Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 27, 1995, Image 122
C3B-Lancasttr Farming, Saturday, May 27, 1995 ?io Se !ew?? in flw7i e, c7i’ ' 93 Ford XL HD Fls°. 300 V 653 6V92 8 2 Chev EFI ' 5 Spd> PS ' PB ' AM - pM v-653, 6V92, 8.2, Cnev casset ie, 6,250 GVW, 6.2. Other engines 13 000 mltes dark green snd truck excellent condition, ” 6PM ’ 310.500. 717-733-2873 Equipment trailer 1994, 9 ton, 3 axle, 18' deck, $3500,410/549-7392 Ford dump truck, F6OO S/A, 21,000 GVW, no CDL, great farm truck. $2495. 610-282-2507. BATTERIES $25-$35, Let us recondition your old bat tery and save over 50%. We buy old batteries. Pow er Pro Battery, 1124 Eli zabeth Ave., beside Lan caster Stockyard, 717/399-9545. '95 Dodge Larmie SLT 2500, 4x4, 360 Magnum, auto, PS. PB, PW, PDL, cruise, tilt, air, 8,800 GVW, 8,000 miles w/balance of factory warranty, dark green S silver, like new, $22,900 717-733-2873 1975 DODGE D6OO 318 Engine w/24’ Tilt Bed & Winch $3,850 080 717/949-3763 mornings YORK GMC TRUCK 55 S. FAYETTE ST. • YORK, PA 17404-0833 • Box 14010 • Phone: (717) 792-2636 JOHN BRANT • BRIAN SACKETT PHONE TOLL FREE IN PA ONLY 1-800-930-2636 RON BOLTON 717-392-8533 ‘B7 GMC C-7 - 27,080 GVW; 6 Speed; 8.2 Diesel; 120,000. Miles, Ex. Cond. ‘B6 Ford F-350 - One Ton Pickup; Auto; 351 V-8; 11,000 GVW I THOMPSON MOTORS INC.; • Repairable Vehicles Bought ft Sold « • Springtown, PA 610-346-8588 • • 93 Ford Probe, front damage $3,500 • • 89 Ford F 250 4x4 pickup, S. front $4,500 • • 94 Chrysler New Yorker, water damage. $10,500 • m 93 Pontiac Grand Am, L. Front damage...s4,Boo m _ 89-84 SlO Blazers, 4 In stock m • 84 Corvette, R. side $4,900 * • 95 Ford Contour, front damage $7,900 • • 88 Lincoln Mark VII, R. side damage $3,500 * • 92 Honda Civic, L. side damage $4,800 • • 91 Pontiac Grand Prlx, flood $8,500 • YORK MACK ‘BB Ford F 250 7.3 Diesel - Auto, XLT 1994 GMC C7H064 - 2 To Choose Package, 69,400 Miles From - 56,000 _GVW, 275 H.P. Cat 95 GMC 350 HD - 3To Choose From New ‘94 & ‘95 GMC Forwards -To 15,000 GVW, 5 Speed Overdrive, 6.5 Choose From; Diesel & Gas; 11,000- Tuibo Diesel 14,250 GVW 72 Mack 350 Detroit, 13 Speed, Well Maintained $2,500 Ii iiQ CSFVUZ TRUCK