Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 27, 1995, Image 59
Sale Reports Firestone Sale A Public Auction of antiques was held May 17 by Roy and Pauline Firestone, 203 First Street, Lewisburg, Pa. Some items sold included: 10 inch Santa Clrus $B5O, Cowden- Wilcox 1 gal. jug $4OO, green open cupboard $475, 3-drawer jelly cupboard $5OO, bow front china closet $575, WWI music box $75 and cedar chest $135. Hassinger and Court ney were the auctioneers. Sherer Sale A Public Sale of real estate and personal property was held May 201 by Mr. and Mrs. J. Samuel Sherer, 1955 Mount Pleasant Church Road, Mt. Joy, Lane. Co., Pa. The 3/4 acre lot with a modular home was NORTHERN VA CONTRACTORS’ AUCTION Friday, June 16, 1995 at 9:oo a.m. Bsaleton, VA, on Rt. 17 (Hugos) DIRECTIONS: FROM RICHMOND - Rt. 95 N to Rt. 17 N (towards Warrsnton), sale sits approx. 15 ml. on right. From D.C. • Rt. 95 S to Rt. 17 N (towards Warrsnton), approx. 15 ml. on right. FROM FREDERICK • Rt. 15 S to Rt. 29 S. Turn left (1/4 ml past Opal trk stop) on to Rt. 17 S, sals sits approx. 12 ml. on left. PARTIAL LISTING ONLY BACKHOEB & SKIDSTEERS 1993 CASE 580 Super K, Orops, 4x4, extends hoe, 948 hrs., S/N JJG01762762. MOTORGRADER & WHEELLOADERS GALION T-400 series A motorgrader, IHC 6 cyl. diesel powershift Trans, front scarifier, S/N HC -01203; HOUGH H-65 wheelloader w/diesel eng., S/N 360308UC07879; MICHIGAN front end loader w/bucket & forks. FORD 3408 loader tractor, Orops, diesel eng, nice tractor. PAVER. ARROW BOARD & STRAWBLOWER MALDIN 1500 superpaver, dual steering, 8’ screen, single flite conveyor, Ford gas motor, S/N 15- 89091535; 1988 AMEDIA arrowboard w/diesel eng; REINCO TM 730 skidmount strawblower w/Wisconsin gas engine. 1990 IHC 8100 series T/A tractor, Cummins, 80,000 orig. mi.; 1988 MACK MH-613 series 300 engine, 5 spd. trans, p.s., a/c, camelback susp; 1985 VOLVO - WHITE T/A TRACTOR w/400 Cummins, 13 spd. trans, air ride susp; 1980 FORD conv. tractor, 350 Cum, 10 spd. trans. ROLLOFFS & DUMPS 1989 IHC Paystar 5000 T/A w/rolloff body, Cummins power; 1986 IHC Paystar 5000 T/A w/rolloff body, Cummins; 1987 CMC Brig T/A dump, 3208 Cat diesel, 13 spd. trans; 1986 IHC S -1900 series, T/A dump, DT-466 eng., 13 spd. trans, 18,000 fit, 40,000 rears, 15’ body w/rolltarp, exc rubber; 1990 FORD LBOOO, S/A dump, Ford 210 ti.p. diesel eng., 6 spd. trans, air brakes, a.c., 12’ body, 33,000 G.V.W.; 1987 IHC S-1900 series, S/A dump DT-466, 5/2 spd. trans, air brakes, a.c., 10’ body w/tarp, telescopic hoist, exc rubber, 122,000 orig. ,m, nice trk; 1987 Ford S/A flatbed dump, diesel eng, 5&2 spd. trans; 1986 Ford F-700 S/A flatbed dump, diesel eng, 5&2 spd. trans; 1974 MACK U model, S/A dump, diesel, 5 spd. trans, 10’ steel body, 29,500 G.V.W. WRECKERS & ROLLBACKS 1981 IHC T/A wrecker, 400 Cummins, 15 spd. trans, air ride susp; 1988 F-700 S/A truck, w/Ford diesel eng, Allison auto trans, 20’ Jerr Dan rollback body, 24,500 G.V.W.; 1980 F-600 S/A w/Jerr Dan rollback body, gas eng; 1964 IHC w/600 Holmes wrecker body, gas eng. CAB & CHASSIS 1984 GMC T/A, 13 spd. trans, 6-71 Detroit, dble frame; 1987 IHC S/A, DT-466, 5 spd. trans; 1987 MACK S/A, 5 spd. trans, diesel power; 1984 IHC; 1984 FORD F-350, diesel eng.; 1982 IHC S/A, DT-466, 5 spd; 1980 IHC S/A DT-466, 5 spd; 1980 MACK