B42*Lancast»r Farming, Saturday, May 27, 1995 Public Auction Register Closing Dale Monday 5:00 P.M. of cacti week’s publication THURS. JULY 13-7PM-4 Building lots located along Hedge Rd., East Nantmeal Twp, Chester Co. By Fran cis J. Bcaconaro. FRI. JULY 14 - 9AM Farm equip, tractors & farm sup plies. A&C Diffenbach Auc tion, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St, New Holland, Pa. FRI. JULY 14 - I:3OPM State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South then left onto Alexander Spring Rd., 249-4511. FRI. JULY 14 - 7 PM Hors Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W. Fulton St, New Holland, Pa. SAT. JULY 15 - 9AM Valu able real estate, household goods, antiques, hand tools. At 219 S. Bridge St, in the Bo rough of Christia na, Lane. Co., Pa. Lawrence F. Quill Estate. Robert E A Jeffrey F. Mar tin, aucts TUES. JULY 18 - 7PM Feeder Pig Sale, at West minster Livestock Auction, OUTSTANDING AUCTION 20 Acres of Prime Land w/Strong Stream ESTATE 2-DAY Fii., Jane 9th, 1998 at 8:00 p.m. Sat., June 19th, 1998 at 8:00 a.m. Pml Eetatn Ihrfrh— | Tnnle Miyni | HnieriiilM, Estate of Mary A. Bate of Bethel, M LOCATION: Bethel Twp. Berks Co. Bethel, Pa. from 1-78 take exit #3 south on Rt. SOI for 2 miles to sale on right. From Rt. 501 in Myer stown, Pa. go north 8 miles to sale site. Half way between Harrisburg & Allentown, Pa. V- r REAL ESTATE: Is zoned ag. with about 1000’ rd. frontage, a 11 /2 story house, two car block garage, a block barn, level land, all on 20 acres more or less. This property has poten tial for developing or a nice farmette. Upstairs has 2 B. Rms. & sewing rm., downstairs has kit/dining comb., living rm. bed rm, full bath. Oil hot water heat, well & septic. For an appointment of this very desirable property, call auctioneer atJ7l7) 933-5736. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10% down day of sale, Bal. in 60 days or less. Property will be offered at 12:00 noon, Sat., June 10th 1995. Friday, June 9th at 5:00 PM: Butcher kettles, two butcher furnaces, sausage stuffer, ladles, meat hooks, kettle hooks, lard press, bone saws, large amount of butcher knives, set of Wilson knives, signed meat cleavers, butcher bench, weather vane, large amount of hand tools, ham mers, forks, shovels, signed hatchets, asst. Ig: barn chisels, bk. planes, asst, axes, barn hinges, asst, lumber, BB guns, barn jacks, wood bits, hand saws, log chains, power tools, Dynamark 11 HP. 42” cut riding mow er, JD #llO riding mower, lawn cart, sprinkling can, hammer handles, asst, hardware, bench grinder, dig. Iron, asst, wrenches, ball bats, tool boxes, butcher kettle stands, & much more. Sat., June 10th at 8:00 AM: Hand painted plank bottom chairs, Empire chest, shelf clock, oak claw feet round table, jelly cupboard, buttons asst., crocks, kero lamp, Gruber wooden box, butter churn, about 20 pocket knives, asst, quilt tops, 4 pcs. modern pine bed rm. suite, old apple cook ie jar, asst, pocket watches, old Coke poster, child’s oak roll top desk, old rocker, chest of drawers, old regulator clock, blanket chest. Rem. 22 rifle, Sears 20 ga S. gun, asst, jewelry, Flow Blue pcs., arrow hds., carnival pcs., green depression, press glass, old enameled ice box/freezer, GE washer, Hotpoint dryer, GE chest freezer, GE ref/freezer, side by side ref/freezer, towels & linens, asst, glassware, sm. child's rocker, marbles, old hat pin, German Bible, comforts, C.l. skillets, & much more. NICE 1979 BONNEVILLE PONTIAC, 57,000 miles, loaded TERMS: Cash or PA Check AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This auction has something for everybody, a lot of nice things to be sold. Come spend the day at a good old country auction. * " v v s Auctioneer vT Dwight D. Miller I ?s AU002414L A Call (717) 933-5736 Food by Women Fellowship Little Swatara Church of Christ Westminster, Md TUES. JUL. 18 - BPM Feeder Cattle Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South - then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. WED. JUL. 19 & THURS. JUL 20 • Large Two Day Sale of Farm Equipment, Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. One Mile East of Marion along Rt. 914, V. East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auc tion Service. SAT. JULY 20 • 9AM Con signment auction, harness & saddle industrial equip ment. Lititz Harness Shop, Lititz, PA. Leather, tools, machinery, hardware, con tents of Forest View Har ness Shop. Sale