Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 13, 1995, Image 150
DS-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 13, 1995 HAY FLUFFERS, 2 4 4 whl., new 4 used, $BOO 4 Up. 410-833-9091 HAY RAKE NH 56, field ready, $1,200. 410-833-9091 HAY RAKE Nl 5 bar. rub ber teeth, front whl., $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 HERCULES, CONTINEN taI Waukesha farm, indust rial engine parts. M&M Surplus Soles, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9851. Hesston 30 Stak Mover w/ Hydraulic 5 Chain Pick-Up Table, $6OO. Southern Chester County. (610)869-8765. HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 Highway mower, mounts on BN, 9N Ford tractor, good condition, $275. 717-733-1735. Hough Payloader, the orig inal skidsteer, old but runs good, $2250. Call 410-337-3570. Hydraulic Pumps, Webster 16 GPM, new, $6O. 410-633-9091 Hydraulic Turkey Loader. $2OOO. (410)398-6766. IH 1066 hydro, dual hyd, dual PTO, 18.0x38 rubber, $6,600. (717)532-8926. IH 1066, MFD, cab, 3 pt„ 540/1000, new TA, clutch & rear rubber, $10,750. 410-833-9091 IH 1066 sender, good TA, asking $7,900. Leave mes sage, (717)393-6466. IH 1086, HOPS, 8-speed, good rubber, $10,750. 800/919-3322. IH 1456 fender, good rub ber, weights and duals, asking $7,600. Leave mes sage. (717)393-6466. IH 1466 Fender, like new, 18.4x38 redials, 1 year on major overhaul, new TA, clutch, excellent running, $lO,BOO. 717/437-2604. IH 1466 from Colorado, CAH, 90% rubber, 540/1000, 3 hydraulics, TA, front weights, hub duals, $8,250. 410-833-9091 IH 1566 cab, 400 hrs on major overhaul and clutch, 20.8x38 tires, 500 lb. wheel weights, dual PTO, dual hydraulics, new starter, 6-way snowplow. $B6OO. 717-872-5520. IH 2001 frontend loader w/ manure fork, like new 5' material bucket, $1000; 9N Ford tractor w/7 sickle bar, 10' drag harrow, $2600; 1972 IH dump truck, good off-road farm truck, $750. 610-756-6756. IH 2424, turf tires, 40 h.p., LPTO, runs excellent, $3,500. 410-833-9091 IH 350 utility Hi-dear, gas, TA, power adjust wheels, weights, 2-remotes, fast hitch, w/3pth kit, 4R cultiva tors, clean, $2BOO. 610/759-1307. IH 384 diesel, turf tires. 1,000 hrs., $4,800. 410-833-9091 IH 45, 14' field cultivator, $950; Brillion, 16' end transport cultipacker, $950; IH 720 ASR, 5x20, 3pt plow, $2OOO. Juniata Co. 717-436-9542 after BPM IH 485, 990 hrs., just like new, $B,BOO. 410-833-9091 IH 5100 18x7 drill, $2950. 717/437-2604. IH 5100 18X7 Double Disc Drill w/Qrass Seed Box, Good Condition. $l7OO. (302)492-3003 Before 6AM After BPM. IH 5288, 2800 correct hours, excellent condition, local tractor, Lycoming Co. 717-547-1789. IH 620 drill $1150; 3pt field cultivator $475; AC 2300 wing disc $1200; JD 494 A corn planter $500; JD 8300 drill $2750; NH 27 blower $550; IH forage wagon $1200; 10' disc $BOO. All excellent 814/685-3345. IH 656 gas power, rebuilt, new paint, split front, weights, excellent condi tion, $6000; Nl 299 hay bine, new sickles, gear box. $1000; David Bradly hay rake, $350; Hay wa gon, $200; McCormick 5' bush hog, $500; Cement mixer w/out motor, $lOO. 717-957-4554. IH 706, gas, NF, fast hitch, 540/1000, fenders, excel lent rubber, from Midwest $3,750. 410-833-9091 IH 715 combine, 4RN corn head, 13' grain head. 400 bushel 1210 A JD grain cart 36' Westfield 8" au ger. Call John after Bpm, 908-534-6351. Papec forage harvester 2R narrow w/pickup, good condition, $950. 