Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 27, 1995, Image 34
* MttfcncMMr ftnKng, Saturday, Kay 27, 1995 Middleburg Livestock Bu VUMHMHpf (m TaaMay. May 23,1995 SapfM fcy PDA CATTLE 393: (PDA) COMPARED TO LAST TUESDAY’S SALS. SLAUGH TER STEERS UNEVEN MOSTLY steady To jo lower, slaughter HEIFERS STEADY TO ZOO HIGHER. SLAUGHTER COWS .SO TO 2.00 HIGHER. STEERS: FEW HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1300/1470 LBS. 63.75-OS.OO, CHOICE 113S/1430 LBS. 61.00-63.73. FEW TO 59.50, SELECT 55.00-60.75. HOLSTEINS; FEW HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1300/ISOO LBS. 57.75- CHOICE 1260/1400 LBS. 54.75- SELECT SO.OO-56.00, STANDARD 44.75-49.00. HEIFERS: CHOICE 975/13S0 LBS. 55.25-6175, MOSTLY 57.75-61.00. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND Farm Sideline (Continued from Pago A 26) the features found most useful to farmers, and allows for more eco nomical shipping to help extend the company’s distribution. “We started out trying to give farmers the advantages of precision farming,” said Stollzfiis. It is a vision that hasn’t changed in 50 years. ‘Today the possibilities of satellite technology fascinate me. You can have the global positioning satellites tell you exactly where you are in a field. That lets you control fertilizer amounts to an amazingly accurate degree by eliminating overlap. I believe that computer controlled spreading will soon be very com mon. There’s also radar technology that will let you apply accurate amounts regardless of ground speed. When you can connect such a tech nology to the positioning satellite, you’ll be able to spread in the dark.” When C. U. and Ruth do take time to look back over their SO years together in agricultural business, they do so with deep gratitude. Ruth says, “In all we want to thank the Lord for being so good to us.” Says C. U., “It makes you feel good to have made a contribution to agricul ture. You’re helping to feed the world.” i I 1 BHHjHHMj • Streets • Farm Lanes • Parking Lots • Roads • Recreation Areas • Driveways m - FREE ESTIMATES • Call Now For Prompt Courteous Service 800-422-8107 #// 717 qqc 7K qi R/ craw/fl?floraor 717-336-7591 74 Ku|lz Rd Denver pA Crushed Stone - Asphalt Paving - Ready Mixed Concrete Lifetime Collection Auction Saturday, June 3,1995 IOsOOAM Ju*t off Route 6 West of Burtville, PA 4 ml. East of Port Allegany, 14 ml. West of Coudersport, Pa. Watch for Auction Arrow. Antiques, Tools & Machinery Some Furniture AC & DC 180 amp welder, metal lathes, 10 or 12 sets of gauges for acetylene welders and lots of torches, air compressor, lots & lots of hoses small propane tanks, 4 sets pipe threaders, small 1-cylinder gasoline engine, a Ward, Wisconsin 2 1/2 h.p., Briggs & Stratton & others, radiator for a warkeshaw engine, several electric motors of various sizes up. to 5 h.p., 5 bark spuds, draw shives, IH 45 baler, side rake on iron, horse drawn mowing machine on iron, wagon running gear on rubber, brass fittings, metal fittings, anvil. This is only a partial listing. If you wish a flyer call 1-814-698-2430 Si Pepperman Auctioneer AU-000707-L '*********^****^mXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXITTTTyTTTi COMMERCIAL 4150-43.75, FEW TO 46.75, FEW YIELD GRADE 4-5 36.75-40.25, CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 38.00-4175, CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 34.00-38.25, SHELLS DOWN TO 26.00. BULLOCKS: FEW SELECT AND CHOICE 48.00-55.00. ONE 58.00. BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. 1 1230/2285 LBS. 49.00-51.50, FEW NO. 2 935/1380 LBS. 4175-46.75. FEEDER CATTLE: HEIFERS: FEW MEDIUM FRAME NO. 1-2 365/585 LBS. 51.00- BULLS: FEW MEDIUM FRAME NO. 1-2 335/SlO LBS. 50.00- CALVES: 231: VEALERS: FEW CHOICE 16Q/220 LBS. 76.00-84.00, ONE GOOD 61.00. STANDARD AND GOOD 70.00/100 LBS. 45.00-5100, FEW UTILI TY 65/75 LBS. 40.00-44.00. FARM CALVES: MOSTLY STEADY NO. 1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 85/125 LBS. 90.00- NO. 2 75/115 LBS. 60.00- FEW DOWN 47.00; NO. I HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 85/130 LBS. 185.00- FEW NO. 70/100 LBS. 130.00- FEW BEEF CROSS BULLS AND HEIFERS 75/100 LBS. 75.00-110.0 ft HOGS: 342: (05/22 A 23/95). BULK OF SUPPLY SOLD ON MONDAY AND REPORTED BY THE AUCTION. