MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors And Combines USED TRACTORS MF 3660, 4 WTV. HO HP, Rental Unit $46,000 MF 285, 84 HP §ll.OOO MF 3525, 108 HP 818,000 MF 2675,100 HP 811,700 MF 253, 48 HP $14,000 MF 1085, 84 HP $6,500 MF 1155 With Cab. 140 HP $9,800 MF 30E With Loader, 700 Hn $19,800 MF 383, 73 HP $8,700 MF 240, 35 HP, 800 Hn $8,400 MF 298, 80 HP 88,700 Faimall 656 Hydro, 62 HP, Narrow Front $5,200 USED COMBINES 1980 MF 550 4 Wheel Drive $19,000 1982 MF 860 With 1163 Com Head $22,000 MF 850 Combine, Grain & Com Heads $19,000 MF 8460 Combine, Hillside Cleaning, 6R Comhead, 15* Floating Bar Head NH TR7O SP 4 WD Combine With 6 Row 30” . , _ „„„ Com Head 15 Ft. Hex Head $12,000 1991 Glener R-60 Rotary Combine, 18’ Floating. Head. 2000 Hrs $68,000 Gleaner “M” Combine $6,000 Unisystem w/705D Tractor 717 Combine, 713 Grain Head $4,800 USED HARVESTERS JD 5720 Harvester with 4RN Corn Head, 7 Ft Pickup Hay Head With Iron Guard JD 5020 Harvester w/4RN Corn head, 7* Pickup Head Gaai 60S Harvester, 6RN Comhead, Hay Head, 300 Hrs. For Super E SP Forage Harvester With 3 Row . 30f Com Head and 6 Ft Hay Pickup $13,800 New Idea 709 4WD Uni System With 767 Forage Harvester, 760 wM Com Head, . 766 Glass Head $17,000 7650 Held Queen 4WD SP Harvester With Hay Pickup * 3 RN Cbm Head HAT EQUIPMENT NH 1495 Diesel Haybine $7,900 Demo Vicon ISIIE 5x6 Round Baler $9,900 5 KM32I Disc Mower Conditioner 1014 Ft. Cut Priced From $4,900 tO $11,500 KM2BI 'Disc Mopar Conditioner, 9Ft Cut $4,500 Woods RM 500 3 Pt 5 Ft Cut Mower $6OO Bush Hog 3 Pt 5 Ft Cut Mower . k sBoo Newt Pequea Hay Tedder NH IQJO Suck Wagon $1,700 Haybusffir Thb Grinder $9,800 MANdRB ft FEEDING EQUIPMENT Hedlund Martin Scavenger II Spreader $3,000 Knight 716 Side Stinger Manure Spreader Mounted on*79 & “R” Tandem Axle Trade, 54,000 CVW $19,500 S.F.M. 1100 GaL Liquid Spreader $3,800 Teagle Bale Shredder $1,900 #lB3O Oswald-Butler T.M.R. Mixer Wagon Lucknow 200 TMR Mixer Wagon w/Scale, 2 Yr. Old Lucknow 285 Mixer Wagon PLOWS ft TILLAGE M&W 5 Tooth V Ripper Sovema 6 Ft. 3 Pt. Rotor Tiller.... JD Front Mount 4 Row Cultivator MISC. EQUIPMENT Pull Type Air BUit Sprayer Herd Pull Type 32 80. Seeder w/Hyd. Remote Control Brady 12 R Flail Shredder Brady 6 Ft. Flail Shredder . MFIOI7 Backhoe for MF 1035 7 Ft. 3 R Scraper Blade 2 EZ Trail Bale Baiket Vioon Feeden, Main Station Vicon Feeder, Sub Station MF Dynashift transmissions get top reviews. On the one hand, it’s a smooth, productive powershift. Your left hand controls a 4-speed powershift transmission for smooth, clutchless shifts under load and outstanding productivity. MASSEY FERGUSON Loci $9,500 $8,900 $5,700 $1,400 s7so $1,700 51,500. 85,500 ......82,200 ......83,900 s3os $2,600 82,500 51,500 Together you get a tractor with 32 forward and 32 reverse speeds that’s more productive than a manual shift and more economical and reliable than a powershift. Test drive a Dynashift transmission today on one of these outstanding MF tractors: MF3I2OT MF 3140 MF3660 MF3670 MF3690 Leola, PA 17540 Phone: (717) 656-2321 id: 4 miles West of Now Holland on Rt. 23. VA miles Northeast of Leola on the lale Monnonlte Church. ith the IANT 46 ROTO CUT, the incoming crop is sliced by the 14 serrated knives, spaced 2.75” apart across the width of the intake. The resulting sliced material can be compressed to a higher density and is much easier to feed out to livestock. CLAAS ROLLANT round balers are a cost effective investment thanks to their output, reliability and ease of maintenance. Their versatility also helps to keep them in action for many months of the year. A r. —VICON OMR 2400/2800/3200 QgMp MOWER-CONDITIONERS On the other hand, it’s an efficient, reliable manual transmission. Your right hand controls an 8-speed synchronized transmission with synchronized forward/reverse shuttle. „ Exclusive Dyne shift tractors 110 115 140 154 170 SINCE 1936 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 13, 1995-D3l MRS HARVESTING SPECIALIST Forage harvesting with a GMR Mower- Conditioner means: * rapid crop drying as a result of roller conditioning and adjustable swath shape * preservation of nutritional value * high harvesting capacity * greater efficiency of next stage machines (tedder, swath rake, self loading wagon, baler, etc). The GMR Mower-Conditioner has a long service life, is simple to operate and easy to maintain.
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