717-786-2839. Pickup head for NH 717/718 harvester, like new, $6OO. (717)442-4690. Potato Planter (Farquar Iron Age), Condition Like New, Also Potato Duster. (717)897-6350 or (908)496-4361. PTO irrigation pump Ca prori Bauer hose reel 900' 3’ inside sprays 1050', also 6" or 3" pipe 30' long with sprinklers, different kinds. Will sell or lease. Amos Stoltzfus, Myerstown, R 2, PA 17067. 717/949-2875. Rampack round bale staf fer, make quality high moisture hay (balage); Fox pull type chopper, 3 heads; Hesston #lO stacker (good for corn stalks or grain chopping); AC side mounted T sickle bar mower. 301-371-6143. Remote Hydraulic Valves For Late Model Fords, New, $250. 410-833-9091 ROTARY MOWER JD 709, pull type, 1 owner, $1,500. 410-833-9091 RTU M-M With Cultivator, Sicklebar. $950; Oliver 77. $1200; Both Have Live Hyd. (215) 968-4808. SAWMILL, $3795. Free in formation. Silvacraft Saw mills, 90 Curtwright Drive, *3. Amherst. NY 14221. 800/661-7746. Sale: 4 row wide IH cydo cornplanter, excellent con dition. Juniata County, (717)436-6978. Same 130 tractor 4x4, $5,600. Martin spreader, tandem axle, $2,400. JO B on steel, $1,050. JD 396 chopper, $2,500. (717)733-0575. Sauder manure loader, 3 buckets, fits MF and Ford, $5OO/offer. (301)898-7426. SHAVER post driver, very good condition, $B5O. Call evenings 410-374-6596. Shaver Post Drivers: HDB $1125, HDIO $1750. Ta neytown Farm Equipment, 410/751-1500. SKID STEER LOADER 1991 Bobcat 753, low hrs., 2. buckets, $10,750. 410-833-9091 Small diesel engines for sale. Petter ACI, 6hp, $300; AC2, 2 cyl. 12hp, $450. Convert your gas powered equipment to diesel. Call 717-933-8835. South Bend engine lathe, fully equipped, $1500; Burke Milling machine, $350; Standing drill press w/vice, competely rebuilt, $325; Red Economy en gine, show condition, $350; Bandsaw, 5 blades, geared down for metal cutting, $2OO. 201-627-0944 after SPM. Spreader- Massey Harris #BR, excellent condition. Best offer. Superior boiler, SOOhp, burns gas or oil, needs re-tubing, must be removed by buyer. Best of fer. Call Bruce, Sr.. (215)242-4171. LOADER TRACTOR FARMALL 460, gas, WF, Schwartz loader, $3,100. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR MF SOB, 3 pt, live PTO, Simms cab, low hrs., $6,600. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR JD 3020, gas w/46A loader, $4,900. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR FARMALL H, runs well, $1,500. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR JD 855,4x4, 24 h.p., 800 hrs., $B,OOO. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR MF 65 w/WF, PS, 3 pt, $3,000. 410-833-9091 Loader: QT, Allied model 380 on MF 135, new condi tion, $2400; Int 260 back hoe loader, will sell back hoe separate. 410/721-2897. Lockwood 2R potatoe planter, 814-237-3770. Lucknow 286 mixer wagon w/scales. 20x70 Haives tore w/chain unloader. (814)632-8686. MANURE SPREADER NH 516 w/upper beater, works well, $1,200. 410-633-9091 MANURE SPREADER Nl 218, tandem, slop gate, top beater, works daily, $1,400. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Nl 354, tandem w/top beater & endgate, ready to work, $2,200. 410-833-9091 Manure Spreader, JD 450 hydro-push, $3,200. LanCo, no Sunday calls. (717)627-3373. Manure Spreaders: Nl ground drive. Buy, Sell, Trade, Repair. Lancaster County. (717)786-3387. Manure spreader Gehl 315, Scavenger II Spreader, used 8 months, excellent condition, $9OOO. Lycoming County, (717)435-0049, (717)998-8218. Massey Ferguson 1150 Hot Stock Tractor, new clutch, pressure plate, multi power turbo, $7500 or best offer. 