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 220/260 LBS. 42.00-43.00, US 1-3 215-265 LBS. 40.00-42.00, US 2-3 2201/270 LBS. 37.50-40.00. SOWS: US 1-3 385/480 LBS. 26.00-28:25, 480/600 LBS. 28.50-30.00. BOARS: 2SQ/700 LBS. 20.00-23.00. Grazing Gazette (Continued from Pago A2S) or gaining less than adequately to ensure good reproductive perfor mance. Often feed cost savings can be realized by changing the composition of the grain mix ra ther than simply decreasing quan tity fed. One last thought: Remember many factors contribute to your bottom line, and short-term sav ings in feed costs may translate in to long-term expense if cow health, reproductive efficiency, and milk production suffer. Questions and comments should be directed to the Grazing Research and Education Center, 116 Agr. Sci. Industry, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802, (814) 865-6541. FEEDER PIGS: 215: US 1-3 20.30 LBS. 25.00-27.00, 30/50 LBS. 26.00- ONE LOT 55 LBS. AT 41.00- HEAD. SHEEP; 45: SLAUGHTER LAMBS: CHOICE 50/70 LBS. 86.00-91.00, ONE 96.00, COUPLE 35/40 LBS: 150.00 t 155.00. FEW GOOD AND CHOICE 35/55 LBS. 75.00-88.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 36.00-39.00, COUPLE TO 28.00. GOATS; 24: ONE MEDIUM 60.00. LARGE KIDS 47.00-56.00. SMALL KIDS 36.00-46.00-PER HEAD. Belleville Livestock Belleville, Pa. Wednesday, May 24, 1995 Report nipplled by Auction CATTLE 291. PDA. SUPPLY INCLUDED 230 DAIRY COWS A HEIF ERS. COMPARED TO LAST WEDNES DAY’S SALE. SLAUGHTER COWS STEADY TO 1.00 HIGHER. STEERS; ONE SELECT 57.85. HOLSTEIN STEERS; ONE SELECT 53.25, FEW STANDARD 44.00-46.75. HEIFERS; ONE CHOICE 54.00. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 39.50-42.83, ONE 46.85, CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 39.25-43.00, ONE 43.85, CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 33.00-39.00, SHELLS DOWN TO 33.75. BULLS; FEW YIELD GRADE NO. 1 1100/1380 LBS. 47.50-52.25, ONE YIELD GRADE NO. 2 1030 LBS. 44.75. FEEDER CATTLE: HEIFERS: FEW MEDIUM FRAME NO. 1 380/575 LBS. 53.50-61.00. CALVES 80: VBALERS: FEW UTILI TY 60/85 LBS. 40.00-48.00. FARM CALVES: NO. 1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 85/120 LBS. 90.00-120.00, NO. 2 80/115 LBS. 55.00-85.00; FEW NO. 1 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 85/100 LBS. 150.00- FEW BEEF CROSS BULLS AND HEIFERS 70/100 LBS. 60.00- HOGS: 59. BARROWS AND GILTS; .75 HIGHER. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 235/245 LBS. 36.00-37.85, COUPLE LOTS US 1-3 265 LBS. 33.00-33.50. BOARS: FEW 20.50-22.50. Public Auction Register doling Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication JUNE FR). JUNE 2 -10 AM Con tractors' Auction, Finks burg, Md, Jet of Rtee. 91 & 140. On Old Westminster Pike, Finksburg, Md. From 695 (Balt. Beltway) take 795 to end at Rt 140. Con tinue on Rt. 140 to just before Jet of W and 91, make left at Twin Kiss. Wolfe Aucts. FRI. JUNE 2 -10 AM Vin tage Sales-Williere, Inc. June Heifer Sale. Vintage Sales Stables, Paradise, Pa. SAT. JUNE 3 - 9:45AM Repossession Sale. Approx 180 repos and off lease vehicles will be offered, 150 dealer and public units. Keystone Public Auction Exchange, 1111 Rt 22-322, Dauphin, PA 17018. SAT. JUNE 3 -10 AM Anti ques, tools & machinery, some furniture. Off Rt. 6 W. of Burtville, Pa. 4 mi. E. of Port Allegany, 14 ml. W. of Coudersport, Pa. Si. Pep perman, auct. NEXT REPOSSESSION SALE SAT., JUNE 3rd, 1995 AT 9:45 AM Approximately 180 Repo’s & Off Lease Vehicles Will Be Offered 150 Dealer and Public Units rffjjfMlfr KEYSTONE JPgm PUBLIC WffigF AUTO ffcyTl EXCHANGE AH*OOOO57-L CHILDREN UNDE* 16 YEARS OF AGE WILL NOT BE ADMITTEI) UNDER ANY CBRCLMSTANCES FEEDER PIGS: 208. US 1-3 25/45 LBS. SLAIinHTRR 4HFPP' paßUHtHum S&TT SKISSSo, SHEEP 49- ST.Anr.HTKR I amhc KIDS 36.00-61.00-PER HEAD. 4(S) LK. S.S DAIRYOOWS: $585.00-51115.00 PER 100/110 LBS. 66.00-75.00. “ AU Scout Corn For Cutworm Damage ROBERT J. ANDERSON Lancaster Extension Agent When