cabover S/A, diesel eng, 5 spd.; 1978 FORD 1 ton, gas eng, 4 spd. 1988 GMC 30 series, 1 ton w/refrig body, slide in reefer, diesel eng, auto trans; 1988 E-350 Ford van body w/new remanufactured eng w/Ford warranty, auto trans, 14’ body w/rollup door; 1986 IVECO w/12’ box, diesel eng, 4 spd. trans; 1986 MITSUBUSHI w/14’ van body, diesel eng, 5 spd. trans.; 1983 IHC 20’ van body w/diesel eng, 5/2 spd. SERVICE & SPECIALTIES & GOOSENECK 1988 FORD F-350 service trk w/diesel eng, 5 spd. trans; 1983 CHEVY C-70 w/gas eng. (to be sold as package with -12 ton Gooseneck flatbed trailer). TRAILERS & SEA CONTAINERS 1982 EAGER BEAVER 12 ton, T/A trailer, elec, brakes, MILLER tilttop trailer; 1979‘ Trailmobile 40’ T/A trailer; (4) 20’ sea containers, (2) 40’ sea containers. MIBC. Traffic cones, chains, chain binders, straps, tampers, hyd. hose, plate steel, equip, tires & rims, tool crates, hand tools, power tools, and many contractor tools too numerous to mention... TERMS OF SALE: COMPLETE PAYMENT SALE DAY. Payment for all items must be made in full on sale day with CASH or CASHIERS CHECK. Personal or Company checks accepted when accompanied by a VALID BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEED PAYMENT. INSPECTION: Thursday, June 15,1995,10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. SALE SITE PHONES: Starting June 12,1995, (703) 439-9748 or (703) 439-6384. MOTELS: On Rt. 17, Fredericksburg - Holiday Inn (703) 371-5550; Comfort Inn (703) 373-5340. IF INTERESTED IN CONSIGNING PLEASE CONTACT: Am* Aj INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS, INC. immfkMgA (soo) 443-osso • (tit) m-ooee TwSFSV’V* ass Martin Road, Gattyaburg, Pennaylvania 17325 F drntm* dhL* VA A.F. #l2B VA DLR #8929 sold for $BO,OOO to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Keen er, 1955 Mount Pleas ant Church Road, ML Joy, Pa. Other items sold included: bicycle hom $lB, anvil $4O, miter saw $lOO, router table $9O, old J.D. mower $380,1977 Chev. pick up $l3OO, cook stove $125, pine dresser $7OO, kitchen cabinet top $65, cedar chest $BO, 6 chairs $lB5, rocking chairs $7O & $75, ABC plate $110,2 school desks $l3O, 12 gauge shotgun $l5O, .22 cal. rifle $95, Cow den crock $l9O, veget able dishes $3O to $4O each, horseradish grin der $240, refrigerator $2BO and washer & dryer $l7O. Keller Auctioneers managed the sale. Clark Estate Sale A Public Sale of real FARM TRACTORS ROAD TRACTORS VAN BODY & BOXES & REEFERS estate was held May 19 for the estate of Alton S. Clark, one mile east of Mifflintown, along Cedar Spring Rd., Juniata Co.. Pa. The ranch style house on a lot was sold for $73,000. Long’s Auction Ser vice conducted the sale. Gillespie Sale A 2 day Snyder County Public Auction was held May 13 and May 20 with Mary Alice Gillespie, POA, 4 miles northeast of Mid dleburg along Ridge Road in Franklin Twp. Some items sold the 13th were: 1981 Ply mouth 4-door car $615, 10 h.p. three-wheeler with dump- box $4BO, Craftsman radial arm saw $4lO, drill press $9O, jointer & table saw combination $370, Bellsaw chain saw shar pener $l5O, Bellsaw mower blade sharpener $75, Sears lathe on bench $145, A.C. 8212 garden tractor $1025, WEEKENDS AND EVENIftGS Randy Ruby (301)271-2321, or Jay Ruby (301)447-3675 snow blade $75, grader blade $B5 and Lawn Boy mower $145. Real estate was sold on May 20th for $130,000 and included a 3 bedroom house with a 2 car garage in a wooded area on 1.3 acres of land. There were 180 registered bidders. Other prices on the 20th were: Frigidaire refrigerator $lOO, 3 pc. bedroom suite $lBO, Hummel figurines $6O to $llO, small coffee grinder (damaged) $27.50, unique wooden mouse trap $27.50, Mil ton, Pa. butter churn (incomplete) $220, blue & white granite coffee pot $210,8 piece pitch er & bowl set $525, washstandslBS, marble top table $405, drop front desk w/2 drawer top $550, small early table $295, small painted stand $350, WWD leather flight suit $490, WWII flight hat & head set $l9O, flight head set & goggles $ll5, 2 wooden Coca Cola cases $lO each, F&S Beer Co.. Shamo kin cases $5 to $lO ea.. pine dry sink $365 and modem Grandfather’s clock $345. Earl W. Eash and Wayne S. Shively were the auctioneers. Reifsnyder Estate Sale A Public Sale of real estate and antiques was held May 20 for the estate of Alice Reifs nyder, 2 miles from Oley on Hock Road, Berks Co.. Pa. The 19 acre farmette with a house, bam and outbuildings brought $175,000. Other items sold were: hanging light & shade $4OO, drop leaf table $250, child’s wicker rocker $l6O, 2 wooden wardrobes $3lO each, Prizer Royal stove made in Reading $BOO, jelly cupboard $llOO, dry sink $l5OO, old chest w/2 drawers on bottom $l6OO, sleigh $350, kettle crane $430, Vabubla Auction Real Toys, Antiques, Vintage Records 8 Household Goods Sat, June 3,1995 9:00 a.m. Meetinghouse Lane, SadsburyviUe, Pa. From Intersection of Route 30 and Route 10, travel east two miles on Business 30 to Harry’s Hot Dogs. T\im left onto Old Wilmington Road, then right onto Meetinghouse Lane. REAL ESTATE 11:00 A.M.: 3 bedroom Stone Rancher attached garage,- living dining room combination, kitchen, bath, storage areas and den, hardwood floors throughout, central air-Great House - Great Neighborhood. 55 Chev, Eastwood trick. Dinky 50’s Caddy # 131,50 Chev. Sdn Del., 59 Caddy Elegance, various toy Cadillacs, Auburn rubber toys, various Chevrolet pro mos including several Corvettes, 61 Caddy Jo-han Mint in box, Moats Winross truck. Wind-up and fric tion toys, gas-powered 57 Chevy hot rod, 1 cent bub ble gum machine, Revell, AMT, Monagram, and oth er old unbuilt model kits (about 75) including old Nascar models, Renwall visible V-8 orig. ed., hun dreds of H.O. scale slot cars (including Thunder, Jet, Tyco, A-FX, Matchbox and Corgi cars, plastic 50’s cars (some F&F), mint 57 tinplate Ford pulling motor boat, tin VW, sleds, baby coach, Crescent 100 shot Repeater in 08, Mr. Magoo tin car, child’s Sally Stan uniform, lots of Harley Davidson collectibles includ ing old kits, Hubley plastic car carrier with cars, Hub ley die-cast motorcycle, cast iron 20’s tow truck. FURNITURE: Mahogany kneehole desk. Bank of England chair, rocker. Queen Anne wing chair, Victorian bed, curio cabinet, cedar chest, school desk, oak chest of draw ers, Hubley gun lamp, sofa, Mahogany breakfront, clothes tree, book cases, bedroom furniture. