Sale Reports WITMER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate, antiques and household goods was held May 12 and May 13 for the estate of A.B. Witmer at 32 North Farmersville Road, Farmersville, Lancas ter Co., Pa. There were 507 people registered for the two-day sale. The brick dwelling and a garage workshop and 3-car garage on a small lot was sold to David Good of Leola for $65,000. Some items sold were: diesel generator $l,OOO, generator $440, Atlas turning lathe $4lO, wheel changer $375, parts cleaner $165,1971 AMC Horn et $1,500 and inspec tion sticker from 1955-56 $l2O. Other items included: CUT INTO WOOD, NOT YOUR FREE TIME STIHL Number One Worldwide Available Alrvllie WOODBINE MOWER & SAW CO. 12M WOODBINE RD. 717-862-3271 TRI-BORO CONCRETE, INC. 431 Locust St. 717-246-3015 1-600-632-9018 GOODS LAWN & GARDEN CENTER Rout* 23 717-354-4026 Ext. 34 Elizabethtown MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT, INC .Rhaama Exit-Rl. 243 EHaMMown, PA 717-367-1319,717-653-8667 WES STAUFFER ENGINES & EQUIPMENT. 23 Plaaaanl Vallay Rd. 717-738-4216 HOLLINGER’S LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP. Ephrata, Pa. 717-738-1131 717-656-2710 Harahay, PA 717-533-4000 Gao GAP POWER EQUIPMENT Corner ol Rl. 30 A Rt. aa7 717-442-8870 Hamburg SHARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE antique appliqued quilt $1,650, round oak ex tension table $6OO, 2 oak high-back beds $490 & $3lO, oak washstand $230, oak roll-top desk $2BO, wal nut slant-top desk $350, high-top dry sink $450, ornate iron bed $3OO, 2 mantel clocks $6lO & $425, column mantel clock $375, 1901 five dollar gold piece $240, Remington .08 pump gun $5OO, Remington pump model 7600 $375, Remington 7600 with scope $425, Rem ington .223 with scope $360, Marlin 444 with scope $360, Remington Gamemaster $325, Remington 7400 $2lO and Remington 20-gauge magnum $275. Horst Auctioneers managed the sale. REED SALE A Public Sale of real THESnHLO2t A powerful, lightweight saw for work In the yard, on the term or in the deep woods. The Stlhl 021 cuts firewood—not your free time. Get one today. •2.97 cubic Inches •Easy starting •Lightweight inic ignition with lifetime warranty. • Quickstep™ Inertia Chain Brake • Automatic chain oiling at these servicing dealers Hummels Wart Reamstown HUMMEL’S TEXACO Rl. 11 6 15 717-743-7459 BLUE MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES, INC. RL 72 South 717-665-2994 BOMBERGER’S LAWN & GARDEN Utlto: 717-424-3301 Lebanon: 717-272-4145 GUTSHALL’S INC. Loyavlllo, PA-Carllala 717-788-4343 717-249-2313 EBLING LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE ata E. Lincoln Avo. 717-866-6720 Oxford ENFIELD EQUIPMENT aaoo Unwatono Rd. 610-932-8858 HERR’S REPAIR SHOP RD2, BoxIlOA 717-838-1549 Palmyra WEAVER’S LAWN & GARDEN 740 W. MalnSL 717-838-5989 estate and antiques was held May 11 for M. Ste wart Galleries, Marlin S. and Bonita L. Reed, 3157 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise Twp., Paradise, Pa. The 3-story Victorian dwelling, barn and 2-car garage on 1 acre of land was sold for $135,000. Other prices received were: oak ornate secre tary’s rolltop desk w/ bookcase comb. $2,400, oak kas $675, Victorian style bed & dresser $2,000, walnut Victor ian style hall rack $2,000, jelly cupboard $375, walnut pedestal table $200,. washstand $l4O, ladies secretary desk $365, Wildlife Prints $5O to $5OO each, mantel clock $l3O, me chanical bank $430 and wall phone $250. Miller & Siegrist Auctioneers managed the sale. FOX SALE. , A Public Auction of EAGLE RENTAL CENTER Rt. 272 Raamatown Traffic Light 717-336-394 S A & B SALES & SERVICE 370 Newport Road 2 Mllaa South of Rl. 23 Along 772 Thru Montoroy MARTIN HARDWARE & EQUIPMENT CO. RL Ml 11/2 Mlloa South ol Schaadaralown, PA 717-949-6817 LEINBACH FARM EQUIP. 1120Rllnar Hwy. 717-532-5511 Tamaaua CHARLESS. SNYDER, INC. RD 3 717-388-5945 Whlteford MD ENFIELD EQUIPMENT INC. 720 Whaalar School Rd. 301-879-5090 real estate was held May 13 by Glen W. and Mary Kay Fox, north east of Ephrata on Girl Scout Road, Clay Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. The 8-acre wooded lot was sold for $59,000. