Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 20, 1995, Image 20
A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Lay 20, 1995 Leaders Learn Trust, Cooperation At Lancaster FFA Conference ANDY ANDREWS such as: Don’t be afraid when they Lancaster Farming Staff help you through an obstacle LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) course. Leant to trust others to stop —FFA leaders from all the county your fall. chapters found out what it’s like to leant to cooperate. At group workshops, they nearly 100 FFA’ers to the founh learned many valuable lessons, annual Red Rose Leadership Con- State Fh .01. pt /p. leaders included, front, Kelli Zelgler, state central vice pres* ■dent and Marci Harnlsh, state vice president. In back, from left, Chad Slusser, state treasurer and Tony Miller, state sentinel. Walt Uangley trusts his fellow FFA members as he falls. Photo by Andrea KreUer . y A reporter from Solanco. reviews how to assemble a scrapbook with Josh Troxell, former county FFA reporter, Grassland FFA, at the leader ship ppnference. Joy Young, county president from Solanco FFA, welcomed Erin Huber, Nate Krelder, and Jim Kerr work successfully at putting the tennis ball In a paper cup. Photo by Andrea Krelder ference last week at Lancaster Mennonite High School, home of the Hans Herr FFA Chapter FFA leaders from the various schools in the county learned that *‘the sky’s the limit,” the theme of the conference, which tests the abilities of the FFA’ers to manage others, to learn, and to lead. Leaders had a chance to interact with and learn from the experience of other FFA members in manag ing personalities in their organiza tions, working cooperatively, and to learn some of the difficulties when working with a team. Stale FFA officers present to help the leaders included Kelli Zei gler, state central vice president; Marci Hamish, state vice presi dent; Chad Slusser, state treasurer; and Tony Miller, state sentinel. Young, Solanco High School FFA and president of the county FFA organization, told those attending that the conference encourages incoming officers to “get to know fellow FFA mem bers and take the ideas and the enthusiasm shared here home to fhe new members.” At the conference, county offic ers attending included Erin Huber, Manheim, secretary; Lisa Witmer, Manheim, northern region vice president; Joy Young, Solanco, president; Randy Miller, Pequea Valley, sentinel; Kerry Martin, Garden Spot, chaplain; Andy Young, Solanco, southern region vice president; Jess Weaver, Gar den Spot, treasurer, and Andrea Kreider, Solanco, reporter. Rob Heath, Garden Spot, served as stu dent adviser. Various workshops were con ducted to help train chapter leaders to perform their duties. Seven Lancaster . members carry Ryan obstacle course. Photo by Andna Kroldor >• —i -I -■ jryu mer, Manhelm, northern region vice president; Joy Young, Solanco, president; Randy Miller, Pequea Valley, sentinel; Kerry Martin, Garden Spot, chaplain; Andy Young. Solanco, southern region vice president; Jess Weaver, Garden Spot, treasurer; and Andrea Kreider, Solanco, reporter. Rob Heath, Garden Spot, served as student adviser. At one workshop, leaders spoke Other workshops focused on the to the chapter historians and repot- aspects of proper record-keeping, ters from the county on how to conducting successful fund cover an event and submit stories raisin p activities, holding meet to newspapers. Some details were ings, and other events. provided on how to create an inclu- In the evening, outdoor activi sive and eye-appealing scrapbook ties included the teamwork obsta to record the events of the cle course, which stressed trust and chapters. cooperation, and similar events. y W 'V