Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 20, 1995, Image 155
JD 350 dozer, needs en gine wore., good U/C, $3500. 703-349-1105. JD 35 and 38 base unils, Bnllion 91/2’ cultimulcher; 717-665-4743. JD 385 round baler, like new, 5' diameter, second twine arm bale kickout, $ll,OOO, list price $lB,OOO. Call late evenings 717-943-7708 JD 3960 harvester 2RN+ hay head, $7,500 Badger forage wagon. Dion forage wagon, 9xBxlB hay wagon, near new. Large nitrate system, like new. LanCo, (717)859-1523. JD 3pt #1450 semi-mount, 6-16* spring trip plow w/ cover boards, coulters, gauge wheel w/operaters manual, $750; 1100-24 truck tires & tubes, like new $7O/ea. 717-534-1253. JD 420 industrial utility, very nice original condition, $3200. 717-866-7066. JD 4230, ROPS, duals, 200 hrs. on overhaul. 609-461-2727 7 30AM-SPM. JD 435 net wrap loaded, $14,500.; Krone 160, used one year, $8900., 304-229-3917. JD 4400 D combine, 4RN, corn head, 13' grain head. JD 7000, no-til planter, 300 bushel, portable grain dryer (304)822-5449. JD 4440 Tractor, PS, Cab w/Swartz Loader, 2 JD 716 Forage Wagons, Hillsboro 24' Lowboy Trailer. (703)338-2161. JD 4440 tractor, cab, air, power shift, 20.8x38 tires, nice (301)733-2195. JD 48 loader, ind. valve, 2 buckets, nice, $2,300. (301)733-2195. JD 5020, cab, fenders, weights, duals, PTO, no 3 pt, $4,100. 410-833-9091 JD 6600 dsl., rotary sc., complete engine overhaul, very sharp, AC, excellent condition, good rubber 717/437-2604. JD 6600 Side Hill Com bine, 6RN corn head, 13' flex head. 717/862-3213, 717/927-9483. JD 6620 Titon 11, Gleaner M 5 11, 3375 TMR Knight mixer, 412-254-4753. JD No 5 Sickle Bar Mower, w/Two Remotes, Good Condition, Extra Pitmans, Tire, Drawbar Adapter, $175 Lebanon County (717)949-3949. spur ■ cash JD 6RW conservation corn/soybean planter w/ markers, monitors, insecti side, herbicide, soybean cups, hydraulic cylinder, ready to go, $4,500. Call Dale Whitenite, Danville, PA, (717)275-4553, (717)275-4690. JD 730 diesel, electric start, 3pt hitch, nice condi tion. 304-735-5710. JD 750, 4WD, loader, turf tires, 213 hrs., excellent, $10,500. 908-459-4649. JD 7700 combine, 220 grain head, 643 corn head, good condition. Call after 6pm, (410)778-0935. JD 80A, T rear mounted blade, heavy duty, excel lent cond.; JD 22A-02, deep tooth cheisel; 717-776-6540. JD 8200 21 hole grain drill w/fertilizer and grass seed. JD 2500 6 bottom by 18’ reset plow. Kagel field sprayer 500 gallon, 45’ booms. ‘79 Dodge 4x4 pickup $7OO. Stump Acres, York County, (717)792-3216. JD 830 electric start w/ PTO; unstyled G, styled Q. 1929 unstyled D on steel. Evenings or leave mes sage. (717)222-4432. JD A, slant dash, 1947, col lectors item, ready to show, $3500 080. 610/756-4211. JD B tractor parts, serial #203884, 16.9x30 tractor tires, 30% tread. 717-284-4924. JD hydraulic sicklebar mower, 6' cut, sidemount w/valves, cylinders, tank, $550; JD 3pth field cultiva tor; 2 older JD mounted cultivators. 610/759-1307. JD Model 1520 diesel, ex cellent condition, w/Woods Brush Hog *& JD finish mower, $6500. 609/894-2849. JD Model 50 Side Mount Mower; Gehl 1060 Forage Harveslore w/3 Row Corn Head and Grass Head; Model 970 Gehl Forage Wagon; International 1700 4WO Truck w/John Blue 1200 Gallon Sprayer; Miller 10’ Offset Disc; Hes ston 1520 Self-Loading Liquid Manure Spreader; Kewanee 40 Elevator; Ver meer 3Pt. Tedder Rake. (703)338-2161. JO model 3950 harvester, hay and 2RW corn head, 3 years old, like new, $15,000. Evenings best, (814)692-8718. > < *> / JD roll-guard w/canopy for JD row crop tractors, nice, $B5O. 717-866-7066. JD Used, Warranted 650, 670, 750, 770, 850, 855, 950; Ford 1910, 4WD trac tors Some with loaders and mowers. 610-298-3206 Make offer for quick sale. John Bean 200 gallon or chard sprayer. JD 1209 mow/oonditioner. Grimm 9' tedder NH 275 wire-tie baler JD 8250- 14x7 drill. Johnson/Agrotech 400 gal lon ground drive applicator. JD 606 6' 3pth rotary mower. 