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service con ducted the sale. FRYSINGER SALE A Public Sale of farm equipment was held May 13 by Paul and Jean Frysinger, R.D.I, Newmanstown, Heidel berg Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa. Some prices in cluded: new quilt $420, Sears riding mower $250, hammermill $250, N.I. manure spreader $l7O, old waf fle iron $l7O, Ford 900 tractor $1,875, mower for same $575 and Val leyview milk bottle $76. Art Pannebecker Auction Service con ducted the sale. lanufacturad i Pound, Wisconsin Here is something often overlooked... Only Patz gives you 45 years of experience with hook-and-eye chain, resulting in a chain so good that others are attempting to copy it. Many Patz Gutter Cleaner chains are still working well after more than 30 years of use. After the Patz patent on hook-and eye chain expired, some other com panies have attempted to copy the Patz chain. Some promote 10- and 12-year warranties on chain—but they have not yet had 10 or 12 years of experience with hook-and-eye chain. What thousands of dairyman know: Patz chain is your best buy! SEE YOUR NEAREST PATZ DEALER ALEXANDRIA MAX ISENBERG $l4-669-4027 BALLY LONGACRE ELECTRIC 215-645-2261 BEDFORD BENCE’S FARM EQUIP? 614-623-8601 BELLEFONTE LUCAS BARN EQ. 814-383-2806 BELLEVILLE MILLER-LAKE INC. 717-935-2335 KESSLER & McWilliams ESTATE SALE A Publilc Auction of antiques was held May 12 and May 13 for Claude A. Kessler and the estate of Emory C. McWilliams, in the Chanceford Communi ty Building, Brogue, York Co., Pa. Some prices received were: 1988 Ford pickup truck $8,500, Stanley plane $102.50, Brown & Sharpe machinist tools $2O to $9O each, aluminum ladders $5O to $75 each, bow-front china closets $2,400, $9OO & $5OO, cherry bedroom suite $1,700, Hoosier cabinet $1,350, Governor Winthrop se cretary $575, square oak table $7OO, set of 6 chairs $45 each, satin glass shade lamp $460, hanging kerosene parlor lamp $260 and recliner lift chair $270. Box and Tom Se- Affordable Financing from Patz Financial Services LEBANON CEDAR CREST EQUIPMENT 717-270-6600 MECHANICSBURG JOHN JONES 717-766-8582 MIFFLINTOWN ZUG FARM & DAIRY EQUIPMENT 717-463-2606 ORANGEVILLE FRANKLIN D. HESS FARM EQUIPMENT 717-925-6939 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 20, 1995-D3 Christ conducted the sale. LEBO SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held May 13 by Karl and Sara Lebo, 47 Barnett St., New Bloomfield, Perry Co., Pa. The 2-story frame house. 3-bay garage with a truck bay and 2-bay garage was sold for $73,000. Long’s Auction Ser vice conducted the sale. SPEAKMAN SALE A Public Auction of antiques was held May 13 by Mrs. Mildred (E. 8.) Speakman, 309 E. State Road, Avon dale, Pa. There were 204 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices includ ed: Chippendale slant front deak $3,300, pine 12-pane corner cup board $2,800, 4-piece mahogany bedroom suite $2,300. Kirk & Patz has continued to improve its chain for 45 years with special formula steel, special forging tech niques and special steel hardening processes. Rely on the proven, long-life chain. Patz provides a 15-year chain warranty because so many chains are working well long after 15 years of use. Better yet, your Patz chain warran ty is backed up by a solid, reliable company that has been serving farmers for 45 years with the same family ownership. Insist on Patz chain! QUARRYVILLE UNICORN FARM SERVICE James E Landis 717-786-4158 SHIPPENSBURG WITMER EQUIPMENT SERVICE 717-532-6139 SOMERSET GROVE EQUIP. SALES Mark Knepper • Cliff Lynn 814-446-6306 HAGERSTOWN. MD TRI-STATE FARM AUTOMATION 301-416-7340 Son starling flatware (service for 8) $1,350, mahogany secretary desk $675, Columbia Grapho-Phone cylinder roll with rolls $6OO, 4 Springerle pastry boards $5BO, primitive candle dryer $225, Vic torian tin type (mer chants) $2lO, Herr’s potato chip tins $157, Plumb wood ax $l9 and 25 boxes of old books $lO. Jeffrey E. Whiteside conducted the sale. YOUNDT SALE A Public Sale of real estate war. held May 11 by Pherl and Vein Mae Youndt, 585 Fivepoint ville Road, Denver, Lane. Co., Pa. The three bedroom brick rancher on a 'A acre lot brought $120,000. Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider and Roy Good managed the sale. KENNEDYVILLE. MD FINDER SERVICE CO. 410-778-0799 WHITEFORD, MD ENFIELD EQUIP. 410-838-0480 POUND. Wl PATZ SALES, INC. 414-897-2251 DISTRICT MANAGERS, Agri Bee Inc James Bilski Pres 814-696-9447 Fax 814-696-2606 James Smith 717-485-9585
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