazing and fencing a plua. Opportunity to build equity with cattle. Room, board and aalary baaed on experience. MennonKe or Chriatian preferred. Contact (315) 497-3740 NOW HIRING Layer house manager to tend 2 modern Big Dutchman houses in the Mt. Joy, PA area. Farm background desired Apply 717-653-9421 TOOL MAKER Injection molding facility seeks a tool maker to work in its mold shop. Candidate must be able to mill and grind to close tolerances. Good math skills and ability to read prints is necessary. Competitive salary. If you are interested in working in a clean and friendly environment, send resume and salary history to: P.O. Box 188 Hershey, PA 17033 Milking Equipment Service Technician Premier Dairy Service, Inc. is now accept ing applications for a Service Technician to assist with dairy equipment installations, service calls, and routine system checks. Qualified person will have training in refrig eration and electrical systems, eagerness to learn, positive attitude and a willingness to being on-call on a rotating basis. Wage commensurate with experience, vehicle and fringe benefits. All replies kept confi dential. Send resume or letter requesting application to Premier Dairy Service, Inc., R.D. 2, Box 197 A, Martinsburg, Pa. 16662 or call Scott at (814) 793-4247. CAREER OPPORTUNITY WORK WITH DAIRY FARMERS Sell Bou-Matic milking equipment, Norbco barn equipment and related parte and supplies. Assume established accounts and develop new accounts in Southeast ern PA. Must have sales experience and a dairy farm background. Salary, commis sion, truck and fringe benefits. If you enjoy working with dairy farmers, this is an excellent opportunity to become part of an established company with an excellent reputation. All replies will be kept confi dential. Contact Dennis at Lancaster Dairy Farm Automation, Inc. 1-800-422-4587 or 1-717-627-4824 YSMstwations WANTED Penon needs space for three horses; possible liv ing quarters in Lancaster County. Wil consider lives tock work exchange. 717-293-8087 leave message. HELP WANTED