Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 17, 1995, Image 115
ELI POULTRY i SUPPLIES /i BOBWHITE QUAIL CHICKS $4O per 100 Eggs $l5 per 100 JAPANESE CORTUNIX QUAIL $35 per 100 Eggs $l5 per 100 NPIP Approved Started Chicks and Adults Available. Can Ship Eggs & Chicks ELI BBBRSOL 558 Gibbons Rd. Blrd-In-Hand, Pa 17505 717-656-1485 Leave Message Ring Neck Pheasants and ■ Key-Cross Mutant Pheasants and Canadian Goose Goslings Cross Keys Pheasantry P.O. Box 594 Hollidaysburg. PA 16648 (814) 695-3063 shoo raising booklet I FREE NEW 1995 CHICK & TURKEY CATALOG “WHOLESALE PRICES” Jumbo Cornish Cross, Sexlinks, Golden Reds, Leghorns, W. Rocks, Barred Rocks, Guineas, Pheasants, Ducks, Goslings, plus Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbrested Whites And Giant Bronze Turkey Poults. Special Wholesale Prices Write or Phone For Free Catalog Today JUL JX We Guarantee You The Best Quality And Lowest Prices Anywhere PHONE (717) 426-3411 REICH POULTRY FARMS MARIETTA, PA 17547 Northeast Agri Systems Your Authorized s jr jr m, Wttggjgglm g, MASTER DISTRIBUTOR serves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries • Bulk feed bins In a wide variety oi raMHAw capacities, (or anyepplicatlon • Genuine Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER* . teed delivery flexible auger systems __ |1 • Broiler Stroller breeding feeding +jL systems, Including The new Chore-Time mW Model 2000 and the Model C feeders '»WiMUi • Fans & Complete ventilation systems, including the new fin oscillator AtUfam. • Innovative CHORE-TIME/SWISH watering tor any kind of poultry application • Chore-Time's exclusive MEAL-TIME* i IMM] pig and hog feeding and watering • Chore-Time* production-boosting cow WufFjn feeding system for dairy operations BUm I iefiandoa * l SSL I mcMEMTon / Is -%sh3 TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE Northeast Agrl Systems, Inc QB Flyway BuUnsn Paw SfKSw'ZS 9H 139 A West Airport Road F«<*ic*burg mo «5£ Utift PA 17543 (formwly Long Lumb*o Ph (717)660 2702 I.«ntl.P Goslings, Ducklings, Guineas, Turkeys, Chicks, Bantams, Pheasants, Chuckars, Quail, Books and Equipment Clearview Stock Farm & Hatchery Box 399 Grab. Pa., 17030 717-365-3234 717-365-3736 Fax 717-368-3894 IjJ^ 8 I FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT, ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY DUCK CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO. FRENCH GUINEAS, EMBDEN GOSLINGS FREE CATALOG ON GOSLINGS. DUCKLINGS. CHICKS, TURKEYS. GUINEAS, -BANTAMS, PHEASANTS, QUAIL, CHUKARS. SWANS. MEDI CATIONS, EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129, GRAIZ, PA 17030 M|# If you didn’t get us, you probably paid nBI too much. With old ma fashion work ethics we will wash to your irj* satisfaction. All your washing needs. Will Travel. Chicken House Veal Barns - etc. ft 717-949-3212 Leave Message &grjcuJtura/ e H^sAdowns STARTED CAPONS AND CAPONIZING Very Low Slip Percentage SCHOPF BROS. Well Feathered Bird 3493 Marietta Ava. Great 4-H Project Lancaatar, PA 17601 Alto Available: Started (717) 28S-7748 Pullet* & Live or Dresaed Gena or Jim Market Weight Capon*. Additional Pickup Locations MMllnbuig/Union Co. ■uo flMgo Sumxill'Franklm Co. Aabwtia/Lihjgh Ca SCHOPF BROS. ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted Whites And Giant Bronze Turkeys, Poults Special Wholesale Prices 15 $44.95 25 $67.95 50 $119.95 100 $179.95 Call For Special Discount On Larger Orders. We Ship COD New For 199510 Day to 2 Week Old Started Turkey Poults. Call For Super Low Prices. Bronze Turkeys $199.00 In 100 Lots REICH POULTRY FARMS Marietta, PA 17547 (717)426-3411 TURKEY GROWER EQUIPMENT Includes bins, emergency generator, feeders, curtains, watering and alarm system. Excellent condition. Out of Business C7»7)741-54»9 Receive healhty 37. week old aurglcally caponlzed chlcka OR Wa will coma to your farm to caponlza your ' chlcka All Size Orders Accepted Lnrqe or Small Ink* ArM/Wnynn Co. Now Egypl/Conlrtl NJ PnlMuiglNir RATITES Rheas, breeder pairs, lay ing now, $lOOO per pair. Yearling pairs $400; Chicks to $4O each; Eggs $2O each. Reading, PA. 610-926-7117. RATITES Attention Emu Rhea Ostrich Producers: Are your incubators getting full? Not ready to hatch on your own? I have three years incubation experi ence and have G.Q.F. in abator waitin'' > help •• cubator waiting to.. Ip you out. Call (717)865-6270 For More Information. EMU CHICKS from high producing parents, strong healthy birds. Don Hostet ler 610-875-9648. Emu Chicks, coming 2's, breeders, chipped, sexed, Oklahoma grown, superior quality. 100% pure Emu oil. 1(800)405-3840. Emu farmers handbooks available, tells all. For in formation or to purchase, call Lucy Gillichbauer 717-872-6163. Emus. Selling Out. 3 Pair of 2 Year Olds. 2 Pair Layed Last Season. (1)2 Year Old Female. Make Offer. (410)482-6288. Fertile Rhea eggs, white, gray, no choice. 1-10 eggs, S3S/ea; 11-20 $3O/ea; 20 or more $25/ea. 717-949-2802. Fowl Play Farm raising rheas since 1988, offering tor sale 7-10 month old rheas. Large healthy birds. Cr ' for If jome see for yoursel 609/696-4304. OSTRICHES! 3 to 5 months old. Strong large birds. Unrelated pairs. Bird-in-Hand (717)763-3628. Pair of blue/Uack 2 year old ostriches. Coming breeders, micro chipped, straight leg, good stock, exceptional history. Seri ous inquiries only. Please call (610)356-6278. RHEA EGGS, $4O; Chicks $120; Yearlings, $260. Quantity discounts. Whites, Grays, splits, large amount of healthy birds to choose from. Lancaster. PA. 717-464-0812. Rhea Chicks, 95 Hatch, $75 Any Age. (610)868-2535. Iheas. 2 white females, 1 ray male, best offer, ilo-380-8771. ' S EMU ' INFO T Mid Atlantic v L Emu Farm PA(610) 255-5191 E MP (410) 398-2432 1 Blue Neck Ostriches 1 pair 7 month old $2500 1 pair 18 month old $5OOO *95 Emu chicks $4OO/68 *94 Emu $lOOO/ea Dave Kulp (717)664-3175 ||[| FEED A 3rd cutting baled Alfalfa, excellent com silage and high moisture. Lancaster. 717-89 S-4686. Alfalfa Hay Ist & 2nd cut ting, lestedt Ist cutting Ti mothy; Wheat straw. All 4x4xB bales, stored inside. Can deliver. 814-848-9753. Barley & Wheat Straw out of the field, delivery avail able. 610/932-8999. Barley 8 Wheat Straw, baled & delivered. From our field to your bam. Pay now or pay later. Trailer load quantities. 717/664-2490. BUYING HAY: Timothy Orchard Grass, Buying for large Mushroom Farm in Chester County, Top Dollar. Using 18,000 Tons Yearly. Paid By The Load. Call Harry (610)932-9457. