Vermeer round balers, new and used. Rakes, tedders, wood shippers, round bale choppers and wrappers and film. Flexi-bale mover and field cultivator. C. W. Neiderhiser Sales, (412)423-4076. WANTED - AC golf cart and anytime. Terr^ T ‘ 9e^i V M i £fl9M ny Zimmerman 44' bale ele condition. 301-845-8929. _ y nh 900 grass head; jwer, ib. Power Angle Snow Plow, 3 PTH, Hyd Set Up For Loader, Ag or Turf Tires Leave message (410) 343-2062 J & L hay-saver feeds 20 cattle. New, improved, round hay-bale feeder feeds large or small hay bales along with square bales. It proves to save hay. This • feeder is built of heavy I'/«” pipe and %" steel'for ring. Available with Vi” steel or treated %" plywood floors. This 1,200 lb. ; feeder is built to last. < Call for more information. J & L Equipment St. Thomas, PA (717) 369-2637 Martin Tractor " 866 Greenspring Rd. Newvllle. PA 17241 Used Tractors AC 185 $4,500; Oliver 1850 3 Spd. $6,000; IH Super H w/live hyd. $2,300; JD 530 w/3pt. & front wts. $4,500; White 2-85 $8,000; JD 4040, like new, 221 org hrs.: JD 4030 $9.500: JD 620: IH <gPWBOO Used Tractor Parts Most Makes and Models 5 (facior^msS Have Large Selection ,B *M and Recent Arrivals: Case 1030; 3020; Case 430; JD 4020; IH 230; IH 300; AC 170; JD 2010; IH 1206; JD 3020; JD 2030; Case DC; JD 2010; JD 50; IH 706; Case 630; JD 520; JD 4520; JD 70 Dsl.; Ford 960 JD 48 Loader w/Bucket & Bale Fork also 4020 Brackets $2,900 Call (717) 776-7542 or 6057 (717) 776-7327 Fax for detailed information MON-FRIB-5 SAT 8-12 No Sunday Calls Will Ship UPS ■■ No Out-Of-State Personal Checks ■! WOODS MOWING MACHINE 12 h.p., 44’ deck, brand new, $3,400. Only 2 Left! 410-833-9091 Yale Forklift, 4 stage mast w/20' lift, LPG Chrysler slant, 6 engine, auto fans, excellent condition, $6OOO. Call 410-337-3570 717-665-4743. NELSON PARTS 250 LOVEJOY RD PENN VAN NY 14527 (800)730-4020 (716)526-6705 USED JOHN DEERE TRACTOR PARTS 4020,3020,2520,4010,3010,2010 USED JOHN DEERE ENGINE PARTS 2940, 2840, 4430, 4230, 4030, 5020, 4020, 3020, 2520,4010,3010, 2010 USED PLOW PARTS JD 2500,1450,360, 350,145; OLIVER 575, 548, 568; IH 700, 710, 720; MF 880, AC 2000 JD2S2ODWFE $7,900 JO 4230,4 post quad, dual remote, field ready JD 3 Bottom Semi-Mount Hyd. Reset Plow $6OO 4020 Diesel Engine $2,400 Exchsnge Wide Front End for 4020 $975 WE SHIP U.P.S. - R.P.S. & TRUCK FREIGHT 1(800)730-4020 (NO TWO CYLINDER PARTS) Cub Cadet 1512Dw/50” Deck Cub Cadet 1572 w/60” Deck Cub Cadet 1872 w/60” Deck Cub Cadet 2072 w/70" Deck Cub Cadet 17flDDB0" Deck Cub Cadet 1862 w/44" Deck Gravely Pro Master 3H w/72" Deck USED EQUIPMENT JD 1219 Mower Conditioner IH 1190 9’ Mower Conditioner IH 800 6R Planter Kuhn 200 Mower Conditioner Kuhn SC3OO Mower Conditioner NI 207 Spreader NI 484 Round Baler IH 510 Drill 18x7 Woods HD 