908/213-0327. NH 770 Chopper w/1000 RPM w/Hay PickUp Head, (717)862-3741. York County. NH 850 Round Baler, good condition, $l4OO 080. Le high Co. 610/965-6363. NH 892 forage harvester. 3RN, hay pickup w/wheels, metal alert, good condition. 717/786-2839. NH 919 Auger Base Head w/Hay Attachment. $l5OO (610)286-0541. NH 353 grinder mixer w/ auger extension, good con dition, $2,100. Berks Co., (610)944-8521. NH Super 69 baler; JD 500 round baler; JD 16A flail chopper. 717/235-1766. NII2A excellent, $1350; Nl 14A revwoded, $l7OO. Nl manure spreader parts, new & used. We ship UPS. Thom Wheary Jr., 717/687-6553. Ml 802 Uni Harvester, 744WR Corn Head, 737 Husking Unit, 4WD, Dual Wheels, 2200 Hours, Good Condition. $14,500 080. IH 4786 4WD 3pt hitch, 3800 hours, dual wheels, excellent condition, $16,500. (412)586-6816. Nl com picker, #3lO, good condition, shed kept, $l6OO. 610-374-7772. Berks Co. NOTICE; 200 gal. Century sprayer, sold 9/94. Will you please call 717-682-3956. Oliver PTO potato digger; Mountville 1 hole corn sheller. 717-993-6125. Onan generator set, recon ditioned w/only 95 hours on generator, 65KW, recon nsctible voltage, com pletely rebuilt 460 Ford mo tor; 4 cyl Wisconsin motor, completely overhauled. 610-372-2022. NH 352 grinder/mixer, like MF 245 dsl, good oondi new hammers, $1,250. 6on ' 912 hours; MF 130 raoilB9B-7426 manure spreader; Pequea ' ” 6' rotary mower, like new; 7' scraper blade; Click 4-horse trailer, 7‘H. 610/856-7639. NH 450 mower. MM back hoe and loader, diesel, as is $1,500. Mifflin Co., (814)542-4450. NH 488 haybine, nice shape, bolt-on knife sec tions, good rubber rollers, $3500 080. 410/836-7924. NH #4BO Haybine, $1600; Int. #56 com planter, $9OO. 717/374-1958. NH 718 chopper, electric controls, 2RN com head, and hay pickup. NH 27 blower. Gehl 960 forage wagon w/tandem gear. Leave message, (908)689-3899. NH 718 forage harvester with pickup and one row head, good condition, $4OOO. 301-746-8134. NH7IB forage harvester, like new, cut and throw, 2 heads, hydraulic spout, has harvested only 600 T haylage, $4,500. (216)223-1138. JD 1981 6620 Sidehill Combine 215 Flex Head Good Condition. (717) 548-2676 Fox Chopper 2R Corn head and Grasshead plus one for parts. $2200. NI Shelter 2R Wide $2lOO NH #4O Blower IOOORPM Used only Twice. $4500 Badger Silage Wagon $3OOO 610/488-7597 Rugged 1/4 Inch Steel Hay Feeders Available from 16' to 27' On Skids 2 wheels or 4 wheels. Available also with self-locking panels JftL Equipment St. Thomas, PA 717-369-2637 » JD 970 Diesel 4WD, Mid Mount 72" Mower, 115 Hours, Power Angle Snow Plow, 3 Pt. Hitch, Hyd. Set Up for Front End Loader, Matching Curtis Cab w/Heater. (410) 343-2062 Lease Message. < NH 900 Forage Harvester 2R Com & Grain Head JD 2510 4 Good Used JD 535 Balers JD3QM»f Kubota 7950 DTw/ Cab JD 2640 New Miller Forage Wagons In Stock Hevener Equipment Co., Inc. 703/434-1707 MF 510 diesel combine, 1143 com head, 13' grain table, good condition; JD 7000 4RN, dry fertilizer, in secticide, monitor, field ready. 717/866-2827. MF 550 combine, diesel, hydro, straw chopper, under 2,000 hours, w/4RW corn head and 13' flex grain head. Good clean machine, asking $15,000. (410)775-0086 days; (410)756-4280 evenings. Large TRUCK BANKS MF 1085 cab. 1200 hrs., motor problems, $6,500 as JD 820. 