Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 13, 1995, Image 160

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    . d-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 13, 1995
Case IH 863 Cornhead
IH 820 22/:', grain head
IH 1020 IS’, grain head
IH model 963,6 R com head
IH 844 4RW com head
!H 1420 axial flow combine, 15’ 820 head & 844 4R com head
1994 Case IH 1644 Axial Flow w/17'/:’ 1020 Head, 593 Hours
1992 Case IH 1640 Axial Flow w/15’ 1020 Head, 700 Hours
JD 3 Pt. Hitch Rotary Hoe 20’ Wide
Mechanical 3 Pt. Hitch 3R TYansplanter
(4) IH 295 Piant*H»i ■ «Wtra press wheels
IH Cyclo planter, 6x30” roCSZtBZIer attachment
AC no-till 9R-I8” planter
JD 17’ manual fold disc harrow
Case IH 5100 Grain Drill 21x7
Cub Cadet 1250 w/44E8BHDck
Case IH 165 5b 16” roll over plow
AC 616 hydro lawn tractor w/44” deck
Hale 50 FB2, PTO Irrigation Pump With Couplers
FMC 3 Pt. Hitch Sprayer
Cub Cadet 582 Garden Tractor
White 252 Disc Harrow w/Dual Wheels, 13’ 10”
JD 7b On-Land Plow
Case IH 5717 Chisel Plow, 17’
White 6b Semi-Mounted Plow
Unverferth Header Cart
Brittania Boom Sprayer
Zimmerman Hay Tedder
Century Sprayer, 300 Gal. Trailer
NH 782 Forage Harvester
Pequea 1006 10 ton wagon
NH 268 Square Baler
Agrkußwrol Equipment, Supples (k Services
2030 Tractor, Diesel w/Roll Bar & Canopy, Dual Hyd. Outlets. H.D. Front End,
w/JD 48 Loader w/Ind. Valve, Good Condition Call For Detail*
MF 175 Tractor, Diesel. WFE. Good Condition $6,800
Ford 9N Tractor. Excellent Condition $2,650
MM445 Gas Tractor w/Wide Front End & 3 Pt. Hitch $2,800
JD 1327 Rotary Disc Mower Condition $2,900
JD 435 Round Baler w/push bar, large tires, 1990 model Call For Detail*
JD 510 Round Baler w/wide belt kit & after market helper springs.
1981 model $3900
JD 435 Round Baler w/surface wrap attachment, bale push bar & converging
wheels Coming In
JD 1209 Mower Conditioner $9OO
NH 56 5 Bar rake $l,BOO
NH 495 12 ft. Mower conditioner - Good Condition $2,900
Hesston 1085 9 Ft Mower conditioner w/UftCyl $2,100
NH 495 Mower Conditioner Head on a Hesston Swing-Arm Unit $1,900
IH 1190 9 Ft Mower Conditioner - Mech. Condition Fair $1,600
Looking for a good used JD Forage Harvester that
has been thoroughly gone over by expert service
technicians? Then chew out the following machines.
JD 3940 Forage Harvester w/Hydra-Electric Controls, 1000 RPM,
Excellent Condtion Call For Details
JD 3960 Forage Harvester w/Long Tongue & Hydra-Electric Controls,
Excellent Condition Call For Details
JD 3970 Pull Forage harvester w/Long Tongue Hydra-Electric
Controls and Extras $ll,OOO
JD3970 Forage Harvester w/Long Tongue. Hydra-Electric Controls,
1989 Model, Gone Over & Field Ready By Experienced Mech
Call for Details
H&S 7+4 Front & Rear Unload 16' Forage Box w/All Steel
Constr. & Variable Speed Drive.... List $10,395, Special $8,200
Sunflower 3pt. hitch V-ripper, 4 shank,
auto reset
NH 680 Manure Spreader
NH 1495 Self-Propelled Haybine
List $5900, Special $4380
1991 Case Int. Magnum Tractor 7130
4-WD, 900 Hrs., 20.0-42 Tires, 4 Remotes, Loaded with
IH 120 Forgae Box w/Roof & 3 rd Beater w/Steel Sides,Good,4Bo
IH 130 Forage Box w/Roof & 3rd Beater w/Steel Sides on 12-ton Tandem Axle
Wagon Gear, Shed Kept, Excellent Condition $2,380
JD 3RN Com Head, excellent condition Coming In
Gehl CB6OO Forage Harvester w/2R com head & 6 hay pickup head $2,450
JD 3R Com Head, excellent condition Call for Details
NH9OO Pull Type Forage Harvester w/Metal Alert II w/3RN Com Head & Hay
Pickup Head $11,900
JD 714 Forage Wagon On Excellent JD1275 Wagon Gear.