12’ spring tooth harrow. Cecilton, MD, (410)869-1861. John Blue 400 gallon sprayer w/ground driven pump, 40' booms. SS tank, GVM foam marker, centri fugal agitation, excellent condition, $2500 080 717-784-0111 days; 717-784-6359 evenings. John Blue Sprayer; 3Pt. Air Blast Sprayer; 2 Row Sweet Corn Haverstore; 1 Row Pot Planter; 6 Bottom Pull Plow. (908)946-1207 After 7PM. John Deere R, excellent running condition. Good metal and rubber. $4,500 or best offer, call NY, (518)963-7593. John Deere 7000 monitor, 6R $350. York County 1(800)349-0667. ' John Deere 16A flail chop per, $1,400. York County. (717)225-4511. Kidd 7-14 big round bale chopper, trailer model ex cellent condition, also used for paper. Short chop kit, 3-way discharge, 50' of hose for straw, $7,000. York County (717)225-4511. Krause 21' folding disc, nice condition, good blades, $4900. Zeisloft Used Equipment 800/919-3322. LOADER ATTACHMENT JD 145 w/valve, nice, $2,100. 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENTS New Du-AI, fits all makes & models, 20% off. 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT MF 236, $2,200. 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT JD 44 for 300-400 Series lawn tractors, used once, $1,500. 410-833-9091 ■our lease. PART - p* LOADER TRACTOR FARMALL 460, gas, WF. Schwartz loader, $3,100. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR MF 308, 3 pt., live PTO, Simms cab, low hrs., $6,600 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR JD 3020, gas w/46A loader, $4,900. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR FARMALL H, runs well, $1,500. 410-833-9091 Loader: QT, Allied model 380 on MF 135, new condi tion, $2400; Int. 260 back hoe loader, will sell back hoe separate. 410/721-2897. Lucknow 286 mixer wagon w/scales. 20x70 Harves tore w/chain unloader. (814)632-8686. MANURE SPREADER NH 516 w/upper beater, works well, $1,200 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Nl 354, tandem w/top beater & endgate, ready to work, $2,200. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Ni 218, tandem, slop gate, top beater, works daily, $1,200. 410-833-9091 Manure Spreaders; NI ground drive. Buy, Sell, Trade, Repair. Lancaster County. (717)786-3387. MC continuous grain dryer, $l,OOO. Veimeer round baler 504 C, $1,500. Call evenings, (717)463-2036. MF 375 tractor w/cab, diesel, dual control, 780 hrs, like new, $15,000. Grove 511- 8 ton running gear bale wagon w/Wood racks, $725. NI 400 side delivery hay rake, 5 bar, $l,lOO. United Farmtool 6 ton bin wagon, $7OO. Far mec 38' elevator w/motor, $950. MF wheel rake, $250. 275 gallon gas tank, $5O. (717)292-2707. MF 510 diesel combine, 1143 corn head, 13' grain table, good condition, field ready. 717/866-2827. MF Combine Model #4lO w/Diesel Motor 13' Humes Reel Grain Head + 43 4R Corn Head Both Quick- Tach, Field Ready $3900. Hunterdon County. Fle mington, NJ (908)782-3671. MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE PARTS NEW AND USED AND TRACTORS. EVERETT BROS $l4-922-3336. , ♦ ► •<; ♦> % ( "tr i MOBILRAP silage film 20*x5900', from $55. B & L Wholesale, Elderton, PA (412)543-4300. Model 275 NH baler W/54A thrower, very good condi tion. (814)275-4390. NEED' a small sawmill lo cated in PA w/house or trailer to live in. Motor in cluded. Call after 6pm, (904)236-3537 NEW HOLLAND ELEVATOR COMPANY New 24', 30', 36', 4V ele vators; I'-5' extensions for all model 155. Call for bro chure on accessories, op- parts. Recyclers, we Build belt elevators tool We will rebuild your New Holland 165 for A price of new. We will trade or buy your used or damaged ele- vator. THANK YOU. Thom Wheary, JR 717-687-0102 Need a combine or heads or self propelled chopper? Call Larry Stalter, "The Combine Man." 1-800-248-2151. | Never used, AC 333,6 R air planter, no-till, $7,300; Used MF 2745 tractor, 2WD, cab, air, good condi tion. 814-793-3791. New 23.1x26 Firestone Diamond tread tires (5). $l5OO. 215-572-7700, New Brinley Hardy 10 cu.ft dump cart, sale $139. In the box only, $129. 717-445-4541. New Holland bale wagon, model 1010, $l,lOO. Call (908)689-0182. New Holland 1033 bale wagon, nice, $6,300. John Lottus, Church Road, Virgi nia, (804)265-5864. New Holland 1038 bale wagon, low acreage, sheded, excellent, $10,500. 