Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 20, 1995, Image 25

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Co.) —The Pennsylvania Depart
ment of Agriculture’s Meat Ani
mal Evaluation Center has
announced the results from Pen
nsylvania’s 22nd Annual Perfor
mance Tested Bull Sale.
There was a tremendous crowd
on hand to appraise this outstand
ing set of performance tested bulls
107 bidders registered from
nine different states.
Hie first hull in the ring was the
Lot #l. Polled Hereford bill. This
bull, owned by Ralph Strouse,
State College, was the top
indexing Polled Hereford this year
and received the award recogniz
ing this achievement from the Pen
nsylvania Polled Hereford Associ
ation. This bull very appropriately
received the top price paid for a
Polled Hereford. Smith Farms of
Bradford, bid $2,400 to purchase
this top-gaining Polled Hereford.
The second highest indexing
Polled Hereford bull consigned by
Bemie and Debbie Chubbuck of
Laceyville, returned the second
highest Polled Hereford price.
Tom Mullinix from USDA, Belts
ville, Md. selected the bull for
The eight most popular Polled
Hereford bulls averaged $2,050-
indicadng a very strong demand
fra the best Polled Hereford bulls.
There was a total of 24 Polled
Hereford bulls. The entire group of
Polled Herfords, which may have
exceeded the demand, averaged
The Angus bull division started
with the top-indexing Angus bull
owned by Danon Smith. This bull
received the Top-Indexing Angus
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Center Posts Bull Sale Results
Bull Award presented by the Pen
nsylvania Angus Association as
well as the top-indexing bull over
all breeds award presented by the
Pennsylvania Cattlemen’s Associ
ation. Sidney Witmer of Liver
pool, purchased this fastest
gaining, most efficient Angus bull
for $1,300. The second highest
indexing Angus bull revived the
enthusiasm in the sale and
recorded the top Angus sale price
of the day. Deborah Hoover of
Tyrone, offered the successful bid
of $2,300 for this Angus bull with
the top EPD index and the top
adjusted 365-day weight This
complete Angus bull was offered
by Fhul and Bette Slayton of Bed
ford. The third highest indexing
Angus bull returned the second
highest price recorded for an
Angus. David Hendricks of Zions
ville, paid $l,BOO to own this light
est birth weight EPD bull from
Clarence Robinson of Smithficld.
The 18 Angus bulls offered aver
aged $1,503, which was the top
breed average of the day.
The Simmental division started
with the Lot #44 Simmental con
signed by Dr. Bruce Laidig of
Newburg. This bull was the fastest
gaining bull over all breeds and he
also was the most efficient bull of
all breeds, recording a feed effi
ciency of 3.74 pounds of feed per
pound of gain. This well-bred bull
sold, on order, to Johns Lanting
Enterprises of Hollister, ID for
$3,000, which was the top price
paid for the second high
est price offered for a Simmental
bull was $1,550, which was bid for
both the 2nd and 3rd Indexing
Simmentals. Both of the bulls were
qUlpment _ _ , *°‘' rSu * /nM *
• Hot Water • Steam •
• Gas or Oil Fired •
• Portable or Stationary •
owned by Messick farms of Mid
dletown and sold to Ray W. Brown
of Three Springs and Tina Marie
Clark of Hustontown, respective
ly. The 11 Simmental bulls aver
aged $1,382.
The two Charolais bulls in the
sale were both consigned by Ray
mond Bratton of McVeytown.
They sold for $1,200 and $l,lOO to
Bernard Farabaugh of Carroll town
and David Seamens of State Col
lege, respectively.
Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-IN),
chairman of the Senate Committee
on Agriculture. Nutrition and
Forestry, has introduced legisla
tion to help ease the regulatory
burden on farmers and agribusi
ness by allowing them more flexi
bility in pesticide choice and rere
gistration while maintaining food
Lugar’s bill, “The Minor Use
Crop Protection Act of 1995,”
would help expand manufactur
ers,’ flexibility during the rere
gistration process and thereby
maintain farmer access to minor
use pesticide choices.
In addition, Lugar hopes to
“provide incentives for manufac
turers to maintain or develop new
safe and effective pesticides for
minor uses without compromising
food safety or adversely affecting
the environment,” Lugar said in a
statement today. The bill was
• 252 N Shirk Rd. New Holland, PA 17557
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Dirt Killer Nozzles
Effectively Cuts Cleaning
Time in 1/2
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The lone Limousin bull in the
sale, consigned by Seth Everhart
of State College, sold to Scott
Stone of Williamsburg for $1,500.
The single Beefmaster bull con
signed by John Lehr sold to Luther
Upton of Portsmouth. Va. for
The entire group of 57 bulls
grossed $79,150 to average
$1,389. This sale average would
qualify this sale as successful,
especially when talcing into con
sideration the economic outlook
Bill For Pesticide Use
introduced today with 41 cospon
Farmers utilize minor use pesti
cides for regional pest or disease
problems, usually on a small
amount of acreage. A 1988 Envir
onmental Protection Agency law
requires that all pesticides regis
tered before November 1984 must
be reregistered with the agency,
which could limit some pesticide
options for farmers.
Given the significant economic
and scientific resources involved
in reregistering minor use pesti
cides, many manufacturers may
abandon reregistering several pes
ticides if they believe that their
market is limited because of far
mers’ regional or narrow use of
the product
“Loss of minor use pesticides
could cause substantial production
problems for many fruit veget
able and ornamental crops,” Lugar
said. “Farmers also fear that loss
for the beef industry. When con
sidering the economic advantage,
research has shown, that by using
performance tested bulls, there
were many bargains to be
For more information on Pen
nsylvania’s performance testing
programs, contact Glenn Eberly,
Director, PA Department of Agri
culture’s Meat Animal Evaluation
Center, 651 Fox Hollow Rd., State
College, PA 16803, (814)
238-2527 or (814) 865-5857.
of minor use pesticides will put
them at a competitive disadvan
tage with foreign producers who
would still have access to the
“Burdensome regulations im
pose unnecessary costs on agricul
ture production,” Lugar said.
“Quality U.S. products must be
given every opportunity to com
pete in international markets.”
In another effort to ease regulat
ory burdens, last month Lugar
introduced the “Edible Oil Regu
latory Reform Act of 1995,”
which would separate shipping
regulations on vegetable and soy
oils from those of “hazardous”
petroleum oils.
Lugar’s bill, a longtime initia
tive, would block the Clinton
administration’s continued at
tempts to impose hazardous cargo
restrictions on vegetable oils
shipped on U.S. waterways, which
add costs to the products.
Previous protests prompted the
U.S. Dept of Transportation to
withdraw its proposals and place
vegetable and petroleum oils
under separate shipping classifica