315 Mower Gehl 1500 A Round Baler 72" Manure Forks for 2250 loader JD Forage Blower JD Forage Blower (1) 15-72 Landpride Seeder (1) Little Giant 28’ Elevator Cub Cultivators Cub 54A Blade NI Drop Spreader NI 555 Baler Woods RN 59 Mower Mott 5’ Mower BIGGS INCORPORATED 190 Biggs Hwy., Rising Sun. MD 410-658-5531 CASEW USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques. We ship UPS. Hill- T Farm Sales = Service, 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio 45346. 513548-0718. Vermeer 605-H baler, used very little. Ory/Liquid bale perservative applicators. 717/733-4516. Due to the luge increase in baleage equipment sales we are overstocked with used equipment. No reasonable offer refused on equipment listed below. TRACIORS JD 3150 MFWD & 4 poet, 1750 hrs., $27,000 Ford 5610 Cab & Loader 750 Hrs., Sharp! $23,500 JD 2750 MFWD $20,500 JD 2940 MFWD, w/260 Loader $lB,OOO JD 2640 w/Loader Sharp Must See $15,000 BALERS Vicon 4x5 Round Bale RP 1200 r JD 24T (Parts) NH 320 w/Thrower $4,200 JD 327 w/Ejector $4,500 Gehl 1310 Round Baler Used 1 Season $10,500 JD 336 w/Ejector $3,000 HARVESTERS & BLOWERS NH 38 Flail Chopper, like new JD 51/2" Pickup Head Gehl 400 Harveeter 2 Heads JD 3940 Harvester 2 Heads Gehl Hi Throw Blower NH 770 FH 2 Heads Badger 54” Blower Sharp Fox 2300 FH 2 Heads & Hopper Kit Gehl 1250 FH 2 Heads NH 23 Blower NH 890 FH w/2 Row #3551 JD 2 Row Com Head IHB3OFH3Row&PickUp Gehl 800 FH w/2 Heads JD 65 Blower NH 890 2 Heads #3699 Gehl 750 FH NH 717 2 Heads JD 3950 5-1/2’ Pick Up MO COB JD 1470 Disc Mo Co 14', Sharp JD 1327 Disc Mo Co JD 350,3 pt, 7’ Sickle Mower, Sharp NH 489, works FORAGE, GRAVITY ft DUMP BOXES Kilbros Box on Gear $l,OOO EZ Flo Box on Gear $7OO Kilbros Gravity Box On Gear $l,OOO Jifly Dump Wagon $5,500 MC Connell Dump Wagon $3,500 IHIOS F-Box on 1H330 Gear $l,OOO NH F-Box with Gear $7OO Gehl 920 F-Box on Tandem $2,400 Gehl 640 F-Box & Gear $2,500 RAKES ft TEDDERS NH 258 with Caster Wheel (Sharp) 13'Kuhn Tedder PLANTERS MF 4 Row Like New Ford 352 4 Row Sharp JD 485 4 Row TILLAGE JD 725 4 Row Cultivator Miller 14’Disc MF 6 Bottom Auto Reset Plow Ford 12’Disc JD 220 Center Fold Disc JD 350 5 Bottom Row Hyd. Reset #3650 JD 350 5 Bottom Hyd Reset #3692 McConnell 16’Drag SPREADERS Gehl 315 Scavenger Spreader, flotation tires, sharp $5,500 Gehl 315 Scavenger Spreader, nice $4,000 Gehl MS 309 Spreader $2,900 NH 302 Side Discharge Spreader $2,900 NH 302 Side Discharge Spreader $2,900 Gehl 350 Tandem Box Spreader $2,250 Knight 912 Spreader $2,500 H&S 235 Box Spreader, used 1 yr. $3,200 Gehl 312 Scavenger Spreader $2,200 Gehl 250 Box 51,200 Gehl 7210 Mixer Feeder, 3 yrs., UeblerBl2FeedCart Uebler 808 Feed Cart UebterSlO Feed Cart Agrimetal 9hp Bedding Chopper Chop-N-Bed Bedding Chopper JD 213 Grain Head JD 503 