1020 JD 2010 trans. problems $2,500 as IH 460 gas, tri-front, 2 pt bitch $2,750 JD 50 1400 as is. Ford Major dsl. w/loader, $l5OO as IH 454 dsl. $4600 as is JD 2440 w/loader JD 4440; 4240 MF 135 gas & Diesel tractor Case IH 685 Diesel Tractor, 835 hrs. nice $15,500 Case 11508 crawler loader $19,500 New Kioti 30 HP 4WD ’ Tractor w/ Loader $15,695 Ford 1,510 Dsl. Tractor $6,500 JD LA $l2OO as ts IH M w/WFE NEED TO MOVED) Bakar 15,000 lb forklift, was $0,500 080 JD 970 4WD, approx. 177 hrs. $15,500 JD 870 2WD, approx. 300 hrs. $ll,OOO JD 4240 w/cab $21,500 1075 IH modal 1750,diaaal truck w/roll back $0,500 1070 Ford gaa truck w/roll back $0,500 Chrysler motor w/hand clutch 4, 5. & 6 botttom seml-mounted plows 8, 9. 10. 12 & 16 foot solid wheel packers Brilllon 8R fold up S-tlne cultivator NI 12A ground driven spreader Nice, $750 Special purchase; 25KWPTO Generator, Reg. $2,500 Now $l,BOO 40KWPTO Generator, Reg. $3,995 Now $2,995 AC 8R no-till planter Hardl 3 pt, air blast sprayer JD 15' model 400, 3 pt rotary hoe Brilllon 5’4”, 3 pt landscape seeder JD 146 Loader for Utility Tractors MF 110 PTO spreader $1,500 Hardee 3pt stump burner NEW PTO & gas powered electric generators Used Plasson Water drinkers W. C. Littleton & Son Inc. Laurel. DE 19956 302-875-7445 Mon.-Sat. BAM-SPM BAGGING : MACHINES • SILAGE BAGS ' • BALE WRAPPERS * BUT - SELL - TRADE BAGGERS OVER 20 NEW MACHINES TO CHOOSE FROM 4 USED MACHINES TO CHOOSE FROM For Your Boat Prlcea, Sarvlea and Quality ADAM’S SUPPLY P.O. Box 821, Brownstown, PA [ 17508 t 717-656-6508 SMITH FARM EQUIPMENT 30 Acker Road Newport, Pa. Perry County 717-567-3562 NH 254 Rake Tedder 1H154 Low Boy w/belly mower 1530 Skid Loader JD 4040 Cab/Air IH 674 DiL IH 966 IH 986 IH 1086 IH Hydro 84 MF 65w/Loader Famuli Cub MFTO2O IH 715 D Combine IH 843 Com Head Gleaner M 2 Combine NH 770 Harveater NH 851 Round Baler NH 855 Round Baler IH 37 Baler IH 430 Baler w/Thrower IH 440 Baler w/Kicker Brillion Chlael Plow IH 710 aeml mount plow Brillion 14'harrow N 1325 2RN Picker IH 100 w/Belly Sickle Bar JD 714 Silage Wagona (2) JDlO'Cultfpacker Buah Hog 3 Pt 7 Tooth Chisel Plow Michigan 175 loader Pettibone 66 Forklift, Diesel Chute Boom 33’ IH 1066, Fender JD 6600 Combine w/Grain Head, Good Condition $3,500 NH 411 Discbine $3,000 410-429-1927 or 410-857-7102 • IH 3088 4WD, cab, 1950 hours • Oliver 1655,5900 hours • IH 710 5-16 auto reset plow • White 5100 4R com planter • 2000-100 Hesston forage har vester, 2R com & 6' pickup head • Gehl 970 & 960 wagons, both 3 beater & roof on tandem gear • Grove 16' hyd. wagon, 2 beater • NH 258 rake • Brillion 10' seeder after 7pm 607/276-6471, 607/276-6122 1 JD 3940 Harvester with extended spout, electronic controls, 2RN corn head, 51/2’ hay pickup. good condition 717-258-6010 Case 2290 4,600 Hours Dual Remote Power Shift Cab - Heat & Air Duals (Good Condition Bradford County (717) 744-2860 HOltfDA ENGINES Replacement Power You Can Trust GlOO 2.2 HP $228.00 Gxl2o 4HP $283.00 Gxl6o 5.5 HP $299.00 Gx27o 9.0 HP $484.00 Gx39o 13 HP $573.00 Gx6lo 18HP $886.00 Gx62o 20 HP $992.00 All Unites Have “Oil Alert” Except 2.2 HP Postpaid Pa. Residents Add 6% Tax - Send Check With Order To: Blue Mt. Small Engine Serv. Three Sq. Hollow Rd. Newburg, PA 17240 717-423-5358 Let Phone Rina 10 Times $13,000 ..$5,800