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 17,1W5-C27 Certified Sch less man Soy bean seed, $lO per bu. 717-534-1253. Clean Good Quality Com Silage, High Moisture Ground Ear Corn, Hay, Straw. Round Com Fodder Bales. Delivery available. 610/932-8999. Com Silage for sale. Deliv ery available. Gap, Lan caster Co. (717)442-4690. Corn silage, hi-moisture corn, treated w/Kemin Sil age Saver, exellent quality. 717-768-7550. Corn silage, top quality AgriKing treated, delivery or pick-up. 717-898-7689. Dry Saw Dust, 50 yard loads, $2/yard at the form. (717)527-2441. First cutting balage 4x4 bales. Berks Co. 610-926-5547. GOOD CORN SILAGE. DELIVERED IN YOUR SILO. High protein or regu lar. Satisfaction guaran teed. GARBER'S SILAGE SALES. Willow Street. 717-464-2894. Good Corn Silage, Delivery Available. 717/393-1490 717/872-5554. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. We de liver. L.J. HAY, INC. 1-800-622-9902. Hay and straw for sale. Can Deliver. 717-393-4683 Call 7AM. Hay For Sale, Heifer Dairy Horse Hay, Small Squares or Round Bales. (717)258-5224. You Call, We Haul. Hay for Salel 717/862-3213; 717/927-9483 Hay and straw for sale. STUMP ACRES (717)792-3216, York Co. High Moisture Shelled Com from Harveetora and Rolled HMSC from con crete silo. 814/669-4536 Huntingdon Co. High Moisture Shell Com Out of Harvestore. (717)872-5620. High moisture ear corn, in harvester. Lancaster Co. 717-786-2544. Hi-Moisture corn for sale out of sealed silo. Will de liver. Chester 610/593-6026. Mixed horse hay. Can de liver. (717)532-8601. New corp Wheat Straw, $7O/per ton. Delivered. 4x4xB big square bales. 717-534-1253. Nice Wheat Straw, at barn; Mixed Hay, at barn. Scales on farm. 717-872-7801. SWEET CORN SILAGE: Good protein content, $l3/per ton. Mixed with field com, $23/per ton. Will deliver. CLYDE KREIDER, Lancaster PA 717-898-8927. WANTED: Damaged or moldy com, grain or soy beans. 717/733-4516. Want to Buy: Moldy grain, feed, or bi-products. (410)833-1847. We sell everything you need to make a quality feed j/^NUTRITION Bate Mlxtt - Medlcatlont - Vit-MlnPaka Animal Health Suppllaa Creep and Nuraery Pelleta (717) 354-5741 475 Voganvllle Rd. Lve. msge. 656-1095 New Holland, PA 17557 Ronald S. Keener Grain Buying and Selling Ear and Shelled Corn and 60’ Trailer Scales Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-6309 Hoiro 717-653-5254 Eleyator Open polinated seed com, $2B/ bushel. Produces high protein silage and gram. Will ship. Call (419)657-6727: Round Bales- Alfalfa Grass, Clo-Tim. Ist Cutting Diy, 2nd $ 3rd Balage. Glenn Beldler (717)539-8993 Snyder Co. Soybeans, 98% germina tion (stale tasted), excel lent quality, cleaned, bagged, reasonable. (717)432-4865. STRAW: Hesston square bales, 4x4xB. Will deliver. 610-255-5211. Wanted Mulch Hay 610-869-2078 John H. Lloyd dean Wheat Straw Out of field Elizabethtown area 717-653*5244 Lancaster Co. HIGH MOISTURE SHELLED CORN Delivery Available John T. Wiker 322 River. Hill Rd. Conestoga, PA 717/872-4209 Alfalfa Seed Taking Orders. * Tested for germination and purity. * Will ship UPS. * $1.65/lb., * 50 lb. bags. Homestead Nutrition Inc. (717)354-4398 Round Bales Wanted For Mulch New or Old Hay Call Evenings 610/593-7317 WANTED Mulch hay Round and large square bales Picked up at your farm (610) 444-1651 Custom mixes Group Buying Plan Delivery Available