by Martin Auctioneers. To consign; 717-445-5956 or 717-626-7650. SAT. JULY 22 - Mel's Stables, at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt 23 in New Hol land, go S. on Brimmer Ave., go 2 miles S. on New Holland Rd. to Hill Rd. Tum left on Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 miles to sale on left. From Executor Janies E. Batz Executrix Blanche A. Brubaker Esquire David Batdorf Rt. 340 E. of Intercourse take New Holland Rd. 2.5 miles to Hill Rd., right on Hill Rd. to sale on left Mel Hoover, owner. TUES. JULY 25 - 9AM Quilt, craft & buggies. A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St, New Holland, Pa. WED. JULY 26-9 AM Quilt & Craft. A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jack son St, New Holland, Pa. FRI. JULY 28 - I:3OPM State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South then left onto Alexander Spring Rd., 249-4511. SAT. JULY 29 - 9:3OAM Antiques & Household Goods, Real estate proper ties. Take Rt. 220 to the Mill Hall exit coming off exit go to red light and make a left, then make a second left onto Rt 74, go 'A mile to Church St Bridge, make tight onto Church St, go 1.9 milae, properties on left By B. Catherman. Ron J & Ron S. Gllligan, aucts. MON. JULY 31-Tri-County Club Invitational, Green wich, NY. AUGUST WED. AUG. 2 - 6:3OPM Winross Trucks & Toys. A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland, Pa. FRI. AUG. 4 - IPM Pig State Graded Sale'. West minster Livestock Auction. Westminster, MD. SAT. AUG. 5 - Mel’s Stables, at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From RL 23 in New Hol land, go S. on Brimmer Ave., go 2 miles S. on New Holland Rd. to Hill Rd. Turn PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE - GUNS - ANTIQUES - PERSONAL PROPERTY-TOOLS on: SAT., JUNE 3,1995 AT 8:30 A.M. At 202 Abel Road, Wrightsville, Pa. between East Prospect & Craley on Abel Rd. The under signed Executors of the ROBERT D. “BOBBY” ABEL ESTATE will offer at public auction the following - REAL ESTATE 2.23 Acre lot with a block & frame building with siding. This property has a 4 bay garage heated, with a V: bath & built in safe. Upstairs consists of a side porch, kitchen, living room with hardwood floors & fireplace, 2 bedrooms with hardwood floors & a full bath. Located upstairs also is an unfinished apart ment area. Property also as an attic. Property has well & septic. This parcel has a large lot to the rear that has been perked & probed. Included with this is also an adjacent lot consisting of .840 acre, also perked & probed. The total package consists of approx. 3.070 acres. Included with the real estate is an elec, range, refrigerator & window AC. Ideal for a small business & living quarters above with rental income. Many many possibilities - Come & See. REAL ESTATE 12.9 Acres, more or less, woodland located off Cal vary Church Rd. in Lower Windsor Twp. in “The Devils Hole”. Cabin Branch Creek runs through property. Call for Map. OPEN HOUSE: Sat May 20 & 27, 10 A.M. to 12 Noon or by special appt with Auction Firm. TERMS: 10% down day of auction, balance due in 60 days. Real Estate will be offered at 12 Noon on day of auction. Winchester Model 42.410 pump, Winchester Mod el 43.22 Hornet w/scope, Winchester Model 12 U.S. Army full choke 12 Ga., Winchester Model 92 .32 WCF, Winchester Model 250 .22, Peerless double barrel .12 ga. Winchester Model 12 .12 Ga., Ralph Gipe Custom Built 30.06 w/Lyman scope, -PIC .25 semi auto, Topper Model 158 & 48 .12 single shot, Armory Gun Co. .12 Ga. single shot, Exoel .12 Ga. single shot, Little Scout .22, Stevens Model 9478.12 Ga. single shot, Danzig 1916 Military rifle, several old long guns and double barrel shotguns, Daisy Model 95 BB gun, spotting scope, gun cabinet, binoculars. Guns sold approx. 