Tobacco Meeting at Paradise Sale Bam 0 Friday, July 28 Will be represented by major tobacco company. 0 717/687*0990 »-l- Dee Sign Co. having purchased the Assets of Diversified Sign Co and Diversified Machine Shop will sell at ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND REMAINING ASSETS AND MATERIALS, LOW PROFILE GAS DRYING OVEN, POWER SHEARS, METAL LATHES, COMPRESSORS, BLOHM HFSI2 SURFACE GRINDER SAX, JUNE 24,1995 @10:00 AM starting at 119 INDUSTRY LN, FOREST HILL MD 21050 AND proceeding to 2001CONOWINGO RD, BEL AIR MD 21015 Listing: Hvdoblaster Water Filtration System, Squegee Sharpner/Sander, Double Cutoff Machine with Hydraulic Vising, Speedaire Compressor, Quincy 10 hp 3 phase Air Compressor, Quincy 15 hp 3 phase Air Compressor, Quincy 5 hp Compressor, Model # 920 Porter Built Verticle Spindle Router, Rockwell Bench Top Drill Press, Polisher/Grinder, Walsh 28 Ton Press/Die Cutter Serial # 11392, Kala mazoo Model # H9AW Metal Cutting Band Saw 9 x 24 Capacity, 8 Ton V & O Press/Die Cutter with 1.2 S Inch Stroke, Ironcrafter Press and Metal Punch, Bench Buddy Staightner/Bender-Foster Manufac turing Model #22614 Serial # 10209, W.E. Shipley Machinery Co. # 4 Metal Working Power Press/Die Cutter, Goteneds # 7822 Power Shear Model # MG- 1-4 4 x 2.6410 gauge Manual backgauge, Inclinable #2 Federal press, Di-Acro # 5 Punch Press Serial # BCIII9, No. 4 W.E. Shipley V.O. Press Inclinable Serial # 402-37, Misc. Heavy Duty Shelving, 9 Sec tions of Pallet Racking, Misc, Tables, Sign Racks and Work Tables, SPE INC. Low Profile Natural Gas Fired Drying Oven Model # LPGHI - Serial#3632-0691, Ford F-150 Pick-Up Thick, Interlake Plastic Strapping Machine N-S-3, Tenn Smith Model A/52 Serial # 018216 gauge Air Shear, PAC Plastic Strapping Machine, 2 Precision Inc. Screen Printing Machines, 20 Ton Shop Press, Misc. Screen Printing Supplies, Conowingo Rd Location: 5 Ton Yale Hoist with 21’xlS’ A-Frame Overhead Frame, Overhead Trolley System, Assort ed Metal Sign Frames, Assorted Unipunch Press Dies, RPS 2024 MK2 Photographer, Misc. File Cab inets, Avey No. 2 Heavy Duty Drill Press Machine # 2559 BMA-6 Size 3, Bridgeport J-head Mill 9”x42” Table One Shot Lube I.shp 3 phase Belt Vary Drive Power Feed Vise and Collets Serial # 128R86256, BLOHM HFSI2 Surface Grinder 12”x48” with Magnetic Chuck and Manual Down feed Serial # 3285, 6” Bench Grinder, Racks, Bins and Carts, 3 Pallet Jacks/Movers, 5 Heavy Duty Carts, Walker Ceramax Precision Reid Surface Grinder w/Magnetic Chuck and Manual Down 18’x6’, Pratt and Whitney 486 M-1620 Jig Borer with digital readout, Battery Powered Lift Truck, Band Saw, Black Brothers Co. Heavy Duty Roller, 3 ft Straight Edge Brake, Dake # 1 Arbor Press, 15”x48” Clausing Metal Lathe Gear Drive with T\ir rent Tool Post 3 jaw chucks and steady rest w/Taper Attachment, Admiral shp Grinder, Clausing 15’x48’ Metal Lathe w/steady rest, Stimpson Hole Punch, Torit Dust Collection System, Beach 12” shp Table Saw w/Fence, Groumet Setter for Tup, Rockwell Model 15 Drill Press, Cardboard, Frames and Plas tic sheeting materials and much more. Tfcrms: Call •or an illustrated brochure with directions. Cash or certified hinds only. Business and Company Checks will only be accepted with Bank letter of Guarantee filled out prior to the sale. NO EXCEPTIONS. Call Auctioneer for form. Rranoval from buildings by June 29th, 1995 by jhOO pm. Riggers must be properly insured. All hems sold “AS-IS” 10% Buyers Premium on each Lot Sold. JAY EDWARDS & ASSOCIATES LTD . AUCTIONEERS / APPRAISERS 242 MAPLE WREATH CT ABINGDON MD 21009 L PHONE OR FAX 410-569-4125 Worker Protection Rules EVERETT NEWS WANGER Managing Editor LEOLA (Lancaster Co.) The Environ mental Protection Agency (EPA) worker protection law that went into effect in January of this year includes almost anyone who uses NEXT REPOSSESSION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 17.1995 AT 9:45 AM Approximately 200 Repo’s and Off Lease Vehicles Will Be Offered ISO Dealer and Public Units KEYSTONE JB| k PUBLIC fPgip AUTO I j/ili EXCHANGE 1111 Rt 22*322 “ 1701 * AH-000057-L Children under 16 years of age will not be admitted under any circumstances. cSrt!wi«Ts^ Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hecker's SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION PERSONAL PROPERTY Mon. Eve., June 19,1995 5:00 PM CHOICE REAL ESTATE Offered at 6:30 PM ANTIQUE TOYS - COLLECT. HURLEY MODEL CARS KILGORE CAP PISTOLS PORTA BOAT & MOTOR FOUR MAN TENT-TOOLS GUN LOADING & EXERCISE EQUIP. NICE APPLIA. & H.H. ITEMS LOC: 912 State St, Lane, PA. Comer of Harrisburg Ave. & State St; one block from F & M College. Watch far auction signs. Real Eitate: remodeled 2.5 Story, 4 Bedroom Semi-detached Brick Home w/new oak & tile kitchen; Dining Room, Living Room, 3 Bedrooms w/foll bath; Studio/Bedroom; Finished base ment w/foll bath; workshop. New roof, furnace, replacement windows; Brick courtyard. New 1.5 story 1.5 car garage/stu dkVshop. The Becker’s are very serious about selling this prop erty as they are moving to Colorado. This is as near to an absolute confirmation of sale as found at auction. Illustrated brochure call REIST Auction at 560-9902. OPEN HOUSE: Sat June 17 • l;00to3:00 PM. You will be pleasantly surprised at what you may purchase this line home foe Inspect by appoint; 560- 9902. A MUST see property! TERMS: 10% down sale day. Bal. & Settlement in 45 days. Call Lee Simons tor Financing, Meridian Mort Co., 5814311, Lane. PERS. PROP.: ANTIQ.: Duck Decoy; HUBLEY Die Cast Metal Model Packard, Dusenburg, Chevy Cpe,, Colt 45 & Flint lock Pistols; 7 Kilgore Metal & Snappy jack, Eng. Cap Pistols; Erector Set LIONEL: Baby Ruth Car, 1684 Engine; USAF Engine; Marx Engine & Car w/Cateipilrs.; HO Gauge Tain; Plasticville Build ings; Matchbox Lesney Eng. Cars, Thicks, TVactor; Mantua San ta Fe 99 Engine; BOAT! 12 ft. 3 Man Porta Boat w/Oars & Dol lie; New Evinrude 4HP Gas Outboard w/remote tank; New MinKota 2.8 lb. Vanbl. spd. elect, motor; Elect. Tide Guide; Sonar Depth Finder, Fish Lo-K-Tor, Hedden Deep Sea Reel & Pfluger Suraits Reels, Lores; Pine 10 Gun Cabinet w/drawers; Pacific reloading Equip, for rfl, shtgn. & pistol w/DHSO w/chg. bushings; Stock Checkering Tools; Remington Gay Bird Throw er, Powder Flasks; BEAR Whitetail Compd. Bow & arrows; Camp healer, Gass 1 Trailer Hitch; Winch. Spr. X 28 ga. Shells; Bench Master Pistol Rest; Coleman 4 Man Tent; Yakima Roof Racks w/boat attach.; 24 ft. Alumn. Ext. Ladder; Elect. Leaf Blower, 1.5 HP Ciftsmn. Router w/biscut jointer ass.; NEW McCullough 16” Chain Saw in case; New elect. Brad Nailers; Air Pump; Wagner Paint Sprayer, VOFT exercise Bike, Step master, Radar Detectors & CB Radios; LEEDY Snare Dmm; Ridgeway Grandfather Clock; NICE KENMORE; IS cu. ft. Upright Freezer, HD Plus Clothes Washer & HD Dryer; and much more. Vsry clean lot of goods. Items sold as is. TERMS; Cash approved check. ATTY.: Mr. Henry Haefher, Esq. Lancaster, PA auction by: Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hecker AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: REIST Auctioneers AU-1637-L Al & Art Reist, Auctioneers Lane, PA7I7-560-9902 CUP THIS AD!!! pesticides on his farm. Bob Anderson, Lancas- ter County agent, reviewed the ground rules of the law at the monthly Ag Forum Thursday morning. Farm workers who are within one-fourth mile during a' 30-day period after the pesti- cide has been applied to the crop are impacted. And a person who mixes pesticides is impacted even more and must wear safety equipment according to the label. Such things as rubber gloves, long sleeves, respirators, self- con tained breathing appara tus, and eye protection are items you will need to provide. Anything on the label can be enforced. It’s a national law. The Pennsylvania Department of Agricul ture (PDA) is responsi ble for enforcement. They are taking an edu cational approach at the moment But eventually a claim will be filed, an investigation launched, someone will be found in violation, and action will be taken. While not being spe cific, Anderson said the penalties are rather stiff and warned against tak ing the attitude that if you ignore the law, it will go away. “It’s like a sleeping dog,” Ander son said. “Someone in time will be caught” The law designates two classes of people, ag workers and pesti cide handlers. You must Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication ■I iKic scher Farm, Rto. 282 S. of June Nichols, NY Exit 62 Rte. 17 SAT. JUNE 10 - 9:3OAM Southern Tier Expressway Country Auction at Vis- a t Visscher Farm, or 20 The Lone Star Of Meadowbrook 340 W. Main St.. Leola, PA OUTDOOR ABSOLUTE AUCTION JUNE 16. 