JD3RN Com Head w/Ncw Belts, Knives Reworked
JD2RN Com Head, New Style Green Head w/Slip Clutch
JD2RW Com Head for Parts or Mech. Special!
JD343 Snapper Head - Excellent Conddon
JO Adapter Plate to Put Snapper Head on Forage Harv.
JD 5 1/2 Ft. Hay Pickup Head - Early style
JD 235 Dura-Cushion Center Fold Disk Harrow - 15FL8In $8,900
JD 875 4-Row Cultivator w/AU Extras Available! This Unit Like Brand Newlll
Used Only 1 Hour., $4,600
JD 8250 Fertilizer Grain Drill, St, 14x7 boots, grass seed attach $2OOO
IH 56 2 Row com planter w/dty fertllltzer $7BO
JD 245 loader w/single lever valve & 85* bucket, self leveling QTCall for details
JD 100 Stack Wagon w/mover Call for Price
NH 520 Manure Spreader w/Hyd. Endgate, 4 Years Old,
Excellent Condition! Couldn't Ask For A Nicer One
JD 13 Ft Quick Tach Grain Head w/Love Cutterbar...
Meyers 8 Ft Snow Blade to MTD on Tractor w/Trlp Springs $l,OOO
NHTRBS Combine in Excellent Condition-Low Hours-Shed Keptl w/13Ft.
Grain Head & 4RW Com Head. Also has adapter Plate New to Put
JD Heads On Call for details
Also A Dealer For Sunflower
Tillage Equipment And H&S
Extras, Excellent Condition.
Patz 120’ HD 400 Cattle Feeder,
only used 1 yr.
24’ Badger Pack Drive Unloader
(good condition)
4’x6’ Flberglas Foot Bath
24’ Galvanized Steel Silo Roof
(2) 18’ Silo Unloaders (fair condition)
JD 450 Hydra-Push Manure Spreader
Frey Gates
Large Bales of Alfalfa Grass and
Mixed Hay
(410) 348-2252
JD3OIO, Gas $4,900
JD 4040, Cab, FWD, New Tires $21,900
JD 60, Real Nice $2,500
JD 630, New Paint, New Tires ~$6,500
JD MT Tractor , $3,400
Gehl 219 Hay Rake $3,950
H&S Forage Wagon $5,368
JD 336 Baler w/Ejector $2,950
JD 34 HAR w/38 Head $2,845
JD 1360 Mo-Co, Like New.
JD 1209 Mo-Co
JD 872 Spreader Exc
NH 680 Spreader
NH 520 Spreader
NH 244 Spreader
Miller Forage Wagon (2)
Meyers running Gear 8 Ton
Meyers running Gear 12 Ton
Ariens 8 HP, Rider
Cub Cadet, 1420 w/38 Mower
JD 260 w/46 Mower, Like New
JD 175 Hydro, 38 Mower
JD 316 w/46 Mower
Call for Price
JD 316 w/46 Mower.
JD 60 L&G Tractor..
JD 212 L&G Tractor.
JD 214 w/46 Mower.
JD 214 w/46 Mower...
JD 214 w/46 Mower.
Simplicity 12.5 w/38 Mower
Simplicity 4208 w/42 Mower
Simpllcty 1224 Rider
Snapper YTIB Nice
Wacel Horse 108-4 Rider
Cub Cadet 1420 w/38 $1,200
Cub Cadet 2130 w/38 $1,999
Cub Cadet 1020 w/38, New $2,799
Cub Cadet 1002 Rider, New $1,649.
Cub Cadet Push mower...: $199
Cub Cadet Push mower $299
Troy Bilt 8 HP Chipper/Shredder $1,400
Troy Bilt 5 HP Chipper/Vac $1,199
Troy Bilt 5 HP Chipper/Shredder $1,299
Troy Bilt 4 HP $1,049
Bolen 12.5 L&G $1,549
Rte. 660, Mansfield, PA