Rotary Cutter Allied 7’ Dozer Blade Fits Ford 4000 JD 3300 Combine, w/13' platform s'Rotary Cutter #3454 Kidd Big Round Bale Chopper JO Fork Lift Att. Fits 600 & 700 Loader VALLEY SUPPLY SOMMNY, INC' (607) 859-2252 or 336-DEER 50 Milts North of Blnghsmton South Now Bsrlln, NY Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Junt 10, 1995-Dll WD 45 Allis Chalmers, w/ wide front, snap coupler, good condition, like new tires, $2,045. (717)336-2031. $4,500 $5,500 $1,400 $l,BOO $7,500 $1,200 $2,200 $1,500 $2,900 $6,500 $5OO $2,000 $1,200 $3,000 $2,200 $1,200 $3,500 $2,000 $1,500 $11,500 $10,900 $6,000 $1,500 $1,200 $2,500 $6OO $2,000 $2,000 $5OO $2,750 $3,500 $3,000 $1,200 $3,500 $1,250 $1,500 $750 $8,500 $l,BOO $1,500 $1,500 $1,200 $550 $1,900 $650 $875 $4,850 $350 $4,200 $l,OOO $4OO $550 .200 ...,$14,750 BNB Shoe polishing machine, Landis Line Finisher, $l5OO. Call 410-337-3570 anytime. TRACTOR TIRE Firestone 18.4x42, new, $3OO. 410-833-9091 USED SKID STEER LOADERS AND ATTACH MENTS: (2) Mustang 940; 920; Rockhound 60A; Con crete hammer. USED FORKLIFTS; Komatsu FD4S; FGIS; (2) FG2O; FG2S. AC7OBC RTFL; CAT RBO RTFL; Hyster H 80; CAT V6OD. PENN EQUIPMENT CO. 717-667-6504. Pat* TRACTORS JD (300 Tractor, MFWD w/Cab JD 6400 Tractor w/Cab JD 4200 Tractor w/Cab JD 4630 Tractor w/Cab, Reconditioned JD 4456 MFWD w/Cab JD 4450 Tractor JD 4430 Tractor w/Cab JD 4040 Tractor w/Cab JD 4030 Tractor w/Cab JD 2660 Tractor, MFWD JD 2755 TTactor 2WD w/Cab JD 2760 TTactor 2WD JD 2580 Tractor MFWD w/Loadar JD (50 Tractor JD *3O Tractor 1H1046 Tractor IH 6M WFE lIH 574 Tractor w/Cab A Dual Whaala Ford IN TTactor HAY EQUIPMENT JD 335 Balar w/Ejactor JO 337 Balar w/E|aetor NH <45 Round Balar JD 1205 Mowar Conditioner NH 449 Mowar Conditioner NH 411 Mowor Conditioner JD 3940 Forage Harvaatar JD 3440 Forage Harvaatar JD 490 Forage Harvaatar w/S'/>‘ Pickup 4 2 Row Wide JD 714 Forage Wagon Mayara modal SI4AL Forage Wagon w/naw aldaa PLANTERS JD 7000 4R Cone. Plantar JD 7000 4R Cone. Plantar AC 333 4 Row, Air Champ., Dry Fertilizer IH 5100 Grain Drill Dead JD 4250 Grain Drill COMBINES JO 4620 alda Hill comblna w/443 com head 4 platform JD 4420 Side Hill Comblna JD 6600 Side Hill Combine, Reconditioned JD 4425 Comblna w/443 Com Head 4 Platform JO 220 Flax Platform JD 643 Com Head JD 643 Com Head MF 4R Com Head MISCELLANEOUS JD 460 Field Cultivator 24’ w/Tooth Bar JD MS, <R Cultivator JD ISM Rotary Mowar Buah Hog 2615 Rotary Mowar Rhino 20' Bat Wing Mowar JD ISM Rotary Mowar Caaa Modal 14,9 Shank V Rlppar IH S Shank, V Rlppar Uaad JO 27 Flail Shraddar JD 2SOO 5 Bottom Plow, Spring Raaat JD 230 Dlac Wlnglold NH 3M Manura Spraadar, Uaad 1 Saaaon NI#lOlRCom Plckar John Blua, 1,000 gal. Sprayar John Blua SM gal. Sprayar
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