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Many 50s and 60s records, rock and country includ ing Hank Williams, Sr., 45 RPM records, 1926 Hup mobile calendar, old automotive brochures and books, 54 Ford parts, Halloween items. Mantle clock, German china, Nipper RCA dog, large swirl marble, figurines, doll furniture. APPLIANCES: Kenmore washer & dryer. RCA 25-inch TV set, lamps, small appliances, household, dishes, tools, bench grinder, Wheelhorse tractor. Auction for Douglas and Gerry l\issey LICENSE NO. 6494. / (717) 82M175 or (717) 626-2636 FAX (717) 627-6757 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 27, 1995-823 pie safe $l9O, quilts $lOO to $2OO ea., green Carnival water set $425, butcher fork with date & initials $420, butcher fork (decor ated) $420. Frey Auctioneers conducted the sale. Haller Sale A Public Sale of real estate was held May 20 by Richard and Irene Haller, 430 Millway Road, Ephtata Town ship, Lane. Co., Pa. The 10 acre farmette with a 2'/i story stucco house and two story frame bank bam with attached tobacco shed was sold for $160,000 to Larry G. Sollenber ger of Akron, Pa. Horst Auctioneers conducted the sale. Probst Sale A Public Sale of tools, antiques and a tractor was held May 20 for Leah (Mrs. Scott) Probst, 214 W. Main St., Strasburg, Lane. Co., Pa. There 151 registered bidders at the sale. TOYS: 23 N. Water St LHitz, Pennsylvania 17543 APPRAISERS and ADVISORS Some j>rices included: A.C. B tractor w/attachments $1785,2 wooden wheelbarrows $l4O & $lOO, camel back trunk $65, oak washstand $6O, oak occasional table $5O, early wringer $82.50, early western saddle $BO and anvil $BO. Also sold were: Aladdin lamp w/ decorated glass shade $82.50, cast-iron water pump signed “Lancas ter” $7O, dry measure $65, early tobacco siz ing box $5O, postcard album $45, wire egg basket $37.50, agate double boiler $32 and chisel signed “H. Bletz” $24. Roy Probst and Eric Probst were the auctioneers. Scott Sale A Public Sale of household goods was held May 17 by Marvin Scott, west of Christia na off Upper Valley Road. There were 130 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices included: 3 gal. crock w/bhie decoration $1 IS, 410 gauge gun SIOS, 12 gauge single barrel gun $55, 14 h.p. Ford riding mower $7OO, hand-push garden worker $27.50, reverse painting $37.50, White Mountain ice cream freezer $35, oil lamp $35, agate coffee pot $45, IS Republican Party pins on frame $145, metal folding chairs $l4 each, maple hitch $135, maple drop leaf table $l5O, portable Zenith television $l4O, small organ $5O, plank bottom settee $285, 3 piece bedroom suite $205 and cuckoo clock $37.50. Ira and Dale Stoltzfus were the auctioneers. Fishburn Sale A Public Auction of farm machinery was held May 20 by Richard and Fern Fishburn, Indian Trail Road, Centre Twp., Berks Co., Pa. Some prices received were; Farmall F 30 trac tor $3500, Farmall 300 TA tractor $2600, Far mall H tractor $llOO, InL 7 ft 990 haybine $975, N.H. 56 rake $575, Int. manure spreader $620, Int. 3-bottom fast-hitch plow $220, two 14 ft. flat hay wagons $3OO each and milk cans $25 to $35 eaich. Kenneth P. Leiby was the auctioneer. Mumma Estate Sale A Public Auction of real estate was held May 20 for the estate of Robert R. Mumma, 79 Green Ridge Road, Silver Spring Twp, Cumberland Co., Pa. The 52 acre farm with a house, barn, trac tor shed and pond was sold for $270,000. The #2 parcel of 21 acres brought $70,000 and the #3 parcel of 10 acres sold for $67,500. Stephen W. Cans was the auctioneer.