Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 1995, Image 34
A34*Laneaster Farming, Saturday, June 10, 1995 Sen. Jubelirer Appoints Altoona Man To Farmland Board HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Ray Diebold, an Altoona dairy farmer, was appointed last week to the Pennsylvania Agricul tural Land Preservation Board by Sen. Robert Jubelirer, who is also Senate president pro tempore. The 17-member board has over sight of the state Farmland Protec tion Program, which allows the state and counties to purchase development rights referred to as easements to guarantee that certain farms remain as agricultur al land. The board is constructed so that Fungicides Released To Fight Late Blight HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) —Agriculture Secretary Charles C. Brosius announced that two fungicides are now available for commercial growers to control late blight in potatoes. Acrobat MZ and Curzate M-8 were unavailable for use on pota toes until Brosius formally requested that they be exempted from federal Environmental Pro tection Agency (EPA) regulations this growing season. “We’re pleased that the EPA has approved our request to use these fimgicides on Late blight," Brosius said. “It’s another tool for farmers as they combat this disease.” Acrobat MZ is manufactured by E.I. du Pont de Nemours, and Cur zate M-8 is manufactured by the American Cyanamid Company. Both fungicides will be available from commercial suppliers until October 1, when the exemption expires. Brosius requested the exemp tions due to an emergency condi tion resulting from the introduc tion of a new strain of late blight fungus (Phytophthora infestans). There was over $4 million in dam age to Pennsylvania potato crops due to late blight dur- the secretary of the Agriculture Department is chairman. Other members include the sec retaries of the departments of Community Affairs and Environ mental Resources; the minority and majority leaders of the House and Senate Agricultural and Rural Affairs committees; the dean of The Pennsylvania State University College of Agricultural Sciences; five members appointed by the governor; and four members appointed, one each by the speaker of the House, the House minority leader, the Senate president pro ing 1994. Plants affected by late blight have brownish to purplish-black spots appearing on leaves or stems of plants. The disease can occur at any time during the growing sea son when humid, rainy conditions occur. In addition to requesting exemption for the two fungicides, the Agriculture Department increased its monitoring activity to alert growers to the presence of late blight and blight conditions. Growers may contact an inte grated pest management hotline for information on the occurrence and management of late blight The telephone number is (800) 736-6476 (800-PENN-IPM). The department’s Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory is also assisting in the late blight manage ment effort by testing samples using a new technique that pro vides faster determination of late blight fungus to aid growers in fighting the disease. For more information on the control of late blight, growers may contact their professional associa tions, county extensions agents, or the Agriculture Department’s Plant Industry Labs at (717) 787-5609. MILK. ITDOESA BODY good: tempore, and the Senate minority leader. Diebold was appointed by Jube lirer to fill an unexpircd term on the board. Normally, members serve for four years. Diebold’s board term is to end in April 1997. The appointment is one of sev eral leadership positions that Die bold currently holds. He is a mem ber of Sen. Jubelirer’s agricultural advisory group, the Penn State Agricultural Advisory Council, and the Pennsylvania Council of Agricultural Organizations. Also, last year, Diebold was reappointed to serve as a member of the Pennsylvania Dairy Promo tion Program Board of Directors. Diebold operates a 90-cow dairy farm in Tyrone Township, with his wife Juyd and son Kevin. He and Judy also have a son Ken, and daughter Karen. As a member of the Farmland Protection Program Board of Directors, Diebold is to review B&B SPRAY PAINTING SANDBLASTING SPRAT - ROLL - BRUSH Specializing in Buildings, Feed Mills - Roofs - Tanks - Etc., Aerial Ladder Equip. Stone - Barn - Restoration 574 Gibbon’s Rd., Bird-In-Hand, Pa. Answering Service (717) 354-5561 Attention Central PA Farmers Broiler and Hog Finishing contracts available for new houses Northeast Agri Systems. Inc DBH Fiywoy Builnvu Park 139 A W#st Airport RooO Utitz PA 17543 ■nilnililP (7)7)569-2702 ■fiiMHll 1-800-673-2580 requests to approve programs and purchases of building easements on farmland. Under the program, individual landowners who have first enrolled their acres within an approved Agricultural Security Area can then apply to a county preservation board to sell the deve lopment rights to the farmland. County boards (there are 37 cur rently in the state) can request state !■ m Mmorva Store 306 Urt vwvfy Avt —— tadwotaburg MO (Formwty long lumber) ■■j||n funding to help pay for the ease ments, or purchase the easements entirely. State Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brosius praised the selection. “Mr. Diebold has operated a dairy farm in Blair County and has been a leader in agricultural issues for many year,” Brosius said. “We will value his input as a board member.” The 41st Annual KEMPTON COUNTRY FAIR Friday to Si Jane 16 -1 FRIDAY - Blue Mountain Gang, 7 & 9:30 p.m. • Darryl & Don Ellis, 8:15 & 10:15 p.m. • Tractor Pulls, 4x4 & modified stock pulls, 6 p.m. SATURDAY - Andrew Roblln, 3 & 5 p.m. • San Antonio Rosa, 6 & 9:15 p.m. • Jett Williams & The Drifting Cowboys, 7:15 & 10:15 p.m. • Mountain Madness Off Road Races, Figure B's, 12 noon, Drags, 6 p.m. • Children’s Day, 1 to 4 p.m. SUNDAY - The Country Rhythm Band, 5 & 7 p.m. • Tommy Schaefer & The Blue Mountain Ramblers, 6:15 & 8:15 p.m. • Mlaa Kempton Fair Scholarship Pageant., 12 noon • WEEU Cycle Series Bicycle Races, 9 a.m. • Mountain Madness Off Road Obstacle Race, 12 noon • Childrens Pedal Tractor Pull, 1 p.m. EVERY DAY - Quilt Show and Sale • Midway • Amusements • Bingo • Great Food • 100+ • Exhibits • Gate Prizes • FREE ENTERTAINMENT ADMISSION: Friday, Saturday: $4 par paraon. Chlldran 6-12, 1/2 priea, undar 6, Fraa. Sunday, $4- par carload KEMPTON COMMUNITY CENTER Kempton is located five miles - north of 1-78 on either Rf. 737 or Rt. 143 and south from 309 on Rt. 143. Phone: (610) 756- 6030 or (610)756-6444. •For more information call 1-800-673-2580 ask for Jay Kreider