Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 1995, Image 162
D3O-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 10, 1995 THIS IS IT! ■■ tSi i /* **- ¥ \ The RH Series Dual Rake Hitch “Quality at an affordable price” * Cut field time and fuel consumption in half * Easy to operate. Actually improves maneuverability in small three-comer fields * Optional bolt on hydraulic drive for PTO powered rakes and tedders 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee FREE SHIPPING WITHIN 100 MILES! Prices start at $1,495 for model RHI26, but order early, supplies are limited! |Enarjo Farabaugh Mfg. 756 Columbia St. Loretto, Pa. 15940 For more information, contact John or Art at: (814) 472-8068 or (814) 472-5973 FOR SALE IN NEW YORK NH 853 Auto Wrap Mint JD 500 Round Baler AC 4WD Art, Loader As-is Case 680 H Ext. Backhoe Boom Cab w/Brackets for White Tractors Cont. 6 cyl. D. Power Unit w/Clutch & Pulley Ford 4X SAR Semi MID Plow Ford F-5 Cab & Chassis Flathead V-8 JD 4020 HFWD Power Shift 1985 GMC w/24' JerrDan Drop Pockets, 366 5+2; 1 Owner, Available Now $12,500 JD 4230 platform fenders & roof $550 Ford ClOOO fire truck (red) $4,500 Case 11 SOB crawler loader, 4NI, final trouble Call Glencoe 8X Cult. Hyd. Fold $750 White 8X Air Planter 5400 $5OO Mechanerie Hyd. Round Bale Trailer $1,500 IHC 3Pt. 5 Shank V Ripper JD 2600 Series 5X P10w.... Vermeer 605 D Round Baler Mohawk Batwing Mower Farm King Hydraulic Stock Trailer Cab for IHC 1066 MF 135 w/Front Mtd. Forklift Harvesters 3200 Slurrystore tank Goodrich Auction Service, Inc. Rt. 38 & 388 Newark Valley, NY 13811 607-642-3293 AGI-POMPE AGITATES BOTTOM SEDIMENTS AND ATT Rotatlw duigm P.T.O Powuliil agitata I eovarlni holding 24" 41a. Provldb agltatioi •van whl 2(T dla. tall-elai Mtom poor feu with ill bath protactat by Anlltbli In 8 vinlom a pfiMiblt a wall im(bantam on ucb lor concrolo pita, ofeafl. I Hi FARM EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER We Have Most HOULE Parts In Stock Give Us A Call! “We’re Here To Serve You ” SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT RD 3, Box 130, Mlffilnburg, PA 17844 717-966-2736 Ask For Ernest Or Dean ENGINE KITS Ctevhe fJMBjKfII PERFECTCIRCU SJmneSSr t These kits feature premium performance txampie. Clevite or Perfect Circle Engine Allis Chalmers 670 T Engine $1,893 Components. Includes: Pistons, Piston Case GlBBO Engine $560 Pins. Rings, Sleeves. Rod & Main Bearings * , nnc and overhaul gasket set. Ford 120 Gas $225 -Call with your application today IHC 0282 $726 -Limited Lifetime Warranty! _ Free bearing Inatalling kit with each Deere 6404 $1,073 overhaul kit • Call for details I Penn Diesel Service Co! I Interstate 81. Exit 27 I Harrisburg, PA 17112 I (717) 545-4207 (800) 535-2913 .$9,500 .$2,500 $4,000 .$2,000 ...$450 $1,250 ...S7SO ....$750 Call ...$550 $2,250 $2,250 ...$950 ...$450 ...S4SO $3,995 ....$750 ROVENDALE AG & BARN EQUIP. WATSONTOWN, PA 17777 J 717 538 9564 OR 717 742 4226 [jl] L «•••■; 1 'll i I i''li ; i i | I i-U , 11 ,m it i 11 I m 1 * Mini 111 S l, , ) ' | I S |n | ' 1 i THE HARVESTING SPECIALIST MEYERS IMPLEMENTS, INC. 400 North Antrim Way Greencastle, PA 17225 Phone; (717) 597-2176 Fax: (717) 597-5349 IfM S The Rollant 66 makes fast work of 4'xs' bales. Its unique two-stage pick-up and close tines produce a dean, efficient harvest in less time. Rollatex netting wraps a bale in 10 seconds or less, and double-twine wraps it up in just 20. The Rollant 46 intro duced CLAAS's innovative fixed bale chamber to the marketplace. This versa tile baler handles all farm operations from dry hay to silage. Nobody produces a better 4’x4' bale. The Rollant 42 was de signed for family livestock operations. This economi cal investment produces weather-tight 4'x4' bales for the highest nutrient con tent possible. CLAAS bales mean nu trient-filled edible hay, low spoilage, and high crude protein retention. Each Rollant offers the innovative chamber, low profile pick-up, and world class dependability. And they all share CLAAS’s in ternational reputation for low maintenance, durabil ity and long-life. Call now to see how you can improve the round fig ures on your bottom line.