Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 03, 1995, Image 26

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    A26-Lanc«star Farming, Saturday, JOna 3,1995
Jrtlkbn ta “Semana del Choc
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Dairy promotions and publicity kits are printed in Spanish to reach the large and
growing Hispanic culture in the United States.
t A
ADADC Targets Hispanic Market
KINGSTON (Luzerne Co.)
Market research has shown that
Hispanics are large consumers of
milk and dairy products.
As New York City’s Hispanic
population continues to grow, so
do opportunities to increase milk
and dairy product sales.
As a result, the American Dairy
Association and Dairy Council
Inc. (ADADC) has adapted sever
al of its promotion programs in
cluding food kits for newspapers,
radio and television advertising
and product sampling for Hispanic
Most recently, ADADC trans
lated food publicity kits to Span
ish for placement in Hispanic pub
lications. Reaching 50,000 con
sumers, the first placement was
Sometime in March,
a Farmall-H tractor,
1940, was reportedly
stolen from a com crib
shed along Church Road
in Maxatawny Town
ship, Berks County,
according to George
Lichtenwalner, Wes
cosville, Berks County.
The tractor, which
Lichtenwalner said is
worth about $7OO, can
be identified by the
M&W 5-speed gearbox
clearly visible. The trac
tor’s back tires were
worn. It has a standard
PTO with a pressure
loaded lever.
The gearbox makes
the tractor “stand out,”
he said. The tractor,
when reportedly stolen,
was equipped with an
IH 325 7-foot sicklebar
mower in tow. The trac
tor is kcrosine-fueled.
A SIOO reward is
offered for information
that leads to the return of
the tractor. Lichtenwal
ner can be notified at
1281 Grange Road,
Wescosville, PA 18106,
(610) 395-5378.
made in El Diario, the largest His
panic newspaper in metropolitan
New York.
Published during American
Chocolate Week, the article fea
tured simple, kitchen-tested re
cipes for dairy desserts including
Double Chocolate Brownies with
Raspberry Sauce, Chocolate Mar
bled Cheesecake and Peanut But
ter ’N Chocolate Fudge.
Advertising is considered criti
cal to increasing fluid milk sales in
the Hispanic market. Not only has
ADADC aired “Milk. Help Your
self" television advertisements in
Spanish, but they have developed
original radio and television ad
vertisements specifically for the
Hispanic market
According to ADADC Director
Save Up To $2OO On
woricfKader m Tillers & Attachments
Gardening Equipment
BCS mac.iins are versatile and durable. One drive system mounts to many
attachments: tillers, sickle bar mowers, chipper/shredders, snow throwers, lawn
mowers, sweepers and more. More than 1.5 million owners in 60 countries are
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1 Power Sweeper 3. Chlpper/Shredder 5.38’ Lawn Mower
2. 3CT-50' Cutter Bar 4. Snowblower 6. 30* Bnnh Mower
7. Sprayer
Ephrata, PA
Schaefferstown, PA Lebanon, PA
717-949-6817 717-867-5161
POWER EQUIP. EQUIP. New Ringgold, PA Shippensburg PA
Lewisberry, PA Bloosmburg, PA 717-943-2131 717^23.8300
717-292-3640 717-784-8217
duty BCS 30" rotary mower
weeds and brush. The
ion allows for easy maneuver
and in tight turning areas.
of Advertising and Promotion Mi
chele Martens, “Hispanics view
milk as a food rather than a bever
age. Our advertising campaign ap
peals to family values and the im
portance of a well-balanced diet
These are concepts that influence
Hispanic consumers to buy more
ADADC is also helping to
launch two new cultured milk
drinks targeted to Hispanics, call
ed Kumis and Boruga.
Developed by La Calenita of
North Bergen, New Jersey and
packaged by Crowley Foods of
Binghamton. New York, the pro
ducts are being supported by
ADADC through television ad
vertising and sampling at Hispanic
trade shows and street festivals.
lEW FOR '95! Quick and
iasy Forward/Reverse Control
• No Time-Limit Warranty
On All-Gear-Drive
• No Belts or
• 8 Models
From 5 to
14 HP
• Recoil or
Whitehall, PA
ADADC Releases Annual Report
KINGSTON (Luzerne ADADC district and director map
Co.) —The American Dairy Asso- for all Federal Order 2 producers
ciation and Dairy Council Inc. in New York, New Jersey and
(ADADC) has released its 1994 Pennsylvania,
annual report commemorating its The report suggests that
35th anniversary. ADADC directly increased milk
According to ADADC Execu- sales in the largest dairy case in
live Vice President Rick Naczi. the Association’s marketing area.
“ADADC’s primary goal is to There’s also a section on how an
deliver cost-effective, targeted information kit and video
programs where they make the launched by ADADC gave choco
biggest impact” late milk a new image to increase
Published as a special issue of milk consumption in schools.
Promotion Focus, the annual Included are facts, such as
report details the organization’s ADADC generated over $275,000
1994 accomplishments. worth of free newspaper publicity
The report includes'a presi- promoting milk and dairy
dent’s message by Raymond products.
Johnson, a dairy farmer from All Federal Order 2 producers
Schaghdcoke, New York; a man- were mailed a copy of the annual
agement message from Rick Nac- report. Those who did not receive
zi; accomplishments of ADADC’s a copy, should request one by
retail, nutrition education and writing to Stephanie Meyers,
communications work groups; American Dairy Association and
and a special section on ADADC Dairy Council, Inc., 219 South
member news. West Street, Suite 100, Syracuse,
The report also includes an n.y. 13202-1205.
The American Dairy Association and Dairy Council Inc.
1994 annual report commemorates its 35th anniversary.
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