Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 1995, Image 52
Ice Cream (Continued from Page B 12) percent, from the mix, with extra cream added instead for the desired consistency and a 14 per cent butterfat level. Earlier this year, when Ron Dowell broke his wrist, his son-in law, Allen McKinney, began help ing with the ice cream making. A minister with the York Church of Christ, Ron still preaches some Sundays, but he is best known as the fourth-generation Carman’s Ice Cream maker, selling to second and third-generations of custom ers. Ron’fc wife, Pat, and her brothers and sisters all grew up helping to sell ice cream. Now their two teen-aged sons and another cousin earn spending money waiting on ice cream cus tomers during busy times, although Lucille still handles the Ron Dowell visits with his cousin Ruth Dowell as she stops by the Carman’s Ice Cream sales room. ®> MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. Excellence —p Since 1903 3368 York Rd. Gettysburg, PA 17325 717/624-3331 Call or wtlio today lor toora Information majority of the retail sales. Deliveries are made by Ron two days per week to long-time retail sales customers around southern York County, increasing to three days during strawberry season. Summer brings an added sales dimension, since many of the popular southern York County church picnics sell Carman’s Ice Cream. Often, two or three picnics are scheduled for the same Saturday. Although the Dowells make 16 or 17 different flavors, including such customer favorites as peach, black raspberry and orange-pine apple, vanilla remains the hands down favorite. Only top-grade fresh-frozen fruits, chocolates, nuts and other ingredients are used for flavoring. “My favorite is chocolate chip,” Allen decides after some thought. CONTACT: P.O. Box 126, Phlllipsburg, NJ 08865 908/454-7900 1-800-447-7436 The Old-Fashioned Way while mixing about the dozenth batch of ice cream for the morn ing’s freezing. Lucille likes “the odd flavors, anythihg different,” while Ron opts for the traditional vanilla and chocolate as his top choices. Every batch is taste-sampled for quality before being promptly hand-dipped into the round white cardboard containers. Carman’s is regularly inspected by the Dairy Division of the Pen nsylvania Department of Agricul ture, on a checklist of items. While their ice cream produc tion volume is limited due to space and the family workforce, there are no plans to expand the successful traditions that Carman’s custom ers have come to expect. Nor are there any plans to close the business. “We get calls all the time from people worried that we’re going out of business,” grins Ron, who reassures customers that they have no such intentions. Many of the folks among Car man’s long-time clientele have become like family; some send photos and notes about their exper REARMOUNT MOWERS Only Woods offers the choice of belt driven or gear over belt drive models in 5 ft. to 7 1/2 ft. cutting widths. If your tractor is in the 16 to 50 horsepower range, there’s a new Woods rearmount lawn mower for you. And like all Woods products, your Woods rearmount mower will be “worth more in the long run.” We’ve been around since 1947 and during that time Woods has been keeping promises and making mowers that keep on working years after most others “can’t cut it." Mtinofs only. call 1-800-420-6686 Model RM 360 of Choi Models WOODS - Dual WOODS - GANNON R.S. HOLLINGER & SON, INC. Mountville, PA 717-28 S-4538 BANGOR IMPLEMENT Bangor, PA 215-588-5924 ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT New Ringgold, PA 717-943-2131 iences with their ice cream purch ases. A favorite photo, framed at the store, shows a customer’s dog with its head buried deep inside a large Carman’s Ice Cream contain er. Other photos depict customers’ kids and grandkids, enjoying ice cream in various ways, but always with big, happy grins on their faces. And while Carman’s is largely a local name in the ice cream busi ness, customers have hauled it as far as the West Coast Some stop by on their travels in recreational vehicles, squirreling away sup plies of Carman’s product in their WOODS Model RM 660 ... come in for a demonstration THOMAS POWER EQUIPMENT Avondale, PA 215-268-2181 PIPERSVILLE GARDEN CENTER Pipersville, PA 215-766-0414 freezers. Others pack it % long hauls in picnic coolers, laced with dry ice for the journey. One camp cook has trucked whole freezerfuls of Carman’s Ice Cream to a recrea tional camp in Connecticut. The business has also been fea tured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles, as well as some occasional television spots from local and regional stations. Carman’s Ice Cream is located on North Main Street of Loganvil le. Retail hours are from 9 a.m. through 8:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 2 to 6 p.m. on Sundays. Woods set the standard for rearmount mowers in 1971 and today we still are the standard setter! NESLEY EQUIPMENT CO. Pottstown, PA 215-469-6391 D.W. OGG EQUIPMENT CO. Frederick, MD 301-473-4250 Westminster, MD 410-848-34585 Woods vee-forward deck design features a high-velocity air tunnel that moves cut material out fast and distributes it evenly. Tunnel and deck are one piece which adds strength by eliminating the need for high stress weld areas.