1995 - 1-4 P.M. Rain Date - June 23, 1995 Housewares, Heaters. Toys, File Cabinets, Etc. Up For Bid. Look For Future Auction Dates. Auctioneer Claude Bechtold AU-2176-L Accept: Visa, Master Card, Mac, Personal Checks Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 10, 1995-A3iT give each of these groups their special training in first aid, safe ty, and the hazards of pesticides. Anderson says he often sees a farmer stop his sprayer rig in the field, remove a clogged nozzel, blow it out with his mouth while stand ing in the sprayed area in his bare feet “This kind of activity is an accident waiting to hap pen,” Anderson said. “Pesticides have a very good record as far as injury to people and contamination of the ground water. They are very safe considering the way we use them. But if we don’t take the common sense precau tions. someone will eventually get sick.” Specific delayed entry times after appli cation are also impor tant. Each pesticide has its own reentry time that may be from a few hours to a few days. Each pes ticide also has its own demands for warning farm workers about the application. Some you need to give verbal warnings, some posted warnings, and some both verbal and posted warnings. You are told on the label about these specifications. Training for workers and handlers is also a part of the law. Each group of employees must be given the proper training. “Most of what the law implies is good common sense,” Ander son said. “But some of the applications are going to be difficult for some people. Fortunate ly, with the law they also provided the train ing manuals and other materials needed to comply with the law. “Everything in the law is for the protection we would want to give our people anyway. But we need to document what we are doing, and the paperwork will give some people a real hard time. But we need to keep notebooks and diaries to prove what we have done in the way of spraying fields and training workers. We need to get signatures from employees when we train them and give them the materials.” For answers to ques tions or to obtain train ing materials, contact your county agent’s office for information. Or the Pennsylvania Department of Agri cultrue may be con tacted too. r.iles N. of Towanda, Wys ox via Rte. 187. Howard W. Visscher, auct. SAT. JUNE 10 & 17 - B:3OAM Estate of R.G. "Barney' Scheidler (Deb's Collectables). Approx. 30 miles n. of Harrisburg along Rt. 147, in Millersburg, Pa. Esther K. Scheidler, owner. Dockey, Dockey- Romberger & Deppen, aucts. SAT. JUNE 10 - 9AM 7 acre farmette, furniture, HH goods, JD Riding mower, car and tools. At Bear Rd., Lenhartsville, Pa. Windsor Twp., Berks Co. Exit 11 of 178, take Rt. 143 N. approx. 2 miles, make left onto Mountain Rd. for approx. 2 miles to Bear Rd. make left. For Della Bear Estate. David P. Loeb, auct. TUES. JUNE 13- 10AM’85 Int. diesel, lumber, molding, doors, vanities, hardware, lock sets, nail & screws, cabinets, paints & access., tools, machinery, flooring, roofing & office furn. & euqip. By order of Kiene Lumber & Home Center Capra Auction Sales. FRI. JUNE 16- 1-4 PM The Lone Star of Meadowbrook Outdoor Absolute Auction, 340 W. Main St., Leola Housewares, heaters, toys, file cabinets, etc. Claude Bechtold, auct. SAT. JUNE 17-B:3OAM At Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hinson resi dence on Rt. 96 S. of New Paris in Bedford Co, Pa. next to the Country Way Restaurant, 4 miles S. of Schellsburg off of Rt 30. Coverlets, Model A parts, rocker, 100+ pcs., of Blue Willow, tools & equip. Deryl R Clark, auct SAT. JUNE 17 - 9:3OAM Const equip, landscape, dump trucks & truck trac tors. Remington (Patten burg) NJ Interstate 1-78 to exit 11, (Pattenburg, NJ) Proceed to sale site at Rt 173 & Stroutz Rd. N side just off the interstate. Alex Lyon & Son, aucts SAT. JUNE 17 - 9 45AM Repossession Sale, approx 200 repos & off lease vehciles. Keystone Public Auto Exchange
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