VA Weekly RICHMOND, VA MAY 31,1993 Review of Virginia direct hogi for the period May 23-30. 1993. Receipt! for hot caretu befit totaled 919 head. Receipt! for live bail! plant delivery (within a 30 mile tadint) totaled 430 head. Receipt! for live batii country buying itationi totaled 900 head. The Virginia direct hog market - modi compared to last Monday. Banowt and GOtt: hot catcall belli 163-191 lb. Catcall trend: Steady Price; 51.66 48% Lean yield <.27mm(1.13 In. Tenth rib) backfat Live baiii local plant HAY, STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 1 p.m. Auction will continue all year long Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30,10 miles east of Lancaster in Paradise, PA) For info. L. Robert Frame, Sr. (717) 442-4181 business president (215) 458-8518 Home 355 f agrl systems Wort delivered (within 30 mile radim) US 2-3 220-230 Ibi. Trend; Steady Price: few 34.00-35.00. Live baiii Virginia country point! US 1-3 220-230 Lbi 32.50-33.30. Slaughter Steen and Heiferl 0%; Slaughter Cowi 20% Slaughter Bulli 4%, Slaughter Calvei and Vealen 0%; Feeder Cattle under 600 Ibi 62%, over 600 Ibi 14% Price rangei for Virginia weekly euctiom Feeder Cattle total head count for all weight! 2327 head Steen: Medium 1 300-400 71.00-83.00 few 63.00 400-300 67.50-84.50 NortheastAgrl Systems, Inc. QB Flyway Business Park s,ore hou,s Mon - Fri 7 30t0 4 30 QKKi su university ave. 130 A West Airnnrt Rnnrl Sat 8 00,0 Noon WW (Formerly Lon# Lumber) ! I*l* nA®flc Jo POrT ROad 24 Hr 7 Day Ro P alf wma 1-•00-735-6361 Lititz, PA 17543 mmm store hours; Ph: (717) 569-2702 fgl 1-800-673-2580 fBSS&j «M« GOOD'S LIVESTOCK, INC. S* Sows •Boar, • Cull Pig* NOW RECEMNQ: Mon. 6:30-11 am Frl. 6:30-10 am All Market Hogs Received At Station AjA Must Be Scheduled Jn|m One Weak In Advance Rt SOT -1 mile North of Fhmpolntvllle (717) 448-8778 « FAX (717) 445-8099 900-600 63J0-12.00 600-700 61.00-714)0 700-100 6230-73.00 100-900 57J0-5955 Hofei: Medium 1 ' 200-300 56.00-69J0 300-400 56J0-61.00 400-300 51.00-76J0 900-600 35.00-63J0 600-700 53J0-62.75 700-100 55.00-56.00 100-900 53J0-SS.OO Slaughter Cowl loul head count 617 bead Utility and Commercial Cowi 2-4 33J046.75 Cutter and boning Utility 1-3 34.00-47.50 Canter and low Outer 1-2 30.00-41 JO Slaughter Bulk: head count 130 head 1-2 900-1300 Ibi 42.50-54.00 1-2 1300-1600 Lbe 41 JO-51.50 1-2 1600 Lbe aid over 42.00-56.50 Slaughter Lamhe total head count 371 head New crap Choice few Prime 1-2 few 3 94-113 lb* 82.00- Good and few Choice 1-2 119 lbe 77.00 Good and few Choice 1-2 62- 90 Ibi 87.00- Goan 47 head pi Billiaa-Medium 53.00-69.00 few 46.00 • Small 40.00-55.00 few 21.00 Nanniaa - Large 45.00-52.00 - Medium 40.00 Kidi • 20.00-31.00 Slaughter Hog* 9 head Bartowa and GQu US 1-3 200-250 lbe 30.00 Sows US 1-3 300-300 lbe 27.00 US 1-3 900 lbe and over 30.30 Source: Virginia Department of Agri culture and Consumer Servicea- USDA Market Newa, Richmond, VA 804-786-3947 HOOe bbl Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrtoonburg, Va., May 27, 1995 Report aupplled by auction STEERS: MAL-1 300-500 LBS. 65.00-79.00; 500-700 LBS. 60JO-67.00; HOLSTEIN 300-1000 LBS. 47.00-60.00 FEEDER BULLS: 300-500 LBS. 55.00-60.00; 500-700 LBS. 41.00-61.00; 700-800 LBS. 45.00-SO.OO. HEIFERS: M&L-l 300-500 LBS. 45.01V68.00. 500-700 LBS. 46.00-60.00, 700-1000 LBS. 60.00. STOCK COWS: BEEF 350.00-S10.00; BABY CALVES 35.00-59.00. SLAUGHTER CATTLE: STEERS CHOICE 2-4, NONE; GOOD 2-3 55.0060.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 2-4 40.25-45.50. CAN NER AND CUTTERS 1-3 35.00-40.00. SLAUGHER BULLS; 46.00-52.00. LAMBS: BLUE O HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 88.00, RED O CHOICE SPRING BS.2S, FEEDER LAMBS CHOICE 85.00; SLAUGHTER EWES 21.50-23.75; HEAD EWES 60.00. HOGS USI-3 200-240 LBS. NONE Lmeamr Fuming, Saturday, Juna 3,H95*A1 SOWS 1-3: 25.50. BOARSiNONE. - VEALS: GOOD 60.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: GOOD AND CHOICE soxn-om Grants ville Livestock CmMh, Maryland Report Suppled by AucUea SaL, May 27, 1995 STOCK BULLS AND STEERS 200-500 LBS. 55.00-75.0 a STOCK HEIFERS; 55.0065.00. SLAUGHTER STEERS GOOD TO CHOICE 57.00-61.00; MEDIUM TO GOOD 50.00-56.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS GOOD 50.00-54.50; LIGHT 4000-51.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS GOOD TO CHOICE 57.00-63.50; MEDIUM TO GOOD 48.00-56.00. BULLS HEAVY 45.00-5110, LIGHT 40.00-48.50. COWS FEW HIGH DRESSING UP TO 43.00, UTILITY HOLSTEIN 36.00-41.75, CANKERS 30.00-35.50, CULLS 30.00 AND DOWN. VEALS GOOD TO CHOICE 70.00- MEDIUM TO GOOD 55.00- 808 CALVES: 40.00 AND DOWN. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RETURN TO FARM 90-120 LBS. 90.00-115.00. HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES RETURN TO FARM 100-120 LBS. UP TO 170.00. BEEP CROSS CALVES RETURN TO FARM UP TO 110.00. HOGS: TOT QUALITY 35.00-39.35; HEAVY 37.00-39.00, LIGHT 25.00-36.00, FEEDER PIGS BY THE HEAD 15.00-54.0 a SOWS: UP TO 25.00. MALE HOGS: 18.00-2550. LAMBS; 75.00-90.00; CULLS 65.00 AND DOWN. SHEEP: 22.0a45.00. ease Milk FITS ith the Mount Joy Coop Excellent iverall price * Over 60 years of service
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