11 A.M. PICNIC PAVILION 12’ x 18’ New Outside Portable Picnic Pavilion ANTIQUES - FURNITURE Oak clawfoot pedestal table, 4 Pc. oak bedroom suite, Ant. wide rocker, oak rocker, set of 6 decorat ed plank bottom chairs, oak easel, oak stand, Stan dard Time wall clock, mantle & kitchen clock, crocks & jugs, clothes tree, oak washstands, player piano, powder flasks, broad axe, ice tongs, cider press, 2 sausage stuffers, Iris pitcher, Roseville planter, carnival glass, Shirley Temple pitcher, Yoke, dinnerbell, kerosene light, figural spoons, 5 gal. jug. PERSONAL PROPERTY & TOOLS 5 Pc. cherry double bedroom suite, grandfathers clock, Magnavox color TV, GE microwave, stuffed furniture, flat top trunk, runner sled, picnic table, Asst. Winross & Hess trucks, Kawasaki Minibike, Cub Cadet riding mower w/snowblade, lawn roller, wheelbarrows, Homelite 2” centrifugal pump, Homelite string trimmer, Toledo meat grinder, shop vac, Deep sea fishing rods, Asst, lawn & garden tools, Asst, hand & mechanic tools, ext. ladder, creeper, workbenches, metal table, metal shelving, Craftsman grinder, mixed iron tubing, flat, etc., old Maytag wringer washer, Asst, cookware & glass ware, plus many other items too numerous to men tion. Not responsible for accident on day of auction. Refreshments Available. TERMS: Cash or personal check with auction* eer approval. EXECUTORS: LARRY A. LEBER GARY WQLFORD GILBERT & GILBERT AUCTIONEERS JACOB A. GILBERT, UC. #336 BRIAN L. GILBERT, UC. #2256 TEL. (717) 252-1656 J. ROSS MCGINNIS, ATTORNEY left on Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 miles to sale on left. From Rt 340 E. of Intercourse take New Holland Rd. 2.5 miles to Hill Rd., right on Hill Rd. ot sale on left. Mel Hoover, owner. TUES. AUG. 8-fed Cattle Sales. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 off 1-81 GUNS turn S. then Ml onto Ale- equip, tractor* l> farm sup xander Spring Rtf. plies. A&CDiffenbechAuc- -249-4511. Hon, Inc. 100 W. Jackson FRI. AUG. 11 - 9AM Farm St - New Ho,tand - Pa Another LANDIS PUBLIC AUCTION HISTORIC ESHLEMAN HOMESTEAD FARM To Be Sold At ABSOLUTE AUCTION SAT., JUNE 10, 1995 1:00 P.M. 84 ACRE Lancaster County Farm In East Hempfield Twp. 2 Building Lots 1.8 Acres & 2.48 Acres Large Stone Farmhouse Built ini 888 This property is a short distance off Route 283, Salunga Exit; West of Lancaster; Twenty minutes east of Harrisburg International Airport; Thirty minutes from Hershey Medical Center, on Shenck Road. This property is desirable as a working farm, horse farm or country estate residence. A must see for anyone wishing a Lancaster County Property. For Detailed Pictured Brochure call Landis Auction Service 717-859-5466. Sale By Frank Eshleman Conducted By LANDIS AUCTION SERVICE 4412 Oregon Pike Ephrata, PA JAMES O. LANDIS J. OMAR LANDIS Lie. #AUOOS26L Ph. 717-859-5466 PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE —1.4 ACRE LOT, FARM EQUIP, TOOLS, LUMBER, MISC SAT., JUNE 17,1995 ® g.'ift A\| REAL ESTATE @ 12 NOON LOCATION: Stewartstown, Southern York Co., PA. From 1-83 exit 1 (Shrewsbury) take Rt 851 W short distance & turn R onto Mt Airy Rd. Go 1.2 mi & turn R onto Plank Rd. Go 1.6 mi to sale on L. Follow signs. 12 NOON REAL ESTATE 12 NOON Approx 1.4 acre lot in Hopewell Twp, Southeastern Sch Dist. Zoned agricultural; No building rites avail able without twp approval. Road frtg along Plank Rd. Stone driveway. Chilled well. Buildings: 40’x80’ Cement block concrete floor storage build, wooden chick house/shed. **Property also contains a 50’x90’ chestnut frame bam w/pine siding & a silo approx B’x4o’, both of which will be offered for sale separate ly &/or with real estate. Property will be offered for sale in its present AS IS conditions. TO INSPECT: Call 717-235-5005 or 717-757-5130. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance in 60 days. FARM EQUIP, TOOLS, LUMBER, MISC. NI #290 9’ haybine, IH 3pt spin spreader-NICE, Ontario 10-boot grain drill on steel, 7'x 14’ bale feeder wagon, Alaskan 10’slide-in camper, Case 16” backhoe bucket. Craftsman 14” band saw-NICE, Makita 10” miter saw, alumn brake, cement trawler, Wright 1 ton chain hoist, hand tools, crosscut saws, Marquette batt charger. LUMBER: 3/4” ext T&G plywood, OSB 7/16”, landscaping timbers, dried—cherry, chestnut, locust, 2xlo & 2x12 8’ hemlock. New & used: doors, windows, kitch cab, vanities. 10’& 16’ galv & metal gates, 10’ poly feeder trough, rolls of wire, 20’alumn scaffold plank, 3’ metal scaffold, wooden ladders, new tar paper shingles, Grayco sprayer, log chains, cable, 2 refries, sev cans wood & metal paint & stain, PCV fit tings, vices, nails, bolts, hardware, rolls of elect wire, iron piles, Ford motor. THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING! INSPECTION OF ITEMS DAY BEFORE SALE ONLY!! TERMS: Cash or good approved check OWNER: Horton C. (Clyde) Peters ATTY: Reed Anderson AUCTIONEERS: Russell Wright Lie 1353 L 717-567-6852 Ralph Brenneman Lie 708 L 717-757-5130 Refreshments served. Owner & Auctioneers not responsible for accidents.
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