com emerges, the first insect to be looking for is the black cutworm. The cutworm lar vae usually begins feeding about. mid-May in Lancaster Couny. The black cutworm will damage plants by cutting either above or below the soil surface or by tunneling into the plant. Soil conditions usually influ ence where the larvae will feed. Under dry conditions, the feeding is normally below ground level. Under moist conditions, the feed ing is usually above ground level. The com fields with the highest risk of damage from the cutworm are those that had weeds in them within seven days of planting. Very little cutting should be expected in fields which were tilled or weed-free for eight or more days before planting except those adjacent to other fields which were not clean of all veg etation for the eight-day period. The eight-day period allows the plant material in the field to dry and become inedible for the larvae causing them to starve before the com emerges. The economic thresl SAT. JUNE 3-10 AM Abso lute Auction. The Old & New Inc. 3939 Lancaster Ave, Phila, PA. Furniture, mise, vehicles. Associated Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 3 -10 AM 5 Astro vans, trucks, compu ters, office furniture, tool ing, cable, elec, supplies. Denca Cabling Inc. 1222 Ridge Pike, Conshohock en, Pa. Wm. F. Comly & Sons, Inc., aucts. SAT. JUNE 3 • 10AM Mel vin Oerestlne Consignment machinery auction, RD 1 Sligo, Pa. Exit 9 of Rt. 1-80 take Rt. 68 west to Sligo to Rt. 58 west 2 miles to Cal lensburg, Pa. 7 miles E. of Parker, Pa. on Rt. 368 to 58 E. Or From Exit 7 of Rt. 1-80 go past Good Tire 5 miles to auction. Todd E. Beich ner, auct. SAT. JUNE 3 • 9:3OAM Pearl Kithcart Auction Real estate and personal prop erty. Terry Twp., Bradford Co., Terry Town off Rt. 6 Wyalusing. Follow Rt. 187 to Terrytown. Shamrock Auction Services. black cutworm in Pennsylvania is 3 percent of the plants !cut off or more than five cutworms per 100 plants. Several other thresholds which I have looked at for the con trol of the cutworm also include the size of the cutworm. AS the size* of the larva increases, the number of plants cut off also increases. However, it never exceeds 5 percent. There fore, following the Pennsylvania guideline of 3 percent should be adequate in protecting the crop. In many fields, growers attempt to control both the rootworm and cutworm with a planter applica tion of an insecticide. This will control most of the cutworms. However, scouting should not be neglected in case the planter appli cation fails to control the cutworms. Under dry conditions, the effec tiveness of Lorsban as a rescue treatment can be improved with the use of rotary hoe to slightly incorporate the material into the soil where the larvae is living, according to Dr. M.E. Rice in lowa. However, if one of the pyre throids insecticides such as Ambush. Asana, or Pounce is used, they should not be ABSOLUTE AUCTION Sat, June 3,1995 at 10:00 AM THE OLD & NEW INC 3939 Lancaster Avenue Phila., PA Total liquidation - Selling everything to die walls! Furniture! New living room, dining room, and kitchen furniture. Beds, carpets, silverware, toys, clothes, dishes, lamps, pictures, mattresses, and much more. Miac.: Appliances, hardware, paints, ceiling globes, 100’sof racks, computer, cash register, and much more. Vehicles! 1984 Dodge Caravan - All power, a/c, captains chair. Inspection: Saturday June 3, 1995 from 8:00 to 10:00 AM. ADVANCE NOTICE June 5,1995 at 10:00 AM Building Supply Sale 10,000 yd. of Rolled Carpeting, 20 Truck Loads of Rock Face Block - 4”, 8”, 12”. 200 Weather Shield windows, 100 Steel doors. Trailer of Eljcr Plumbing Supplies - and much, much more. June 12,1995 at 10:00 AM Construction Equipment & Real Estate Forklift, Cement Mixer, Stake Body Truck, Shop Equipment, Tools 50,000 sq. ft Building on 3 streets. Call Auctioneer for Details at (215) 739-1021. ABSOLUTE AUCTION By Sectored Party June 13,1995 at 10:00 AM 15 Acres of Prime Real Estate Washington Township NJ 244 Blackwood Rd. & Bamsboro Rd. Zoned Light Industrial-Great Developmental Piec* Call Auctioneer for Details at (213) 739-1021.