1990 JD 338 baler, just like new, $5,900. Roeder Implement, Seneca, KS, (913)336-6103. New Holland 282 baler for sale. (717)776-3417. New Massey Ferguson 112LTX ti'actor, 12hp, 5 speed, cast iron front axle w/42" mower. Reg. $2645 now $1599. 2 year Home woners Warranty Hurry supplies limited 717-445-4541. New Pequea 818 bales thrower wagon box, steel sides, $1195.; Pequea 606-806 and 1086 gear; Newswanger Farm Shop, Kutztown PA, 610-683-5970. your choice. ZETOH fA Tractors from 25 HP to 101 HP ZETOR 2 Year Warranty (Parts Available in 3 Hours) Stop By & See HOW This ZETOR Tractor and Loader Can Be Yours With Our Lease Program! * 1.48 Month payments outstanding attar first payment & last 2. UCC Document fee on all leases, $lOO.OO - no other fees 3.10% buyout at end of lease Price for tractor & loader $86,880.00 KEBMIT K. HSTLEB, INC. 7886 Kings Highway, Lynnport, PA 18066 610-298-2011 Lancaster FamUng, Saturday, May 20, 1995-011 MF 1085 w/roll bar, 18.4x38, good condition, $6900. 814/358-2886. New Pequea 710, PTO tedder $1595.; New gravity box, 220 bushel $685.; Newswanger Farm Shop. Kutztown PA; 610-683-5970. NH 1495 Self-Propelled Haybine, Cab, Air, Diesel Engine, 1700 Hours, Stub Guards, Bolt on Knives, New Rolls, Good Condi tion $ 1 5,500. (717)942-6933. NH 1880 self propelled chopper with 3R, 30’ corn head, 3 - NHB salage wa gons also INT 56 salage blower; 410-795-9375 NH 259 hay rake, new teeth, new paint, $2000; MF 3pt mower, $4OO. 717-653-5733. Int. 4R fast hitch cultivator, $350; Farmall H or M 2R cultivator, late style, $275; NH 275 Baler w/super sweep & thrower, $1775; NH 56 rake, $1125 610/562-4464. NH 28 and Fox 660, For age blowers; Smedley hog feeders; 717-665-4743. NH #26 forage blower, ex cellent shape, $1100; 970 Gehl forage wagon, 1 year old $7500. 610-682-6089. NH 28 Whirl-A feed blower, $1450.; 48' flowerl breeze tunnel ventilation fans, no motor, $300.; 20x26’ com bine rims, 12%' center $1 25.00 ea.; 717-272-0041. NH 315 baler with 70 thrower, very good, $3000; IH 400 cyclo planter, 4RW, $750 OBO; JD FBA drill grass seed, 7-13, $250; Wooden bale wagon, JD gear, $500; JD A, 1951, cultivators, remote cylin der, new paint. York Co. 717-927-8220. NH 352 grinder/mixer, like new hammers, $1,250. (301 )898-7426 NH 474 haybine, excellent condition. 609-451-2727 7.30AM-SPM. NH 479, 9' haybine 717-393-1490. NH 488 haybine, nice shape, bolt-on Knife sec tions, good rubber rollers, $3500 080 410/836-7924 NH #489 Haybine, $l9OO, Int. #56 corn planter, $9OO. 717/374-1958. NH 489 haybine, has good rolls. $2500 080. 717/738-2204. NH 495 haybine, 12' cut, good shape, $1,600. Bear tire changer for truck tires, air/electric, nice, $3OO (717)933-4442 NH 55 hay rake in decent condition, $650. Call be tween 8-8 30am, (717)529-3299. NH 718 chopper, electric controls, 2RN corn head, and hay pickup NH 27 blower Gehl 960 forage wagon w/tandem gear Leave message, (908)689-3899. NH 718 forage harvester with pickup and one row head, good condition, $4OOO. 301-746-8134. NH7IB forage harvester, like new, cut and throw, 2 heads, hydraulic spout, has harvested only 600 T haylage, $4,500 (216)223-1138 NH 770 Chopper w/1000 RPM w/Hay PickUp Head, (717)862-3741. York County NH 919 Auger Base Head w/Hay Attachment. $l5OO (610)286-0541. NH 353 grinder mixer w/ auger extension, good con dition, $2,100. Berks Co., (610)944-8521. NH roundup rubber tire scraper, direct mount for L3S-77S skid loaders, $4OO Manure forks w/ grapple $4OO s'6' bucket $l5O. York County, 1(800)349-0667. Nl 12A excellent, $1350; Nl 14A rewooded, $l7OO. Nl manure spreader parts, new & used. We ship UPS. Thom Wheary Jr.. 717/687-6553. Nl 802 Uni Harvester, 744WR Corn Head. 737 Husking Unit, 4WD, Dual Wheels, 2200 Hours. Good Condition. $14,500 080. IH 4786 4WD 3pt hitch. 3800 hours, dual wheels, excellent condition, $16,500. (412)586-6816. Ml late model 323 corn picker, (2) gravity flow corn wagons, (1) 6-ton gear, (1) 10-ton gear All for $2,500 (301 >B9B-7426 Oliver 77 row crop, needs restored, $3OO. 814/652-2628 Bedford Co. Oliver PTO potato digger, Mountville 1 hole corn shelter 717-993-6125.