Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 27, 1995, Image 52

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    81 6- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 27, 1995
Solanco FFA
Holds Annual Awards Program
The Solanco FFA Chapter held its
annual awards banquet and program
on Friday, April 21, honoring several
chapter members for their achieve
ments in the many areas of agricul
Five chapter members received Star
awards during the evening awards
ceremony. The Star Award recipients
are as follows:
•The Star Greenhand Award, pre
sented to a first year chapter member
who has excelled in the Agriculture
Education Program, was awarded to
Jennifer Hess.
•The Star Chapter Award, pre
sented to a second year member who
has excelled in tin classroom and pro
ject areas, was presented to Justine
•The Star Red Rose FFA Produc
tion Award was presented to Joy
Young. She is active in conducting
projects in beef finishing, rabbit pro
duction, dairy heifer, and market
lambs. She was also a member of the
first place Pleasure Horse Judging
Team at last year’s state contest. In
addition, Young has also been
selected as Lancaster County Star Red
Rose Production member.
•The Star Red Rose Agribusiness
Award was presented to Andrea
Kreider. Kreider works at Maplehofe
Dairy, and completed additional on
farm work experience on the Sam and
Allen Kreider & Sons dairy farm. She
is active in all phases of the agricul
ture and FFA programs, particularly
in the area of public speaking.
•The Star Keystone Award was pre
sented to Donnie Ammerman for his
highest score on leadership activities
and in his project program.
Other award recipients and their
awards are as follows:
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We Takt Customer Satisfaction ‘Personally
FFA members receiving Greenhand
Degrees, which are presented to first
year FFA members in agriculture edu
cation, are Sonya Angeline, Jennifer
Hess, James Kerr, Cory Landis,
Robert Lowery, Britina Robinson,
Dwayne Spangler, and Jason Wood.
Chapter Degrees are presented to
second year members who have
received their Greenhand Degree and
have completed a project book. Reci
pients of Chapter Degrees are Chris
Althoff, Jimmy Angeline, Kurt Barto,
Roy Haldeman, Justine Hill, Mike
Houghton, Nate Kreider, Nick Kreid
cr, Jennifer Pierce, Sara Strickler, and
Jeremy Welt
Red Rose Degrees are presented by
the Lancaster County Red Rose FFA
to only eight percent of the total coun
ty FFA membership. This degree is
awarded to third year members who
must submit an application to be con
sidered for this degree. Red Rose
Degree recipients are as follows:
Andrea Kreider, Joy Young, Andy
Young, Connie Stanley, and Jen
The Keystone FFA Degree is the
highest degree awarded by the State
FFA organization. Applicants were
judged on the basis of their leadership
abilities in and out of school, involve
ment in community organizations and
activities, and their project program,
and FFA activities. This year, Solanco
had three members receive this degree
during the Mid-Winter Convention in
Harrisburg. Recipients are Bill Davis,
Matt Strickler, and Donnie Ammer
* prMf Aluminum. R
top ctwtrMuttng frM
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• Easy to InataN-
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• Enorfy atfkknt- urn laaa than 2J
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Maryland fOO faaWty.
• 1 Vaar Warranty
Oimaniianai M'X 1 1t"W x •"«
ihlpplnp Watfhfr Nkt
Two Solanco FFA members, PaCy
Huber and Betsy Pownall, received
the American FFA Degree, the high
est award a FFA member can attain in
the organization.
The Solanco FFA presented Mctz
ler Mower Service with an Honorary
Chapter Degree for providing the
Power and Technology class with
parts and technical advice for the past
five years.
Com Production Awards were pre
sented in two categories: grain and sil
age. The Grain Production Award,
sponsored by A.L. Herr & Brother,
Inc., was presented to Kurt Barto for
144.6 bushels per acre. The Com Pro
duction for Silage Award, sponsored
by Powl’s Feed Service, was pre
sented to Daryl Supplee for 26 tons
per acre.
The Farm Women #2O Award is
presented to a senior agriculture stu
dent who has conducted at least one
project program of state standard size
and has taken an active role in the
FFA. This year’s recipient is Matt
The Paul Risk Associates, Inc.
Award is presented to a senior who
has exhibited initiative in making the
most of the opportunities available to
than. This year’s recipient is Bill
The Ross H. Rohrer and Sons. Inc.
Award is presented to a senior mem
ber who has shown an interest in the
dairy industry and has contributed to
the dairy industry in the local area
through a project program. This year’s
recipient is John Kiser.
The Dairy Calf Award is given to
promote an interest in breeding
purebred dairy cattle; to offer a mem
ber the opportunity to start or add to
his/her dairy herd; snd to stimulate
Medford, NJ
Equipment Si Systems
To Imrpove Your First In Product Innovation
Bottom Line
This control allows the milk pump to
deliver a steady, gentle (low of milk to
the plate cooler to achieve more effi
cient cooling. Since, milk goes
through the plate cooler at a slower
pace, the water has a belter chance
to take the heat out of the milk, and
increase the quality of the milk.
llr-Star Vacuum Pump
Money - The Air-Star vacuum pump
not consume oil tike a conventional
>il vane vacuum pump, saving the
cost of pump oil.
High Partormane a - The Air-Star
vacuum pump creates stable vacu
um with low power consumption.
Air-Star vacuum pumps are avail
able in sizes from 5 HP to 25 HP.
Daii-Kool Milk Cooler
• Efficient • Dependable • Convenient
Hagerstown, MD
Oxford, PA
interest in improved dairy farm prac
tices, a love for farm animals, and an
active participation in cooperative
enterprise. This year, the purebred
registered dairy calf was awarded to
Jeremy Welk.
The Past President’s Award, spon
sored by Keystone Farm Credit,
ACA-Quarryville, was presented to
Matt Strickler, who will step down as
the 1994-’95 Chapter President at the
end of this school year.
Scholarship Awards were presented
to the following students for their out
standing academic achievements in
the total school program; Britina
Robinson, Sara Strickler, Jennifer
Hess, James Kerr, Dwayne Spangler,
Robot Lowery, Joy Young, James
Angeline, Jennifer Pierce, Bryan
Byers, Nate Hoovo, Justine Hill, and
Andy Young.
(Milk transfer System)
Dari-Kool milk coolers, larger
than 800 gallons, are con
structed with two or more
independent, full-flow cooling
plates, this fail-safe design
distributes the cooling load
efficiency and equally
between compressors.
Should one compressor fail,
milk will be cooled by the other
Independent system, thereby
avoiding the loss of a tank of
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412-588-7950 717-249-1195
★ Premier
★ Personal
★ Career
Agri-Comp Computer
The Agri-comp Herd
Management Computer and soft
ware are state-of-the-art Innovation
at its finest. The totally integrated
package with direct link-ups to I
detachers with milk meters and to
feed stations updates cow
data instantly in three vital it
areas; 1) milk production; jHpfJjur
.2) feeding and 3) breeding -~^7
Flo-Star Claws
Its unique design he(» mam
•*» tain healthy udders by protect
ing against cross-contamination
while promoting faster, gentler
milking and Improved milk qual
, ity.
No other milking claw can
match the outstanding perfor
mance of Flo-Star.
Dari-Kool Plate Cooler
iri-Kool Plate Cooler
i risk of downgraded
Ik and income loss,
because quick cooling
ensures you ship qual
ly milk. It cuts bulk
milk cooler run lime,
reducing wear and tear
on the compressor It
ty existing system' it’s
:t, economical, and
to your needs.
Towanda, PA